US Debt Is Now $23 Trillion And Climbing

But the wealthy aren’t the same people year in and year out. So are AOC and Ilhan Omar wealthy? Is Dan Crenshaw wealthy?

Depends on how you define wealthy
Net worth of over $1mil and annual income of over $400k.

Then I would say none of those you mentioned are wealthy. I also do not believe there is much movement of people in and out of that range.
Wrong again.

No one stays in the Top 1% for long
Where do they go?
Top 2% ?
They drop down much lower. Many retire, others don’t do as well, others go into bankruptcy. If I sell my practice I ll hit a one time sizeable gain and then next year will drop down significantly. Wealth is not evil. Lack of wealth is not good. And anyone can garner a comfortable living if they just put their mind and effort to it. My wife grew up with two siblings to a single mother in a very difficult area. She joined the Navy, they paid for law school, she was in the JAG Corp and then garnered a very good job at a private company. Where there is a will there is a way. Leftists are too stupid to understand that and the the Alt Right is too stupid period.
Nobody said it was dumb fuck, now you are just getting desperate...we said that the increase from 10.6 trillion was 89%.. do you know what the word increase means?

Clearly not, since you disprove that with pretty much every post, you could not pass the basic Stats class I teach.

This exchange sums up Trump and the wacko right. As they all behave this way. They tell some lie or something stupid/wrong and get called out for it. Then instead of just being a man and admitting a simple and meaningless mistake they dig their heels in and turn crazy. Then you just hit them with simple facts like Obama's crowd size was bigger than yours, or the hurricane isn't going to hit Alabama, or this percent increase thing, and they still can't admit being wrong and they dig in even more until they blow up and look just incredibly fuckin stupid. Then they act like a 5 yr old child.

Trump does this, and this jerk off loser just did it, and he looks really really stupid. but hey he is a tutor and works on million dollar projects so...
That is why they invented Sharpies
Rightwinger, let's be honest: you'd be lucky to be the guy that FILLS the Sharpies much less uses them!
You think they have a guy who fills Sharpies?
You are dumber than we think

Sure. You must be the man who loads the machine that fills the assembly line! See! You've already proven yourself a more capable expert on markers! :auiqs.jpg: Must be where your brain damage is from, sniffing all that marker ink!
Backtracking already
Very Sharp
You 'splain it to me Master?! Thank you! Thank you! Now let me splain something to your stupid ass: Trump kicked Hillary's fat rump all up and down the street. Without California, you have no campaign, no hope, no chance!

View attachment 288934

YOU'RE WELCOME! See! I actually DID what you only CLAIM you could do.

I did explain it to you. None of what you said here is related to what I explained to you.

You did this last time too. You just getting extremely defensive and then shift the conversation to something else. Almost like you're not actually reading what I said.

I'd be happy to walk you through it if you're calm enough to listen, but I highly doubt that. But I'll offer you a shot anyway. Show me what you claimed to be a "mathematical impossibility" and I will show you that it's not mathematically impossible. Do you see the words "mathematically impossible" in what you wrote above? No? Then that's not what I'm arguing against and you should try again.

We've already been down that road in two LONG detailed threads, Tard, the one you challenged me but ran out with no proof to back it up and the second one you were infited to but ignored. And still nothing but flapping gums from you.

You're the one who brought it up again. I offered to re-explain it to you. Apparently you don't want that.

I'm still waiting for the FIRST TIME you explained how Hillary could lose the Electoral College vote in 27 out of 30 state rankings and lost the popular vote in 27 out of 30 state rankings yet still won the popular vote and was the legitimate owner of the presidency?!

Please link us to your post where you explained that?

And how all of that was due to "russian interference?"
You 'splain it to me Master?! Thank you! Thank you! Now let me splain something to your stupid ass: Trump kicked Hillary's fat rump all up and down the street. Without California, you have no campaign, no hope, no chance!

View attachment 288934

YOU'RE WELCOME! See! I actually DID what you only CLAIM you could do.

I did explain it to you. None of what you said here is related to what I explained to you.

You did this last time too. You just getting extremely defensive and then shift the conversation to something else. Almost like you're not actually reading what I said.

I'd be happy to walk you through it if you're calm enough to listen, but I highly doubt that. But I'll offer you a shot anyway. Show me what you claimed to be a "mathematical impossibility" and I will show you that it's not mathematically impossible. Do you see the words "mathematically impossible" in what you wrote above? No? Then that's not what I'm arguing against and you should try again.

We've already been down that road in two LONG detailed threads, Tard, the one you challenged me but ran out with no proof to back it up and the second one you were infited to but ignored. And still nothing but flapping gums from you.

You're the one who brought it up again. I offered to re-explain it to you. Apparently you don't want that.

I'm still waiting for the FIRST TIME you explained how Hillary could lose the Electoral College vote in 27 out of 30 state rankings and lost the popular vote in 27 out of 30 state rankings yet still won the popular vote and was the legitimate owner of the presidency?!

