USMB Coffee Shop IV

Been doing that on and off all morning, still looks like I'm accomplished nothing........ :mad:

job? we don't need no stinkin jobs!!!
Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........

I need a man like you... I work from home, the worse of all possible scenarios!
I'm still waiting on my disability approval, any day now, the wife works so it's role reversal. We have a running joke about it. :D
The problem right now with everything I have to do is my feet are swelling up like balloons, all day long and I don't sleep worth a damn so I'm exhausted all day long. Finally the VA is doing something about it but it makes getting a lot of things accomplished challenging at best. I work around the house for a while then have to sit down for a while, by mid-afternoon I'm ready to go to bed but if I do I sleep for up to 5 hours and wake up a complete irritated bear who won't fully wake up for another couple of hours. On occasion I take "power naps" sitting in my office chair and even sitting here at the kitchen table in a very uncomfortable chair to sleep in. :lol:

A big "BOO" to all that! I hope something can be done to get you better in all ways!!!!
Does that mean I'll grow my hair back? On my head, not in/on the ears......... Lose 50 pounds shrink my prostate back to normal?
That would be cool......... :lol:
job? we don't need no stinkin jobs!!!
Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........

I need a man like you... I work from home, the worse of all possible scenarios!
I'm still waiting on my disability approval, any day now, the wife works so it's role reversal. We have a running joke about it. :D
The problem right now with everything I have to do is my feet are swelling up like balloons, all day long and I don't sleep worth a damn so I'm exhausted all day long. Finally the VA is doing something about it but it makes getting a lot of things accomplished challenging at best. I work around the house for a while then have to sit down for a while, by mid-afternoon I'm ready to go to bed but if I do I sleep for up to 5 hours and wake up a complete irritated bear who won't fully wake up for another couple of hours. On occasion I take "power naps" sitting in my office chair and even sitting here at the kitchen table in a very uncomfortable chair to sleep in. :lol:

A big "BOO" to all that! I hope something can be done to get you better in all ways!!!!
Does that mean I'll grow my hair back? On my head, not in/on the ears......... Lose 50 pounds shrink my prostate back to normal?
That would be cool......... :lol:
Yes. Yes. No. Maybe. Yes. I'll pray on while cooking my breakfast.;) way was the bus going? I stared at it in a haze since I am starving to death and couldn't figure it out.

Meanwhile..I'm gonna go fix myself a scrambled egg . AND A PIECE OF BACON DAMMIT. If I pay for it later, so be it. I'M HONGRY!

It was going left because the door (which would be on the right) wasn't visible.
Okay, I've got to get away from this desk and computer and get some necessary chores done. I don't wanna though. . . .WHINE!!!!
Been doing that on and off all morning, still looks like I'm accomplished nothing........ :mad:

job? we don't need no stinkin jobs!!!
Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........

I need a man like you... I work from home, the worse of all possible scenarios!

I work from home too. What do you do?

Administrative work and reporting. Since my supervisor travels all the time, there is no need for me to be in an office, I can do everything needed remotely by email and phone.
Been doing that on and off all morning, still looks like I'm accomplished nothing........ :mad:

job? we don't need no stinkin jobs!!!
Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........

I need a man like you... I work from home, the worse of all possible scenarios!

I work from home too. What do you do?

Administrative work and reporting. Since my supervisor travels all the time, there is no need for me to be in an office, I can do everything needed remotely by email and phone.

Interesting! I do medical transcription. way was the bus going? I stared at it in a haze since I am starving to death and couldn't figure it out.

Meanwhile..I'm gonna go fix myself a scrambled egg . AND A PIECE OF BACON DAMMIT. If I pay for it later, so be it. I'M HONGRY!
Bacon and egg! I could eat an egg, but the bacon's still out for me. I've had some grilled asparagus and strawberries. I'll eat one of my grilled turkey burgers when I get back from chores. It's a pain sometimes to lose weight, and the dietary alterations to keep it off mean not eating things that used to taste so good! But in the long run, those lifestyle changes pay off in big dividends. I surely hope you can get your problem settled and can put some of the healthy good things back on your plate.
Tangentially, it's so freakin' hot here, I decided to dig out some shorts and the wife beaters. Of course, the shorts are still from 40 lbs ago and I look like I favor the Jethro Bodine fashion school, having cinched these shorts up. I don't have time, or inclination, to drive into town just to buy clothes. At least I'll be somewhat comfortable doing chores. I just hope I don't end up like a boiled lobster. I do burn very easily. way was the bus going? I stared at it in a haze since I am starving to death and couldn't figure it out.

