USMB Coffee Shop IV

As for the science quiz we have all been taking and acing, are we all that much smarter than the general public or was that 7% who get all the answers right a misprint?
Hey, even I don't always take my advice. ;)

Although , if I were you, I'd definitely keep listening to advice from a cat quiet.

Lol! True!
As for the science quiz we have all been taking and acing, are we all that much smarter than the general public or was that 7% who get all the answers right a misprint?

I haven't taken it yet, but I will try to fit it into my busy schedule later. :D
And for today's science quiz. I am proud to say I got 100% and, according to the results, only 7% of Americans get 100%:

Science and Technology Knowledge Quiz Pew Research Center

I got them all correct, but I noticed one disturbing thing. Men did better on every question except one. The antibiotic-resistance question.

I wish more women were interested in science and technology.

I wish more people were interested in science and technology period. But since all of us in the Coffee Shop are making 100% on the quiz, I have to wonder whether that 7% is really accurate? Or maybe we just attract the smartest and best? :)
As for the science quiz we have all been taking and acing, are we all that much smarter than the general public or was that 7% who get all the answers right a misprint?

Hopefully without sounding biased, CS members are smarter than the general public. No surprise really, for example we seem to have medical backgrounds to a degree higher than the public.
Hey, even I don't always take my advice. ;)

Although , if I were you, I'd definitely keep listening to advice from a cat quiet.

Lol! True!
As for the science quiz we have all been taking and acing, are we all that much smarter than the general public or was that 7% who get all the answers right a misprint?

I haven't taken it yet, but I will try to fit it into my busy schedule later. :D

Well rest up and eat fish first, we don't want our average to drop...
Hey, even I don't always take my advice. ;)

Although , if I were you, I'd definitely keep listening to advice from a cat quiet.

Lol! True!
As for the science quiz we have all been taking and acing, are we all that much smarter than the general public or was that 7% who get all the answers right a misprint?

I haven't taken it yet, but I will try to fit it into my busy schedule later. :D

Well rest up and eat fish first, we don't want our average to drop...

Maybe I shouldn't take it then . . . :lol:
And for today's science quiz. I am proud to say I got 100% and, according to the results, only 7% of Americans get 100%:

Science and Technology Knowledge Quiz Pew Research Center

I got them all correct, but I noticed one disturbing thing. Men did better on every question except one. The antibiotic-resistance question.

I wish more women were interested in science and technology.

I wish more people were interested in science and technology period. But since all of us in the Coffee Shop are making 100% on the quiz, I have to wonder whether that 7% is really accurate? Or maybe we just attract the smartest and best? :)

It seemed pretty simple. I noticed one question stumped a huge number of people. Which gas is most prevalent in the atmosphere? Less than a quarter of folks got that one correct. Stunning. :(
I am pretty active on an app called Trivia Crack. I currently have answered 19,066 questions correctly, have an 86% average in science questions, 85% in geography, 84% history, 82% sports and 77% in both art and entertainment. Overall, I have 766 game wins and 314 losses.

I suspect many of you can do the same.
And for today's science quiz. I am proud to say I got 100% and, according to the results, only 7% of Americans get 100%:

Science and Technology Knowledge Quiz Pew Research Center

I got them all correct, but I noticed one disturbing thing. Men did better on every question except one. The antibiotic-resistance question.

I wish more women were interested in science and technology.

I wish more people were interested in science and technology period. But since all of us in the Coffee Shop are making 100% on the quiz, I have to wonder whether that 7% is really accurate? Or maybe we just attract the smartest and best? :)
I do believe that people who bother to join a political message board are on average more intelligent than the average person.
And for today's science quiz. I am proud to say I got 100% and, according to the results, only 7% of Americans get 100%:

Science and Technology Knowledge Quiz Pew Research Center

I got them all correct, but I noticed one disturbing thing. Men did better on every question except one. The antibiotic-resistance question.

I wish more women were interested in science and technology.

I wish more people were interested in science and technology period. But since all of us in the Coffee Shop are making 100% on the quiz, I have to wonder whether that 7% is really accurate? Or maybe we just attract the smartest and best? :)
I do believe that people who bother to join a political message board are on average more intelligent than the average person.

Some anyway. :D
The wife came home early, had another go-round with her supervisor who's blaming the wife for all the supervisors problems/failings and (unfortunately in private) accused the wife of misrepresenting herself during the interview. The wife had swallowed her anger and came home for lunch ready to quit. We had already been documenting everything so I convinced her to go to HR and file a "hostile work environment" complaint which we did, we'll probably contact an attorney for a consult just in-case as HR claims it's not a Hostile Work Environment, simply a communication problem........
Basically the supervisor (and her two cronies) need to have the light of day shone on them, hopefully top management will see where the real problem is and make some adjustments. We're tired of getting kicked around by incompetent assholes trying to protect their jobs from their shortcomings.
Been at the sleep study center for about an hour now, kinda like a very good hotel room. The bathroom is gigantic...... heck it is Texas after all....... :eusa_whistle:
The wife came home early, had another go-round with her supervisor who's blaming the wife for all the supervisors problems/failings and (unfortunately in private) accused the wife of misrepresenting herself during the interview. The wife had swallowed her anger and came home for lunch ready to quit. We had already been documenting everything so I convinced her to go to HR and file a "hostile work environment" complaint which we did, we'll probably contact an attorney for a consult just in-case as HR claims it's not a Hostile Work Environment, simply a communication problem........
Basically the supervisor (and her two cronies) need to have the light of day shone on them, hopefully top management will see where the real problem is and make some adjustments. We're tired of getting kicked around by incompetent assholes trying to protect their jobs from their shortcomings.

They seem like a bunch of jerks. Well, there is one thing I'm not looking forward to about working outside the home, office politics.
Ended up getting hooked up around 10:30 last night and went (almost) right to sleep, somehow as I felt like a lab rat and was uncomfortable. Good thing I was tired. Up around quarter to five but had to remain hooked up till 5:30, was not a happy camper about that.
Ended up getting hooked up around 10:30 last night and went (almost) right to sleep, somehow as I felt like a lab rat and was uncomfortable. Good thing I was tired. Up around quarter to five but had to remain hooked up till 5:30, was not a happy camper about that.

Where is Foxy? No vigil last night??? I hope everything is okay with her.
Ended up getting hooked up around 10:30 last night and went (almost) right to sleep, somehow as I felt like a lab rat and was uncomfortable. Good thing I was tired. Up around quarter to five but had to remain hooked up till 5:30, was not a happy camper about that.

It must be very difficult to get comfortable and fall asleep all wired up like that.
The wife came home early, had another go-round with her supervisor who's blaming the wife for all the supervisors problems/failings and (unfortunately in private) accused the wife of misrepresenting herself during the interview. The wife had swallowed her anger and came home for lunch ready to quit. We had already been documenting everything so I convinced her to go to HR and file a "hostile work environment" complaint which we did, we'll probably contact an attorney for a consult just in-case as HR claims it's not a Hostile Work Environment, simply a communication problem........
Basically the supervisor (and her two cronies) need to have the light of day shone on them, hopefully top management will see where the real problem is and make some adjustments. We're tired of getting kicked around by incompetent assholes trying to protect their jobs from their shortcomings.

It is definitely not a good situation to be in. When I walked off the job, there was no HR department, the junior partner/owner was the one giving me all the grief, and I couldn't go to the senior partner/owner for relief because his wife wanted my job. (She didn't last even two weeks when she tried to do it after I left.) If ya'll can tough it out though, it is easier to be considered for jobs if you have one though. But if you have enough money to tide you over life is too short and all that. . . .

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