US Debt Is Now $23 Trillion And Climbing

Quit putting words in my mouth and deliberately twisting what I said Little Man.

That was a direct copy and paste of your own twisting necessary.

What is 89% of 10.6 trillion? Are you going to tell me it is 20 trillion?

89% of 10.6 trillion is 9.4 trillion, which is the amount of increase in the debt.

Any grade schooler should understand this, yet you who claims to be an engineer cannot...why is that?
Pretty much.

This guy doesn't understand the simple concept of percent increase and how to calculate it vs a standard percentage. While it is a remedial concept that most middle schoolers understand, this moron still can't.
Then he tries to claim that he "works on million dollar projects" or some other nonsense.

Did this loser even graduate middle school?
Here we go with the fantasy jobs and projects you claim to do, but we all know you're lying.

SURE you know that, asshole, you're fucking clairvoyant now, that's why I can go into technical details on the job I referred that no one here would ever understand, like SLC2000 channel banks not syncing up with their master clock and needing a stratum 2 clock to align the capture rates? The problem with pinheads like you are that there are undoubtedly many here who lie about things, so as a result, you accuse EVERYONE of being a liar without ever seeking proof. That just makes it harder for legitimate people to be heard or believed. But I guess you wouldn't know the last time someone called my bluff, I produced pictures of my tax licenses from the state to back up my claims! I've yet to ever see anyone else here ever back anything up. I guess the real question is whether you ever really were a banker, or just some window clerk? Or why you cannot understand that 89% of 10.6 trillion is NOT 20 trillion? Or that being a practical engineer is about 10,000X over the level of a clerk, teller, accountant, banker or statistician.
? Or why you cannot understand that 89% of 10.6 trillion is NOT 20 trillion?

Nobody said it was dumb fuck, now you are just getting desperate...we said that the increase from 10.6 trillion was 89%.. do you know what the word increase means?

Or that being a practical engineer is about 10,000X over the level of a clerk, teller, accountant, banker or statistician.

Clearly not, since you disprove that with pretty much every post, you could not pass the basic Stats class I teach.
Why would anyone run a deficit in a strong economy?
Trump was more concerned with slashing taxes by $1.5 trillion for his billionaire buddies than worrying about deficits

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that PAYS taxes, not just the rich. But since you pay no taxes, I guess you didn't know that.
Some got pennies, some got millions
Personally, I paid more in taxes

yes, 5% of 10,000 is less than 5% of 10,000,000. Wow, you are a math wizard. Want a bigger tax cut, make more money. I also paid more due to the elimination of the personal exemptions, that affected everyone. so what's your bitch?
No Shit Sherlock

So WHO got the bulk of the savings? The wealthy who saw massive cuts in business taxes, capital gains, personal income, inheritance tax

Working Americans saw a small, temporary tax cut

creating a favorable business environment helps everyone. Why do you think that unemployment is at all time lows? why is the DOW at record levels? middle class americans now have jobs, not welfare and food stamps, why is that bad?

your idiot dems all want YOU to pay 45% income taxes, are you in favor of that?
The Dow was at records under Obama.

Obama had incredible job growth at ~12 million averaging 200k a month, and Obama had ~5% unemployment when he left. Trump's job growth is at a slower pace than Obama. Obama also inherited a country losing 800k jobs a month.

Trump has increased spending and deficits by an astronomical amount and that deficit spending increase gave him a little pop in the economy, that appears to be short lived as GDP just came in at 1.9%, the same as Obama. So all this debt for only a slight minor improvement in the economy.

You think Trump has done something special when all he did was spend fuck ton of borrowed money.
Consider this: Obama stimulus bill $800B over 10 years. Trump has increased deficits by double that in half the time. It's over you lose...
...we said that the increase from 10.6 trillion was 89%...

Don't give a flying crap what YOU said, shit stain! If someone gives you directions and tells you to go three blocks and turn left on Main Street and you find you only had to go two blocks, do you assume the guy is wrong or that you misread his directions and counted an alley you shouldn't have? You truly are the dumbest most pathetic fuck on this planet if you are still standing there telling me that 89% of 10.6 trillion will ever get you to 20, and that was my original posit, that 20 trillion is 189% of 10.6, which no one can deny. Sorry if that makes you wet your panties.
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? Or why you cannot understand that 89% of 10.6 trillion is NOT 20 trillion?

