US Debt Is Now $23 Trillion And Climbing

Two quotes. One source. Both wrong.
When the floppy-eared bastard took office, our national debt was only a mere 10.6 trillion. By the time he left us, he had jacked it up to TWENTY trillion, and increase of 189%!
20 trillion is 89% of 10.6 trillion.
But just keeps digging..
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

Sucks to be a moron, eh?

And quit quoting me out of context and changing my meaning or I'll report you.
Damn! You are so good at making claims but never with a shred of any facts, evidence or documentation to back a word of it up!

You said he said something multiple times.

Quote it.


Dude, you need some fucking help. Better get some fast.

I noticed that you didn't back up any of what you said. I wonder why that is.

That you need deep help? That is obvious.
Two quotes. One source. Both wrong.
When the floppy-eared bastard took office, our national debt was only a mere 10.6 trillion. By the time he left us, he had jacked it up to TWENTY trillion, and increase of 189%!
20 trillion is 89% of 10.6 trillion.
But just keeps digging..
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

Sucks to be a moron, eh?

And quite quoting me out of context and changing my meaning or I'll report you.
Excellent. Go right ahead, wuss. Exact quotes don't lie.
Damn! You are so good at making claims but never with a shred of any facts, evidence or documentation to back a word of it up!

You said he said something multiple times.

Quote it.


Dude, you need some fucking help. Better get some fast.

I noticed that you didn't back up any of what you said. I wonder why that is.

That you need deep help? That is obvious.

You said he said something multiple times.

Quote it.

You can't, can you? You're just deflecting. It's pathetic.
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.

This is GREAT news. Debt doubled on Bush's watch and doubled again on Obama's. Trump will likely not match Obama debt despite paying interest on it and having a much stronger GDP.

Trump wins, it's what he does.
Two quotes. One source. Both wrong.
When the floppy-eared bastard took office, our national debt was only a mere 10.6 trillion. By the time he left us, he had jacked it up to TWENTY trillion, and increase of 189%!
20 trillion is 89% of 10.6 trillion.
But just keeps digging..
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

Sucks to be a moron, eh?

And quite quoting me out of context and changing my meaning or I'll report you.
Excellent. Go right ahead, wuss. Exact quotes don't lie.

They do when you take them out of context to change their meaning. You've been warned.
One man, one vote does not exist
Some votes count more than others
That is how we got Trump

Sorry Norton but we DO have one man, one vote, in all of every 50 states! That is how you WIN A STATE, dufus. Trump won thirty. Hillary only got more popular votes in three states by ranking. And all of that was due to only 4 US cities. That is the entire democratic party: 4 cities out of all of the United States! :auiqs.jpg:

Not as a country

There is no "country" in presidential elections. Presidential elections are first and foremost 50 STATE elections. The electoral weighting within a state is irrelevant. Each state wins the popular vote according to WHATEVER LAWS THEY SET FOR THEMSELVES in each state. Then the electoral weight of that state is set by the relative population. California has almost twice the electors as ANY OTHER TWO STATES combined and needs to be split into two as the Founders almost did long ago. That was a big mistake.

The weight of the states was set up according to STATE WISHES so that each STATE would share a proportional voice in the governance of their presidency. No one finds that unfair except you retards who want California to determine every election!
Which proves “one man, one vote” is not in effect
Voters in some states have more influence than others
Made Trump President
One man, one vote does not exist
Some votes count more than others
That is how we got Trump

Sorry Norton but we DO have one man, one vote, in all of every 50 states! That is how you WIN A STATE, dufus. Trump won thirty. Hillary only got more popular votes in three states by ranking. And all of that was due to only 4 US cities. That is the entire democratic party: 4 cities out of all of the United States! :auiqs.jpg:

Not as a country

There is no "country" in presidential elections. Presidential elections are first and foremost 50 STATE elections. The electoral weighting within a state is irrelevant. Each state wins the popular vote according to WHATEVER LAWS THEY SET FOR THEMSELVES in each state. Then the electoral weight of that state is set by the relative population. California has almost twice the electors as ANY OTHER TWO STATES combined and needs to be split into two as the Founders almost did long ago. That was a big mistake.

The weight of the states was set up according to STATE WISHES so that each STATE would share a proportional voice in the governance of their presidency. No one finds that unfair except you retards who want California to determine every election!
Which proves “one man, one vote” is not in effect
Voters in some states have more influence than others
Made Trump President

  1. Jump off your house.
  2. Move to Europe.
Either one works for us.
Why would anyone run a deficit in a strong economy?
Trump was more concerned with slashing taxes by $1.5 trillion for his billionaire buddies than worrying about deficits

because the dems in the house refuse to pass a sensible budget bill. Wake the fuck up, and understand whats really going on here.
You do realize that the Senate and Trump have to sign off on all budgets, so how is it the dems fault when Trump and the GOP are the ones that sign off on these budgets??? You have no clue how the country works... pathetic.

The GOP passed the massive spending increases and the massive tax cut and that is why Trump has almost doubled the annual deficit...

