USMB Coffee Shop IV

GallantWarrior, do you hafta stay in Alaska? Or is it because you just love it there? You will see your Granddaughters again probably sooner than you think. At least, I hope so. :)
GallantWarrior, do you hafta stay in Alaska? Or is it because you just love it there? You will see your Granddaughters again probably sooner than you think. At least, I hope so. :)
I suppose I can move from Alaska. I had already started preparing to move to Washington state. Just....Japan is so so far away. Ringel's link to a contractor in Korea is very intriguing, though. Long ago, far away, I worked as a translator/liaison officer in a consulate in Germany. My German was first rate, my Russian was passible. But I am much older now and Korean is a difficult language for westerners to master. I am still very interested in that job link.
I think changing one's environment so significantly at my age is...stressful.
Meh. Maybe stressful at first but you are a tough cookie. No harm in checking out that contractor, though. And just think about the adventure!
I think I'll take Idabel off my bucket list of places to visit:

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
I think I'll take Idabel off my bucket list of places to visit:

I think I'll take Idabel off my bucket list of places to visit:

I see no image....

Yes, I don't know what happened. It showed up when I first posted it, but then it vanished. Anyhow it was a weather map for Oklahoma tomorrow showing 100 degree temps for most cities but Idabel showed a temp of over 1000 degrees. Trying to post it again:

Maybe the photo took that time? Good morning all. I finally got a consult with a surgeon but it won't be for a couple of weeks. Also made the appointment with the physical therapist for my frozen shoulder and the first available appointment is September. I'm doing therapy on my own and may not need it by then. Good thing I'm not dying huh.
I am so tired sometimes. Adventure? I've had enough. But my girls are so worth the stress and change. I love those babies!! But what would I do with all my fur-fam? All the kitties and pooches? Not to mention the goaties...
We do tend to get attached if we've been somewhere long enough. Sounds to me like you have some tough decisions to make. Talk it over with your daughter, be honest about how you feel, even about you're not wanting to leave your fur-fam.
Don't ask me what I would do, sometimes I wonder if I'm not a bit of a narcissistic sociopath, I'm not that close to anyone in my family.
I am so tired sometimes. Adventure? I've had enough. But my girls are so worth the stress and change. I love those babies!! But what would I do with all my fur-fam? All the kitties and pooches? Not to mention the goaties...
We do tend to get attached if we've been somewhere long enough. Sounds to me like you have some tough decisions to make. Talk it over with your daughter, be honest about how you feel, even about you're not wanting to leave your fur-fam.
Don't ask me what I would do, sometimes I wonder if I'm not a bit of a narcissistic sociopath, I'm not that close to anyone in my family.

I don't think that makes you a narcissistic sociopath. A lot of families aren't that close. I have relatives here in Albuquerque that I don't see for more than a year at a time and when I do, it is usually accidentally. Just being related does not necessarily make people friends. I will say that many in our families scattered across the country have gotten to know each other and have become closer due to Facebook. I will be forever grateful for that.
I am so tired sometimes. Adventure? I've had enough. But my girls are so worth the stress and change. I love those babies!! But what would I do with all my fur-fam? All the kitties and pooches? Not to mention the goaties...
We do tend to get attached if we've been somewhere long enough. Sounds to me like you have some tough decisions to make. Talk it over with your daughter, be honest about how you feel, even about you're not wanting to leave your fur-fam.
Don't ask me what I would do, sometimes I wonder if I'm not a bit of a narcissistic sociopath, I'm not that close to anyone in my family.

I don't think that makes you a narcissistic sociopath. A lot of families aren't that close. I have relatives here in Albuquerque that I don't see for more than a year at a time and when I do, it is usually accidentally. Just being related does not necessarily make people friends. I will say that many in our families scattered across the country have gotten to know each other and have become closer due to Facebook. I will be forever grateful for that.
It's not just family, I have some of the sociopath traits, and some of the narcissistic traits. I just wonder from time to time. :lol:
I think I'll take Idabel off my bucket list of places to visit:

I think I'll take Idabel off my bucket list of places to visit:

I see no image....

Yes, I don't know what happened. It showed up when I first posted it, but then it vanished. Anyhow it was a weather map for Oklahoma tomorrow showing 100 degree temps for most cities but Idabel showed a temp of over 1000 degrees. Trying to post it again:

Now I see all 3 images, or the same one 3 times.... Is Idabel Spanish for Hell?

My security guy never showed and never called in last night, so except for a quick trip back to the house to bring mama a pack of smokes, I was at the bar from 12:45 to 4AM. I woke up about 20 minutes ago and am on cup 1. It will take several more to get me ready to do it again. I normally enjoy drunks. I get a certain vicarious pleasure watching them make fools out of themselves. BUT 2 that came in about 1 pissed me off. They spilled beer and drinks in the pool area and left it and didn't say anything. They left cigarettes burning on a table, then wouldn't leave.
They nursed a pitcher they bought just before 2 until nearly 3. I was trying to clean up and they were trying just as hard to make a mess. I hate to ask people to leave, but Geeze!
I resorted to tucking in my shirt tail. They seemed to get the message.
Today is my regular late night. I'm betting I'll be able take a short nap this afternoon.
I am so tired sometimes. Adventure? I've had enough. But my girls are so worth the stress and change. I love those babies!! But what would I do with all my fur-fam? All the kitties and pooches? Not to mention the goaties...
We do tend to get attached if we've been somewhere long enough. Sounds to me like you have some tough decisions to make. Talk it over with your daughter, be honest about how you feel, even about you're not wanting to leave your fur-fam.
Don't ask me what I would do, sometimes I wonder if I'm not a bit of a narcissistic sociopath, I'm not that close to anyone in my family.

I don't think that makes you a narcissistic sociopath. A lot of families aren't that close. I have relatives here in Albuquerque that I don't see for more than a year at a time and when I do, it is usually accidentally. Just being related does not necessarily make people friends. I will say that many in our families scattered across the country have gotten to know each other and have become closer due to Facebook. I will be forever grateful for that.
It's not just family, I have some of the sociopath traits, and some of the narcissistic traits. I just wonder from time to time. :lol:

I don't think you have to worry Ringel. I like you just fine. (Of course my endorsement would put you into questionable territory with quite a few folks. :))
Shoot. Well feel better. I'm not going to feel better until I have the scheduled surgery I think. But all in all it could be worse. A little cooler here today. But we didn't get any of the rain that has been around....and drier days ahead.

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