USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have to apologize, but I will not be eating turkey bacon in solidarity with you. I finished my first, and most likely last, package of the stuff. I'll confess, the dog enjoyed most of it. I'm frying up a mess of the real stuff for a BLT right now. I feel so sorry for anyone sentenced to consuming fake bacon.

Pork bacon does taste better, but I find the turkey stuff tolerable and I love how little grease it makes when fried. Pork bacon is always such a mess!

I don't like turkey bacon. I guess it tastes alright, but it's not the same! :)

I really don't mind it--I serve it to my house guests who cannot or choose not to eat pork--and I usually have some with them and don't hate it. But you're right. It isn't the same. And I do prefer traditional bacon cooked just to past tough and chewy to just barely crisp but not crumbly. It is an art. :)
Good morning everybody. Fortifying with coffee before neatening up the closets and the office in advance of the exterminators coming this afternoon. We have had an on going ant problem off and on that we manage ourselves and an occasional beetle or spider gets in the house and that is no big deal. But this past week Hombre identified and killed a roach, and I'm not about to have that. So....time for the exterminator.

So, I haven't had the time or the inclination to go back and read all the prior posts that I missed, but I am wondering how you are doing and how your tests came out? :) Everything is well, I hope.

Tests came out good. No cancer. No ugly pathology. But it still is a hepatic cyst that will continue to cause problems if it is not removed, so I have a consult with a general surgeon on August 26 and presume surgery will be scheduled, hopefully soon after, because I really would like to have this done and over with.

I did get a mild concern this morning however, when I checked my on line medical records and upcoming appointments and saw that I was scheduled for an appointment with the onocology group next week? Nobody had told me about that. So I call them and they said no, it was scheduled 'just in case' but since there is no cancer I won't need to see that doctor. Whew.

I am really happy though. Checked out the surgeon I will see and he is rated 5 stars and an expert and very highly credentialed in the procedure he will do. I got lucky.
Taking off from work soon to tackle the tree problem at my house. The tree is about 18-20" in diameter and creates a Y about 16' off the ground. This is where a 16" split occurred a week ago last Sunday. The southern part is over my house and is resting on or damaging the roof. Once I cut it up, the rest will undoubtedly cause the tree to fall north onto the neighbor's driveway, so I will need to cut the tree down. This puts the neighbor's garage and phone/cable lines at risk.

Heights are not my thing. My roof is 22' off the ground at the edges.
We usually rig a come-along or winch to pull the tree in the direction we want it to fall, especially if it's close to the house.

I use a cable attached to my 4x4 Yukon.
I use a cable and my tractor, usually with a pulley so I can drive at right angle to the drop. What I hate is when I can't see what's happening as I drive like hell.
Good morning everybody. Fortifying with coffee before neatening up the closets and the office in advance of the exterminators coming this afternoon. We have had an on going ant problem off and on that we manage ourselves and an occasional beetle or spider gets in the house and that is no big deal. But this past week Hombre identified and killed a roach, and I'm not about to have that. So....time for the exterminator.

So, I haven't had the time or the inclination to go back and read all the prior posts that I missed, but I am wondering how you are doing and how your tests came out? :) Everything is well, I hope.

Tests came out good. No cancer. No ugly pathology. But it still is a hepatic cyst that will continue to cause problems if it is not removed, so I have a consult with a general surgeon on August 26 and presume surgery will be scheduled, hopefully soon after, because I really would like to have this done and over with.

I did get a mild concern this morning however, when I checked my on line medical records and upcoming appointments and saw that I was scheduled for an appointment with the onocology group next week? Nobody had told me about that. So I call them and they said no, it was scheduled 'just in case' but since there is no cancer I won't need to see that doctor. Whew.

I am really happy though. Checked out the surgeon I will see and he is rated 5 stars and an expert and very highly credentialed in the procedure he will do. I got lucky.

Great news! At least you can relax knowing that it isn't cancer or something like that! :smiliehug:
Had a violent thunderstorm in England this morning. Some of it was directly overhead and very loud. But I did not have to get out of bed because I disconnected my computer from the phone line last night when the news predicted the thunderstorms. I always disconnect the phone line in case of lightning strikes on the telephone pole. I was okay but several houses were hit by lightning and one caught fire. There was also some flooding.
Had a violent thunderstorm in England this morning. Some of it was directly overhead and very loud. But I did not have to get out of bed because I disconnected my computer from the phone line last night when the news predicted the thunderstorms. I always disconnect the phone line in case of lightning strikes on the telephone pole. I was okay but several houses were hit by lightning and one caught fire. There was also some flooding.
Good to know you're okay. Ya know they make surge protectors for phone line (modem) connections. Still using a modem to get online or a voip phone?
Had a violent thunderstorm in England this morning. Some of it was directly overhead and very loud. But I did not have to get out of bed because I disconnected my computer from the phone line last night when the news predicted the thunderstorms. I always disconnect the phone line in case of lightning strikes on the telephone pole. I was okay but several houses were hit by lightning and one caught fire. There was also some flooding.
Good to know you're okay. Ya know they make surge protectors for phone line (modem) connections. Still using a modem to get online or a voip phone?

Yeah, we have extra super duty surge protectors with battery backup on both computers and also on our big screen 'smart' TV. They are pricey but since we started using them there have been no instances of power surges or lightning problems--Albuquerque may not be the lightning capital of the world, but I bet we are right up there near the top--some fierce stuff sometimes.