According to your failed logic Obama's massive deficits are all the GOP Houses fault... Get a clue, stop embarrassing yourself.

yes, but budgets start in the dem controlled house. they pass a spend all budget and then scream if Trump were to veto it and "shut down the government" its all political rhetoric and bullshit, None of them have the citizens interests at heart. its only about their person power and wealth-------------both parties, so STFU
The annual deficit was $587B in 2016 (Obama's last yr) Trump and the GOP then passed a massive multiyear tax cut, AND massive multiyear spending bills. This is what has caused the deficit increase, AND they are all mutliyear increases with deficits projected to be $1.2+ T in 2021, and even higher pass that. This is 100% from the GOP, as they put these increases into our budget and they have final say on all budgets.

You blame democrats for everything because you are pathetic and can't take personal responsibility for anything. I'm sure according to you the war in Iraq failure somehow wasn't Bush's fault, and the Bush economic crash somehow wasn't his fault either... the same way Bill Clinton gets no credit for his golden age of success... You are just a typical pathetic partisan moron, and this is just another example.
Trillion dollar deficits are only ok under a Democrat, right ? Blaming Obama's trillion dollar deficits on a recession is garbage government never makes anything better by spending a shit load of money. From what i see your the partisan moron hear not me.
Obama ran trillion dollar deficits to prevent a depression and allow us to recover from recession. He eventually got the deficit down to $400 billion

Trump ran the deficit over a trillion so that he could give tax cuts to billionaires
because the dems in the house refuse to pass a sensible budget bill. Wake the fuck up, and understand whats really going on here.
You do realize that the Senate and Trump have to sign off on all budgets, so how is it the dems fault when Trump and the GOP are the ones that sign off on these budgets??? You have no clue how the country works... pathetic.

The GOP passed the massive spending increases and the massive tax cut and that is why Trump has almost doubled the annual deficit...

According to your failed logic Obama's massive deficits are all the GOP Houses fault... Get a clue, stop embarrassing yourself.

yes, but budgets start in the dem controlled house. they pass a spend all budget and then scream if Trump were to veto it and "shut down the government" its all political rhetoric and bullshit, None of them have the citizens interests at heart. its only about their person power and wealth-------------both parties, so STFU
The annual deficit was $587B in 2016 (Obama's last yr) Trump and the GOP then passed a massive multiyear tax cut, AND massive multiyear spending bills. This is what has caused the deficit increase, AND they are all mutliyear increases with deficits projected to be $1.2+ T in 2021, and even higher pass that. This is 100% from the GOP, as they put these increases into our budget and they have final say on all budgets.

You blame democrats for everything because you are pathetic and can't take personal responsibility for anything. I'm sure according to you the war in Iraq failure somehow wasn't Bush's fault, and the Bush economic crash somehow wasn't his fault either... the same way Bill Clinton gets no credit for his golden age of success... You are just a typical pathetic partisan moron, and this is just another example.
Trillion dollar deficits are only ok under a Democrat, right ? Blaming Obama's trillion dollar deficits on a recession is garbage government never makes anything better by spending a shit load of money. From what i see your the partisan moron hear not me.
Obama ran trillion dollar deficits to prevent a depression and allow us to recover from recession. He eventually got the deficit down to $400 billion

Trump ran the deficit over a trillion so that he could give tax cuts to billionaires
The so called loans to save us...........LOL

The same ones we gave the loans to went to the back door of the Federal Reserve and said ABRA KADABRA and got Trillions from the Reserve.

Then they used this money to PAY BACK the bail outs and said............see .......we are making money off the bail outs. LOL

Why would anyone run a deficit in a strong economy?
Trump was more concerned with slashing taxes by $1.5 trillion for his billionaire buddies than worrying about deficits

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that PAYS taxes, not just the rich. But since you pay no taxes, I guess you didn't know that.
Some got pennies, some got millions
Personally, I paid more in taxes

yes, 5% of 10,000 is less than 5% of 10,000,000. Wow, you are a math wizard. Want a bigger tax cut, make more money. I also paid more due to the elimination of the personal exemptions, that affected everyone. so what's your bitch?
No Shit Sherlock

So WHO got the bulk of the savings? The wealthy who saw massive cuts in business taxes, capital gains, personal income, inheritance tax

Working Americans saw a small, temporary tax cut

50% of americans pay zero federal income tax, how do you cut zero?
Well use tax credits to those that pay zero.............and then they pay no taxes but get Thousands back from the system..........To a tune of over 200 Billion a year.

This is a Welfare check given out every year to the poor............Just nobody talks about it.........
Percentage Increase Calculator - Omni

The percent increase formula is as follows:

Percent increase = [(new value - original value)/original value] * 100

An example using the formula is as follows. Suppose a $1,250 investment increased in value to $1,445 dollars in one year. What is the percent increase of the investment? To answer this, us the following steps:

  1. Identify the original value and the new value.
  2. Input the values into the formula.
  3. Subtract the original value from the new value, then divide the result by the original value.
  4. Multiply the result by 100. The answer is the percent increase.
  5. Check your answer using the percentage increase calculator.
Working out the problem by hand we get:

  1. [(1,445 - 1,250)/1,250] *100
  2. (195/1,250) * 100
  3. 0.156 * 100
  4. 15.6 percent increase.
The percentage growth calculator is a great tool to check simple problems. It can even be used to solve more complex problems that involve percent increase. You may also find the percentage calculator is also useful in this type of problem.