Meanwhile..I'm gonna go fix myself a scrambled egg . AND A PIECE OF BACON DAMMIT. If I pay for it later, so be it. I'M HONGRY!
Bacon and egg! I could eat an egg, but the bacon's still out for me. I've had some grilled asparagus and strawberries. I'll eat one of my grilled turkey burgers when I get back from chores. It's a pain sometimes to lose weight, and the dietary alterations to keep it off mean not eating things that used to taste so good! But in the long run, those lifestyle changes pay off in big dividends. I surely hope you can get your problem settled and can put some of the healthy good things back on your plate.
Tangentially, it's so freakin' hot here, I decided to dig out some shorts and the wife beaters. Of course, the shorts are still from 40 lbs ago and I look like I favor the Jethro Bodine fashion school, having cinched these shorts up. I don't have time, or inclination, to drive into town just to buy clothes. At least I'll be somewhat comfortable doing chores. I just hope I don't end up like a boiled lobster. I do burn very easily.
Like I said before we're supposed to get triple digit temps later on this week, it's 90 now.
Just came back in from a short dip in the pool, whodathunk 83 degree water could be so cool......... I'll go back in later when it's warmed up a little more. :D way was the bus going? I stared at it in a haze since I am starving to death and couldn't figure it out.

Meanwhile..I'm gonna go fix myself a scrambled egg . AND A PIECE OF BACON DAMMIT. If I pay for it later, so be it. I'M HONGRY!
Bacon and egg! I could eat an egg, but the bacon's still out for me. I've had some grilled asparagus and strawberries. I'll eat one of my grilled turkey burgers when I get back from chores. It's a pain sometimes to lose weight, and the dietary alterations to keep it off mean not eating things that used to taste so good! But in the long run, those lifestyle changes pay off in big dividends. I surely hope you can get your problem settled and can put some of the healthy good things back on your plate.
Tangentially, it's so freakin' hot here, I decided to dig out some shorts and the wife beaters. Of course, the shorts are still from 40 lbs ago and I look like I favor the Jethro Bodine fashion school, having cinched these shorts up. I don't have time, or inclination, to drive into town just to buy clothes. At least I'll be somewhat comfortable doing chores. I just hope I don't end up like a boiled lobster. I do burn very easily.

No bacon? Poor baby! :itsok:
job? we don't need no stinkin jobs!!!
Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........

I need a man like you... I work from home, the worse of all possible scenarios!

I work from home too. What do you do?

Administrative work and reporting. Since my supervisor travels all the time, there is no need for me to be in an office, I can do everything needed remotely by email and phone.

Interesting! I do medical transcription.

Is it hard to determine what they are saying? Back when I did data entry I once was given a tape to transcribe....I gave up almost immediately because I couldn't figure out what the person was saying right at the beginning.
Ding ding ding. Correct. I got it too after studying it a bit. I don't know if that means we have 6-year-old mentality though. :) I think the lesson learned is that adults tend to be too analytical about some things and therefore make things more difficult than they have to be.

Why in the heck is it 87? I see no method to this madness. :uhh:

Right. as Ernie showed us in subsequent posts--we are seeing the figure upside down. Turn it right side up and you easily see the numbers in sequence. Apparently the six-year-old brain just automatically does that. The adult brain has to work at it a bit harder.

Work harder? I had no idea at all. :D Didn't even occur to me that the numbers were upside down.

Well I don't have the scientific evidence, but I don't doubt that adults make such things harder than they have to be. We really often aren't smarter than a fifth grader. :)

It's kind of like this one. Many adults confronted with this old riddle for the first time don't pick up on it quickly either, but most kids do:

Which way is the school bus going? A or B?

