USMB Coffee Shop IV

Gracie is heading in for a double end reaming this coming Friday :ack-1:.

I don't dread that. What I dread is the prep on Thursday. Just clear broth, green jello, tea. All day. :(

I won't know the results of the findings for at least a week after that. And this time..I will have an anesthesiologist. Whew. Twilight doesn't work on me.

So far...I have lost 18 lbs in just a tad over a month. Once this is done...we can see what the hell is going on in them thar innards. :lol:

Well, we'll put you back on the list at least until you get through your procedure.
Gallant Warrior hasn't posted in several days has he? I still worry about him out in the middle of nowhere all by himself.
Oh and good morning all. Hombre and I were up with the roosters this morning getting ready for the house cleaning crew coming later this morning. Shoulder/arm seems some better but I'm really trying not to over exert and re-injure it.
Well, hope everyone had a great and fun weekend. Back to the grindstone. :(

Gracie is heading in for a double end reaming this coming Friday :ack-1:.

I don't dread that. What I dread is the prep on Thursday. Just clear broth, green jello, tea. All day. :(

I won't know the results of the findings for at least a week after that. And this time..I will have an anesthesiologist. Whew. Twilight doesn't work on me.

So far...I have lost 18 lbs in just a tad over a month. Once this is done...we can see what the hell is going on in them thar innards. :lol:

Good luck to you.
I sure hope everybody had a fun and safe 4th of July weekend. No one got blown up? Good.

Friday afternoon Daisy the Mutt and I went for our daily constitutional in Thompson Park. I saw an old girlfriend and her father, Tom there. I have known this family for years. Her older brother was my roommate at The Ohio State University. But these days, her father is in the twilight of his days. He is 91 years old. But forty years ago, he had a zesty, enthusiastic lust for life. He was a notorious lead footed driver and tailgater.

One sunny afternoon, years and years ago, he decided to take his three kids, Steve (known as "Spike", Sean and the youngest, Keely) and three of their friends swimming at the Crucible Management Club. Crucible Steel had a giant mill in neighboring Midland, Pennsylvania. I worked there two of my college years summers. There are plenty of stories about working in the mill, but they will have to wait for me to unroll this story first. Crucible Steel maintained an exclusive club for management. It featured 18 holes of challenging golf, tennis courts, a lavish banquet hall, trap and skeet ranges and an Olympic sized swimming pool.

So Tom bundled up his kids and their friends and headed off to the club. He drove a big ol' Ford LTD station wagon. Keely and her friend took the cargo bay at the back end of of the car and sat up on the tailgate with the rear window open. You could do that sort of thing back then as safety concerns and children was not yet a topic of any importance. Tom decided to take the 'back way' which meant driving that land yacht across unpaved country roads. Soon, Tom found himself behind a driver who was not as enthusiastic about speeding down that crappy road.

The driver in front of Tom admonished him by waving his arm out the window and shouting "Back off! Slow down!" That didn't cut any mustard with Tom and persisted in tailgating that poor guy.

"Back off! Slow down!" the frustrated driver kept motioning and shouting. Finally he pulled over, got out of his car and confronted Tom. "Are you trying to kill someone?" asked the frustrated driver.

Now Tom was used to ferrying his three kids around at a pace he himself found acceptable. But Tom was not used to confronting the victims of his highway bullying. Confused and flustered himself Tom said, "Listen, I've got three six kids in here..."

Sure, his three and their friends made six. But the frustrated driver heard "Listen, I've got three sick kids in here!"

"Oh!. Three sick kids?!? Let me pull off and let you by!"

Sometimes, every once in a while, karma ignores a situation.

Incidentally, Daisy says Hi!

Always look forward to Nosmo's Coffee Shop blogs.

And cleaning out today's e-mail drawing WQ's attention especially to "music performance' :):

35 Slogans For College Majors If They Were Actually Honest.

Chemistry: Where alcohol IS a solution.

Biochemistry: Spend 4 years aspiring to discover the cure for cancer, and the rest of your life manufacturing shampoo.

Archaeology: If you don’t know what it is, it’s probably ceremonial.

Information Technology: Let me google that for you.

Computer Science (for a straight girl): The odds are good, but the goods are odd.

Political Science: Your opinion is wrong.

Aerospace Engineering: “It actually is rocket science.”

