USMB Coffee Shop IV

Not at all. BluHell Firewall.

Yes, I have tried all the ad blockers but they all interfere with some on line games I enjoy playing. And those games are on sites that the ads don't interfere with much. And I have no particular problem with ads in general--I want the products and services many merchants offer and they all have to advertise to keep their businesses healthy and be there for me when I need them. But they need to make those ads user friendly and not obtrusive to the point they make people mad.

It is a bit unnerving though that if I do a quick one time search for say 'exterminators' I immediately start seeing ads for exterminators everywhere I go on the internet.
Okay, I've had it. For the record, as much as possible, I will refuse to do business with any company that inserts unwanted ads with sound or that are slow loading graphics or pop ups that interfere with what I want to see or read and/or freeze my screen, etc. etc. etc. I have no problem with people advertising their products, but they better not annoy me with those ads.

Is that too controversial for the Coffee Shop?

For the internet at least....God Bless Ad Block. :thup:
Not at all. BluHell Firewall.

Yes, I have tried all the ad blockers but they all interfere with some on line games I enjoy playing. And those games are on sites that the ads don't interfere with much. And I have no particular problem with ads in general--I want the products and services many merchants offer and they all have to advertise to keep their businesses healthy and be there for me when I need them. But they need to make those ads user friendly and not obtrusive to the point they make people mad.

It is a bit unnerving though that if I do a quick one time search for say 'exterminators' I immediately start seeing ads for exterminators everywhere I go on the internet.
I used to get that. Search for screen printers and I get constant tee shirt ads. BluHell has eliminated that and though on one site I get a warning that it may effect functionality, it doesn't. Even if it did, I can disable it with one click on an icon on the top right of my browser.
Not at all. BluHell Firewall.

Yes, I have tried all the ad blockers but they all interfere with some on line games I enjoy playing. And those games are on sites that the ads don't interfere with much. And I have no particular problem with ads in general--I want the products and services many merchants offer and they all have to advertise to keep their businesses healthy and be there for me when I need them. But they need to make those ads user friendly and not obtrusive to the point they make people mad.

It is a bit unnerving though that if I do a quick one time search for say 'exterminators' I immediately start seeing ads for exterminators everywhere I go on the internet.
I used to get that. Search for screen printers and I get constant tee shirt ads. BluHell has eliminated that and though on one site I get a warning that it may effect functionality, it doesn't. Even if it did, I can disable it with one click on an icon on the top right of my browser.

I guess I just didn't want to have to bother with turning stuff on and off for different activities because I do a LOT of cycling back and forth when I'm doing stuff on the internet. IE ad block isn't always effective. Chrome is better but Chrome doesn't play well with Windows 8.1--is way too slow while IE is usually much faster. Firefox didn't work well for me either and I had to disable it to stop some unwanted stuff.
By the way, those of you who have clear skies tonight, tonight is the peak night for the Perseid meteor shower. It is usually a pretty good show.

Its 4.30 AM in England and I cannot sleep again so I got up in the hope of seeing the meteors but it is totally overcast. So I am going to search for some virtual reality, or maybe some fractals.
Do you do Pinterest? It keeps me busy when I can't sleep. I google for neat pictures, then pin pin pin, lol.

Here is my collection if you wanna take a peek:
Bren H on Pinterest

Thanks, I took a quick look before the page tried to make me join up. I usually find my pictures in google which has a pictures page on most subjects.
I just turned off BluHell and refreshed a page at USMB. It took 6 seconds to load a page that was 50% ads Most for swinging doors. I own a bar, so you can likely figure out how I got targeted.
I turned it back on and the reload took 3 seconds.
I just turned off BluHell and refreshed a page at USMB. It took 6 seconds to load a page that was 50% ads Most for swinging doors. I own a bar, so you can likely figure out how I got targeted.
I turned it back on and the reload took 3 seconds.

For whatever reason ads are rarely a problem from me on USMB, but every once in awhile they do become annoying. Last night I accidentally brush my mouse over a photo of some scantily clad gal in an ad and received notice that I was about to enter a pornographic site. I resent that kind of thing intruding on a message board.

Reminded me of years ago when I was at work on my last job working for the other guy, I somehow inadvertently opened a porn site--the pictures in glorious technicolor just came coming--huge, graphic, explicit one after another. I couldn't exit the site. I couldn't turn off the computer. The thing had taken over and wasn't letting go. I finally had to unplug the computer to get out of it. (All the while terrified somebody would come into the office and me never being able to live that down.)
Taking off from work soon to tackle the tree problem at my house. The tree is about 18-20" in diameter and creates a Y about 16' off the ground. This is where a 16" split occurred a week ago last Sunday. The southern part is over my house and is resting on or damaging the roof. Once I cut it up, the rest will undoubtedly cause the tree to fall north onto the neighbor's driveway, so I will need to cut the tree down. This puts the neighbor's garage and phone/cable lines at risk.

Heights are not my thing. My roof is 22' off the ground at the edges.
Taking off from work soon to tackle the tree problem at my house. The tree is about 18-20" in diameter and creates a Y about 16' off the ground. This is where a 16" split occurred a week ago last Sunday. The southern part is over my house and is resting on or damaging the roof. Once I cut it up, the rest will undoubtedly cause the tree to fall north onto the neighbor's driveway, so I will need to cut the tree down. This puts the neighbor's garage and phone/cable lines at risk.

Heights are not my thing. My roof is 22' off the ground at the edges.

Sounds a bit dicey and nerve wracking Save. I would say call an expert and have him deal with the liability issues. But then you ARE the expert. That is a dilemma.

