USMB Coffee Shop IV

By the way, those of you who have clear skies tonight, tonight is the peak night for the Perseid meteor shower. It is usually a pretty good show.

Its 4.30 AM in England and I cannot sleep again so I got up in the hope of seeing the meteors but it is totally overcast. So I am going to search for some virtual reality, or maybe some fractals.
By the way, those of you who have clear skies tonight, tonight is the peak night for the Perseid meteor shower. It is usually a pretty good show.

Its 4.30 AM in England and I cannot sleep again so I got up in the hope of seeing the meteors but it is totally overcast. So I am going to search for some virtual reality, or maybe some fractals.
Typical English summer? :D
I am so tired sometimes. Adventure? I've had enough. But my girls are so worth the stress and change. I love those babies!! But what would I do with all my fur-fam? All the kitties and pooches? Not to mention the goaties...
We do tend to get attached if we've been somewhere long enough. Sounds to me like you have some tough decisions to make. Talk it over with your daughter, be honest about how you feel, even about you're not wanting to leave your fur-fam.
Don't ask me what I would do, sometimes I wonder if I'm not a bit of a narcissistic sociopath, I'm not that close to anyone in my family. problem. They are all adults and have all chosen their paths. My daughter and granddaughters...not so much. I have started reaching out to see what can be done about the fur-fam. Actually, I might have a partial solution. The (almost) 20-yr-old cat apparently has a brother owned by my vet. Same age, identical markings, maybe some help there. The other cats, I could probably take them to the local no-kill shelter, but that would actually be pretty cruel. Goats can easily become peperoni. Dogs are a bit problematic. I'm going to try calling the daughter in the next couple of days. Korea would be so much closed than Alaska. Depending on the contractor, I might actually get some pretty inexpensive flights into Okinawa.
By the way, those of you who have clear skies tonight, tonight is the peak night for the Perseid meteor shower. It is usually a pretty good show.

Its 4.30 AM in England and I cannot sleep again so I got up in the hope of seeing the meteors but it is totally overcast. So I am going to search for some virtual reality, or maybe some fractals.
While this is a day off for me my partner will be working. He's to call me if meteors are visible. It's clear and balmy, so I hope to see something.
By the way, those of you who have clear skies tonight, tonight is the peak night for the Perseid meteor shower. It is usually a pretty good show.

Its 4.30 AM in England and I cannot sleep again so I got up in the hope of seeing the meteors but it is totally overcast. So I am going to search for some virtual reality, or maybe some fractals.
Typical English summer? :D

We have not had much of a summer this year. There was a brief heat wave a couple of months ago, but since then it has been cool and overcast. Mind you we still don't have enough rain to fill the reservoirs.
When the wife got up today she turned on the TV, set up through the Roku, got a meassage it had updated....... clicked on her Time Warner Cable streaming, had to log back in. It wouldn't take the user name/password so I switched it back to the cable box. Worked fine till about an hour ago then the picture started pixilating. Finally called TWC and in the process of trying to figure out the problem I decided to check settings...... the update had switched us to Central time...... changed it to Mountain time and logged back in...... working like a charm. I love technology........ :doubt:
By the way, those of you who have clear skies tonight, tonight is the peak night for the Perseid meteor shower. It is usually a pretty good show.

Its 4.30 AM in England and I cannot sleep again so I got up in the hope of seeing the meteors but it is totally overcast. So I am going to search for some virtual reality, or maybe some fractals.
While this is a day off for me my partner will be working. He's to call me if meteors are visible. It's clear and balmy, so I hope to see something.

From what I remember of other years when I watched for the meteors you can stare at the sky for hours and only see two or three meteors.
By the way, those of you who have clear skies tonight, tonight is the peak night for the Perseid meteor shower. It is usually a pretty good show.

Its 4.30 AM in England and I cannot sleep again so I got up in the hope of seeing the meteors but it is totally overcast. So I am going to search for some virtual reality, or maybe some fractals.
Typical English summer? :D

We have not had much of a summer this year. There was a brief heat wave a couple of months ago, but since then it has been cool and overcast. Mind you we still don't have enough rain to fill the reservoirs.
It was a joke based on a scene from the movie League of Extraordinary Gentlemen where the British agent tells Allan Quartermain (Sean Connery) to pack for a typical English summer. The next scene is Connery in a carriage in London and it's raining cats and dogs....... :D
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Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
I am so tired sometimes. Adventure? I've had enough. But my girls are so worth the stress and change. I love those babies!! But what would I do with all my fur-fam? All the kitties and pooches? Not to mention the goaties...
Take 'em with ya!
I am so tired sometimes. Adventure? I've had enough. But my girls are so worth the stress and change. I love those babies!! But what would I do with all my fur-fam? All the kitties and pooches? Not to mention the goaties...
We do tend to get attached if we've been somewhere long enough. Sounds to me like you have some tough decisions to make. Talk it over with your daughter, be honest about how you feel, even about you're not wanting to leave your fur-fam.
Don't ask me what I would do, sometimes I wonder if I'm not a bit of a narcissistic sociopath, I'm not that close to anyone in my family.
Hubby and I have nothing to do with anyone anymore. Only ones we really talk to are his older brother and his wife. He comes from a very large family, but we like it being so drama free so we keep to ourselves. As my sig says....well...yeah. That. And that includes family. Human family. I prefer the company of the wild birds in the yard and my pets.
I know you would miss your human family did your job. You raised them right and now they move on to watch their kids grow...who will move on. Go where you are happiest, GW. If that means staying where you are, then so be it. If not, then find a way to take your fur family with you or new homes where they are safe. Its all up to what YOU want in your golden years. ((((hugs))))
By the way, those of you who have clear skies tonight, tonight is the peak night for the Perseid meteor shower. It is usually a pretty good show.

Its 4.30 AM in England and I cannot sleep again so I got up in the hope of seeing the meteors but it is totally overcast. So I am going to search for some virtual reality, or maybe some fractals.
Do you do Pinterest? It keeps me busy when I can't sleep. I google for neat pictures, then pin pin pin, lol.

Here is my collection if you wanna take a peek:
Bren H on Pinterest
Happy Wednesday everyone! :) I have had a very busy week so far. A nice relaxing weekend though. I ended up going with my friend to her beach house on the Cape! We went to a really nice restaurant on the beach (with deck), and had a couple of drinks. I had a couple of mudslides but just a couple. I don't really think I can handle any more booze than that at one time! :lol: Not to mention, they are so rich and filling like a milk shake! I want to go back this weekend.

Good morning everybody. Fortifying with coffee before neatening up the closets and the office in advance of the exterminators coming this afternoon. We have had an on going ant problem off and on that we manage ourselves and an occasional beetle or spider gets in the house and that is no big deal. But this past week Hombre identified and killed a roach, and I'm not about to have that. So....time for the exterminator.
Okay, I've had it. For the record, as much as possible, I will refuse to do business with any company that inserts unwanted ads with sound or that are slow loading graphics or pop ups that interfere with what I want to see or read and/or freeze my screen, etc. etc. etc. I have no problem with people advertising their products, but they better not annoy me with those ads.

Is that too controversial for the Coffee Shop?

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