US destroyer collides with merchant ship near Singapore

From what I am reading, if it was in the straits traffic there is super crowded.
Figures it was named McCain. Jinxed
Ha Ha....let's make fun of Navy ships in collisions.
--------------------------------------- Ha Ha , no , lets just make fun of the Navy and USA Military that mrobama saddled the USA with . And then , after making fun or recognizing what mrobama has done , lets fix the Navy and Military Bodecea .
"that mrobama saddled the USA with" us what Former President Obama did that was NOT approved by his JCS and Congress......go right ahead.
Figures it was named McCain. Jinxed
Ha Ha....let's make fun of Navy ships in collisions.
--------------------------------------- Ha Ha , no , lets just make fun of the Navy and USA Military that mrobama saddled the USA with . And then , after making fun or recognizing what mrobama has done , lets fix the Navy and Military Bodecea .
Not paying attention doesn't come from an ex president...or a current one..
This dosen't speak well of navy competence. What the H...? Doesn't the navy recognize the need for reliable navigators and commanders any more? Or perhaps all this political correctness has corrupted the quality and competence of modern sailors?
I'm guessing hi-tech and relying on it too much.
Damned good point, When we had a few airline pilots that also relied on automation and fall asleep and then end up landing at the wrong airports. We have to question this reliance on technology, people years ago were attentive and used slide rules and reckoning. And we rarely had such events.
From what I am reading, if it was in the straits traffic there is super crowded.
I can believe that...I've flown over the Tsashima Straits at's like a city down there with all the ships.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, multiculturalism and diversity in the workforce doesn't work. DIEversity kills. Obama's transformation of our Armed Forces is coming home to roost.
This should be required reading for all boat drivers. The customer reviews of the book are well worth reading too.

View attachment 145075
"boat"? It was a sub?

All the more reason why that book should be required reading for anybody driving anything that floats. Customer reviews of the book should prove how worthwhile universal distribution throughout the Navy should be required. Customer reviews: How to Avoid Huge Ships
Customer Review
5.0 out of 5 starsA Parent's Review
ByNoel D. Hillon February 20, 2011
Format: Paperback
As the father of two teenagers, I found this book invaluable. I'm sure other parents here can empathize when I say I shudder at the thought of the increasing presence of huge ships in the lives my children. I certainly remember the strain I caused so long ago for my own parents when I began experimenting with huge ships. The long inter-continental voyages that kept my mom and dad up all night with worry. Don't even get me started on the international protocols when transporting perishable cargo. To think, I was even younger than my kids are now! huge ships are everywhere and it doesn't help that the tv and movies make huge ships seem glamorous and cool. This book helped me really approach the subject of huge ships with my kids in an honest and non judgmental way. Because of the insights this book provided, I can sleep a little better and cope with the reality that I can't always be there to protect my kids from huge ships, especially as they become adults. I'm confident that my teens, when confronted by a huge ship, are much better prepared to make wiser decisions than I did. At the very least my children certainly know that they can always come to me if they have any concerns, questions or just need my support when it comes to the topic of huge ships.

5.0 out of 5 starsThis book is invaluable!
ByBillon August 21, 2013
Format: Paperback
When on my jet ski in the Chesapeake bay this summer I was confronted by a huge ship moving up the channel. You can imagine my horror when I realized I had only 1 hour and 45 minutes or so before the lumbering behemoth was sure to pass through my area. With no place to hide and only a water jet propelled small craft beneath me for transport, I quickly withdrew my Kindle Fire from the storage compartment beneath my seat and preceded to read the book How To Avoid Huge Ships. One hour later and with only 45 minutes to spare, I implemented the expert advice provided by the author and turned my jet ski in the opposite direction of the huge ship to avoid certain disaster.
all i know is that without the best military in the world the USA ain't sh1t !!!
Too much winning for the navy under Trump.

WTH is going on.
------------------------------------------------------- it takes time , President Trump inherited the mrobama choom gang military Issac ,
I find the notion that the collisions of ships at sea are somehow the result of who happened to be president at a different time rather ridiculous. If Obama is somehow responsible, then why weren't all the collisions happening when Obama was President? No, this whole thing seems very suspicious. These Arleigh Burke Destroyers have all sorts of high tech radars. The CIC is always manned, and there are always officers and men on watch. How the hell does this happen? Especially after having recently happened to another destroyer. There is no excuse for anyone to be lackadaisical about their work. Wonder if someone is fucking with us via electronic warfare.

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