I just tried a google search for ' virtual tour Egypt ' and found a gold mine of videos and 360 degree views.
By the way, those of you who have clear skies tonight, tonight is the peak night for the Perseid meteor shower. It is usually a pretty good show.

Its 4.30 AM in England and I cannot sleep again so I got up in the hope of seeing the meteors but it is totally overcast. So I am going to search for some virtual reality, or maybe some fractals.
Do you do Pinterest? It keeps me busy when I can't sleep. I google for neat pictures, then pin pin pin, lol.

Here is my collection if you wanna take a peek:
Bren H on Pinterest

Thanks, I took a quick look before the page tried to make me join up. I usually find my pictures in google which has a pictures page on most subjects.
Pinterest doesn't usually do that with those who browse. Hmm. Weird.
I've been trying to have an intelligent discussion elsewhere on the board.

Excuse me while I scream ARRRRRRGGGHHH!

Thank you. I feel better now.

Carry on.
By the way, those of you who have clear skies tonight, tonight is the peak night for the Perseid meteor shower. It is usually a pretty good show.

Its 4.30 AM in England and I cannot sleep again so I got up in the hope of seeing the meteors but it is totally overcast. So I am going to search for some virtual reality, or maybe some fractals.
While this is a day off for me my partner will be working. He's to call me if meteors are visible. It's clear and balmy, so I hope to see something.

From what I remember of other years when I watched for the meteors you can stare at the sky for hours and only see two or three meteors.
I wish I could be up at my Willow house. No light pollution there at all. OK, no lights unless I turn them on. It'd be great to sit back on a lounge chair with a glass of chilled beverage and just wait and watch.
I am so tired sometimes. Adventure? I've had enough. But my girls are so worth the stress and change. I love those babies!! But what would I do with all my fur-fam? All the kitties and pooches? Not to mention the goaties...
Take 'em with ya!
To Korea? My daughter decided to take their one pooch with them to Japan and everything the poor animal has gone through so far, I think she'll still have to make it through a six week quarantine when they get there. No visitation allowed from the family, either. The daughter is hoping to board the dog in one of the military facilities, at least they take the dogs out for grooming, walks, and some play.
Poor dog. Maybe she should find someone local to keep the dog until they get back? Or is this move permanent?
I am so tired sometimes. Adventure? I've had enough. But my girls are so worth the stress and change. I love those babies!! But what would I do with all my fur-fam? All the kitties and pooches? Not to mention the goaties...
We do tend to get attached if we've been somewhere long enough. Sounds to me like you have some tough decisions to make. Talk it over with your daughter, be honest about how you feel, even about you're not wanting to leave your fur-fam.
Don't ask me what I would do, sometimes I wonder if I'm not a bit of a narcissistic sociopath, I'm not that close to anyone in my family.
Hubby and I have nothing to do with anyone anymore. Only ones we really talk to are his older brother and his wife. He comes from a very large family, but we like it being so drama free so we keep to ourselves. As my sig says....well...yeah. That. And that includes family. Human family. I prefer the company of the wild birds in the yard and my pets.
I know you would miss your human family did your job. You raised them right and now they move on to watch their kids grow...who will move on. Go where you are happiest, GW. If that means staying where you are, then so be it. If not, then find a way to take your fur family with you or new homes where they are safe. Its all up to what YOU want in your golden years. ((((hugs))))
I often joke a bit about my relationship with my daughter. She's grown up and is probably my best friend. We talk about everything! I feel that a parent has done a good job if they can raise a person who is someone you'd want to be friends with. For her part, my daughter has told me that regardless of my ruthless parenting, I was a parent, not a buddy and she now appreciates that difference. One of the best things about being a grandparent is you can be a friend and confidant to the little ones and you leave the tough work to Mom and Dad.
By the way, those of you who have clear skies tonight, tonight is the peak night for the Perseid meteor shower. It is usually a pretty good show.

Its 4.30 AM in England and I cannot sleep again so I got up in the hope of seeing the meteors but it is totally overcast. So I am going to search for some virtual reality, or maybe some fractals.
Do you do Pinterest? It keeps me busy when I can't sleep. I google for neat pictures, then pin pin pin, lol.

Here is my collection if you wanna take a peek:
Bren H on Pinterest
I like the recipes.
Good morning everybody. Fortifying with coffee before neatening up the closets and the office in advance of the exterminators coming this afternoon. We have had an on going ant problem off and on that we manage ourselves and an occasional beetle or spider gets in the house and that is no big deal. But this past week Hombre identified and killed a roach, and I'm not about to have that. So....time for the exterminator.
If you had a cat, you'd have fewer bug problems. I had a fly get in the house earlier and Mr. Peepers pursued it until he had it captured and consumed. Roaches are different. Once one moves in, they bring along all their brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, the entire roach village. Hope the exterminator works for you.
Last summer we had carpenter ants invade the cabin. I found and destroyed their nest and applied diatomaceous earth to the footings of the cabin. No more ants.
Poor dog. Maybe she should find someone local to keep the dog until they get back? Or is this move permanent?
The move is as permanent as it gets for a military assignment. They'll be in Okinawa 3-7 years. The dog has intense separation anxiety and is very attached to the family. Daughter considered asking another friend to take the dog, but he's dealing with his wife's (Sochenda on the prayer list) ongoing dementia resulting from brain cancer. I offered to take the dog, but I think my schedule would be too much for the poor thing. The decision to keep the dog and take it is an improvement, though. Previous pets have been re-homed whenever the family moves.

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