Nobody said it was dumb fuck, now you are just getting desperate...we said that the increase from 10.6 trillion was 89%.. do you know what the word increase means?

Or that being a practical engineer is about 10,000X over the level of a clerk, teller, accountant, banker or statistician.

Clearly not, since you disprove that with pretty much every post, you could not pass the basic Stats class I teach.

This exchange sums up Trump and the wacko right. As they all behave this way. They tell some lie or something stupid/wrong and get called out for it. Then instead of just being a man and admitting a simple and meaningless mistake they dig their heels in and turn crazy. Then you just hit them with simple facts like Obama's crowd size was bigger than yours, or the hurricane isn't going to hit Alabama, or this percent increase thing, and they still can't admit being wrong and they dig in even more until they blow up and look just incredibly fuckin stupid. Then they act like a 5 yr old child.

Trump does this, and this jerk off loser just did it, and he looks really really stupid. but hey he is a tutor and works on million dollar projects so...
This exchange sums up Trump and the wacko right....

FUCK OFF, asshole. You've been proven dead wrong AND a fucking liar and a con too. Take your ignorance and bigotry and cram them up your ass.
Great come back, right out of Trump's book. Maybe you should practice doing some percent increase problems... They're on the SAT, which you clearly did not take...

? Or why you cannot understand that 89% of 10.6 trillion is NOT 20 trillion?

Nobody said it was dumb fuck, now you are just getting desperate...we said that the increase from 10.6 trillion was 89%.. do you know what the word increase means?

Or that being a practical engineer is about 10,000X over the level of a clerk, teller, accountant, banker or statistician.

Clearly not, since you disprove that with pretty much every post, you could not pass the basic Stats class I teach.

This exchange sums up Trump and the wacko right. As they all behave this way. They tell some lie or something stupid/wrong and get called out for it. Then instead of just being a man and admitting a simple and meaningless mistake they dig their heels in and turn crazy. Then you just hit them with simple facts like Obama's crowd size was bigger than yours, or the hurricane isn't going to hit Alabama, or this percent increase thing, and they still can't admit being wrong and they dig in even more until they blow up and look just incredibly fuckin stupid. Then they act like a 5 yr old child.

Trump does this, and this jerk off loser just did it, and he looks really really stupid. but hey he is a tutor and works on million dollar projects so...
That is why they invented Sharpies
This exchange sums up Trump and the wacko right....

FUCK OFF, asshole. You've been proven dead wrong AND a fucking liar and a con too. Take your ignorance and bigotry and cram them up your ass.
Great come back, right out of Trump's book. Maybe you should practice doing some percent increase problems... They're on the SAT, which you clearly did not take...


What percent of 10.6 is 20?
? Or why you cannot understand that 89% of 10.6 trillion is NOT 20 trillion?

Nobody said it was dumb fuck, now you are just getting desperate...we said that the increase from 10.6 trillion was 89%.. do you know what the word increase means?

Or that being a practical engineer is about 10,000X over the level of a clerk, teller, accountant, banker or statistician.

Clearly not, since you disprove that with pretty much every post, you could not pass the basic Stats class I teach.

This exchange sums up Trump and the wacko right. As they all behave this way. They tell some lie or something stupid/wrong and get called out for it. Then instead of just being a man and admitting a simple and meaningless mistake they dig their heels in and turn crazy. Then you just hit them with simple facts like Obama's crowd size was bigger than yours, or the hurricane isn't going to hit Alabama, or this percent increase thing, and they still can't admit being wrong and they dig in even more until they blow up and look just incredibly fuckin stupid. Then they act like a 5 yr old child.

Trump does this, and this jerk off loser just did it, and he looks really really stupid. but hey he is a tutor and works on million dollar projects so...
That is why they invented Sharpies
Rightwinger, let's be honest: you'd be lucky to be the guy that FILLS the Sharpies much less uses them!
Your an idiot too stupid to even understand that you are arguing in a different context than I. It is more important for you to think you are right and everyone else wrong than to understand we are both saying the same thing from to different contexts. Fuck off, moron, I'm a retired engineer who used to TUTOR others in higher math!
Obama raised the national debt 189% what is was when he took office.

Damn, did you have to give them a refund after they all failed since you do not even understand basic math?

