US Now Redistributes More Than $2 Trillion a Year or 81% of Receipts

No, it's not on point. The assertion that MY money is paying for retirees is redistributive and I get no benefit from it. They paid in, but their money was spent, not saved. So I pay their benefit adn IF I'm "blessed" enough I may get to be involved in the redistributive pyramid.

I dont blame retirees for this. But i'm certianly not giving them a pass either. They voted for this shit and now that it's exposed as a scam, I'm supposed to just go along with it?

Maybe you'll be repaid in Heaven.
All I have to say is this:

Liberals, are you happy? Everything you want to be done has been done.

The results are in. Your policies suck.

Have a nice day.

Which programs would you end?

Food stamps
Subsidized Housing
Pell Grants

etc etc etc... ALL entitlements, INCLUDING stimulus etc for businesses should be eliminated from the federal government.. period

Including tax welfare for the rich and the companies/ So you want just a straight tax with no deductions?
If it's including social security and Medicare, then it's a dishonest premise. Those people paid into the system and are not leeches, they're retirees.

funny, the first thing you come up with is, leeches..
and you don't know IF it includes SS or medicare, do you?
so your post was for nothing

It's your thread. Do you know?

maybe it does, and what if it does?
you think that come up to 81%?
now I'm done with your games
No, it's not on point. The assertion that MY money is paying for retirees is redistributive and I get no benefit from it. They paid in, but their money was spent, not saved. So I pay their benefit adn IF I'm "blessed" enough I may get to be involved in the redistributive pyramid.

I dont blame retirees for this. But i'm certianly not giving them a pass either. They voted for this shit and now that it's exposed as a scam, I'm supposed to just go along with it?

Maybe you'll be repaid in Heaven.

Maybe the road to hell is paved in the best intentions.
All I have to say is this:

Liberals, are you happy? Everything you want to be done has been done.

The results are in. Your policies suck.

Have a nice day.

Which programs would you end?

Food stamps
Subsidized Housing
Pell Grants

etc etc etc... ALL entitlements, INCLUDING stimulus etc for businesses should be eliminated from the federal government.. period

And in your new world, would children and the elderly currently on Medicaid just go without healthcare?

Do you realize you're really not cut out to live in America.
No, it's not on point. The assertion that MY money is paying for retirees is redistributive and I get no benefit from it. They paid in, but their money was spent, not saved. So I pay their benefit adn IF I'm "blessed" enough I may get to be involved in the redistributive pyramid.

I dont blame retirees for this. But i'm certianly not giving them a pass either. They voted for this shit and now that it's exposed as a scam, I'm supposed to just go along with it?

For the thousandth time, that money was invested. In fact, in the last two years Social Security has cashed in some of the interest income on that investment to pay recipients.
Which programs would you end?

Food stamps
Subsidized Housing
Pell Grants

etc etc etc... ALL entitlements, INCLUDING stimulus etc for businesses should be eliminated from the federal government.. period

And in your new world, would children and the elderly currently on Medicaid just go without healthcare?

Do you realize you're really not cut out to live in America.

here comes the dramatic using our seniors and children
typical and why we distribute almost more than the government takes in
do they have sympathy for all you workers and taxpayers who are struggling to take care of your family while taking care of everyone else?
just keep on a working and paying those taxes is they care
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Do you realize you're a drooling moron? America isn't about dictating to people who want to be left alone that they aren't supposed to be here if they don't go along with redistributive schemes that bankrupt the entire nation.

Get a clue. pay for it if you have to.
No, it's not on point. The assertion that MY money is paying for retirees is redistributive and I get no benefit from it. They paid in, but their money was spent, not saved. So I pay their benefit adn IF I'm "blessed" enough I may get to be involved in the redistributive pyramid.

I dont blame retirees for this. But i'm certianly not giving them a pass either. They voted for this shit and now that it's exposed as a scam, I'm supposed to just go along with it?

For the thousandth time, that money was invested. In fact, in the last two years Social Security has cashed in some of the interest income on that investment to pay recipients.


No it wasn't. An IOU in the form of monetized debt isn't "investment".
funny, the first thing you come up with is, leeches..
and you don't know IF it includes SS or medicare, do you?
so your post was for nothing

It's your thread. Do you know?

maybe it does, and what if it does?
you think that come up to 81%?
now I'm done with your games

You try to stir up shit with some cocked up rightwing study and then you piss and moan like an old bag when anyone questions its merit.

