Using "HATE" laws to silence dissent

There couldn't be a more valid example of the need for freedom of expression than the last four years.

Trump both demonstrated and enabled the ugliness that has been brewing in this country for many years. Suddenly, there it was, right out in the open. And in response, America voted him out in a landslide. We saw it, we fixed it, and we realized how much more work needs to be done.

So, for that, thanks, President Trump.

Wow, do you ever tire of being wrong?

The only reason Trump lost was because of Covid and the Recession. Otherwise, he'd have been re-elected despite his hate.

The biggest problem was that the media kept feeding his narcissism, thinking we were better people than we are.
Mac1958 is just covering his tracks

he hated trump and voted for the chinese puppet joe binden

And he does not want to be held accountable for it so he’s trying to rebuild himself as a moderate independent

But your knee jerk reference to white privilege is typically lib

The white racism lie is your security blanket

Actually, Mac is a Wall Street Liberal. he has no problem with Trump letting the investor class continue to rape the working class.

He just isn't comfortable with the fact they only way to get stupid white people like you to go along with it is because he plays on your racism, sexism, homophobia and religious bigotry.

He wants an America that is socially liberal and economically conservative.

The reality. America is socially conservative and economically liberal. The minute Covid hit, all the "conservatives" were running to the government looking for their bailout.

So the way this is going to end up working, unfortunately, is that Biden will end up fixing the economy, just like Obama and Clinton did, and the next Republican Nazi will come back in 8 years when things are good, and say, "Hey, that Mexican wants to date your daughter!!!"
No, it isn't hate. Calling out privilege is simply a cop out showing you don't want to debate. It's the same tired SJW crap from you, but it's sad because you are old enough to know better.

Actually, I've debated that white privilege is a thing many times, you guys all just like to pretend you hit a triple when you were born on third base.

Speaking of hate just finished listening to that awful “Baby it’s Cold Outside”
Who will be the first snowflake to decry it as the rape song?
Winners know how to persuade and losers know how to cry about it.

Um, getting a girl drunk to have sex with her is totally what Christmas was all about? Sure it was.

Come to think of it, that's probably how the "Virgin" Mary "Immaculately" conceived, "How the hell did that happen? Must have been God."

Of course, the way Global Warming is going, future generations will be confused because it will no longer be cold outside.

Yeah, I'm kind of pissed that no one told me about this privilege! All those 60 hour weeks, mac and cheese dinners while the wife and I worked each other through college, the presents we couldn't get the lids early on. Apparently none of that was necessary!

Sure, another white dude who pulled himself up by the bootstraps... Sure you are.
Mac1958 is just covering his tracks

he hated trump and voted for the chinese puppet joe binden

And he does not want to be held accountable for it so he’s trying to rebuild himself as a moderate independent

But your knee jerk reference to white privilege is typically lib

The white racism lie is your security blanket

Actually, Mac is a Wall Street Liberal. he has no problem with Trump letting the investor class continue to rape the working class.

He just isn't comfortable with the fact they only way to get stupid white people like you to go along with it is because he plays on your racism, sexism, homophobia and religious bigotry.

He wants an America that is socially liberal and economically conservative.

The reality. America is socially conservative and economically liberal. The minute Covid hit, all the "conservatives" were running to the government looking for their bailout.

So the way this is going to end up working, unfortunately, is that Biden will end up fixing the economy, just like Obama and Clinton did, and the next Republican Nazi will come back in 8 years when things are good, and say, "Hey, that Mexican wants to date your daughter!!!"
The only ones raping the working class are liberals

While republicans are slow to lockdown democrats are destroying small businesses and enriching corporations to the tune of billions.
Actually, Mac is a Wall Street Liberal. he has no problem with Trump letting the investor class continue to rape the working class.
You sure are well versed in marxist dogma and phrases

dont bash Mac1958
too much since he’s one of yours now
The reality. America is socially conservative and economically liberal. The minute Covid hit, all the "conservatives" were running to the government looking for their bailout.
Actually trump voters did not want a complete shutdown of the economy the way libs did

I was never for any stimulus and from what I can tell neither were other trump voters

Dont confuse trump voters with the old guard big government republicans who used to speak for the base
No, it isn't hate. Calling out privilege is simply a cop out showing you don't want to debate. It's the same tired SJW crap from you, but it's sad because you are old enough to know better.

