USA: The Next Detroit

I have to disagree about the textile industry down here. What I was told it had to go because the US government subsidized them. But what I would do for American made bluejeans they would last forever, not this cheap made in China crap.

low skilled labor is simply cheaper in central america, china, india, etc. "look for the union lable" drove the textile industry out of the US, whether thats good or bad is debatable.

I think your Levis are now made in costa rica.


I hope that will be them watching the 2014 election returns.
I have to disagree about the textile industry down here. What I was told it had to go because the US government subsidized them. But what I would do for American made bluejeans they would last forever, not this cheap made in China crap.

Here ya go.
100% Made in The USA Jeans - Texas Jeans

that took about 10 seconds.

You know I swear I seen a link that one US. Factory still makes te Original.Levi s Blue Jeans Bus but they were like $250 bucks a pair. But I never found that link again.

There is still a litle textile down here. But yes, all the big factory's are gone, most of these guys got totaly screwed out of pensions
Rabbit, you could have at least TRIED and refute what I said.

The ultra wealthy have never had it so good. And if we were becoming the socialist form of government that people like you claim, that wouldn't be the case now would it?

Do you even know what a "plutocracy" is? I doubt it.

As a matter of fact it would. It is the dirty little secret that most socialists don't want to admit - the ultra wealthy do incredibly well in a socalistic government. It is that way because whenever you centralize power you also centralize wealth. Simple as that. The ideal will never come to pass (all production owned by the people) but will be controlled by the government who will determine who has the wealth as well.

We might not be a socialistic government but e move closer to centralized power every day and that comes with a loss of freedom and is part and parcel with wealth distribution.

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Rabbit, you could have at least TRIED and refute what I said.

The ultra wealthy have never had it so good. And if we were becoming the socialist form of government that people like you claim, that wouldn't be the case now would it?

Do you even know what a "plutocracy" is? I doubt it.

As a matter of fact it would. It is the dirty little secret that most socialists don't want to admit - the ultra wealthy do incredibly well in a socalistic government. It is that way because whenever you centralize power you also centralize wealth. Simple as that. The ideal will never come to pass (all production owned by the people) but will be controlled by the government who will determine who has the wealth as well.

We might not be a socialistic government but e move closer to centralized power every day and that comes with a loss of freedom and is part and parcel with wealth distribution.

Sent from my ADR8995 using Tapatalk 2


I get the feeling that there are many whose emotional and romantic grip on collectivism commits them to "just keep trying until we get it right".


What is getting it right.

It is impossible to make everyone equally wealthy. But, the people can be equally poor and that's getting it right.
Ultra wealthy have NEVER been more wealthy than they are right now. And guess who calls the shots in this country? That's right, the ultra wealthy.

So that hated socialism is sure hurting the ultra wealthy in this country. Isn't it?

And why is is that I only hear middle class or lower class folk (you know, the ones on here all day) complaining about this socialist form of government?

Why aren't the ultra wealthy out there loudly complaining about all the bad things Obama is doing to them? They have the money to fight back. They have the contacts to fight back. They should even have the will to fight back. If what you claim were true.

You know why the ultra wealthy are not fighting back? Cause the ultra wealthy never had if so fucking good.

We live in a plutocracy. Deal with it.

Why have Obonzo's policies made this wealth disparity so much greater? I mean, if Obonzo is so great, should the wealth gap be getting better, not worse? Or is this Bush's fault also?

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