US swallowed $9.7 billion loss on General Motors bailout

$24 billion out of the economy is still a bill we are footing.

The nuts in the GOP held a gun to the country's head. The country has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists and hostage takers...with good reason.

That's exactly right and Wall Street and every major economist agrees with the $24 billion hit our economy took because of the Shutdown. It's measured in lost productivity and lost revenue, and then longterm it's measured in things like higher interest rates and the extra money it will cost to borrow money because lenders are a little more skeptical now of us because they understand that one political party in the country is opposed to paying the country's bills.

Nonsense. The federal employees are all getting Back Pay, so nothing has been taken out of the economy in the way you mean it. And all of the suppliers will get paid.

Restaurants who serve the federal employees lost revenue, as did people who sell things to tourists at national parks. There were losses. But it's not a "bill" we are "footing" -- and blaming it on the GOP is disingenuous. Democrats wanted the shut down because they were calculating that it would benefit them politically. They were counting on it being blamed on Republicans even as they dragged it out by being unwilling to compromise on the ACA.
It was a success, your inane denial notwithstanding.

A loss of 9.7 billion dollars is a Democrat success...okay, you win.

Chump change when compared to the treasure squandered by the Bush Administration on the war of choice in Iraq:

PolitiFact | Halliburton, KBR, and Iraq war contracting: A history so far

Details only one of the waste of taxpayer dollars.

And that's chump change compared to Obama's wars.... Where are you going with this? 2 wrongs make Obama "The Best President ever?" Really?
It was a success, your inane denial notwithstanding.

A loss of 9.7 billion dollars is a Democrat success...okay, you win.

Chump change when compared to the treasure squandered by the Bush Administration on the war of choice in Iraq:

PolitiFact | Halliburton, KBR, and Iraq war contracting: A history so far

Details only one of the waste of taxpayer dollars.

Democrats supported that war, well, at least until they found a way to turn their backs on the soldiers and take political advantage.. Nothing to be proud of their unless, of course, you're a Democrat.

Cowards come in all forms but their usually Democrats..
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Experts agree the shutdown cost 0.6 per cent in growth at least...great job, Pubbirs.

How many jobs did this bail out save....And GM manufacturing had mainly left Detroit years ago, so that's irrelevant as far as Detroit goes...
In the bs jingoistic, revenge atmosphere of the time, it was political suicide to vote against Iraq war powers...then Bush's bs was revealed to most LOL...Bush and Cheney were GREAT at giving impressions that were total lies without being caught. IN 2003, 70-80 per cent of Americans believed Saddam was involved in 9/11 and was close to having nukes. Most hater dupes STILL DO lol...the ones on USMB are the ''informed'' ones LOL
US took a $9.7 billion bath on GM and Detroit still went bankrupt.

What is Obama going to do to save the Motor City? Or does he not care anymore now that he has been reelected?

That was money well spent -- it got him 4 more years in office to continue his destructive policies. No reason for any more concern.
Hummmm ...... $9.7 billion dollars. Whoaaaa, THAT really sounds like a lot of money. On the other hand the republicans threw away $24 billion on the recent government shut down. At least Obama has GM to show for the $9.7 billion. What do the republicans have to show for the shut-down? Nothing! How come you are not upset about the $24 billion that was thrown away?
US took a $9.7 billion bath on GM and Detroit still went bankrupt.

What is Obama going to do to save the Motor City? Or does he not care anymore now that he has been reelected?

That was money well spent -- it got him 4 more years in office to continue his destructive policies. No reason for any more concern.
Hummmm ...... $9.7 billion dollars. Whoaaaa, THAT really sounds like a lot of money. On the other hand the republicans threw away $24 billion on the recent government shut down. At least Obama has GM to show for the $9.7 billion. What do the republicans have to show for the shut-down? Nothing! How come you are not upset about the $24 billion that was thrown away?

The Republicans did not throw away $24 billion. People keep throwing that figure around -- they seem determined to show how little they comprehend.

On the other hand, Republicans are on record in a big way for opposing the ACA which is now hitting America square in the face. That is a big gain. We're the party which never gave up on trying to save America from the lies Obama told. Every month as people write their checks for their unaffordable insurance they're going to be reminded about the dangers of trusting Democrats.
US took a $9.7 billion bath on GM and Detroit still went bankrupt.

What is Obama going to do to save the Motor City? Or does he not care anymore now that he has been reelected?

That was money well spent -- it got him 4 more years in office to continue his destructive policies. No reason for any more concern.
Hummmm ...... $9.7 billion dollars. Whoaaaa, THAT really sounds like a lot of money. On the other hand the republicans threw away $24 billion on the recent government shut down. At least Obama has GM to show for the $9.7 billion. What do the republicans have to show for the shut-down? Nothing! How come you are not upset about the $24 billion that was thrown away?

