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US Debt Is Now $23 Trillion And Climbing

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.

No it's idiots like you who I blame, why do you always use someones skin color to try and advance your victim crap? You're the perfect example of what's really wrong with this country, another unaccountable piece of shit! You think anyone can reverse the corruption in our Federal Government in less than 3 years? How fucking stupid can you be?
You better go lie down, snowflake, you are getting yourself all worked up from too much deflection and denial. Even Tards have their limits.

You are a funny guy, I have given a dozen sources showing you to be wrong. Nobody else in the world measures percent of increase the way you do, but we are all wrong and you are right! Too fucking funny.

No one else in the world? Look jackass, there is no other way. 1 X anything is itself. You cannot have 0.X times something and get more than you started. As a statistician, you play with numbers, add up columns. If you make a mistake, you get a 0.1 instead of a 0.01 and your column adds up wrong. As an engineer, if you make a mistake, you can cost a company million of dollars, liability, months of work and delays, even cost lives. The people who sent men to the Moon weren't statisticians, they were engineers. Do you even know the difference between scientific notation and engineering notation?

You keep INSISTING you can only look at an increase of 90% one way as being a 90% gain. All I've said from the beginning is that is 190% what you started with. 90% of what you started with is LESS, not more. It is all a matter of context and reference. TRY to get that through your thick skull.
I don't care what you pull out of your ass, nitwad, it is all contextually wrong. You cannot double something by taking 89% of it.

Correct, you would have to take 100% of it to double it. As all of the links I gave you prove.

189% increase in our debt is a near doubling of it that Obama created going from 10.6 trillion when he entered office in 2009 to almost 20 trillion when he left 8 years later. End of story.

A 189% increase in our debt would be a near tripling, not a doubling.

I think the problem is the words are too confusing for you, they have more than 3 or 4 letters so they are outside of your reading level.

View attachment 288819

If you are measuring the increase, all you are measuring is the difference between the starting point and the ending point.

Let me give you a basic example.

You start with 100 dollars. You end up with 200 dollars. That is an increase of 100 dollars, which is 100% of your starting amount, meaning your money increased by 100%

If you start with 100 dollars and end up with 300 dollars, that is an increase of 200 dollars, which is 200% of your starting amount, meaning you increased your money by 200%

Here is another example of it being done correctly..

View attachment 288821

The NASDAQ went up today by 0.44%, not by 100.44%...just 0.44% since that is the amount of change.
Your an idiot too stupid to even understand that you are arguing in a different context than I. It is more important for you to think you are right and everyone else wrong than to understand we are both saying the same thing from to different contexts. Fuck off, moron, I'm a retired engineer who used to TUTOR others in higher math!
Obama raised the national debt 189% what is was when he took office.
Hey Einstein the tutor, a 100% increase is a doubling. You learn that in like 6th grade. I feel bad for the students you tutor.

WRONG again Barker. I said the national debt went up 189% under Obama from when he entered office. Take 10.6 trillion and multiply it by 1.89 and see what you get. 20 trillion. And fucking calculator will tell you as much.

Hey Einstein:
Percentage Change - Percentage Increase and Decrease | SkillsYouNeed

To calculate the percentage increase:
Then: divide the increase by the original number and multiply the answer by 100. % increase = Increase ÷ Original Number × 100. If your answer is a negative number then this is a percentage decrease.


20 - 10.6 = 9.4 T (the increase)

9.4 / 10.6 = 0.887 x 100 = 88.7%

You dumb fuck. You don't even know how to do a simple percent increase and you claim to be a tutor. This is why people are so dumb in red states, the village idiot is the tutor...

It's an 88.7% increase not a 188.7% increase, 188.7% would be going from 10.6 T to 30.6 T...

It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

  • Mark Twain

Tell me idiot, I'm sure you've spent a lot of time sitting at a desk somewhere adding up figures on paper where a mistake was corrected with an eraser. Now tell us how many multi-million dollar projects you were in on designing, where a whole company's reputation and liability was on the line if you made a mistake? Yeah, I thought so. :lmao:
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
Thanks obama
Your an idiot too stupid to even understand that you are arguing in a different context than I. It is more important for you to think you are right and everyone else wrong than to understand we are both saying the same thing from to different contexts. Fuck off, moron, I'm a retired engineer who used to TUTOR others in higher math!
Obama raised the national debt 189% what is was when he took office.

Damn, did you have to give them a refund after they all failed since you do not even understand basic math?

I am a currently employed statistician, I know what the fuck I am talking about.

He did not raise the national debt 189%. To raise it 100% means to double it, I have explained this to you and given you damn near a dozen sources that back me up.

He raised it by $8.588 trillion if you count budget year to budget year. That is a rise of 74% over where he started.

