US race relations sink to 19 year low under TRUMP

Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact
Well its possible that his antics have burned too many bridges now. So I come back to the question. If he is impotent now what will be different in November ?
Here's where I think the Democratic leadership in those States and Cities are naive, Tommy! They seem to think that if Trump is defeated that Antifa and Black Lives Matter will stop the riots and I think they're in for a rude awakening! The Mayor of Portland got a taste of that when the mob attacked his residence.
People riot because they are not happy. You may get a criminal element attaching itself to them but that is generally the case.

Trump is offering up zero in terms of solutions. In fact he is just backing the instigators of all this, the police.

You have to listen to folk when they are unhappy. That is pretty much the job.
Bullshit again, Tommy! These riots aren't about people being "unhappy"...they're about anarchists using the pretense of a protest to loot stores, burn property, attack the Police, block streets and terrorize citizens!

Claiming the Police instigated all of this is LAUGHABLE! The number of black people killed by the Police every year for the entire country is fewer than are shot by other blacks in just the city of Chicago on one bad weekend!
As for the person offering up zero solutions? That would be Joe Biden...a man who's been in Washington for FIFTY YEARS and hasn't done anything to make the lives of black people better! He's the guy who wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill for god's sake! He's literally one of the guys responsible for legislation that incarcerated more blacks than any other set of laws ever passed in this country!
Only one in four Americans think that the Sociopath in Chief has this country on the right track. This means that even 10% or so of his base admit that Donnie has led us into the Dumpster! :oops:

RCP Average8/23 - 9/1--28.265.8-37.6
Economist/YouGov8/30 - 9/11207 RV2567-42
Reuters/Ipsos8/28 - 9/11089 RV2765-38
USA Today/Suffolk8/28 - 8/311000 RV3062-32
Politico/Morning Consult8/28 - 8/301988 RV2872-44
Rasmussen Reports8/23 - 8/272500 LV3163-32
All Direction of Country Polling Data
Trump was elected by the agendas of Obama and Nancy and Schumer and Schiff and Nadler and some other freaky looking people. With a side helping of little action Repubs with RINO gravy washing it down.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
Tommy, you really need to grow out of your grade-school mentality to understand that coincidence does not automatically mean correlation.
you are right on ..exactly
Well I guess that's Trump's voting bloc. They don't see a thing. Standard Trumpian willful ignorance.
Well I guess that's Biden's?Harris' voting bloc. They don't see a thing. Standard Dem willful ignorance.
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
that's like blaming the Jews for Kristallnacht
and, it's the BLACKS' biggest issue, not America's look very stupid commenting on the US
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact
Well its possible that his antics have burned too many bridges now. So I come back to the question. If he is impotent now what will be different in November ?
Here's where I think the Democratic leadership in those States and Cities are naive, Tommy! They seem to think that if Trump is defeated that Antifa and Black Lives Matter will stop the riots and I think they're in for a rude awakening! The Mayor of Portland got a taste of that when the mob attacked his residence.
People riot because they are not happy. You may get a criminal element attaching itself to them but that is generally the case.

Trump is offering up zero in terms of solutions. In fact he is just backing the instigators of all this, the police.

You have to listen to folk when they are unhappy. That is pretty much the job.
Bullshit again, Tommy! These riots aren't about people being "unhappy"...they're about anarchists using the pretense of a protest to loot stores, burn property, attack the Police, block streets and terrorize citizens!

Claiming the Police instigated all of this is LAUGHABLE! The number of black people killed by the Police every year for the entire country is fewer than are shot by other blacks in just the city of Chicago on one bad weekend!
..thank you--the CRIMINALS start the shit
....there are over 20 million arrests and police contacts in the US--not counting traffic stops....and MAYBE 3 ''unjustified'' blacks killed by police
Only one in four Americans think that the Sociopath in Chief has this country on the right track. This means that even 10% or so of his base admit that Donnie has led us into the Dumpster! :oops:

RCP Average8/23 - 9/1--28.265.8-37.6
Economist/YouGov8/30 - 9/11207 RV2567-42
Reuters/Ipsos8/28 - 9/11089 RV2765-38
USA Today/Suffolk8/28 - 8/311000 RV3062-32
Politico/Morning Consult8/28 - 8/301988 RV2872-44
Rasmussen Reports8/23 - 8/272500 LV3163-32
All Direction of Country Polling Data
BINGO--you just proved to be an idiot
that's right --''''THINK""...they THINK
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact
Well its possible that his antics have burned too many bridges now. So I come back to the question. If he is impotent now what will be different in November ?
Here's where I think the Democratic leadership in those States and Cities are naive, Tommy! They seem to think that if Trump is defeated that Antifa and Black Lives Matter will stop the riots and I think they're in for a rude awakening! The Mayor of Portland got a taste of that when the mob attacked his residence.
People riot because they are not happy. You may get a criminal element attaching itself to them but that is generally the case.

