US Journalist covers war in Ukraine

Only Ukraine accepts foreign fighters. GLHF
Not exactly true. You can try Vagner company or armies of so called people's republics. But you will hardly be of any use for them if you don't have any military experience.
That is very dumb conclusion. Way of life is not a point. Your government is hostile to every single of this nations. Your troops are at their borders, not the other way round.
None of these countries are interested in war with the US. It is the US plan makers that don´t want any country strong but their own. And Russia is recovering, they are in good condition. All that shit that is happening right now is about to change that. The West promised to not to advance Nato eastwards, but they do. They only lie and cheat and spread terror. They have relocated their factories to China. Now they blame China. They bring new weapons to South Korea, violating the cease fire agreement. And they blame North Korea. They surround Iran with military bases and blame Iran. Wherever you go it is the US at some country´s borders, blaming this country. You cant be that stupid. You pay up. You go to war. Not those in Washington.
Now you putsched in Ukraine, installed a Nazi regime and blame Russia. Russia now is forced to strike back. All that whine does not change that.

There is no point arguing with you, because I find it hilarious that any one person could be this foolish.
Not exactly true. You can try Vagner company or armies of so called people's republics. But you will hardly be of any use for them if you don't have any military experience.
Wagner, Blackwater, they are equal. Ukrainian separatists, Kurdish separatists, what´s the difference?
I am of no use in battle, however, I am halfway invalid. What about you? The Azovstal plant needs reinforcements.
Wagner, Blackwater, they are equal. Ukrainian separatists, Kurdish separatists, what´s the difference?
I am of no use in battle, however, I am halfway invalid. What about you? The Azovstal plant needs reinforcements.
I can only be used in a battle as a cannon fodder, I am afraid.

I don't know what is the difference, it is you mentioned foreign fighters. Try a civil career in Russia.
I can only be used in a battle as a cannon fodder, I am afraid.

I don't know what is the difference, it is you mentioned foreign fighters. Try a civil career in Russia.
Foreign fighters are welcomed in the Ukraine, officially. At least that is not a war crime.
The Pro-Russian sentiment among civilians is evident, but there are a couple of falsehoods that I have found watching a video.

Over and over, you hear of Ukrainians shelling Mariupol, but what they don't tell you is that the Russian Forces in Mariupol were the primary targets. Civilians were caught in the cross fire. It's unfortunate, but it happens.

In one video, a Ukrainian man tells of Ukrainian soldiers "shooting a cannon at them", and yelling at them to stay and get back inside". With fighting and shooting going on, DUH! The Ukrainian soldiers were telling them to get back in and stay in for their own good. If they fired the cannon in anger at them, they'd be dead, no question about it. What likely happened was those citizens got belligerent and didn't listen, so the soldiers fired over their heads to scare the shit out of them.

What is also misleading is that the location of Mariupol is in the Donbass area of the country. The Donbass region has always been a cesspool of pro Prussian sentiment. Fights before the war were very common, on a daily basis. Sniper fire, an occasional mortar and maybe a sporadic fire fight were common. Civilian casualties occurred. This is also what was referenced by the Mariupol residents in one video. I'd advise that reporter go to Kiev, Kurson, Lviv, etc. The reporting there would be very different. If you go to the Eastern part of the country, a place crawling with pro-Russian traitors, you'll get the narrative that Russia is the liberator, which I assure you is not the case.

Before the war, I kept in regular contact with a Ukrainian friend via email. He is, or was, a young man, in his early twenties. A few days before the invasion, he told me that he cried at the thought of his two children having to face a life under Russian oppression. He said that if war ever broke out, he would fight until he had no bullets left, and then, he would fight with a knife until dead, because "to live under Russia, is to sell your soul to evil, and you are dead forever". The day of the invasion, I got an email, with only two words:

"Slava Ukrayini!"

I haven't heard from him since.