One man, one vote does not exist
Some votes count more than others
That is how we got Trump

Sorry Norton but we DO have one man, one vote, in all of every 50 states! That is how you WIN A STATE, dufus. Trump won thirty. Hillary only got more popular votes in three states by ranking. And all of that was due to only 4 US cities. That is the entire democratic party: 4 cities out of all of the United States! :auiqs.jpg:

Not as a country

There is no "country" in presidential elections. Presidential elections are first and foremost 50 STATE elections. The electoral weighting within a state is irrelevant. Each state wins the popular vote according to WHATEVER LAWS THEY SET FOR THEMSELVES in each state. Then the electoral weight of that state is set by the relative population. California has almost twice the electors as ANY OTHER TWO STATES combined and needs to be split into two as the Founders almost did long ago. That was a big mistake.

The weight of the states was set up according to STATE WISHES so that each STATE would share a proportional voice in the governance of their presidency. No one finds that unfair except you retards who want California to determine every election!
Which proves “one man, one vote” is not in effect
Voters in some states have more influence than others
Made Trump President
We are a Republic. We are NOT a pure Democracy. And under that system there is an Electoral College to prevent the abuse of a Pure Democracy.

Pure Democracy allows 50% plus 1 vote to push their agenda down the 50% minus 1 vote throats of the minority.

1. If the Senate was the ambassador of the State Legislatures as original ........Your side wouldn't have a pot to piss in. You lose most of the country, and only win in High population areas were there is heavy immigration.

2. Without immigration your side wouldn't be in charge of squat. It boosts your numbers and is why you WANT OPEN BORDERS.

We are a REPUBLIC..........and the electoral college is part of that.
One man, one vote does not exist
Some votes count more than others
That is how we got Trump

Sorry Norton but we DO have one man, one vote, in all of every 50 states! That is how you WIN A STATE, dufus. Trump won thirty. Hillary only got more popular votes in three states by ranking. And all of that was due to only 4 US cities. That is the entire democratic party: 4 cities out of all of the United States! :auiqs.jpg:

Not as a country

There is no "country" in presidential elections. Presidential elections are first and foremost 50 STATE elections. The electoral weighting within a state is irrelevant. Each state wins the popular vote according to WHATEVER LAWS THEY SET FOR THEMSELVES in each state. Then the electoral weight of that state is set by the relative population. California has almost twice the electors as ANY OTHER TWO STATES combined and needs to be split into two as the Founders almost did long ago. That was a big mistake.

The weight of the states was set up according to STATE WISHES so that each STATE would share a proportional voice in the governance of their presidency. No one finds that unfair except you retards who want California to determine every election!
Which proves “one man, one vote” is not in effect
Voters in some states have more influence than others
Made Trump President
We are a Republic. We are NOT a pure Democracy. And under that system there is an Electoral College to prevent the abuse of a Pure Democracy.

Pure Democracy allows 50% plus 1 vote to push their agenda down the 50% minus 1 vote throats of the minority.

1. If the Senate was the ambassador of the State Legislatures as original ........Your side wouldn't have a pot to piss in. You lose most of the country, and only win in High population areas were there is heavy immigration.

2. Without immigration your side wouldn't be in charge of squat. It boosts your numbers and is why you WANT OPEN BORDERS.

We are a REPUBLIC..........and the electoral college is part of that.
Never claimed we weren’t

Just pointing out that some votes in our country count more than others
Trump would not be President otherwise
Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

Interest payments on the debt keep growing every year. And in a few more years the interest on the debt to Global bankers who get the money through magic...........will be as much or more than the Military Budget.

Your Pension Is a Lie: There's $210 Trillion Of Liabilities Our Government Can't Fulfill

$210 Trillion Worth of Unfunded Liabilities
An old statute requires the Treasury to issue an annual financial statement, similar to a corporation’s annual report. The FY 2016 edition is 274 enlightening pages that the government hopes none of us will read.

Among the many tidbits, it contains a table on page 63 that reveals the net present value of the US government’s 75-year future liability for Social Security and Medicare.

That amount exceeds the net present value of the tax revenue designated to pay those benefits by $46.7 trillion. Yes, trillions.

Where will this $46.7 trillion come from? We don’t know.

Future Congresses will have to find it somewhere. This is the fabled “unfunded liability” you hear about from deficit hawks. Similar promises exist to military and civil service retirees and assorted smaller groups, too.

Trying to add them up quickly becomes an exercise in absurdity. They are so huge that it’s hard to believe the government will pay them, promises or not.

Now, I know this is going to come as a shock, but that $46.7 trillion of unfunded liabilities is pretty much a lie. My friend Professor Larry Kotlikoff estimates the unfunded liabilities to be closer to $210 trillion.

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