US swallowed $9.7 billion loss on General Motors bailout

That number is not accurate because it doesn't take into account how much additional tax revenue the government made, and how much less in benefits it had to pay out,

because of the jobs that were saved by keeping GM going.

That is not a bill we are footing. That is an estimate of money which wasn't spent and thus isn't circulating in the U.S. economy. Some of the money could have been spent if the Obama administration hadn't insisted on posting guards to shut down sites which had been allowed to operate during past governmental shut downs.

Curious how you call the shutdown a GOP temper tantrum when

A) Obama and the Democrats are the ones who said they would not compromise even it if it meant defaulting on our debts and

B) the past month has thoroughly vindicated Republicans on what they were protesting against.

$24 billion out of the economy is still a bill we are footing.

The nuts in the GOP held a gun to the country's head. The country has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists and hostage takers...with good reason.


If 24 billion makes Republicans all that, then what does the Trillions Obama and Dems have wasted make them!!!! OMFGz I bet you have the bestest answer like ever Seawytch!

Thanks, although I see no blame assigning. With Democrats holding 66.6% of the federal elected power a minimum of 18 billion would fall on them if you wanted to be fair.

It was only the GOP that shut down the government and they have been rightfully blamed for it no matter how pathetically they try to imply otherwise.

What did Republicans shut the Government down over? Just wondering.
That number is not accurate because it doesn't take into account how much additional tax revenue the government made, and how much less in benefits it had to pay out,

because of the jobs that were saved by keeping GM going.

Democrats footed the bill for failure and you support it, that's the bottom line.
Shit, we wasted that much every week in Iraq when the repukes were in charge.

Just like we are still wasting that much in Afghanistan today with the Democrats in Charge.
By the way how many American contractors are still working in the Vatican Sized US Embassy in Baghdad?

Which president supported the Billion Dollar Iraq Embassy?
Shit, we wasted that much every week in Iraq when the repukes were in charge.

Odd, under Obama/Dem control of over 5 years, and 7 years if you go off congress.... And they spend 150 billion more than Bush/reps did on the military, every year.

I'll bet you're really concerned to be part of the big, giant wasteful war party.

Really? I didn't know that. Republicans have been telling me for years that the Democrats hate the military and are decimating it. And all this time we have been giving more support to the military than the GOP war hawks did? You learn something new every day.

Well now you know!!! Democrats are the biggest war party in US history, and they are continuing that role. No doubt the voter base that once sat around for years protesting the wars on street corners all over will get back out there anytime now so they don't like a bunch of hypocritical politically bias liars.
That number is not accurate because it doesn't take into account how much additional tax revenue the government made, and how much less in benefits it had to pay out,

because of the jobs that were saved by keeping GM going.

Tax revenue? The Gubmint made an exeception which allowed GM to keep it's Net Operating Losses after bankrtuptcy, thus providing them huge deductions to avoid income taxes.

That number is not accurate because it doesn't take into account how much additional tax revenue the government made, and how much less in benefits it had to pay out,

because of the jobs that were saved by keeping GM going.

My GAWD! I wonder how much tax revenue the Government made off the FED-R dumping over 1 trillion into the system. I wonder if it beats out Obama paying richg people to stay rich through GM... Instead Obama paid Rich people to get richer with the fed AND still bailed out Gm... using the FED-R...

So Obama kept the global warming going full blast when he saved the co2 dumping car company GM????? WHY DOES OBAMA HATE THE ENVIRONMENT!!!!????
That number is not accurate because it doesn't take into account how much additional tax revenue the government made, and how much less in benefits it had to pay out,

because of the jobs that were saved by keeping GM going.

Democrats footed the bill for failure and you support it, that's the bottom line.

It was a success, your inane denial notwithstanding.
That number is not accurate because it doesn't take into account how much additional tax revenue the government made, and how much less in benefits it had to pay out,

because of the jobs that were saved by keeping GM going.

Democrats footed the bill for failure and you support it, that's the bottom line.

It was a success, your inane denial notwithstanding.

So Dems support co2 admission and destroying the Earth for everyone by way of Global warming?????? Please answer me!!!
That number is not accurate because it doesn't take into account how much additional tax revenue the government made, and how much less in benefits it had to pay out,

because of the jobs that were saved by keeping GM going.

Democrats footed the bill for failure and you support it, that's the bottom line.

It was a success, your inane denial notwithstanding.

A loss of 9.7 billion dollars is a Democrat success...okay, you win.
Democrats footed the bill for failure and you support it, that's the bottom line.

It was a success, your inane denial notwithstanding.

A loss of 9.7 billion dollars is a Democrat success...okay, you win.

Chump change when compared to the treasure squandered by the Bush Administration on the war of choice in Iraq:

PolitiFact | Halliburton, KBR, and Iraq war contracting: A history so far

Details only one of the waste of taxpayer dollars.

That is not a bill we are footing. That is an estimate of money which wasn't spent and thus isn't circulating in the U.S. economy. Some of the money could have been spent if the Obama administration hadn't insisted on posting guards to shut down sites which had been allowed to operate during past governmental shut downs.

Curious how you call the shutdown a GOP temper tantrum when

A) Obama and the Democrats are the ones who said they would not compromise even it if it meant defaulting on our debts and

B) the past month has thoroughly vindicated Republicans on what they were protesting against.

$24 billion out of the economy is still a bill we are footing.

The nuts in the GOP held a gun to the country's head. The country has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists and hostage takers...with good reason.

That's exactly right and Wall Street and every major economist agrees with the $24 billion hit our economy took because of the Shutdown. It's measured in lost productivity and lost revenue, and then longterm it's measured in things like higher interest rates and the extra money it will cost to borrow money because lenders are a little more skeptical now of us because they understand that one political party in the country is opposed to paying the country's bills.
That is not a bill we are footing. That is an estimate of money which wasn't spent and thus isn't circulating in the U.S. economy. Some of the money could have been spent if the Obama administration hadn't insisted on posting guards to shut down sites which had been allowed to operate during past governmental shut downs.

Curious how you call the shutdown a GOP temper tantrum when

A) Obama and the Democrats are the ones who said they would not compromise even it if it meant defaulting on our debts and

B) the past month has thoroughly vindicated Republicans on what they were protesting against.

$24 billion out of the economy is still a bill we are footing.

The nuts in the GOP held a gun to the country's head. The country has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists and hostage takers...with good reason.

That's exactly right and Wall Street and every major economist agrees with the $24 billion hit our economy took because of the Shutdown. It's measured in lost productivity and lost revenue, and then longterm it's measured in things like higher interest rates and the extra money it will cost to borrow money because lenders are a little more skeptical now of us because they understand that one political party in the country is opposed to paying the country's bills.

Nonsense. The federal employees are all getting Back Pay, so nothing has been taken out of the economy in the way you mean it. And all of the suppliers will get paid.

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