Errr . . . I don't think I make it harder. I just had no clue. No clue at all. ;)

I have no idea . . . but I cheated and it's traveling to the left because the door is not visible which would be on the right. If I hadn't have cheated, I would have not known the answer. :oops:

With a picture that vaguely drawn, I don't think deciding the door must be on the other side is actually a fair assumption. Drawing it like that, the door might just have been left out. :p

Besides, what if the bus is British? ;) way was the bus going? I stared at it in a haze since I am starving to death and couldn't figure it out.

Meanwhile..I'm gonna go fix myself a scrambled egg . AND A PIECE OF BACON DAMMIT. If I pay for it later, so be it. I'M HONGRY!
Bacon and egg! I could eat an egg, but the bacon's still out for me. I've had some grilled asparagus and strawberries. I'll eat one of my grilled turkey burgers when I get back from chores. It's a pain sometimes to lose weight, and the dietary alterations to keep it off mean not eating things that used to taste so good! But in the long run, those lifestyle changes pay off in big dividends. I surely hope you can get your problem settled and can put some of the healthy good things back on your plate.
Tangentially, it's so freakin' hot here, I decided to dig out some shorts and the wife beaters. Of course, the shorts are still from 40 lbs ago and I look like I favor the Jethro Bodine fashion school, having cinched these shorts up. I don't have time, or inclination, to drive into town just to buy clothes. At least I'll be somewhat comfortable doing chores. I just hope I don't end up like a boiled lobster. I do burn very easily.
Like I said before we're supposed to get triple digit temps later on this week, it's 90 now.
Just came back in from a short dip in the pool, whodathunk 83 degree water could be so cool......... I'll go back in later when it's warmed up a little more. :D
I have enough with low- to mid-80s, although I've lived where triple digit temps were frequent during the summer, that doesn't mean I'd voluntarily live in such a place again. At least you have the pool, that's a bonus. way was the bus going? I stared at it in a haze since I am starving to death and couldn't figure it out.

Meanwhile..I'm gonna go fix myself a scrambled egg . AND A PIECE OF BACON DAMMIT. If I pay for it later, so be it. I'M HONGRY!
Bacon and egg! I could eat an egg, but the bacon's still out for me. I've had some grilled asparagus and strawberries. I'll eat one of my grilled turkey burgers when I get back from chores. It's a pain sometimes to lose weight, and the dietary alterations to keep it off mean not eating things that used to taste so good! But in the long run, those lifestyle changes pay off in big dividends. I surely hope you can get your problem settled and can put some of the healthy good things back on your plate.
Tangentially, it's so freakin' hot here, I decided to dig out some shorts and the wife beaters. Of course, the shorts are still from 40 lbs ago and I look like I favor the Jethro Bodine fashion school, having cinched these shorts up. I don't have time, or inclination, to drive into town just to buy clothes. At least I'll be somewhat comfortable doing chores. I just hope I don't end up like a boiled lobster. I do burn very easily.

No bacon? Poor baby! :itsok:
In my case, it's temporary. When I start adding fats and oils back to my menu (in limited amounts), I'll definitely have bacon. BLTs are one of my favorite meals. Gracie may not be so fortunate.
If you guys like brain teasers, check out this show on's really helped me to think outside the box.:thup:

Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........

I need a man like you... I work from home, the worse of all possible scenarios!

I work from home too. What do you do?

Administrative work and reporting. Since my supervisor travels all the time, there is no need for me to be in an office, I can do everything needed remotely by email and phone.

Interesting! I do medical transcription.

Is it hard to determine what they are saying? Back when I did data entry I once was given a tape to transcribe....I gave up almost immediately because I couldn't figure out what the person was saying right at the beginning.