Had a violent thunderstorm in England this morning. Some of it was directly overhead and very loud. But I did not have to get out of bed because I disconnected my computer from the phone line last night when the news predicted the thunderstorms. I always disconnect the phone line in case of lightning strikes on the telephone pole. I was okay but several houses were hit by lightning and one caught fire. There was also some flooding.
Good to know you're okay. Ya know they make surge protectors for phone line (modem) connections. Still using a modem to get online or a voip phone?

I just purchased a battery back up system which does have a telephone line protection socket but I have not yet bothered to connect that feature. I just use the battery back up sockets in case of power cuts. I am using a modem to connect to the telephone line, and I find it easy enough to unplug it during thunderstorms.
Last night I went to bed at 10:30, slept till 2:30 and couldn't go back to sleep till 7:30 then was up again at 9:30.......

Next week I get the CPAP........

Well maybe you need to be extra miserable this week so you can fully appreciate your CPAP next week? Just kidding of course. But whatever works. . . .
Had a violent thunderstorm in England this morning. Some of it was directly overhead and very loud. But I did not have to get out of bed because I disconnected my computer from the phone line last night when the news predicted the thunderstorms. I always disconnect the phone line in case of lightning strikes on the telephone pole. I was okay but several houses were hit by lightning and one caught fire. There was also some flooding.
Good to know you're okay. Ya know they make surge protectors for phone line (modem) connections. Still using a modem to get online or a voip phone?

I just purchased a battery back up system which does have a telephone line protection socket but I have not yet bothered to connect that feature. I just use the battery back up sockets in case of power cuts. I am using a modem to connect to the telephone line, and I find it easy enough to unplug it during thunderstorms.
Eons ago I was connected via modem....... forgot to unplug it one night........ we had a thunderstorm...... fried the computer. From then on I always used surge protectors.
The silver lining was because of that and limited funds I started to learn how to repair and eventually build my own desktops.
Had a violent thunderstorm in England this morning. Some of it was directly overhead and very loud. But I did not have to get out of bed because I disconnected my computer from the phone line last night when the news predicted the thunderstorms. I always disconnect the phone line in case of lightning strikes on the telephone pole. I was okay but several houses were hit by lightning and one caught fire. There was also some flooding.
Good to know you're okay. Ya know they make surge protectors for phone line (modem) connections. Still using a modem to get online or a voip phone?

I just purchased a battery back up system which does have a telephone line protection socket but I have not yet bothered to connect that feature. I just use the battery back up sockets in case of power cuts. I am using a modem to connect to the telephone line, and I find it easy enough to unplug it during thunderstorms.
Eons ago I was connected via modem....... forgot to unplug it one night........ we had a thunderstorm...... fried the computer. From then on I always used surge protectors.
The silver lining was because of that and limited funds I started to learn how to repair and eventually build my own desktops.

Yea, good point. I may get around to plugging in the modem to the surge protecting socket but its a jumble of wires behind my computer so I have not bothered yet.
I always used to build my own desktops from the days when I purchased an original IBM from a junk shop. The instant I took the lid off and saw the boards all plugged in to the motherboard I realized it could be upgraded, and in a week I had converted it into a more powerful XT. After that I made a small business of buying old computers, upgrading them and selling them. I did that for years until my last computer which I finally decided to have built for me to my specs, because there have been too many changes and I have been left behind. It only cost £60 labour charges to have it built and they installed windows 7 and updated it as part of the cost.
Ya know, other than the slow process getting a CPAP I like the Texas VA system. About a week ago I asked for an ortho consult for the knees, today I get a reminder notice for a radiology appointment I never knew I had........ Called to make sure it wasn't a repeat performance but nope, the Orthopod ordered the x-rays prior to making an appointment to see me. My PCP also added cervical x-rays to the list.
of course it doesn't hurt that the VA Center is 4 miles from the house....... :thup:
Had a violent thunderstorm in England this morning. Some of it was directly overhead and very loud. But I did not have to get out of bed because I disconnected my computer from the phone line last night when the news predicted the thunderstorms. I always disconnect the phone line in case of lightning strikes on the telephone pole. I was okay but several houses were hit by lightning and one caught fire. There was also some flooding.
Good to know you're okay. Ya know they make surge protectors for phone line (modem) connections. Still using a modem to get online or a voip phone?

Yeah, we have extra super duty surge protectors with battery backup on both computers and also on our big screen 'smart' TV. They are pricey but since we started using them there have been no instances of power surges or lightning problems--Albuquerque may not be the lightning capital of the world, but I bet we are right up there near the top--some fierce stuff sometimes.


I use them too. It is a very good idea. I use them for my TV and stuff too. :)
Well, I have officially had my fill of all the obnoxious people on this board, and I have begun, after more than a decade here, to use the ignore function. I works better than it used to too. You won't see the ignored persons comments in a quote either, or so it appears.

This is about the only place on this board left that's tolerable.
Hi folks. This seems like a nice calm harbor in a chaotic sea of intellectual ineptness.

Hey Weedwacker. Happy you found us. Be sure to read over the OP to get the gist of what we are all about here and then drag up a chair and join right in. If you make it known you are here to stay, you'll be adopted as family in no time. I see Ernie has taken care of your first timer's complimentary beverage. And yes, the Coffee Shop is a pleasant refuge from some other parts of the board, especially during election silly season.

You are allowed an occasional scream of frustration to blow off steam though. I had to do that just yesterday. :)

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