USMB Coffee Shop IV

It's like Chess. One problem at a time -- I can no think eve 3 moves ahead much less 10 and all the different combinations of possibilities... ACK!
They posted an updated map of the fire near my place. Seems it's moving south and west, for now. It did incur parts of Willow proper and people have lost homes, shops, outbuildings, but no human casualties. The fire moving west is a good thing because there's a river not far in that direction which should act as a natural barrier to the fire. It's a wide, braided river, so it may stop the fire. The eastern boundary of the fire hasn't changed significantly, so there are a few miles between it and my place. They still aren't allowing anyone into the evacuation area, though. Everyone out, no one in...guess I'll just have to bide my time and be patient, hoping for the best. Otherwise, they are still saying the fire is 0% contained. Effort is being put into protecting and saving structures. The community has pulled together and it is heartening to see all the help being rendered by all the people out there. I'd like to get out and help, too. Best I can do is drop off stuff at some of the collection points. I'll be off later today...

Good luck to you and your community. I hope it works out well.
It's like Chess. One problem at a time -- I can no think eve 3 moves ahead much less 10 and all the different combinations of possibilities... ACK!

Hi Bonzi. I enjoy a game of chess now and then too. Welcome to the Coffee Shop--we're happy you found us. Be sure to glance over the OP to get the gist of what we're all about in here, and then join the family. You get extra points if you have a good giggle. :)

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:

It's 82 degrees out and windy..... we turned off the swamp coolers and opened the house up. Definitely getting used to the higher temps here, looking at triple digit temps by Wednesday, it was in the upper 90s earlier today.
Still tired all the time and the swelling is back just not as bad, not sure if it's the naproxin or the amlodipine, I see the Clinical Pharmacologist Wednesday, the sleep study in 15 days. :thup:
It got up to 82 here today, too. Looks like we'll be in the 80s the rest of the week. Wish I had a pool, or a swamp cooler. Oh, well, I do have air conditioning in my little trailer...that will work.
What kind of sleep study are you going to undergo? Will you have to go in to a clinic or do it at home?
It'll be at a clinic, I believe it will entail a total of 7 visits.

Really? When Hombre had his sleep study he spent one night at the clinic--they rigged him up with a bunch of monitors that measured how many times he awakened or almost awakened as well as vital signs. During that one night they determined that he awakened hundreds of times--not enough that he was conscious of most of these awakenings but they were sufficient so that he wasn't really sleeping. That one night was enough for them to assign him a CPAP machine that corrected the apnia so that he got a full night's sleep--he woke up rested, more pain free, needed to urinate much less frequently during the night--corrected all kinds of stuff.

Blessedly he no longer got sleepy during the day--something that was beginning to frighten us both--and had much more energy and mental sharpness and apparently there is much less stress on vital organs.
Most likely they'll fit me with a CPAP after the first study, then do one or two more to to determine baseline and effectiveness. The rest are consults to discuss the results and determine if I need anything else like another sinus roter-rooter job.
Ding ding ding. Correct. I got it too after studying it a bit. I don't know if that means we have 6-year-old mentality though. :) I think the lesson learned is that adults tend to be too analytical about some things and therefore make things more difficult than they have to be.

Why in the heck is it 87? I see no method to this madness. :uhh:

Right. as Ernie showed us in subsequent posts--we are seeing the figure upside down. Turn it right side up and you easily see the numbers in sequence. Apparently the six-year-old brain just automatically does that. The adult brain has to work at it a bit harder.

Work harder? I had no idea at all. :D Didn't even occur to me that the numbers were upside down.

Well I don't have the scientific evidence, but I don't doubt that adults make such things harder than they have to be. We really often aren't smarter than a fifth grader. :)

It's kind of like this one. Many adults confronted with this old riddle for the first time don't pick up on it quickly either, but most kids do:

Which way is the school bus going? A or B?

Errr . . . I don't think I make it harder. I just had no clue. No clue at all. ;)

I have no idea . . . but I cheated and it's traveling to the left because the door is not visible which would be on the right. If I hadn't have cheated, I would have not known the answer. :oops:

But you see, you're in very good company. Adults almost always scour the image looking for that subtle clue that will give them the answer. Kids aren't bothered by all that analysis. They just see that there is no door on the side of the bus they see, so they just automatically know which way the bus is going.

It's like the truck with a load an inch too tall to clear the overpass and got stuck. Adults approach the problem scientifically with all kinds of engineering concepts to solve it. A kid doesn't think about all that stuff and the solution becomes immediately to mind: let some of the air out of the tires.
Unclouded thinking.

It is possible with adults, but, over time, we talk to others and we start to doubt ourselves....
Here is your math question for your morning coffee:


Hint: Most six year olds answer this almost immediately but most adults have some problem with it.

Ding ding ding. Correct. I got it too after studying it a bit. I don't know if that means we have 6-year-old mentality though. :) I think the lesson learned is that adults tend to be too analytical about some things and therefore make things more difficult than they have to be.