What is wrong with you?
No, it's not on point. The assertion that MY money is paying for retirees is redistributive and I get no benefit from it. They paid in, but their money was spent, not saved. So I pay their benefit adn IF I'm "blessed" enough I may get to be involved in the redistributive pyramid.

I dont blame retirees for this. But i'm certianly not giving them a pass either. They voted for this shit and now that it's exposed as a scam, I'm supposed to just go along with it?

They didn't necessarily vote for it.

If it's still around when you retire, does it mean that YOU voted for it?
It's your thread. Do you know?

maybe it does, and what if it does?
you think that come up to 81%?
now I'm done with your games

You try to stir up shit with some cocked up rightwing study and then you piss and moan like an old bag when anyone questions its merit.

What is wrong with you?

a rightwing study? you have some proof of that I take it?...and posting FACTS about this Government is trying to stir up shit..
look who's moaning like an old bag...everyone doesn't bow to you..sorry
you don't like the thread, leave
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No, it's not on point. The assertion that MY money is paying for retirees is redistributive and I get no benefit from it. They paid in, but their money was spent, not saved. So I pay their benefit adn IF I'm "blessed" enough I may get to be involved in the redistributive pyramid.

I dont blame retirees for this. But i'm certianly not giving them a pass either. They voted for this shit and now that it's exposed as a scam, I'm supposed to just go along with it?

They didn't necessarily vote for it.

If it's still around when you retire, does it mean that YOU voted for it?

If the goal posts are a little to the left, should we move them even further to the left?
Here's how bogus this study was:

If you bother to actually read it, which I'm guessing NONE of you here did, you find them admitting that they ran 2 separate methodologies, neither of which was considered better than the other,

and came up with 2 separate numbers. One method came up with just over 2 trillion in 'redistribution'.

The other method came up as 1.2 trillion. Almost a trillion dollar difference.

And then what?

They use the methodology with the big number as their headline story, and bury the other number as a footnote.

Or, in the rightwing propaganda reporting of the study, the smaller number disappears altogether.
No, it's not on point. The assertion that MY money is paying for retirees is redistributive and I get no benefit from it. They paid in, but their money was spent, not saved. So I pay their benefit adn IF I'm "blessed" enough I may get to be involved in the redistributive pyramid.

I dont blame retirees for this. But i'm certianly not giving them a pass either. They voted for this shit and now that it's exposed as a scam, I'm supposed to just go along with it?

They didn't necessarily vote for it.

If it's still around when you retire, does it mean that YOU voted for it?

If the goal posts are a little to the left, should we move them even further to the left?

You didn't answer the question.

When you retire, if you receive ss, does that mean that YOU, personally, voted for it?
It pays to read the links:

"Interestingly, we find that the biggest net beneficiaries of this increase in redistribution from 2000-2012 are middle-income families and working lower-income families (those in the second quintile). These were the families most targeted by economic stimulus programs and more generous tax credits."

So, essentially, your complaints, among those of you who are complaining, are about benefits YOU got in the last 12 years.

So, in fairness...

...tell us what you're personally willing to sacrifice to fix this situation you so abhor.


The Distribution of Tax and Spending Policies in the United States | Tax Foundation

I didn't get anything from the TRILLION dollars Obama stole from us and gave to who the hell knows..we have no ACCOUNTING OF IT
nor have I used medicare, SS or anything other type of AID from the taxpayers..
I've worked and PAID for everything I have AND need
NOW, what do you SUGGEST be ended besides the Military?

You didn't take Bush's tax cuts, and rebates? You didn't take any of the tax cuts and credits in the stimulus, or the payroll tax cut for 2 years? You don't take the child tax credit?

You're making assumptions about this study, and how that number was calculated, that are simply wrong.
For the record… The US collected $2.45 trillion in receipts in 2012.
And, according to this latest report, the government redistributed $2 trillion or 81% of those receipts.
And Obama wants to redistribute even more.

You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until someone who is the to the Left of Obama, become our next President ...or will be Prime Minister?

Democrats quietly throwing presidential support behind Elizabeth Warren: report



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