US Needs to Send Ground Troops to Fight ISIS, NOW.

Why? We will just piss them off and create little bitty ISIS's all over the world.

EARTH TO DILLODUCK: Pissing off isn't the issue. There have been jihadists for 1400 years. There likely will be them, for the next 1400 and longer. They don't go away. They're like fleas. You kill them whenever they get close enough to threaten you. When they show up again. You kill them again. It's never going to stop.

Then why in the fuck did Obama pull our troops out of Iraq ?
Why? We will just piss them off and create little bitty ISIS's all over the world.
Better, perhaps, than one big ISIS, unchallenged for lack of balls, which grows into something which cannot be stopped.

Hold everything------how big are they? REALLY ??? Even our own intelligence is claiming that the area is a black hole of information.
No it's not. There lots of information about ISIS. Who in the world have you been listening to ? HA HA. They are currently pocketin $2 MIllion A DAY from their black market oil sales. They have lots of equipment and soldiers. But they are still small enough to be defeated by a full scale US military force (with or without help). That is the case, right NOW.

There was a lot for invading Iraq too.

So how many heads did Saddam cut off and publish on TV? That would be NONE.

OMG----well lets piss in our pants and submit.

Saddam did his killing with gas and bullets,
Why? We will just piss them off and create little bitty ISIS's all over the world.

EARTH TO DILLODUCK: Pissing off isn't the issue. There have been jihadists for 1400 years. There likely will be them, for the next 1400 and longer. They don't go away. They're like fleas. You kill them whenever they get close enough to threaten you. When they show up again. You kill them again. It's never going to stop.

Then why in the fuck did Obama pull our troops out of Iraq ?
To pacify people who talk like you, and get re-elected.
Why? We will just piss them off and create little bitty ISIS's all over the world.
Better, perhaps, than one big ISIS, unchallenged for lack of balls, which grows into something which cannot be stopped.

Hold everything------how big are they? REALLY ??? Even our own intelligence is claiming that the area is a black hole of information.

CNN is using some fairly sizable colored maps re: areas in both Iraq and Syria, under IS control.

And, of course, it's not so much how big they are this very minute, rather, it's how big they might grow if left unopposed and if they end-up getting the territory they want, and a peace to hide behind, while they build up their strength, ala the Germans dodging the provisions of the Versailles Treat during the 1920s.
Why? We will just piss them off and create little bitty ISIS's all over the world.
Better, perhaps, than one big ISIS, unchallenged for lack of balls, which grows into something which cannot be stopped.

Hold everything------how big are they? REALLY ??? Even our own intelligence is claiming that the area is a black hole of information.
No it's not. There lots of information about ISIS. Who in the world have you been listening to ? HA HA. They are currently pocketin $2 MIllion A DAY from their black market oil sales. They have lots of equipment and soldiers. But they are still small enough to be defeated by a full scale US military force (with or without help). That is the case, right NOW.
General Scales US has intelligence black hole on ISIS in Syria Fox News
Guess why countries around the world are becoming much more offensive than they have been in years ? Examples: ISIS of course is one, But so is Putin in Russia, moving military might into Ukraine. So is China moving into areas long denied to them. Iran going foward with its nuclear weapon ambitions. North Korea more belligerent then ever. If one examined every country in the world, they could probably find numerous other examples.

We have a pattern. Political leaders are finding 2014 a good year to do whatever suits their fancy, whether the US likes it or not. Is there a reason for all this. No doubt there is, and it can probably be all summed up by one simple word phrase > "No boots on the ground."
Why? We will just piss them off and create little bitty ISIS's all over the world.
Better, perhaps, than one big ISIS, unchallenged for lack of balls, which grows into something which cannot be stopped.

Hold everything------how big are they? REALLY ??? Even our own intelligence is claiming that the area is a black hole of information.

CNN is using some fairly sizable colored maps re: areas in both Iraq and Syria, under IS control.

And, of course, it's not so much how big they are this very minute, rather, it's how big they might grow if left unopposed and if they end-up getting the territory they want, and a peace to hide behind, while they build up their strength, ala the Germans dodging the provisions of the Versailles Treat during the 1920s.

How many tanks ? How many Planes ?
Why? We will just piss them off and create little bitty ISIS's all over the world.
Better, perhaps, than one big ISIS, unchallenged for lack of balls, which grows into something which cannot be stopped.

Hold everything------how big are they? REALLY ??? Even our own intelligence is claiming that the area is a black hole of information.
No it's not. There lots of information about ISIS. Who in the world have you been listening to ? HA HA. They are currently pocketin $2 MIllion A DAY from their black market oil sales. They have lots of equipment and soldiers. But they are still small enough to be defeated by a full scale US military force (with or without help). That is the case, right NOW.
General Scales US has intelligence black hole on ISIS in Syria Fox News
There lots of information about ISIS. Who in the world have you been listening to ? HA HA. They are currently pocketin $2 MIllion A DAY from their black market oil sales. They have lots of equipment and soldiers. But they are still small enough to be defeated by a full scale US military force (with or without help). That is the case, right NOW.
Why? We will just piss them off and create little bitty ISIS's all over the world.
Better, perhaps, than one big ISIS, unchallenged for lack of balls, which grows into something which cannot be stopped.

Hold everything------how big are they? REALLY ??? Even our own intelligence is claiming that the area is a black hole of information.