Please link us to your post where you explained that?

And how all of that was due to "russian interference?"
One man, one vote does not exist
Some votes count more than others

That is how we got Trump
Wealthy people...we are prosperity. We should take care of people who’ve become roadkill because of something beyond their control... I think that’s the obligation of a rich country
One man, one vote does not exist
Some votes count more than others
That is how we got Trump

Sorry Norton but we DO have one man, one vote, in all of every 50 states! That is how you WIN A STATE, dufus. Trump won thirty. Hillary only got more popular votes in three states by ranking. And all of that was due to only 4 US cities. That is the entire democratic party: 4 cities out of all of the United States! :auiqs.jpg:
You 'splain it to me Master?! Thank you! Thank you! Now let me splain something to your stupid ass: Trump kicked Hillary's fat rump all up and down the street. Without California, you have no campaign, no hope, no chance!

View attachment 288934

YOU'RE WELCOME! See! I actually DID what you only CLAIM you could do.

I did explain it to you. None of what you said here is related to what I explained to you.

You did this last time too. You just getting extremely defensive and then shift the conversation to something else. Almost like you're not actually reading what I said.

I'd be happy to walk you through it if you're calm enough to listen, but I highly doubt that. But I'll offer you a shot anyway. Show me what you claimed to be a "mathematical impossibility" and I will show you that it's not mathematically impossible. Do you see the words "mathematically impossible" in what you wrote above? No? Then that's not what I'm arguing against and you should try again.

We've already been down that road in two LONG detailed threads, Tard, the one you challenged me but ran out with no proof to back it up and the second one you were infited to but ignored. And still nothing but flapping gums from you.

You're the one who brought it up again. I offered to re-explain it to you. Apparently you don't want that.

I'm still waiting for the FIRST TIME you explained how Hillary could lose the Electoral College vote in 27 out of 30 state rankings and lost the popular vote in 27 out of 30 state rankings yet still won the popular vote and was the legitimate owner of the presidency?!

Please link us to your post where you explained that?

And how all of that was due to "russian interference?"
One man, one vote does not exist
Some votes count more than others

That is how we got Trump
One man, one vote does not exist
Some votes count more than others
That is how we got Trump

Sorry Norton but we DO have one man, one vote, in all of every 50 states! That is how you WIN A STATE, dufus. Trump won thirty. Hillary only got more popular votes in three states by ranking. And all of that was due to only 4 US cities. That is the entire democratic party: 4 cities out of all of the United States! :auiqs.jpg:

Not as a country
Votes in some states count more than votes in others
The vote of a California citizen counts the least
Not so good at math either eh? Yes even a 20+ trillion debt. It is funny how one of the dumbest on the board constantly name calls. Look in the mirror kid.
Actually the debt is more like 125+ Trillion if you take an account unfunded liabilities and other fucked up socialist entitlement shit...

No we fucked ourselves in the 40s and 50s to begin with… Socialist entitlement programs cost far more than all other things combined. And At best a diminishing return… there should be no debt to begin with.
Debt didn't really explode till the 80s. Some debt isn't a problem. We are well beyond that however.

Thank GWB for that.

He really fucked us.

I am conservative and didn't like that moron from the day he took office.

Sad thing was I liked Gore even less....

Hard to imagine Gore doing a worse job.
I liked Bush at first. But it was his performance that made me an independent.

Why ?

I thought he was a moron from the start.
I was a Republican.
You 'splain it to me Master?! Thank you! Thank you! Now let me splain something to your stupid ass: Trump kicked Hillary's fat rump all up and down the street. Without California, you have no campaign, no hope, no chance!

View attachment 288934

YOU'RE WELCOME! See! I actually DID what you only CLAIM you could do.

I did explain it to you. None of what you said here is related to what I explained to you.

You did this last time too. You just getting extremely defensive and then shift the conversation to something else. Almost like you're not actually reading what I said.

I'd be happy to walk you through it if you're calm enough to listen, but I highly doubt that. But I'll offer you a shot anyway. Show me what you claimed to be a "mathematical impossibility" and I will show you that it's not mathematically impossible. Do you see the words "mathematically impossible" in what you wrote above? No? Then that's not what I'm arguing against and you should try again.

We've already been down that road in two LONG detailed threads, Tard, the one you challenged me but ran out with no proof to back it up and the second one you were infited to but ignored. And still nothing but flapping gums from you.

You're the one who brought it up again. I offered to re-explain it to you. Apparently you don't want that.

I'm still waiting for the FIRST TIME you explained how Hillary could lose the Electoral College vote in 27 out of 30 state rankings and lost the popular vote in 27 out of 30 state rankings yet still won the popular vote and was the legitimate owner of the presidency?!

Please link us to your post where you explained that?

And how all of that was due to "russian interference?"