Wrong again snowflake. Now you are twisting my words. You either cannot read, understand or have some other cgnitive issue. Go take a chill pill. :itsok:

What a train-wreck. You're completely wrong and you REALLY need to look over the links that he's providing you with.

If you're a retired engineer, then you should be able to understand basic algebra. Either you're too defensive to think objectively, or you're just putting up a front to pretend you're not wrong. Either way...complete train-wreck and you're just digging the hole deeper every time you respond.

Here are some links. The concept is well-documented and it's not difficult to understand.

Growing by a percentage

Percentage Increase Calculator

I'm still waiting for you to back up or refute the statistics I offered on Trump's election that I invited you to that you ran out on!

Either way, I wouldn't trust you to set the clock on a VCR. :21:
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
You are ignoring the role of Hillary's emails in increasing the debt.
Obama engaged in standard Keynesian economics, spending us out of the historic disaster he inherited.

Trump is doing something Keynes himself would have disagreed with, exploding spending and the deficit in a non-recessionary period.

Trump is to the Left of Keynes AND against everything the GOP claims to stand for on spending.

And yet, the sheep cheer.
It's NOT just Trump.

This is Paul Ryan's wet dream and it all got handed to Trump by a GOP Congress

This is classic Republican economics
Trump is just following the talk radio playbook, as he's doing with everything else. He knows they got him elected and that he needs them to get re-elected.

I don't remember Ryan willing to spend like a 16 year old girl with daddy's Gold Card, but that could be.

It's definitely Reaganesque.
I don't remember Ryan willing to spend like a 16 year old girl with daddy's Gold Card, but that could be.

It was Ryan's tax cut and Ryan's budget.

And the fact that you don't remember is why he got the hell out of Washington after he succeeded in his lifelong dream.

And don't let the rest of the GOP Congress off the hook. They were just as complicit
I don't remember Ryan willing to spend like a 16 year old girl with daddy's Gold Card, but that could be.

It was Ryan's tax cut and Ryan's budget.

And the fact that you don't remember is why he got the hell out of Washington after he succeeded in his lifelong dream.

And don't let the rest of the GOP Congress off the hook. They were just as complicit
I thought he got out because he knew he couldn't intelligently lead that party with the Trumpsters taking over.

I remember the astonishing cuts he wanted, I just don't remember the drunken sailor spending.

Could be.
Ryan got what he wanted and then got the hell out.
You keep INSISTING you can only look at an increase of 90% one way as being a 90% gain. All I've said from the beginning is that is 190% what you started with. 90% of what you started with is LESS, not more. It is all a matter of context and reference. TRY to get that through your thick skull.

Look, you are that stated at 100% increase means no increase at all...nobody else in this thread made that claim. And you have doubled down and tripled down since then. All the stories in the world about your former job will not change that statement from being false.
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
Today's Republicans are nothing more than the Democratic party lite. They spend like a slightly less drunken sailor. In this area Trump is no different than Obama.

By the way this sites search function is amazing. You have been a member since 2011 but when doing a search for topics about debt, you only seem to comment about the debt accumulated by Republicans and not one word about Democrats or Obama which makes you a partisan hack.
While Obama's deficits were bad, a substantial part of those deficits came from the great recession that he inherited from Bush. In 2016 Obama's deficits were bad, but at least reasonable at ~ $580B, Trump has blown that up and when the next crash comes the deficit will explode to $2+T/yr. Recessions cause a massive loss in tax revenue, and usually require stimulus (increased deficit spending).
Why would anyone run a deficit in a strong economy?
Trump was more concerned with slashing taxes by $1.5 trillion for his billionaire buddies than worrying about deficits
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
Today's Republicans are nothing more than the Democratic party lite. They spend like a slightly less drunken sailor. In this area Trump is no different than Obama.

By the way this sites search function is amazing. You have been a member since 2011 but when doing a search for topics about debt, you only seem to comment about the debt accumulated by Republicans and not one word about Democrats or Obama which makes you a partisan hack.
While Obama's deficits were bad, a substantial part of those deficits came from the great recession that he inherited from Bush. In 2016 Obama's deficits were bad, but at least reasonable at ~ $580B, Trump has blown that up and when the next crash comes the deficit will explode to $2+T/yr. Recessions cause a massive loss in tax revenue, and usually require stimulus (increased deficit spending).
Why would anyone run a deficit in a strong economy?
Trump was more concerned with slashing taxes by $1.5 trillion for his billionaire buddies than worrying about deficits

What you’re saying is like paying the minimum payment on the credit card debt… Only fools think you’re doing something but you’re just going in the hole more. The federal government has been doing this for decades since the 40s and 50s
The point is that those with the wealth make the laws, actually write them and control legislators to the point they ensure passage
Those laws exist to ensure the wealthy not only maintain wealth but continue to amass it
But the wealthy aren’t the same people year in and year out. So are AOC and Ilhan Omar wealthy? Is Dan Crenshaw wealthy?

