USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning everybody. We had a pleasant family cookout yesterday at Aunt Betty's and Uncle Ed's. The weather was perfect with temps in the high 70's (rain clouds around cooled things off considerably), overcast skies so no sun in our eyes, no wind, no flies, no mosquitos. Just a wonderful afternoon and evening in their lovely back yard. All the extra activity didn't do a thing for my ailing left arm, but it was worth it. We did play hooky from church this morning as I just didn't think I could handle wrestling myself one-armed in and out of the car again.

Plus the neighbors didn't run out of ammo with their fireworks until close to midnight so sleep was not much of an option until that happened.

So hope everybody is having a great 4th of July weekend. Hope activity picked up at the Alien Festival for the Ringels and Ernie is enjoying his family and everybody else is doing pretty much what they want to do.
It was great having all the kids here, but you know what they say about house guests and fish....
11 people in a house set up for 2 is a bit much.
They all left about noon and Momma and I opened Doc's. I left her there for open mic night and am enjoying having the house all to myself.
It's official...WQ put a ring on it!!

Woo hoo!!! Did ya'll put a date on the ring yet?

I am an excellent judge of character (she says immodestly) and I think the two of you to also be excellent judges of character, so if the three of us see this as a good thing, then it is. :) Congratulations and very best wishes.

Thanks, Foxy...most likely it will be sometime in the spring.:)
Wait! What?? You guys are gonna get hitched? OMG!!

CONGRATS!!!! Happy dance!
Harper is getting tubes in her ears again on Wednesday. Takes about 15 minutes, so no biggie there. However they also want to fill a couple of cavities which will take another two hours to three. This is worrisome, so she had a rough time with the anesthesia last time. Opa is worried.
I'll send up some prayers for Harper and the family.
Harper is getting tubes in her ears again on Wednesday. Takes about 15 minutes, so no biggie there. However they also want to fill a couple of cavities which will take another two hours to three. This is worrisome, so she had a rough time with the anesthesia last time. Opa is worried.

Well she still leads the vigil list and will remain there until you want her removed or until she has received all the help medical science can provide for her. Extra prayers on Wednesday though.
Yeah, I don't pop in here and follow everyone like I should. Sorry 'bout that.

But when I reach milestones like this, it causes me to reflect on my time here and the importance of what an outlet it has been and how USMB has allowed me to get crazy serious stupid idiotic sentimental abusive condescending erratic emotional and... occasionally banned. :lol:

Thanks, folks. :thup:
Cleaning out my mailbox tonight:

Angels As Explained by Children

I only know the names of two angels, Hark and Harold.
Gregory, age 5

Everybody's got it all wrong. Angels don't wear halos anymore. I forget why, but scientists are working on it.-Olive, age 9

It's not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to Heaven, and then there's still the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes.
-Matthew, age 9

Angels work for God and watch over kids when God
Has to go do something else. -Mitchell, age 7

My guardian angel helps me with math, but he's not much good for science. -Henry, age 8

Angels don't eat, but they drink milk from Holy Cows!!! -Jack, age 6

Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The main subject is where you went wrong before you got dead. Daniel, age 9

When an angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to ten. And when he lets out his breath again, somewhere there's a tornado. -Reagan, age 10

Angels have a lot to do and they keep very busy. If you lose a tooth, an angel comes in through your window and leaves money under your pillow. Then when it gets cold, angels go south for the winter.
-Sara, age 6

Angels live in cloud houses made by God and his Son, who's a very good carpenter. -Jared, age 8

All angels are girls because they gotta wear dresses and boys didn't go for it. -Antonio, age 9

My angel is my grandma who died last year. She got a big head-start on helping me while she was still down here on earth. -Ashley ~ age 9

Some of the angels are in charge of helping heal sick animals and pets. And if
They don't make the animals get better, they help the child get over it. - Vicki , age 8

What I don't get about angels is why, when someone Is in love, they shoot arrows at them. - Sarah , age 7​
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
ChrisL's interview,
Mrs. Ernie,
Foxfyre's sprained shoulder
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Gracie is heading in for a double end reaming this coming Friday :ack-1:.

I don't dread that. What I dread is the prep on Thursday. Just clear broth, green jello, tea. All day. :(

I won't know the results of the findings for at least a week after that. And this time..I will have an anesthesiologist. Whew. Twilight doesn't work on me.

So far...I have lost 18 lbs in just a tad over a month. Once this is done...we can see what the hell is going on in them thar innards. :lol:
Gracie is heading in for a double end reaming this coming Friday :ack-1:.

I don't dread that. What I dread is the prep on Thursday. Just clear broth, green jello, tea. All day. :(

I won't know the results of the findings for at least a week after that. And this time..I will have an anesthesiologist. Whew. Twilight doesn't work on me.

So far...I have lost 18 lbs in just a tad over a month. Once this is done...we can see what the hell is going on in them thar innards. :lol:
Two on one? Guess you're never to old to experiment sexually.........

Ooooh, medical treatment. My bad, never mind..........
He decided not to go with the camera pill. He said since he is going to be excavating the lower region he may as well stick another tube down my upper region. I said I didn't give a damn what he does as long as I STAY ASLEEP!

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