That my friends is why I will never believe a pro Russian scoundrel. The Russians have always been butchers and enemies of freedom. Anyone who tells you otherwise is deceived or lying. The U.S. Must help Ukraine by doing anything except sending troops. I don't want to be involved in this war, but I want to help those that are fighting it. My friend may have already sacrificed his life to save the country he loves for his children. I pray not. I hope he's okay.
Hohols view Mariupol citizens as aliens so they don't feel sorry if a dozen or two get killed. It's Azov's revenge for their vote to secede at the referendum they held in 2014.
Foreign fighters are welcomed in the Ukraine, officially. At least that is not a war crime.
What the heck, dude? I asked you why you don't move to Russia and as an answer you are pouring this shit about foreign fighters in Ukraine. That is all that you managed to come up with?
The streets of Mariupol are littered with dead bodies of civilians, slaughtered by Azov.
The residents of Mariupol were doing fine before Russia invaded.

Somehow everywhere the Russians go, the Ukrainians start killing their own citizens. And wherever there are no Russians, the Ukrainians get along with each other just fine.

Evil Ukrainians, right.
The residents of Mariupol were doing fine before Russia invaded.

Somehow everywhere the Russians go, the Ukrainians start killing their own citizens. And wherever there are no Russians, the Ukrainians get along with each other just fine.

Evil Ukrainians, right.
What about the residents of Baghdad and all the cities that were bombed by the West?
What about the residents of Baghdad and all the cities that were bombed by the West?
Whataboutism is not a get out of jail free card.

Tens of thousands of Ukrainians are buried under the rubble from Russian bombing of residential areas. Mariupol is reduced to rubble.

Everywhere they have done that, they try to blame the deaths on Ukraine.

This all on Putin, no one else. The longer it goes on, the worse the repercussions will be for Russia.
If you wish to believe that lie, you may.
What the fuck can you know about all this Ukrainian shit living 10 000 km away, not knowing the language, the people, the history of Russia, USSR and stuff? Your Azov fellows in all likelihood killed an American journalist of Chilean descent Gonzalo Lira, probably to bolster the freedom of speech he carelessly dared to enjoy in this "democratic" Ukraine you're tearing your heart out rooting for. Ever heard of him?
Whataboutism is not a get out of jail free card.

Tens of thousands of Ukrainians are buried under the rubble from Russian bombing of residential areas. Mariupol is reduced to rubble.

Everywhere they have done that, they try to blame the deaths on Ukraine.

This all on Putin, no one else. The longer it goes on, the worse the repercussions will be for Russia.
When I see someone mentions whataboutism my hand gropes for my proverbial Parabellum.
What the fuck can you know about all this Ukrainian shit living 10 000 km away, not knowing the language, the people, the history of Russia, USSR and stuff? Your Azov fellows in all likelihood killed an American journalist of Chilean descent Gonzalo Lira, probably to bolster the freedom of speech he carelessly dared to enjoy in this "democratic" Ukraine you're tearing your heart out rooting for. Ever heard of him?

I may in turn ask what the fuck YOU know about this Ukrainian shit living 10,000 km away, not knowing the language and the people, the History of Russia and the USSR?

For the record, I DO know people on both sides. The Ukrainian friend I have already mentioned, and several Russian friends, one of which is in the Russian army. I haven't heard from him. I do know about this, and I have people, on the ground pre-war telling me their own thoughts and feelings about what was to come.

I don't know who Gonzalo Lira is, nor do I give two shits about him. Asov could have killed him, they may not have. Asov isn't the monster y'all make it out to be. So what, they're semi-nazi. The Russians are full on totalitarian Russian state murderers. 5,000,000 don't flee liberators, they flee invaders.
It's the same zachistka that happened at Bucha. If you are pro-Russian, you should die. The recent killing of Valery Kuleshov at Kherson shows that russophobia is all over the country and is not a recent phenomenon. Claiming justice for 14,000 killed since 2014 is underway thanks to Putin.

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