Why in the heck is it 87? I see no method to this madness. :uhh:

Right. as Ernie showed us in subsequent posts--we are seeing the figure upside down. Turn it right side up and you easily see the numbers in sequence. Apparently the six-year-old brain just automatically does that. The adult brain has to work at it a bit harder.

Work harder? I had no idea at all. :D Didn't even occur to me that the numbers were upside down.
I saw it as upside down in a few seconds. The numbers, logically would be painted so they can be seen driving in to the lot.
Okay, I've got to get away from this desk and computer and get some necessary chores done. I don't wanna though. . . .WHINE!!!!
Been doing that on and off all morning, still looks like I'm accomplished nothing........ :mad:

job? we don't need no stinkin jobs!!!
Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........
Okay, I've got to get away from this desk and computer and get some necessary chores done. I don't wanna though. . . .WHINE!!!!
Been doing that on and off all morning, still looks like I'm accomplished nothing........ :mad:

job? we don't need no stinkin jobs!!!
Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........

I need a man like you... I work from home, the worse of all possible scenarios!
Okay, I've got to get away from this desk and computer and get some necessary chores done. I don't wanna though. . . .WHINE!!!!
Been doing that on and off all morning, still looks like I'm accomplished nothing........ :mad:

job? we don't need no stinkin jobs!!!
Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........

I need a man like you... I work from home, the worse of all possible scenarios!
I'm still waiting on my disability approval, any day now, the wife works so it's role reversal. We have a running joke about it. :D
The problem right now with everything I have to do is my feet are swelling up like balloons, all day long and I don't sleep worth a damn so I'm exhausted all day long. Finally the VA is doing something about it but it makes getting a lot of things accomplished challenging at best. I work around the house for a while then have to sit down for a while, by mid-afternoon I'm ready to go to bed but if I do I sleep for up to 5 hours and wake up a complete irritated bear who won't fully wake up for another couple of hours. On occasion I take "power naps" sitting in my office chair and even sitting here at the kitchen table in a very uncomfortable chair to sleep in. :lol:
It's 82 degrees out and windy..... we turned off the swamp coolers and opened the house up. Definitely getting used to the higher temps here, looking at triple digit temps by Wednesday, it was in the upper 90s earlier today.
Still tired all the time and the swelling is back just not as bad, not sure if it's the naproxin or the amlodipine, I see the Clinical Pharmacologist Wednesday, the sleep study in 15 days. :thup:
It got up to 82 here today, too. Looks like we'll be in the 80s the rest of the week. Wish I had a pool, or a swamp cooler. Oh, well, I do have air conditioning in my little trailer...that will work.
What kind of sleep study are you going to undergo? Will you have to go in to a clinic or do it at home?

I wish it were in the 80s here. We were in the mid 90s this afternoon. Supposed to be the same tomorrow. :FIREdevil:

It was chilly here yesterday and today, chilly and rainy. It looks like the sun might come out today. Here's hoping since I have the day off! :D Still a little overcast right now though. We kind of needed some rain though, so that's good.
We could use some chilly and rainy here, certainly. Last night's weather prognostication called for dry thunderstorms, lots of wind but no rain. Yeah, that's just what we need. With a second big fire on the Kenai taking out homes and livelihoods now, too.
I just saw it on the news. :(
Okay, I've got to get away from this desk and computer and get some necessary chores done. I don't wanna though. . . .WHINE!!!!
Been doing that on and off all morning, still looks like I'm accomplished nothing........ :mad:

job? we don't need no stinkin jobs!!!
Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........

I need a man like you... I work from home, the worse of all possible scenarios!
I'm still waiting on my disability approval, any day now, the wife works so it's role reversal. We have a running joke about it. :D
The problem right now with everything I have to do is my feet are swelling up like balloons, all day long and I don't sleep worth a damn so I'm exhausted all day long. Finally the VA is doing something about it but it makes getting a lot of things accomplished challenging at best. I work around the house for a while then have to sit down for a while, by mid-afternoon I'm ready to go to bed but if I do I sleep for up to 5 hours and wake up a complete irritated bear who won't fully wake up for another couple of hours. On occasion I take "power naps" sitting in my office chair and even sitting here at the kitchen table in a very uncomfortable chair to sleep in. :lol:

A big "BOO" to all that! I hope something can be done to get you better in all ways!!!!
Okay, I've got to get away from this desk and computer and get some necessary chores done. I don't wanna though. . . .WHINE!!!!
Been doing that on and off all morning, still looks like I'm accomplished nothing........ :mad:

job? we don't need no stinkin jobs!!!
Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........

I need a man like you... I work from home, the worse of all possible scenarios!

I work from home too. What do you do? way was the bus going? I stared at it in a haze since I am starving to death and couldn't figure it out.

Meanwhile..I'm gonna go fix myself a scrambled egg . AND A PIECE OF BACON DAMMIT. If I pay for it later, so be it. I'M HONGRY!

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