Using "HATE" laws to silence dissent

Is being against Affirmative Action, Reparations, and boys using girls locker rooms hate?

Yes.... It's irrational hatred by a privileged class that minorities are asking for what you take for granted.

Check your privilege.

You are a race baiting asshole.

AA is anti-white racism and discrimination. Which is WHY you support it.

If you are such a loser that you can't get a job due to affirmative action, that's on you. I know one time, I was passed up for a position because they wanted to hire a black female who turned out to be completely useless. You know what I did? I moved on to a better position... because being a white, male, straight veteran already gives me a huge leg up in the job market.

No, it isn't hate. Calling out privilege is simply a cop out showing you don't want to debate. It's the same tired SJW crap from you, but it's sad because you are old enough to know better.
Joey does not debste and has never debated. He flames, he trolls, he lies, he threadshits, he he deflects, he postwhores, he insults, he occasionally libels...but there is never any debate.
Even Republicans like Eisenhower and Nixon were full Keynesians, believing that expanding government spending and social programs were a good thing.

at least in eisenhowers case

remember that all spending bills originate in the house of reps which was in the midst of 60 year control by the dems

nixon was a complicated man but by todays standards very tight fisted with government spending
Nixon was a statist.

at least in eisenhowers case

Uh, no, especially in Eisenhower's case. Ike initiated the interstate highway system, the largest infrastructure program in our history... It was pure Keynesianism.

In fact, when JFK suggested cutting taxes, it was REPUBLICANS who said it was irresponsible.

nixon was a complicated man but by todays standards very tight fisted with government spending

Actually, no, he wasn't. The reality of Nixon was the reason why we had runaway inflation in the 1970's was because he was printing up money to pay for his war and all the other spending he was doing.

first of all, medicare and social security are earned benefits

you get nothing out of it if you havent psid on

Actually, if you live to be 72, you get everything you paid in back. With Medicare, you get everything you paid back with your first major illness. That's why these programs are going broke now, we never accounted for a large population living into their 80's.

and it might surprise you to learn that black people get those benefits too

Which wasn't my point. My point is that white people are fine with "Entitlements" (AKA White People Welfare) but aren't so cool with regular welfare that they think benefit's "Those people".

even unemployment insurance within reason is an earned benefit

Well, no, it really isn't. It's not paid for by the employee, it's paid for by the employee. Also, the employer contribution is so low, that you pretty much use up a year of benefits in two weeks. It's why the government had to put so much money into it...

But sec8 housing, food stamps, TANF ect are not earned benefits

they are passed out willy-nilly like candy at halloween

Are they? You look at what we spend on unemployment vs. these benefits.... Total spending on TANF is 16 Billion a year. Compare that to Social Security, where we spend one TRILLION a year.

and here is another bit of news for you - white people are on welfare also

so when I call for an end to welfare there is no racism involved unless its you playing the racism card

No, it's a matter of how it is preceived. You say welfare, the immediate image is of a black woman with five kinds by three different fathers.... It's not entirely accurate, but that's the image you guys have created.
Glad we agree, then: fire up the chainsaws and start slashing!
Did Mac just thank Trump for beefing the court up against the lib agenda he voted for.....too funny
He's trying to make a great switch.

It ain't happening.

Mac sidled up to toro for far too long to be anything but another snake infiltrator.
You guys and your binary little worlds.

If I'm not an obedient Trumpster, I must be a commie.

How simple that must be for you!
No, but I'd bet you voted for one.
No, I voted for Biden.

I realize that, in your world, he's a "commie". But that's your world only.
This is the element of the Democratic Party that is not only completely unacceptable to me, but is also largely responsible for its underperformance in 2020.

There is nothing more liberal than defending freedom of speech and expression. PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture are the antithesis of freedom of expression, and they are NOT liberal values.

Freedom of expression is not about defending words you like. It's about defending words you DON'T like. Without it, things like this can happen.
Well, where the fuck have you been, Mac?

Oh, yeah. You've been off voting for the very thing you decry in this OP.


I wouldn't give you so much shit for voting for Kamala Harris if I didn't think you were violating your own principles. I expect that of others, but I really thought you were a liberal.
I know you won't understand this, but here goes.

Voting for someone doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they say and do.

That's absolutely as simple as I can make it for you. I'm sorry.
You have no principles.
Darn! I should be a sheep like you! Darn!
Yeah, if you really think that paid for the whole thing, you are a little delusional. Not sure there's much of a point wasting time with you.
The government paid for the whole thing through taxes psid by everyone

Not by soaking the rich as you tried to say
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Is being against Affirmative Action, Reparations, and boys using girls locker rooms hate?

Yes.... It's irrational hatred by a privileged class that minorities are asking for what you take for granted.

Check your privilege.

You are a race baiting asshole.

AA is anti-white racism and discrimination. Which is WHY you support it.

If you are such a loser that you can't get a job due to affirmative action, that's on you. I know one time, I was passed up for a position because they wanted to hire a black female who turned out to be completely useless. You know what I did? I moved on to a better position... because being a white, male, straight veteran already gives me a huge leg up in the job market.

No, it isn't hate. Calling out privilege is simply a cop out showing you don't want to debate. It's the same tired SJW crap from you, but it's sad because you are old enough to know better.
Joey does not debste and has never debated. He flames, he trolls, he lies, he threadshits, he he deflects, he postwhores, he insults, he occasionally libels...but there is never any debate.

He's just a hateful sad old man, and I like playing with him like a cat plays with string.
There is no hate speech but rather observant reality fact speech that liberals hate to hear.
No, I voted for Biden.

I realize that, in your world, he's a "commie". But that's your world only.

You voted for a corrupt, senile sexual predator who has, despite half a century in elected office, absolutely no notable accomplishments except for getting sued for slander, and is somewhere between heavily influenced by and totally owned by the Chinese.
No, I voted for Biden.

I realize that, in your world, he's a "commie". But that's your world only.

You voted for a corrupt, senile sexual predator who has, despite half a century in elected office, absolutely no notable accomplishments except for getting sued for slander, and is somewhere between heavily influenced by and totally owned by the Chinese.
And a much better alternative.
Joey does not debste and has never debated. He flames, he trolls, he lies, he threadshits, he he deflects, he postwhores, he insults, he occasionally libels...but there is never any debate.

Yet I live rent-free in your head, Ditchweed.

He's just a hateful sad old man, and I like playing with him like a cat plays with string.

Yet you are the one who loses his shit.

Check your privilege, buddy.
Joey does not debste and has never debated. He flames, he trolls, he lies, he threadshits, he he deflects, he postwhores, he insults, he occasionally libels...but there is never any debate.

Yet I live rent-free in your head, Ditchweed.

He's just a hateful sad old man, and I like playing with him like a cat plays with string.

Yet you are the one who loses his shit.

Check your privilege, buddy.

It's called calling dumbasses like you out with the appropriate level of scorn and disdain.
When I see that (most of the time) you have investigated both sides of an issue I will pay attention to what you have to say. My belief is that its impossible to be open minded all the time. yet its best for the good of the country too try.
Did Mac just thank Trump for beefing the court up against the lib agenda he voted for.....too funny
He's trying to make a great switch.

It ain't happening.

Mac sidled up to toro for far too long to be anything but another snake infiltrator.
You guys and your binary little worlds.

If I'm not an obedient Trumpster, I must be a commie.

How simple that must be for you!
No, but I'd bet you voted for one.
No, I voted for Biden.

I realize that, in your world, he's a "commie". But that's your world only.

Thank you for the brilliant illustration of the adage: "Birds of a feather......."

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