US race relations sink to 19 year low under TRUMP

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.

Not to worry. Race relations will go back to being fine on November 4th regardless of who wins.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
Tommy, you really need to grow out of your grade-school mentality to understand that coincidence does not automatically mean correlation.

All the MSM, the black supremacists (all blacks) and dems do is white bash. (That is no exaggeration all blacks think anything run by whites is white supremacism. Source: NPR.)

Trump did not destroy race relations, these groups did. Blacks seem to think they do not need to obey laws...because slavery was a law. So why should they follow any white law? (This was actually said by a black man on PBS.)

Cops need to shut all this BS down. They should go out on strike and let the USA police themselves for a few weeks. Don't come back until they get a 100% raise and the BS stops.

As soon as the cop hating starts again...cops go back on strike with 50% raise demands.

The rioting is a race war started over matters as old as this country long exploited by the Democrats under the guise of victimization to get elected, just that, if Blacks ever STOPPED being victims in this country, democrats would lose their main voting block because they'd no longer be needed, so they are KEPT victims.

Now the riots of this year are being exploited and magnified by the Democrats as convenient leverage to use to blame Trump with despite increased minority support for him. Media the world over aren't stupid and understand what is gong on, but are complicit in the blame eagerly because their countries all stand to be cut out of the American money gravy train by Trump as he forces the world to stand on its own for a change and start paying their share.

This is a real problem for the EU which based its entire economy on the ASSUMPTION America would always be there to lean on for the load-sharing.

Then garbage-heads like Tommy come along, ignorant suts duped by it all, willingly useful idiots regurgitating the froth hopelessly caught up in all of the Leftist-Socialist mindrot a mere pawn in the game.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.

They aren't protests for racial equality......they are organized race riots to cause chaos in democrat party controlled cities before an election, which the democrat party is trying to use to attack President Trump...they have nothing to do with improving race relations..since the facts, truth and reality show that our police agencies are not racist.

The democrat party needs black and hispanic votes to win elections...if they lose even a small percentage of those votes, they can't win national elections....recently, polls came out showing Trump doing better in the black and hispanic communities than other Republican Presidential candidates....based on his actual out reach to those, the democrat party waited for a police encounter they could use to launch their race riot....they used the George Floyd death for that trigger.

The riots were organized, coordinated, financed by the allies of the democrat party.....they burned, looted, beat and killed in primarily black neighborhoods, destroying the businesses of blacks, and destroying the only food stores in those areas creating new food deserts .........and now they blame Trump.

Tommy, you are an idiot who supports a belief system that is racist, misogynist, and just plain evil.
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.

The democrat party has been inciting racism in this country since the party was founded......the lives of blacks and hispanics are worse in democrat party controlled cities......Trump has been in office for just over 3 years.....

The problem in this country is the democrat party.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
US race relations sink to 19 year low under TRUMP
Let’s segregate, FUCK multiculturalism, it never works.
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
Oh, bullshit, Tommy! It isn't Trump that's "stoking"'s the left that knows it's agenda sucks and it's candidate is a joke! The left ALWAYS plays the race card leading up to every election and this year it's going to be especially bad because Biden is that awful a candidate!

Relations between blacks and whites are becoming worse but it's because the left has gone out of it's way to make that happen!
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
Trump pushed prison reform legislation through that got blacks OUT of prison that the legislation Joe Biden wrote PUT them there...yet you call Trump the racist? You're falling for the rhetoric, Tommy and ignoring reality! Go back and watch Biden's speech as he was in the process of writing the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill! THAT person is a racist!
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact

Well stated. You can't "bring people together" when you have a democratic party whose design is to tear thing apart with the goal of tearing down his image to get him out of office. Yes, the buck stops, but it stops with the people who are CREATING the problem.

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
mindless regurgitated propaganda from a foreigner who does not live in America.
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact
Well its possible that his antics have burned too many bridges now. So I come back to the question. If he is impotent now what will be different in November ?
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact
Well its possible that his antics have burned too many bridges now. So I come back to the question. If he is impotent now what will be different in November ?
The Democrats would say he had already burned too many bridges on Jan. 21, 2017 Inauguration Day by beating Hildegarde. And if Trump is somehow "impotent" for not being able to force 300 million people to like each other and get along, then so is every other leader on the planet!

Has your Queen or PM gotten Brits to stop stabbing shooting and robbing each other?
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
The other side known as the Progs has this built wall. And their endless droning has Deplorables bad. Must attack. No good. Kill the young. Kill the old. Bad...bad....bad! Big wall. And the deplorables paid for it. Deplorables control food, supplies and energy into blue cities though. Just saying.
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact
Well its possible that his antics have burned too many bridges now. So I come back to the question. If he is impotent now what will be different in November ?
We don't have a monarchy here in the US, Tommy! The President has a lot of power but he doesn't have the power to force Governors and Mayors to maintain law and order in their States or cities. What will be different in November is that the election will be over one way or the other and those same liberal Governors and Mayors will have to decide whether they're willing to continue to allow their areas to be looted and burned or to stand up to Antifa and Black Lives Matter and stop the riots!
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact
Well its possible that his antics have burned too many bridges now. So I come back to the question. If he is impotent now what will be different in November ?
Here's where I think the Democratic leadership in those States and Cities are naive, Tommy! They seem to think that if Trump is defeated that Antifa and Black Lives Matter will stop the riots and I think they're in for a rude awakening! The Mayor of Portland got a taste of that when the mob attacked his residence.
Last edited:

US citizen’s perceptions of relations between white and black Americans has fallen to a 19-year low, amid three months of protests for racial equality.
A new poll by data analytics firm Gallup, that was released on Thursday, showed that 55 per cent of Americans think relations between white and black US citizens are bad, while only 45 per cent think they are good.

How bad would it get with another 4 years ? Trump is stoking this. Its like the 60s never happened.
If Trump won the 2016 election while Biden was vice president, what will happen while Biden is president?
Sadly, Thomas, you read too much of the press and let them spoon feed you what they want
you to hear. Try critical thinking in the future.
No. I read an article that was based on a poll and then surveyed these forums. Race is Americas biggest issue and Trump owns it because the buck should stop with him.
It really does show what little you know, and what you're being spoon fed.
The democrats with their identity politics is the political game being played, and your emphasis should be on that
and not Trump.
Trump should be using his position to bring people together to find a solution. If he incapable of doing that now why give him another chance to fail in November ?
What do you suggest, what could he possibly implement.....with the blessings of the democrats?
This IS THE POLITICAL GAME being played by the democrats. (never ever Trump) You would never admit that...but, I don't care.
It is a fact
Well its possible that his antics have burned too many bridges now. So I come back to the question. If he is impotent now what will be different in November ?
Here's where I think the Democratic leadership in those States and Cities are naive, Tommy! They seem to think that if Trump is defeated that Antifa and Black Lives Matter will stop the riots and I think they're in for a rude awakening! The Mayor of Portland got a taste of that when the mob attacked his residence.
People riot because they are not happy. You may get a criminal element attaching itself to them but that is generally the case.

Trump is offering up zero in terms of solutions. In fact he is just backing the instigators of all this, the police.

You have to listen to folk when they are unhappy. That is pretty much the job.

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