Depends on how you define wealthy
Net worth of over $1mil and annual income of over $400k.

Then I would say none of those you mentioned are wealthy. I also do not believe there is much movement of people in and out of that range.
Wrong again.

No one stays in the Top 1% for long
Where do they go?
Top 2% ?
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
Today's Republicans are nothing more than the Democratic party lite. They spend like a slightly less drunken sailor. In this area Trump is no different than Obama.

By the way this sites search function is amazing. You have been a member since 2011 but when doing a search for topics about debt, you only seem to comment about the debt accumulated by Republicans and not one word about Democrats or Obama which makes you a partisan hack.
While Obama's deficits were bad, a substantial part of those deficits came from the great recession that he inherited from Bush. In 2016 Obama's deficits were bad, but at least reasonable at ~ $580B, Trump has blown that up and when the next crash comes the deficit will explode to $2+T/yr. Recessions cause a massive loss in tax revenue, and usually require stimulus (increased deficit spending).
Why would anyone run a deficit in a strong economy?
Trump was more concerned with slashing taxes by $1.5 trillion for his billionaire buddies than worrying about deficits

What you’re saying is like paying the minimum payment on the credit card debt… Only fools think you’re doing something but you’re just going in the hole more. The federal government has been doing this for decades since the 40s and 50s
We are running up that credit card and giving the money to the wealthy
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
Today's Republicans are nothing more than the Democratic party lite. They spend like a slightly less drunken sailor. In this area Trump is no different than Obama.

By the way this sites search function is amazing. You have been a member since 2011 but when doing a search for topics about debt, you only seem to comment about the debt accumulated by Republicans and not one word about Democrats or Obama which makes you a partisan hack.
While Obama's deficits were bad, a substantial part of those deficits came from the great recession that he inherited from Bush. In 2016 Obama's deficits were bad, but at least reasonable at ~ $580B, Trump has blown that up and when the next crash comes the deficit will explode to $2+T/yr. Recessions cause a massive loss in tax revenue, and usually require stimulus (increased deficit spending).
Why would anyone run a deficit in a strong economy?
Trump was more concerned with slashing taxes by $1.5 trillion for his billionaire buddies than worrying about deficits

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that PAYS taxes, not just the rich. But since you pay no taxes, I guess you didn't know that.
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
Today's Republicans are nothing more than the Democratic party lite. They spend like a slightly less drunken sailor. In this area Trump is no different than Obama.

By the way this sites search function is amazing. You have been a member since 2011 but when doing a search for topics about debt, you only seem to comment about the debt accumulated by Republicans and not one word about Democrats or Obama which makes you a partisan hack.
While Obama's deficits were bad, a substantial part of those deficits came from the great recession that he inherited from Bush. In 2016 Obama's deficits were bad, but at least reasonable at ~ $580B, Trump has blown that up and when the next crash comes the deficit will explode to $2+T/yr. Recessions cause a massive loss in tax revenue, and usually require stimulus (increased deficit spending).
Why would anyone run a deficit in a strong economy?
Trump was more concerned with slashing taxes by $1.5 trillion for his billionaire buddies than worrying about deficits

What you’re saying is like paying the minimum payment on the credit card debt… Only fools think you’re doing something but you’re just going in the hole more. The federal government has been doing this for decades since the 40s and 50s
We are running up that credit card and giving the money to the wealthy

Obozo increased the natiional debt from 10 Trillion to 19 Trillion, but you said nothing, Why?
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
Today's Republicans are nothing more than the Democratic party lite. They spend like a slightly less drunken sailor. In this area Trump is no different than Obama.

By the way this sites search function is amazing. You have been a member since 2011 but when doing a search for topics about debt, you only seem to comment about the debt accumulated by Republicans and not one word about Democrats or Obama which makes you a partisan hack.
While Obama's deficits were bad, a substantial part of those deficits came from the great recession that he inherited from Bush. In 2016 Obama's deficits were bad, but at least reasonable at ~ $580B, Trump has blown that up and when the next crash comes the deficit will explode to $2+T/yr. Recessions cause a massive loss in tax revenue, and usually require stimulus (increased deficit spending).
Why would anyone run a deficit in a strong economy?
Trump was more concerned with slashing taxes by $1.5 trillion for his billionaire buddies than worrying about deficits

because the dems in the house refuse to pass a sensible budget bill. Wake the fuck up, and understand whats really going on here.

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