Trump is offering up zero in terms of solutions. In fact he is just backing the instigators of all this, the police.

You have to listen to folk when they are unhappy. That is pretty much the job.
Bullshit again, Tommy! These riots aren't about people being "unhappy"...they're about anarchists using the pretense of a protest to loot stores, burn property, attack the Police, block streets and terrorize citizens!

Claiming the Police instigated all of this is LAUGHABLE! The number of black people killed by the Police every year for the entire country is fewer than are shot by other blacks in just the city of Chicago on one bad weekend!
It really isnt. You are stuck in a right wing bubble. People would rather go to the movies or take their girl out. Trump isnt listening and thats why folk are angry. He is doing it because he thinks it will get him elected. He doesn't want the riots to stop.
He is a sad excuse for a man.
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact
Well its possible that his antics have burned too many bridges now. So I come back to the question. If he is impotent now what will be different in November ?
Here's where I think the Democratic leadership in those States and Cities are naive, Tommy! They seem to think that if Trump is defeated that Antifa and Black Lives Matter will stop the riots and I think they're in for a rude awakening! The Mayor of Portland got a taste of that when the mob attacked his residence.
People riot because they are not happy. You may get a criminal element attaching itself to them but that is generally the case.

Trump is offering up zero in terms of solutions. In fact he is just backing the instigators of all this, the police.

You have to listen to folk when they are unhappy. That is pretty much the job.
Bullshit again, Tommy! These riots aren't about people being "unhappy"...they're about anarchists using the pretense of a protest to loot stores, burn property, attack the Police, block streets and terrorize citizens!

Claiming the Police instigated all of this is LAUGHABLE! The number of black people killed by the Police every year for the entire country is fewer than are shot by other blacks in just the city of Chicago on one bad weekend!
It really isnt. You are stuck in a right wing bubble. People would rather go to the movies or take their girl out. Trump isnt listening and thats why folk are angry. He is doing it because he thinks it will get him elected. He doesn't want the riots to stop.
He is a sad excuse for a man.
Thomas, you don't have a clue on what you're talking about. Quit embarrassing yourself.
Those democrat MAYORS, and those democrat GOVERNORS have the authority to allow,
or stop what is going on in their cities.
Sometimes, Thomas, it really is better to remain silent and be thought a................
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact
Well its possible that his antics have burned too many bridges now. So I come back to the question. If he is impotent now what will be different in November ?
Here's where I think the Democratic leadership in those States and Cities are naive, Tommy! They seem to think that if Trump is defeated that Antifa and Black Lives Matter will stop the riots and I think they're in for a rude awakening! The Mayor of Portland got a taste of that when the mob attacked his residence.
People riot because they are not happy. You may get a criminal element attaching itself to them but that is generally the case.

Trump is offering up zero in terms of solutions. In fact he is just backing the instigators of all this, the police.

You have to listen to folk when they are unhappy. That is pretty much the job.
Bullshit again, Tommy! These riots aren't about people being "unhappy"...they're about anarchists using the pretense of a protest to loot stores, burn property, attack the Police, block streets and terrorize citizens!

Claiming the Police instigated all of this is LAUGHABLE! The number of black people killed by the Police every year for the entire country is fewer than are shot by other blacks in just the city of Chicago on one bad weekend!
It really isnt. You are stuck in a right wing bubble. People would rather go to the movies or take their girl out. Trump isnt listening and thats why folk are angry. He is doing it because he thinks it will get him elected. He doesn't want the riots to stop.
He is a sad excuse for a man.
It will get him elected. Not because of anything that he's doing, Tommy. It will get him elected because it shows what the other side has in store for us. Democratic leadership thinks they can use this unrest to gain power. They think they can control the anarchists once they've served their purpose. They can't. The riots won't stop if Joe Biden is elected. They'll get worse.
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
Wrong it all belongs to the "community organizer" and those whom aligned themselves with him. When you start looking at the initiators, their pages and such you will find that they list themselves as "community organizers".

These riots are just like the Watts riots in 1965 that started over a drunk being pulled over and being arrested for driving drunk. Violent organizations like the Panthers helped escalate racial tensions in 1966 under Huey Newton.

I lived in Southern California when that was all going down.

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