I am a currently employed statistician, I know what the fuck I am talking about.

He did not raise the national debt 189%. To raise it 100% means to double it, I have explained this to you and given you damn near a dozen sources that back me up.

He raised it by $8.588 trillion if you count budget year to budget year. That is a rise of 74% over where he started.

Wrong again snowflake. Now you are twisting my words. You either cannot read, understand or have some other cgnitive issue. Go take a chill pill. :itsok:

What a train-wreck. You're completely wrong and you REALLY need to look over the links that he's providing you with.

If you're a retired engineer, then you should be able to understand basic algebra. Either you're too defensive to think objectively, or you're just putting up a front to pretend you're not wrong. Either way...complete train-wreck and you're just digging the hole deeper every time you respond.

Here are some links. The concept is well-documented and it's not difficult to understand.

Growing by a percentage

Percentage Increase Calculator

I'm still waiting for you to back up or refute the statistics I offered on Trump's election that I invited you to that you ran out on!

Either way, I wouldn't trust you to set the clock on a VCR. :21:

You mean when you argued that a "mathematical impossibility" actually happened? Because that was explained to you as well.
Your an idiot too stupid to even understand that you are arguing in a different context than I. It is more important for you to think you are right and everyone else wrong than to understand we are both saying the same thing from to different contexts. Fuck off, moron, I'm a retired engineer who used to TUTOR others in higher math!
Obama raised the national debt 189% what is was when he took office.

Damn, did you have to give them a refund after they all failed since you do not even understand basic math?

I am a currently employed statistician, I know what the fuck I am talking about.

He did not raise the national debt 189%. To raise it 100% means to double it, I have explained this to you and given you damn near a dozen sources that back me up.

He raised it by $8.588 trillion if you count budget year to budget year. That is a rise of 74% over where he started.

Wrong again snowflake. Now you are twisting my words. You either cannot read, understand or have some other cgnitive issue. Go take a chill pill. :itsok:

What a train-wreck. You're completely wrong and you REALLY need to look over the links that he's providing you with.

If you're a retired engineer, then you should be able to understand basic algebra. Either you're too defensive to think objectively, or you're just putting up a front to pretend you're not wrong. Either way...complete train-wreck and you're just digging the hole deeper every time you respond.

Here are some links. The concept is well-documented and it's not difficult to understand.

Growing by a percentage

Percentage Increase Calculator

I'm still waiting for you to back up or refute the statistics I offered on Trump's election that I invited you to that you ran out on!

Either way, I wouldn't trust you to set the clock on a VCR. :21:

You mean when you argued that a "mathematical impossibility" actually happened? Because that was explained to you as well.

You 'splain it to me Master?! Thank you! Thank you! Now let me splain something to your stupid ass: Trump kicked Hillary's fat rump all up and down the street. Without California, you have no campaign, no hope, no chance!

2016 Electorals 2.jpg

YOU'RE WELCOME! See! I actually DID what you only CLAIM you could do.
? Or why you cannot understand that 89% of 10.6 trillion is NOT 20 trillion?

Nobody said it was dumb fuck, now you are just getting desperate...we said that the increase from 10.6 trillion was 89%.. do you know what the word increase means?

Or that being a practical engineer is about 10,000X over the level of a clerk, teller, accountant, banker or statistician.

Clearly not, since you disprove that with pretty much every post, you could not pass the basic Stats class I teach.

This exchange sums up Trump and the wacko right. As they all behave this way. They tell some lie or something stupid/wrong and get called out for it. Then instead of just being a man and admitting a simple and meaningless mistake they dig their heels in and turn crazy. Then you just hit them with simple facts like Obama's crowd size was bigger than yours, or the hurricane isn't going to hit Alabama, or this percent increase thing, and they still can't admit being wrong and they dig in even more until they blow up and look just incredibly fuckin stupid. Then they act like a 5 yr old child.

Trump does this, and this jerk off loser just did it, and he looks really really stupid. but hey he is a tutor and works on million dollar projects so...
That is why they invented Sharpies
Rightwinger, let's be honest: you'd be lucky to be the guy that FILLS the Sharpies much less uses them!
You think they have a guy who fills Sharpies?
You are dumber than we think
You 'splain it to me Master?! Thank you! Thank you! Now let me splain something to your stupid ass: Trump kicked Hillary's fat rump all up and down the street. Without California, you have no campaign, no hope, no chance!

