USMB Coffee Shop IV

Ended up getting hooked up around 10:30 last night and went (almost) right to sleep, somehow as I felt like a lab rat and was uncomfortable. Good thing I was tired. Up around quarter to five but had to remain hooked up till 5:30, was not a happy camper about that.

Where is Foxy? No vigil last night??? I hope everything is okay with her.

I'm fine sweetie--still fighting extreme pain from this shoulder sprain I somehow acquired, and when it finally got easy last night I didn't get up to do anything but went right to sleep. For a couple of hours anyway until it started hurting again. I do believe it is better this morning though.
The wife came home early, had another go-round with her supervisor who's blaming the wife for all the supervisors problems/failings and (unfortunately in private) accused the wife of misrepresenting herself during the interview. The wife had swallowed her anger and came home for lunch ready to quit. We had already been documenting everything so I convinced her to go to HR and file a "hostile work environment" complaint which we did, we'll probably contact an attorney for a consult just in-case as HR claims it's not a Hostile Work Environment, simply a communication problem........
Basically the supervisor (and her two cronies) need to have the light of day shone on them, hopefully top management will see where the real problem is and make some adjustments. We're tired of getting kicked around by incompetent assholes trying to protect their jobs from their shortcomings.

It is definitely not a good situation to be in. When I walked off the job, there was no HR department, the junior partner/owner was the one giving me all the grief, and I couldn't go to the senior partner/owner for relief because his wife wanted my job. (She didn't last even two weeks when she tried to do it after I left.) If ya'll can tough it out though, it is easier to be considered for jobs if you have one though. But if you have enough money to tide you over life is too short and all that. . . .

There you are!!! :) I missed your vigil last night! Puter problems?
Ended up getting hooked up around 10:30 last night and went (almost) right to sleep, somehow as I felt like a lab rat and was uncomfortable. Good thing I was tired. Up around quarter to five but had to remain hooked up till 5:30, was not a happy camper about that.

So keeping my fingers crossed that they can do for you what the sleep clinic did for Hombre. Changed his life (and mine) for the better for sure.
Ended up getting hooked up around 10:30 last night and went (almost) right to sleep, somehow as I felt like a lab rat and was uncomfortable. Good thing I was tired. Up around quarter to five but had to remain hooked up till 5:30, was not a happy camper about that.

Where is Foxy? No vigil last night??? I hope everything is okay with her.

I'm fine sweetie--still fighting extreme pain from this shoulder sprain I somehow acquired, and when it finally got easy last night I didn't get up to do anything but went right to sleep. For a couple of hours anyway until it started hurting again. I do believe it is better this morning though.

Oh, sorry to hear that Foxy. Glad you're feeling better.
Ended up getting hooked up around 10:30 last night and went (almost) right to sleep, somehow as I felt like a lab rat and was uncomfortable. Good thing I was tired. Up around quarter to five but had to remain hooked up till 5:30, was not a happy camper about that.

Where is Foxy? No vigil last night??? I hope everything is okay with her.

I'm fine sweetie--still fighting extreme pain from this shoulder sprain I somehow acquired, and when it finally got easy last night I didn't get up to do anything but went right to sleep. For a couple of hours anyway until it started hurting again. I do believe it is better this morning though.

Oh, sorry to hear that Foxy. Glad you're feeling better.

Thanks. I'm sure I'll live. But I've been pretty well out of commission for most of a week and I'll sure be glad when I can use my left arm again without extreme pain.
Ended up getting hooked up around 10:30 last night and went (almost) right to sleep, somehow as I felt like a lab rat and was uncomfortable. Good thing I was tired. Up around quarter to five but had to remain hooked up till 5:30, was not a happy camper about that.

Where is Foxy? No vigil last night??? I hope everything is okay with her.

I'm fine sweetie--still fighting extreme pain from this shoulder sprain I somehow acquired, and when it finally got easy last night I didn't get up to do anything but went right to sleep. For a couple of hours anyway until it started hurting again. I do believe it is better this morning though.

Oh, sorry to hear that Foxy. Glad you're feeling better.

Thanks. I'm sure I'll live. But I've been pretty well out of commission for most of a week and I'll sure be glad when I can use my left arm again without extreme pain.

Maybe some Aleve would help you. That stuff works great! :)
Ended up getting hooked up around 10:30 last night and went (almost) right to sleep, somehow as I felt like a lab rat and was uncomfortable. Good thing I was tired. Up around quarter to five but had to remain hooked up till 5:30, was not a happy camper about that.

Where is Foxy? No vigil last night??? I hope everything is okay with her.

I'm fine sweetie--still fighting extreme pain from this shoulder sprain I somehow acquired, and when it finally got easy last night I didn't get up to do anything but went right to sleep. For a couple of hours anyway until it started hurting again. I do believe it is better this morning though.

Oh, sorry to hear that Foxy. Glad you're feeling better.

Thanks. I'm sure I'll live. But I've been pretty well out of commission for most of a week and I'll sure be glad when I can use my left arm again without extreme pain.

Maybe some Aleve would help you. That stuff works great! :)

Thanks. I take the generic naproxen, which is what Aleve is, for my general arthritic aches and pains, but for this shoulder pain, ibuprofin is working better along with immobilizing the shoulder and using an ice pack. Bought some very expensive Australian Dream hoping that would help but it doesn't. Works good on sore backs though.

I just file this kind of thing under the 'old age isn't for sissies' Chris. Take care of yourself and appreciate the strength and health of your youth. It doesn't last forever, but planning ahead could make your own senior years a lot more trouble free.
Just got back from running the wife all over (clinic rounds) and my follow up at the sleep center. Yup they counted almost 200 times in just over 5 hours that I stopped breathing, on the 20th I go back for a CPAP sleep test, basically to find which pressure works best for me. The doc said the VA currently has the best ones on the market and I'll obviously be getting mine from them. As thing as going in a few years I just might look like this;


Mrs. Liberty is five years my senior. I hear increasing comments about this pain and that soreness. This is my life going forward isn't it?
Just got back from running the wife all over (clinic rounds) and my follow up at the sleep center. Yup they counted almost 200 times in just over 5 hours that I stopped breathing, on the 20th I go back for a CPAP sleep test, basically to find which pressure works best for me. The doc said the VA currently has the best ones on the market and I'll obviously be getting mine from them. As thing as going in a few years I just might look like this;



Well I am certainly glad you are getting some help, but I am very disappointed that with that diagnosis, they are making you wait 20 days to be fitted with a CPAP? To me that is criminal. Hombre had his sleep test, they fitted him with the CPAP that very night, and he came home with it the next morning.
Just got back from running the wife all over (clinic rounds) and my follow up at the sleep center. Yup they counted almost 200 times in just over 5 hours that I stopped breathing, on the 20th I go back for a CPAP sleep test, basically to find which pressure works best for me. The doc said the VA currently has the best ones on the market and I'll obviously be getting mine from them. As thing as going in a few years I just might look like this;



Well I am certainly glad you are getting some help, but I am very disappointed that with that diagnosis, they are making you wait 20 days to be fitted with a CPAP? To me that is criminal. Hombre had his sleep test, they fitted him with the CPAP that very night, and he came home with it the next morning.
The VA doesn't do the sleep testing, it's all contracted out so it's the typical government mandated step 1 through step 200, since it's free for me I really can't complain....... too much....... :D
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
ChrisL's interview,
Mrs. Ernie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, Gracie, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Oh, I've had coffee.... The first wave got here at 4 AM. Now I have to take momma to Mobile for a post procedure check up. Second wave should be here when we get back.

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