Engineering: The art of figuring out which parameters you can safely ignore.

Structural Engineering: Because architects don’t know what physics is.

Philosophy: Think about it…

Communications: “We’ll teach you everything you need to know about convincing your friends that your degree is actually meaningful.”

Speech Pathology: We have ways of making you talk.

Linguistics: Studied 17 languages, am fluent in none of them.

Criminal Justice: We’re here because of Law & Order reruns.

Photography: It’s worth a shot.

Statistics: Where everything’s made up and the numbers don’t matter.

Anthropology: It’ll get you laid, but won’t get you paid!

Zoology: Because you can’t major in kittens.

Psychology: good luck doing anything until you get your master’s!

Premed: “I’ll probably switch majors in 2 years.”

History: History may repeat itself, but you definitely will.

English: So you want to be a teacher.

Film: Forks on the left, knives on the right.

Astrophysics: “Eh, I’m within an order of magnitude.”

Creative Writing: Because job security is for pussies.

Latin: Because useful is overrated.

Physics: “Everything you learned last week is wrong.”

Nursing: Learning to save other’s lives while struggling not to take your own.

Marine Bio: “I wanted to play with dolphins…but I’m looking at algae instead.”

Accounting: Selling your soul for money.

Finance: “Accounting was too hard.”

Journalism: Learn how to construct an argument that no one will pay to listen to.

Art History: And you thought MAKING art was pointless!

Music Performance: If you don’t hate yourself, you’re doing it wrong.

Graphic Design: No, we aren’t artists. We are designers. There’s a difference.​
Daisy is a cutie pie!

Went and got my potassium pills today. HORSE pills. I googled, too. I ain't taking that shit. Nope. Ain't gonna. Shit is poison. I'm gonna do it the natural way. Bananas, yogurt, milk, leafy veggies, avocados, etc. AND, my Ensure drink supplies 780 mgs per drink if done twice a day. So..thats the plan, Sam. No horse pills with potential horrid side effects.
It also says in google (stanford, mayo clinic, drugs dot com, etc), NOT to take potassium suppliments if on any high blood pressure pills. I take FOUR of the damn things yet he gives me an RX for these pills? Oh hell no.
Low on potassium? Doc told you to take suppliments? Don't wanna do that and instead want to do it naturally? I've been googling.

1 banana 422 mgs
1 sweet potatoe 542 mgs
1 avocado 487
1 yogurt 579
1 cup spinach 839
1 cup milk 366
2 Ensure drinks 780

Bodies over 18 years old need 4700 mgs of potassium daily. So...if I can eat/drink the above, add another cup of milk, I can get all the potassium I need. Naturally. Which begs the question of WHY my doc would perscribe a horse pill that can screw up my intestines and mess with my high blood pressure.
Low on potassium? Doc told you to take suppliments? Don't wanna do that and instead want to do it naturally? I've been googling.

1 banana 422 mgs
1 sweet potatoe 542 mgs
1 avocado 487
1 yogurt 579
1 cup spinach 839
1 cup milk 366
2 Ensure drinks 780

Bodies over 18 years old need 4700 mgs of potassium daily. So...if I can eat/drink the above, add another cup of milk, I can get all the potassium I need. Naturally. Which begs the question of WHY my doc would perscribe a horse pill that can screw up my intestines and mess with my high blood pressure.

I would guess that it might be easier for the doc to just prescribe the pill, or people don't want to change their diets in general and prefer a pill.
Low on potassium? Doc told you to take suppliments? Don't wanna do that and instead want to do it naturally? I've been googling.

1 banana 422 mgs
1 sweet potatoe 542 mgs
1 avocado 487
1 yogurt 579
1 cup spinach 839
1 cup milk 366
2 Ensure drinks 780

Bodies over 18 years old need 4700 mgs of potassium daily. So...if I can eat/drink the above, add another cup of milk, I can get all the potassium I need. Naturally. Which begs the question of WHY my doc would perscribe a horse pill that can screw up my intestines and mess with my high blood pressure.

I would guess that it might be easier for the doc to just prescribe the pill, or people don't want to change their diets in general and prefer a pill.