CNN is using some fairly sizable colored maps re: areas in both Iraq and Syria, under IS control.

And, of course, it's not so much how big they are this very minute, rather, it's how big they might grow if left unopposed and if they end-up getting the territory they want, and a peace to hide behind, while they build up their strength, ala the Germans dodging the provisions of the Versailles Treat during the 1920s.

How many tanks ? How many Planes ?
Answer is in Post # 44 (and Post # 51)
Guess why countries around the world are becoming much more offensive than they have been in years ? Examples: ISIS of course is one, But so is Putin in Russia, moving military might into Ukraine. So is China moving into areas long denied to them. Iran going foward with its nuclear weapon ambitions. North Korea more belligerent then ever. If one examined every country in the world, they could probably find numerous other examples.

We have a pattern. Political leaders are finding 2014 a good year to do whatever suits their fancy, whether the US likes it or not. Is there a reason for all this. No doubt there is, and it can probably be all summed up by one simple word phrase > "No boots on the ground."
LOL troops on the ground in the ME is going to intimidate everyone..... Putin China and North Korea ?
Guess why countries around the world are becoming much more offensive than they have been in years ? Examples: ISIS of course is one, But so is Putin in Russia, moving military might into Ukraine. So is China moving into areas long denied to them. Iran going foward with its nuclear weapon ambitions. North Korea more belligerent then ever. If one examined every country in the world, they could probably find numerous other examples.

We have a pattern. Political leaders are finding 2014 a good year to do whatever suits their fancy, whether the US likes it or not. Is there a reason for all this. No doubt there is, and it can probably be all summed up by one simple word phrase > "No boots on the ground."
LOL troops on the ground in the ME is going to intimidate everyone..... Putin China and North Korea ?

You heard right.
Guess why countries around the world are becoming much more offensive than they have been in years ? Examples: ISIS of course is one, But so is Putin in Russia, moving military might into Ukraine. So is China moving into areas long denied to them. Iran going foward with its nuclear weapon ambitions. North Korea more belligerent then ever. If one examined every country in the world, they could probably find numerous other examples.

We have a pattern. Political leaders are finding 2014 a good year to do whatever suits their fancy, whether the US likes it or not. Is there a reason for all this. No doubt there is, and it can probably be all summed up by one simple word phrase > "No boots on the ground."
LOL troops on the ground in the ME is going to intimidate everyone..... Putin China and North Korea ?

You heard right.

Pffffft---Only people that will be happy to see US boots on the ground is Israel.
Yeah. Everybody is war weary. Oh yeah. Well, that's been the popular thought for a few years now (even though there's been less deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan over 13 years, than a single World War II battle). Well, I'm afraid to say folks, that little notion has very quickly gone out of style.....

ISIS has tons of money (to purchase bombs, nukes, biological weapons, gas, and bribe traitors). On top of that, the "Open Target" (name of the book that former Homeland Security Inspector General, Clark Kent Ervin wrote a few years ago) hasn't gotten much less open, since Ervin wrote that book. Have the ports gotten better since Lou Dobbs exposed their vulnerable status? (5% of shipping containers being inspected) Are water treatment plants (containing Chlorine tanks) any better secured than they have been (with a lone unarmed, security guard). Do all citizens have gas masks ? Are all streets surveilled with street camera/recorders ? Do we even come close to the level of security that is practiced routinely in Israel ?

Many more questions than these could be asked, and all with the same qualitative result. That we in America, are not well prepared for a well-organized, well-financed military force, coming here and attacking us, with 2014 methodology.....

Conclusion ? Time for Obama to get past the 2007 notion of removing troops from the Middle East and "no boots on the ground" which got him elected in 2008, and get up to speed. This is 2014. There is a real threat to America talking place before our eyes, and this is no time to play political games, or cling to outdated mantras. Obama's "no boots on the ground" is as dead as a doornail. The US needs to go after ISIS in Iraq, in Syria, and wherever they are, and obliterate them, and we need to do it with whatever it takes, and it looks that that includes ground troops, and we need to do it NOW.


Defend America's shores borders yes. Leave it to the region to fight their own civil wars. And if Europe and the rest of the World want to be pro-active in their own defence, great, they're more vulnerable than is the U.S. America's done it's part in "saving" the rest of humanity and bought itself loads of fucking trouble in the process.




America has enough to remember on Memorial Day.
Guess why countries around the world are becoming much more offensive than they have been in years ? Examples: ISIS of course is one, But so is Putin in Russia, moving military might into Ukraine. So is China moving into areas long denied to them. Iran going foward with its nuclear weapon ambitions. North Korea more belligerent then ever. If one examined every country in the world, they could probably find numerous other examples.

We have a pattern. Political leaders are finding 2014 a good year to do whatever suits their fancy, whether the US likes it or not. Is there a reason for all this. No doubt there is, and it can probably be all summed up by one simple word phrase > "No boots on the ground."
LOL troops on the ground in the ME is going to intimidate everyone..... Putin China and North Korea ?

You heard right.

Pffffft---Only people that will be happy to see US boots on the ground is Israel.
FALSE! Everything has changed after the execution of James Foley by ISIS Hot Air
You bet----I hear Americans everywhere clamoring for US troops involvement,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Everything has changed!!!!! You're either for us, or against us!!!!!! It's for the children!!!!!

Shit yourself America!!! Give in to fascism now!!!!!

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