Why do Democrats keep promoting that lie. Democrats control 66.6% of the Federal elected power, it logically follows they accept 66.6% of the blame. Oh sorry, that's right Democrats love to lie, it's in their DNA.
Thanks, although I see no blame assigning. With Democrats holding 66.6% of the federal elected power a minimum of 18 billion would fall on them if you wanted to be fair.

It was only the GOP that shut down the government and they have been rightfully blamed for it no matter how pathetically they try to imply otherwise. you're not interested in being problem
That person in not interested in honesty, intellectual or otherwise.

13% of the government was reduced for a temporary amount of time. Nothing was shut down except for that which was deliberately targeted by the Executive branch. This nonsense that is being perpetrated by cnn about the slowdown in government costing us 24 billion dollars is just another in a series of lies told to bolster the political class. Remember when cnn, cbs, msnbc, abc and even FoxNews endorsed the notion that we could keep our healthcare if we liked it?

The other aspect that is never talked about by people like this when they make such moronic statements is dependency.

If people were harmed by a few weeks reduction in government to the tune of 24 billion dollars, just how far down the dependency hole has the citizenship fallen? It used to be that we'd offer help to people who were addicted. Help them to get off their drug of choice (in this case, government) so that they could live normal, productive lives.

We see now, that the progressives are the corner narcotic dealer, and they are working on your kids and elderly in order to promote their own wealth.
US took a $9.7 billion bath on GM and Detroit still went bankrupt.

What is Obama going to do to save the Motor City? Or does he not care anymore now that he has been reelected?

That was money well spent -- it got him 4 more years in office to continue his destructive policies. No reason for any more concern.
Hummmm ...... $9.7 billion dollars. Whoaaaa, THAT really sounds like a lot of money. On the other hand the republicans threw away $24 billion on the recent government shut down. At least Obama has GM to show for the $9.7 billion. What do the republicans have to show for the shut-down? Nothing! How come you are not upset about the $24 billion that was thrown away?

2 wrongs making a right, yet again.
US took a $9.7 billion bath on GM and Detroit still went bankrupt.

What is Obama going to do to save the Motor City? Or does he not care anymore now that he has been reelected?

That was money well spent -- it got him 4 more years in office to continue his destructive policies. No reason for any more concern.

How much did Reagan give to Chrysler to keep it floating? Lockheed during Ford. Do you know why these companies are saved by the govt.?
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It was only the GOP that shut down the government and they have been rightfully blamed for it no matter how pathetically they try to imply otherwise. you're not interested in being problem
That person in not interested in honesty, intellectual or otherwise.

13% of the government was reduced for a temporary amount of time. Nothing was shut down except for that which was deliberately targeted by the Executive branch. This nonsense that is being perpetrated by cnn about the slowdown in government costing us 24 billion dollars is just another in a series of lies told to bolster the political class. Remember when cnn, cbs, msnbc, abc and even FoxNews endorsed the notion that we could keep our healthcare if we liked it?

The other aspect that is never talked about by people like this when they make such moronic statements is dependency.

If people were harmed by a few weeks reduction in government to the tune of 24 billion dollars, just how far down the dependency hole has the citizenship fallen? It used to be that we'd offer help to people who were addicted. Help them to get off their drug of choice (in this case, government) so that they could live normal, productive lives.

We see now, that the progressives are the corner narcotic dealer, and they are working on your kids and elderly in order to promote their own wealth.

Last time it was the GOP.
US took a $9.7 billion bath on GM and Detroit still went bankrupt.

What is Obama going to do to save the Motor City? Or does he not care anymore now that he has been reelected?

That was money well spent -- it got him 4 more years in office to continue his destructive policies. No reason for any more concern.

How much did Reagan give to Chrysler to keep it floating?

Tip O'Neil & the Democrats controlled the House then, to be fair and balanced you should blame them...You know, if you're interested in actually being fair & balanced, that is..:lol:
US took a $9.7 billion bath on GM and Detroit still went bankrupt.

What is Obama going to do to save the Motor City? Or does he not care anymore now that he has been reelected?

That was money well spent -- it got him 4 more years in office to continue his destructive policies. No reason for any more concern.
Hummmm ...... $9.7 billion dollars. Whoaaaa, THAT really sounds like a lot of money. On the other hand the republicans threw away $24 billion on the recent government shut down. At least Obama has GM to show for the $9.7 billion. What do the republicans have to show for the shut-down? Nothing! How come you are not upset about the $24 billion that was thrown away?

Why do Democrats keep promoting that lie. Democrats control 66.6% of the Federal elected power, it logically follows they accept 66.6% of the blame. Oh sorry, that's right Democrats love to lie, it's in their DNA.

We all know that the GOP and the Pope are on loan from God.

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