I didn't say that Hillary Clinton was the legitimate owner of the presidency. I also didn't say that this was due to Russian interference.
One man, one vote does not exist
Some votes count more than others
That is how we got Trump

Sorry Norton but we DO have one man, one vote, in all of every 50 states! That is how you WIN A STATE, dufus. Trump won thirty. Hillary only got more popular votes in three states by ranking. And all of that was due to only 4 US cities. That is the entire democratic party: 4 cities out of all of the United States! :auiqs.jpg:

Not as a country

There is no "country" in presidential elections. Presidential elections are first and foremost 50 STATE elections. The electoral weighting within a state is irrelevant. Each state wins the popular vote according to WHATEVER LAWS THEY SET FOR THEMSELVES in each state. Then the electoral weight of that state is set by the relative population. California has almost twice the electors as ANY OTHER TWO STATES combined and needs to be split into two as the Founders almost did long ago. That was a big mistake.

The weight of the states was set up according to STATE WISHES so that each STATE would share a proportional voice in the governance of their presidency. No one finds that unfair except you retards who want California to determine every election!
While Obama's deficits were bad, a substantial part of those deficits came from the great recession that he inherited from Bush. In 2016 Obama's deficits were bad, but at least reasonable at ~ $580B, Trump has blown that up and when the next crash comes the deficit will explode to $2+T/yr. Recessions cause a massive loss in tax revenue, and usually require stimulus (increased deficit spending).
Why would anyone run a deficit in a strong economy?
Trump was more concerned with slashing taxes by $1.5 trillion for his billionaire buddies than worrying about deficits

because the dems in the house refuse to pass a sensible budget bill. Wake the fuck up, and understand whats really going on here.
You do realize that the Senate and Trump have to sign off on all budgets, so how is it the dems fault when Trump and the GOP are the ones that sign off on these budgets??? You have no clue how the country works... pathetic.

The GOP passed the massive spending increases and the massive tax cut and that is why Trump has almost doubled the annual deficit...

According to your failed logic Obama's massive deficits are all the GOP Houses fault... Get a clue, stop embarrassing yourself.

yes, but budgets start in the dem controlled house. they pass a spend all budget and then scream if Trump were to veto it and "shut down the government" its all political rhetoric and bullshit, None of them have the citizens interests at heart. its only about their person power and wealth-------------both parties, so STFU
The annual deficit was $587B in 2016 (Obama's last yr) Trump and the GOP then passed a massive multiyear tax cut, AND massive multiyear spending bills. This is what has caused the deficit increase, AND they are all mutliyear increases with deficits projected to be $1.2+ T in 2021, and even higher pass that. This is 100% from the GOP, as they put these increases into our budget and they have final say on all budgets.

You blame democrats for everything because you are pathetic and can't take personal responsibility for anything. I'm sure according to you the war in Iraq failure somehow wasn't Bush's fault, and the Bush economic crash somehow wasn't his fault either... the same way Bill Clinton gets no credit for his golden age of success... You are just a typical pathetic partisan moron, and this is just another example.
Trillion dollar deficits are only ok under a Democrat, right ? Blaming Obama's trillion dollar deficits on a recession is garbage government never makes anything better by spending a shit load of money. From what i see your the partisan moron hear not me.
Trump and the GOP's deficits:

FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)

US government spending in FY2018 was 8.3 percent higher than FY2016.

The US government budget for FY2019 was 14 percent higher than FY2016.

That's how you artificially juice the GDP growth numbers.




President Trump had no idea that he would have to pay for massive Witch Hunts when he was running.

BTW, what is the liberal idea to pay off the national debt? Or is this something they are only complaining about but have no plan to resolve it?
I do.

You do.

And our children's children's children will still be paying down Obama's debt.

and Trump's as well...but his debt is different in your fucked up "engineering" view. when you god runs up 3 trillion in less than 3 year it is all well and good...

people like you are why we have 23 trillion in debt
I do.

You do.

And our children's children's children will still be paying down Obama's debt.

and Trump's as well...but his debt is different in your fucked up "engineering" view. when you god runs up 3 trillion in less than 3 year it is all well and good...

people like you are why we have 23 trillion in debt

Still trying to bullshit us on that free Obama money?
I do.

You do.

And our children's children's children will still be paying down Obama's debt.

and Trump's as well...but his debt is different in your fucked up "engineering" view. when you god runs up 3 trillion in less than 3 year it is all well and good...

people like you are why we have 23 trillion in debt

Still trying to bullshit us on that free Obama money?

are you still drunk from last night or is this a new drinking session?
I do.

You do.

And our children's children's children will still be paying down Obama's debt.

and Trump's as well...but his debt is different in your fucked up "engineering" view. when you god runs up 3 trillion in less than 3 year it is all well and good...

people like you are why we have 23 trillion in debt

Still trying to bullshit us on that free Obama money?

are you still drunk from last night or is this a new drinking session?

Only hunter is drunk dont you remember?

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