I did medical transcription, among other things, in a radiology department for a couple of years as a transition job. With the machines we used, if you missed a word or phrase or needed to hear it again, we had a foot pedal that backed up the tape as far as we wanted. It was tough though because me, a westerner, was taking dictation from a radiologist from Boston with a very strong Boston accent. I had just about adjusted to that when we hired Dr. Raza from Iran and I had to adjust to a very strong Iranian accent. I was backing up and relistening to those tapes a lot. I was hired to manage a large agency just before Dr. Obando would have arrived from Brazil and I would have had to deal with Portuguese. :)
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I had 2 scrambled eggs. No bacon. 1 hour later....well...never mind. But at least no stomach ache. I might try a slice of bacon tomorrow. Nuked. Fat cut off. I only eat oscar meye center cut anyway...and its thin, and shrinks to about 3 inches. Tomorrow will be test day.
job? we don't need no stinkin jobs!!!
Job? Nope, still unpacking, putting stuff away, sorting what goes to charity and cleaning, of course it doesn't help when the wife's a slob, hell she even leaves the toilet seat down!! :mad:
Damn women!!! They think keeping a neat clean house is easy not to mention wanting dinner on the table when they come home from work! Well tonight I'm gonna have a headache........

I need a man like you... I work from home, the worse of all possible scenarios!

I work from home too. What do you do?

Administrative work and reporting. Since my supervisor travels all the time, there is no need for me to be in an office, I can do everything needed remotely by email and phone.

Interesting! I do medical transcription.
what does that entail? Reading blood test results? If so...mine are all in greek and I have no clue what any of it means.
I think I sorta lucked out with my docs. Gastro doc is from India..and so is my regular doc. So now they can confer together after I visit the gastro doc. way was the bus going? I stared at it in a haze since I am starving to death and couldn't figure it out.

Meanwhile..I'm gonna go fix myself a scrambled egg . AND A PIECE OF BACON DAMMIT. If I pay for it later, so be it. I'M HONGRY!
Bacon and egg! I could eat an egg, but the bacon's still out for me. I've had some grilled asparagus and strawberries. I'll eat one of my grilled turkey burgers when I get back from chores. It's a pain sometimes to lose weight, and the dietary alterations to keep it off mean not eating things that used to taste so good! But in the long run, those lifestyle changes pay off in big dividends. I surely hope you can get your problem settled and can put some of the healthy good things back on your plate.
Tangentially, it's so freakin' hot here, I decided to dig out some shorts and the wife beaters. Of course, the shorts are still from 40 lbs ago and I look like I favor the Jethro Bodine fashion school, having cinched these shorts up. I don't have time, or inclination, to drive into town just to buy clothes. At least I'll be somewhat comfortable doing chores. I just hope I don't end up like a boiled lobster. I do burn very easily.

No bacon? Poor baby! :itsok:
In my case, it's temporary. When I start adding fats and oils back to my menu (in limited amounts), I'll definitely have bacon. BLTs are one of my favorite meals. Gracie may not be so fortunate.
I had 2 scrambled eggs. No bacon. 1 hour later....well...never mind. But at least no stomach ache. I might try a slice of bacon tomorrow. Nuked. Fat cut off. I only eat oscar meye center cut anyway...and its thin, and shrinks to about 3 inches. Tomorrow will be test day.
Good luck with you bacon, Gracie.
NASCAR is not intended to be intellectually stimulating. It is intended to be a culture, an experience. It is pure Americana as few things are any more. It is something it is safe to do with your kids. And it is something to just be a part of free of the politics and ugliness that permeates so much of our society. It isn't my cup of tea, but I can sure appreciate why some do enjoy it.
It was a joke considering it's the number one sport in the country so "most" would be an obvious massive hyperbole....... :D
You should go to a race some time.
The party is amazing. At Talladega, there is on site camping for 100,000. Barring tornadoes, it's a great party.
Soooo...people go for the camping?

That's the way I understand it. I mean there is just so much fascination to watching cars go around an oval track so there has to be other factors of the experience. Watching the action in the pits. The food. The sights and sounds. All of it.
There is a certain thrill from seeing a car slide down the asphalt, on its roof at 200 miles per hour, too.

We converted a school bus to sleep 6, put a platform on top, and would park it in the field in the center of the Talledega 500. I miss the Port-AA-A-Party.

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