Actually, I've debated that white privilege is a thing many times, you guys all just like to pretend you hit a triple when you were born on third base.

Speaking of hate just finished listening to that awful “Baby it’s Cold Outside”
Who will be the first snowflake to decry it as the rape song?
Winners know how to persuade and losers know how to cry about it.

Um, getting a girl drunk to have sex with her is totally what Christmas was all about? Sure it was.

Come to think of it, that's probably how the "Virgin" Mary "Immaculately" conceived, "How the hell did that happen? Must have been God."

Of course, the way Global Warming is going, future generations will be confused because it will no longer be cold outside.

Yeah, I'm kind of pissed that no one told me about this privilege! All those 60 hour weeks, mac and cheese dinners while the wife and I worked each other through college, the presents we couldn't get the lids early on. Apparently none of that was necessary!

Sure, another white dude who pulled himself up by the bootstraps... Sure you are.

No, you just blather "check your privilidge in a pathetic attempt to regain your SJW youth.

And considering you don't actually know how I grew up, your assumptions are as usual invalid.
No, it isn't hate. Calling out privilege is simply a cop out showing you don't want to debate. It's the same tired SJW crap from you, but it's sad because you are old enough to know better.

Actually, I've debated that white privilege is a thing many times, you guys all just like to pretend you hit a triple when you were born on third base.

Speaking of hate just finished listening to that awful “Baby it’s Cold Outside”
Who will be the first snowflake to decry it as the rape song?
Winners know how to persuade and losers know how to cry about it.

Um, getting a girl drunk to have sex with her is totally what Christmas was all about? Sure it was.

Come to think of it, that's probably how the "Virgin" Mary "Immaculately" conceived, "How the hell did that happen? Must have been God."

Of course, the way Global Warming is going, future generations will be confused because it will no longer be cold outside.

Yeah, I'm kind of pissed that no one told me about this privilege! All those 60 hour weeks, mac and cheese dinners while the wife and I worked each other through college, the presents we couldn't get the lids early on. Apparently none of that was necessary!

Sure, another white dude who pulled himself up by the bootstraps... Sure you are.
Such a pissy boo hoo implying that women are horny drunkards. In reality a nice white male who earned privledge and did not want the lady to go out into the cold and storm. Such acts of nobility really shakes you gay burgers up
You sure are well versed in marxist dogma and phrases

dont bash Mac1958
too much since he’s one of yours now

Not one of mine. He put me on ignore after I tore his arguments apart too many times.

The problem with Mac is his ideal party would be socially liberal and economically conservative.

But the reality- If America had a single party that represented the people at large, it would be socially conservative and economically liberal. IN fact, prior to the 1960's, that pretty much described BOTH political parties in this country.
No, you just blather "check your privilidge in a pathetic attempt to regain your SJW youth.

And considering you don't actually know how I grew up, your assumptions are as usual invalid.

I know how you grew up... you grew up to be an asshole.

The funny thing is, my youth was spent in the military and at the time, I was pretty right wing. Now I'm old enough to know better.
Actually trump voters did not want a complete shutdown of the economy the way libs did

I was never for any stimulus and from what I can tell neither were other trump voters

Dont confuse trump voters with the old guard big government republicans who used to speak for the base

Every last one of you cashed your Stimulus check...
No, you just blather "check your privilidge in a pathetic attempt to regain your SJW youth.

And considering you don't actually know how I grew up, your assumptions are as usual invalid.

I know how you grew up... you grew up to be an asshole.

The funny thing is, my youth was spent in the military and at the time, I was pretty right wing. Now I'm old enough to know better.

I grew up to be an online asshole, you have no idea about how I am in RL.

but your type of snobbery transverses from RL to this board.

You are just a mean old fart who hates everything Not. Just. Like. You.
Actually trump voters did not want a complete shutdown of the economy the way libs did

I was never for any stimulus and from what I can tell neither were other trump voters

Dont confuse trump voters with the old guard big government republicans who used to speak for the base

Every last one of you cashed your Stimulus check...