There are valid reasons to take supplements, but getting your nutrients naturally is always going to be better than trying to get them from pills. I do take a hefty vitamen/mineral supplement daily plus supplemental magnesium on top of that, but like Gracie, I try to get most of my potassium from the foods I eat. And there's enough high potassium foods to make that pretty easy to do. Some of the big guns like iron and B-12 sometimes have to be infused if a body is low and doesn't absorb the supplements well.
Gallant Warrior hasn't posted in several days has he? I still worry about him out in the middle of nowhere all by himself.
Thank you for the thoughts, Foxy! I fell so far behind with the CS, I just skipped to the last page and started scrolling backwards.
I have indeed been very busy. Summer in Alaska means you get as much outside stuff done as you can before it snows again. And it's been stink-hot here (comparatively) so working outside is, well, sweaty business. I have to check for the dirt necklaces before I go anywhere public. I've also been dealing with a sick animal, and a partner who's decided to work TWO full-time jobs, at 64 yrs old!
For anyone interested: I am very pleased with and proud of the community I have chosen to be a part of. 55 homes, many outbuildings and a lot of equipment were destroyed in our recent fire in Willow. But the way people are pulling together and helping each other is absolutely heartening! Willow is the unofficial mushing capital of Alaska (think dog sleds & Iditarod) and lots of money is coming in from all over the world to help the mushers. Well, the mushers have been sharing that largesse with less fortunate and less publicized community members. There have already been two homes rebuilt by volunteers, and local businesses are contributing materials. There's at least one contractor who has been helping out, too. The goal is to have everybody who lost a home in a new place before the snow flies. Every few miles along the road, someone has posted homemade signs thanking the firefighters who helped save so many other homes and stop the fire before it spread further and caused more heartache and damage.
I am also proud to announce that I bought my newest Carrharts yesterday. I went from a 40/32 to a 33/32! I cannot tell you all how much better I feel, and feel about myself. When I compare how I look now to the photo on my security badge....well, you might be hard-pressed to believe I am the person on my badge.
Unfortunately, I haven't done a good job of keeping up here. I hope everybody is doing well and will try to keep up.
Gallant Warrior hasn't posted in several days has he? I still worry about him out in the middle of nowhere all by himself.
Thank you for the thoughts, Foxy! I fell so far behind with the CS, I just skipped to the last page and started scrolling backwards.
I have indeed been very busy. Summer in Alaska means you get as much outside stuff done as you can before it snows again. And it's been stink-hot here (comparatively) so working outside is, well, sweaty business. I have to check for the dirt necklaces before I go anywhere public. I've also been dealing with a sick animal, and a partner who's decided to work TWO full-time jobs, at 64 yrs old!
For anyone interested: I am very pleased with and proud of the community I have chosen to be a part of. 55 homes, many outbuildings and a lot of equipment were destroyed in our recent fire in Willow. But the way people are pulling together and helping each other is absolutely heartening! Willow is the unofficial mushing capital of Alaska (think dog sleds & Iditarod) and lots of money is coming in from all over the world to help the mushers. Well, the mushers have been sharing that largesse with less fortunate and less publicized community members. There have already been two homes rebuilt by volunteers, and local businesses are contributing materials. There's at least one contractor who has been helping out, too. The goal is to have everybody who lost a home in a new place before the snow flies. Every few miles along the road, someone has posted homemade signs thanking the firefighters who helped save so many other homes and stop the fire before it spread further and caused more heartache and damage.
I am also proud to announce that I bought my newest Carrharts yesterday. I went from a 40/32 to a 33/32! I cannot tell you all how much better I feel, and feel about myself. When I compare how I look now to the photo on my security badge....well, you might be hard-pressed to believe I am the person on my badge.
Unfortunately, I haven't done a good job of keeping up here. I hope everybody is doing well and will try to keep up.

Wow GW. Sounds like you have been doing stuff more important than keeping up here. Congrats on the weight loss. And good for the people helping out folks. And happy that you are well.
Just before 5 a.m. and my sore arm isn't going to allow sleep. I don't believe there is anywhere I have to be today or anything I absolutely have to do, so maybe that will allow some healing time.
Just before 5 a.m. and my sore arm isn't going to allow sleep. I don't believe there is anywhere I have to be today or anything I absolutely have to do, so maybe that will allow some healing time.
You might want to see someone about that. Basically you're putting pressure on a nerve bundle in your sleep, happened to the wife recently.

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