View attachment 288934

YOU'RE WELCOME! See! I actually DID what you only CLAIM you could do.

I did explain it to you. None of what you said here is related to what I explained to you.

You did this last time too. You just getting extremely defensive and then shift the conversation to something else. Almost like you're not actually reading what I said.

I'd be happy to walk you through it if you're calm enough to listen, but I highly doubt that. But I'll offer you a shot anyway. Show me what you claimed to be a "mathematical impossibility" and I will show you that it's not mathematically impossible. Do you see the words "mathematically impossible" in what you wrote above? No? Then that's not what I'm arguing against and you should try again.
? Or why you cannot understand that 89% of 10.6 trillion is NOT 20 trillion?

Nobody said it was dumb fuck, now you are just getting desperate...we said that the increase from 10.6 trillion was 89%.. do you know what the word increase means?

Or that being a practical engineer is about 10,000X over the level of a clerk, teller, accountant, banker or statistician.

Clearly not, since you disprove that with pretty much every post, you could not pass the basic Stats class I teach.

This exchange sums up Trump and the wacko right. As they all behave this way. They tell some lie or something stupid/wrong and get called out for it. Then instead of just being a man and admitting a simple and meaningless mistake they dig their heels in and turn crazy. Then you just hit them with simple facts like Obama's crowd size was bigger than yours, or the hurricane isn't going to hit Alabama, or this percent increase thing, and they still can't admit being wrong and they dig in even more until they blow up and look just incredibly fuckin stupid. Then they act like a 5 yr old child.

Trump does this, and this jerk off loser just did it, and he looks really really stupid. but hey he is a tutor and works on million dollar projects so...
That is why they invented Sharpies
Rightwinger, let's be honest: you'd be lucky to be the guy that FILLS the Sharpies much less uses them!
You think they have a guy who fills Sharpies?
You are dumber than we think

Sure. You must be the man who loads the machine that fills the assembly line! See! You've already proven yourself a more capable expert on markers! :auiqs.jpg: Must be where your brain damage is from, sniffing all that marker ink!
You 'splain it to me Master?! Thank you! Thank you! Now let me splain something to your stupid ass: Trump kicked Hillary's fat rump all up and down the street. Without California, you have no campaign, no hope, no chance!

View attachment 288934

YOU'RE WELCOME! See! I actually DID what you only CLAIM you could do.

I did explain it to you. None of what you said here is related to what I explained to you.

You did this last time too. You just getting extremely defensive and then shift the conversation to something else. Almost like you're not actually reading what I said.

I'd be happy to walk you through it if you're calm enough to listen, but I highly doubt that. But I'll offer you a shot anyway. Show me what you claimed to be a "mathematical impossibility" and I will show you that it's not mathematically impossible. Do you see the words "mathematically impossible" in what you wrote above? No? Then that's not what I'm arguing against and you should try again.

We've already been down that road in two LONG detailed threads, Tard, the one you challenged me but ran out with no proof to back it up and the second one you were infited to but ignored. And still nothing but flapping gums from you.
You 'splain it to me Master?! Thank you! Thank you! Now let me splain something to your stupid ass: Trump kicked Hillary's fat rump all up and down the street. Without California, you have no campaign, no hope, no chance!

View attachment 288934

YOU'RE WELCOME! See! I actually DID what you only CLAIM you could do.

I did explain it to you. None of what you said here is related to what I explained to you.

You did this last time too. You just getting extremely defensive and then shift the conversation to something else. Almost like you're not actually reading what I said.

I'd be happy to walk you through it if you're calm enough to listen, but I highly doubt that. But I'll offer you a shot anyway. Show me what you claimed to be a "mathematical impossibility" and I will show you that it's not mathematically impossible. Do you see the words "mathematically impossible" in what you wrote above? No? Then that's not what I'm arguing against and you should try again.

We've already been down that road in two LONG detailed threads, Tard, the one you challenged me but ran out with no proof to back it up and the second one you were infited to but ignored. And still nothing but flapping gums from you.

You're the one who brought it up again. I offered to re-explain it to you. Apparently you don't want that.

I proved it to you in the first thread. And I don't know what the second thread is that you're referring to.

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