US = Country run by the Woke

You do realize that I am an Independent? It’s too late. The country wants to go woke. Don’t believe the GOP can be saved. But I ve been wrong before. Let’s see what happens.
Woke is one thing, but Stalinism is entirely another.

As long as those two things are joined at the hip - which they are - BY the Democrats - the GOP doesn't have to do anything to survive except "not be Democrats".
You mean become Democrap-lyte like the Bush cult, Lot Lizard Cheney, John McShitstain, and other far Left RINOs? No thank you. I want Conservatives to be unyielding fighters against the enemy, which are Democrats. they are not America's friends.
In case you haven't noticed, the war is on more than one front.
PA voted for an inept moron. And before you say Oz was bad, Fetterman has to win his primary. So the party wanted that Frankenstein to run.

New Yorkers complained about crime and inflation and voted for a woman who doesn’t care about either instead of Lee Zeldin. A credible candidate.

AZ Dem Governor has 1mil+ votes and she refused to debate!!! That’s insane.

Gretchen Whitmer won re-election when she was the great dictator with lockdowns and the police unions endorsed her competitor.

MA is 100% blue. Not one Senator, Congressman or now Governor is a Republican. Talk about one party rule. MA approved a millionaires tax and for illegals to be issues a valid MA drivers license.

Cali is a disaster. Even Kathy Hochul said “At least we aren’t San Francisco” and Newsome was easily re-elected and is likely our next president.

Voters 18-30 leaned Democrat 3-1.

To me the GOP is the better platform at this time but I am obviously in the minority. Even TX had a lot of blue votes despite the border crisis.

So America wants to go woke. Gender is a social construct. Equity means less for straight white men. If you are black and don’t support the Democratic Party, you’re a traitor. It’s disheartening but it is the will of the people. When the Dems take control of the House again in 2024, the 2nd amendment will be abolished.

You heard it here first.

Give these poor misguided Cornholes a break Do you have no compassion to these flamin idiots? At least have a moral compass to put one in their head to give them mercy
You keep dancing around the fact that Fetterman won your primary. He and AOC are the faces of the Dem party. You have your victory but hopefully the country wakes up. I agree. Trump has become unhinged.
All the people considered the “new young faces and future of the Dem party”, Abrams, Beto, Demings. All got crushed. Republicans did win the total popular vote nationally by a huge margin. Per the left’s standards, that means the country has rejected them. Now the sheep need to stop just pulling the lever because they see a ‘D’ and actually look at the situation and the candidates. I know, wishful thinking.
Seriously. Name one policy that AOC and the squad supports that is not also supported by a majority of US citizens, and many by a majority of REPUBLICANS. You can’t ! The GOP main philosophy is to take away the rights of people’s and bestow them on their wealth supporters. The middle class and working poor are getting fked by the gop.
You actually typed that bullshit? No peon, the majority of people do not support the brain dead moron AOC and her defund the police crap. Her idiotic claims that more police patrolling causes more crime are laughable. Perhaps you haven’t noticed that your party is the cause of record high gas prices, 50 year high inflation, empty shelves, the list goes on...
You actually typed that bullshit? No peon, the majority of people do not support the brain dead moron AOC and her defund the police crap. Her idiotic claims that more police patrolling causes more crime are laughable. Perhaps you haven’t noticed that your party is the cause of record high gas prices, 50 year high inflation, empty shelves, the list goes on...
Voters don’t care. Elected Hochul and Fetterman. LOL
Voters don’t care. Elected Hochul and Fetterman. LOL
That’s the sad part. They complain about conditions in their cities and states, then just blindly vote for the people who have caused the problems because they have a ‘D’ next to their name. Until people wake up and really look at the candidates and their stances, the cycle will just continue with no improvement.
That’s the sad part. They complain about conditions in their cities and states, then just blindly vote for the people who have caused the problems because they have a ‘D’ next to their name. Until people wake up and really look at the candidates and their stances, the cycle will just continue with no improvement.
I seriously hope crime goes wild in those states. You get what you vote for.
I get it fine, it’s just a dumb comparison.

First, Harris won her election to become a Senator and won her election to become the Vice President. Oz lost his election to become a Senator.

You can start with that big difference.
I’m not talking about who won or lost their elections, I’m talking about choosing people based on criteria that have nothing to do with the job. I mean, is that not what you were referring to in the post I responded to?
I’m not talking about who won or lost their elections, I’m talking about choosing people based on criteria that have nothing to do with the job. I mean, is that not what you were referring to in the post I responded to?
Ok. Onto the second part. Kamala Harris was elected a District Attorney of San Francisco, then Attorney General of California, then United States Senator of California. She was then running for President of the United States before being selected as Biden’s running mate.

What political experience does Dr. Oz have?

So we can conclude that Harris has been a much more successful politician and a much more experienced politician before being selected.

Your comparison is stupid.
Ok. Onto the second part. Kamala Harris was elected a District Attorney of San Francisco, then Attorney General of California, then United States Senator of California. She was then running for President of the United States before being selected as Biden’s running mate.

What political experience does Dr. Oz have?

So we can conclude that Harris has been a much more successful politician and a much more experienced politician before being selected.

Your comparison is stupid.
First of all, again, I’m not making comparisons as to who won or lost elections. I’ve made that clear already.

Secondly, Harris was qualified for her positions as DA and AG because she’s an attorney.

Thirdly, she was chosen as Biden’s running mate solely because she’s a female of color. But as it turned out, she’s no more qualified for the office of VP than Oz is for the office of Senator.

First of all, again, I’m not making comparisons as to who won or lost elections. I’ve made that clear already.

Secondly, Harris was qualified for her positions as DA and AG because she’s an attorney.

Thirdly, she was chosen as Biden’s running mate solely because she’s a female of color. But as it turned out, she’s no more qualified for the office of VP than Oz is for the office of Senator.

Harris had A LOT of political experience when she was selected as Biden’s running mate.

How much political experience did Oz have? Zero.

Understand? Your argument is stupid.
You actually typed that bullshit? No peon, the majority of people do not support the brain dead moron AOC and her defund the police crap. Her idiotic claims that more police patrolling causes more crime are laughable. Perhaps you haven’t noticed that your party is the cause of record high gas prices, 50 year high inflation, empty shelves, the list goes on...
You can’t name one policy can you, idiot.

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