US = Country run by the Woke

PA voted for an inept moron. And before you say Oz was bad, Fetterman has to win his primary. So the party wanted that Frankenstein to run.

New Yorkers complained about crime and inflation and voted for a woman who doesn’t care about either instead of Lee Zeldin. A credible candidate.

AZ Dem Governor has 1mil+ votes and she refused to debate!!! That’s insane.

Gretchen Whitmer won re-election when she was the great dictator with lockdowns and the police unions endorsed her competitor.

MA is 100% blue. Not one Senator, Congressman or now Governor is a Republican. Talk about one party rule. MA approved a millionaires tax and for illegals to be issues a valid MA drivers license.

Cali is a disaster. Even Kathy Hochul said “At least we aren’t San Francisco” and Newsome was easily re-elected and is likely our next president.

Voters 18-30 leaned Democrat 3-1.

To me the GOP is the better platform at this time but I am obviously in the minority. Even TX had a lot of blue votes despite the border crisis.

So America wants to go woke. Gender is a social construct. Equity means less for straight white men. If you are black and don’t support the Democratic Party, you’re a traitor. It’s disheartening but it is the will of the people. When the Dems take control of the House again in 2024, the 2nd amendment will be abolished.

You heard it here first.

It's over.

Humans don't want freedom. They want to be ruled.


America is done. I'm sorry to say it, but there it is.
Oz was closer to being a RINO who said he would work with Progs!
Maybe. He shouldn’t have seeked Trump’s endorsement. People don’t like him.

Of course they did, Biden purchased their votes with a promise to forgive $500 billion in student loan debt. Only...the courts just ruled that unconstitutional and struck it down. SUCKERS!!!
Intentional buying of votes, knowing the rug would be pulled out from under these suckers immediately afterwards. How many of those suckers regret their vote now?
It's over.

Humans don't want freedom. They want to be ruled.


America is done. I'm sorry to say it, but there it is.
As I said before, residents in NYC and other crime ridden places have now lost all right to complain. They had a chance to change their cities for the better, but like good sheep they pulled the lever for the Democrat. Now they suffer the consequences.
Just as a heroin addict will disagree with your opinion of what drug abuse or an overdose is.
Doesn't make them wise or correct.
Correct. It’s a matter of perspective.

From your perspective, the idiocracy is with Biden. From my perspective and the majority of Americans, the idiocracy was what we had with Trump.
The future looks rosy doesn't it :confused:

Maybe. He shouldn’t have seeked Trump’s endorsement. People don’t like him.

I typed on a couple threads that Demographics had 68% of single women voting Prog. This with all of the other ones was the reason something like that gets elected. When the worst happens many of these single women need to suffer. for the make other suffer to pay for them. Progs have ph uked this nation up. And the areas of the world where they are of influence.
I typed on a couple threads that Demographics had 68% of single women voting Prog.
That’s what happens when you guys push your anti-abortion stance on everyone despite people having very strong opinions against your views.

You got what you wanted but there was a big cost for it. Was it worth it?
Maybe. He shouldn’t have seeked Trump’s endorsement. People don’t like him.

Republican voters are looking for people who represent them. Not forget them when elected. They have had many opportunities to make a difference when empowered. They have not done that. What we have today now is that one major party says we can do anything sexually we want without being accused and the other who says something but if caught doing the same is accused and destroyed for it. The issue is that the agendas still exist. And the taxpayers and people who pay bills are charged for it.
Your question is too stupid to waste my time with.
I accept Your surrender.
The problem is that the joke is becoming a reality with you guys.

Dr. Oz, Donald Trump, Herschel Walker. Stop electing celebrities who have no experience in politics. It isn’t working.

You guys are just a few steps away from voting for Kim Kardashian and Pauly Shore.
so now joking isn’t allowed?

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