I didn't get one, I make too much.

Yet I still got reduced hours and my vacation accumulation cut.
This is the element of the Democratic Party that is not only completely unacceptable to me, but is also largely responsible for its underperformance in 2020.

There is nothing more liberal than defending freedom of speech and expression. PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture are the antithesis of freedom of expression, and they are NOT liberal values.

Freedom of expression is not about defending words you like. It's about defending words you DON'T like. Without it, things like this can happen.

Yawn.... Knew it was only a matter of time before Mitlaufer Mac went back to mewling about his lost white privilege.

Uh, guy, the Democrats did fine in 2020. They won by 7 million votes.

They did poorly downballot because they had bad candidates. Guys like Cunningham, who could have won, if they weren't doing shit like cheating on their wives.
If the media doesn't report it, no one knows about it.
This is the element of the Democratic Party that is not only completely unacceptable to me, but is also largely responsible for its underperformance in 2020.

There is nothing more liberal than defending freedom of speech and expression. PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture are the antithesis of freedom of expression, and they are NOT liberal values.

Freedom of expression is not about defending words you like. It's about defending words you DON'T like. Without it, things like this can happen.
There is no such thing as a ‘hate’ law.

There are no laws in place in the United States that subject citizens to punitive measures by government because they engage in hate speech – any such measure would be struck down as un-Constitutional.

Consequently, no one is being ‘silenced.’

Hate speech advocating for imminent lawlessness or violence is not entitled to First Amendment protections; measures authorizing enhanced sentencing for those convicted of violent crimes motivated by hate, racism, or bigotry have been upheld as Constitutional and likewise do not have the effect of ‘silencing’ dissent (see Wisconsin v. Mitchell (1993)).

Myths such as ‘political correctness,’ ‘identity politics,’ and ‘cancel culture’ are partisan contrivances of the right having nothing to do with freedom of speech or silencing dissent, and everything to do with a bad-faith effort to advance the lie that Democrats or liberals are opposed to freedom of expression or seek to ‘silence’ anyone, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
There is no such thing as a ‘hate’ law.

There are no laws in place in the United States that subject citizens to punitive measures by government because they engage in hate speech – any such measure would be struck down as un-Constitutional.

Consequently, no one is being ‘silenced.’

Hate speech advocating for imminent lawlessness or violence is not entitled to First Amendment protections; measures authorizing enhanced sentencing for those convicted of violent crimes motivated by hate, racism, or bigotry have been upheld as Constitutional and likewise do not have the effect of ‘silencing’ dissent (see Wisconsin v. Mitchell (1993)).

Myths such as ‘political correctness,’ ‘identity politics,’ and ‘cancel culture’ are partisan contrivances of the right having nothing to do with freedom of speech or silencing dissent, and everything to do with a bad-faith effort to advance the lie that Democrats or liberals are opposed to freedom of expression or seek to ‘silence’ anyone, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
^^^ Just like Trumpsters saying that racism doesn't exist. Huh? What? Where? I don't see anything!

Another example of how the ends of the spectrum might never be a part of conversation that leads to progress.
^^^ Just like Trumpsters saying that racism doesn't exist. Huh? What? Where? I don't see anything!

Another example of how the ends of the spectrum might never be a part of conversation that leads to progress.

Hey, Stormy, nobody gets thrown in jail for saying the N-word.

Yes, you will get fired for saying it, and you will be socially ostracized.
You sure are well versed in marxist dogma and phrases

dont bash Mac1958
too much since he’s one of yours now

Not one of mine. He put me on ignore after I tore his arguments apart too many times.

The problem with Mac is his ideal party would be socially liberal and economically conservative.

But the reality- If America had a single party that represented the people at large, it would be socially conservative and economically liberal. IN fact, prior to the 1960's, that pretty much described BOTH political parties in this country.
I disagree

America was socially and economically conservative prior to 1960 and now its trending in the liberal direction

the public is not there yet, but liberals captured the education system, the news media, hollywood and about 50% of the churches.

plus they are taking over the corporations

the only place liberals are getting resistance is from the general public

and that is slowly crumbling also

i think the future looks bright for you and Max1958

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