USMB Coffee Shop IV

Midwest America. Married, father, home owner, Libertarian. :)

Well we'll overlook the fact that you dodged the dog/cat question. LOL. (Very diplomatic.) But seriously some good folks here from all over--Dajjal is our regular philospher from the UK but there are some others from those parts who stop by now and then--Noomi from Australia checks in occasionally--we have a Coffee Shopper from Israel. And those of us in the states are scattered from Alaska to New England -- north, south, east, west, midwest, southwest, southeast--lots on both coasts.
Cats, the proper answer is cats...

The tree is off the house and on the ground without damage to other important surrounding objects or living things! Near as I can tell the damage from the tree to the roof is minimal. I need to call someone for an estimate.
Cats, the proper answer is cats...

The tree is off the house and on the ground without damage to other important surrounding objects or living things! Near as I can tell the damage from the tree to the roof is minimal. I need to call someone for an estimate.

It's silly I know as it is usually actually less money out of pocket, but I always feel just a wee bit cheated when the damages don't exceed the deductible. :)
Happy Friday everybody. So does anybody have anything special planned for the weekend? I'm going to clean out that closet I said I was going to clean out months ago.
I'm up...... More coffee!!!!!
Was out back, turned the pool filter on then sat back and watched my part time Yellow Paper Wasp visitor fly over, land on the water (as it does many times a day), get a drink and fly off. :thup:
So the exterminator came on Wednesday. He told us we would see a few dead bugs yesterday, but the second day (which would be today) we would be cussing him because of all the dead bugs we would find everywhere and would have to clean up.

Yesterday. No dead bugs.
Today, we found a few on the front porch but so far nothing at all in the house.
Where are the dead bugs?

Or did we have one roach, killed it, and that was it?
So the exterminator came on Wednesday. He told us we would see a few dead bugs yesterday, but the second day (which would be today) we would be cussing him because of all the dead bugs we would find everywhere and would have to clean up.

Yesterday. No dead bugs.
Today, we found a few on the front porch but so far nothing at all in the house.
Where are the dead bugs?

Or did we have one roach, killed it, and that was it?

Better hope it's that and not resistant bugs. :)
Cats, the proper answer is cats...

The tree is off the house and on the ground without damage to other important surrounding objects or living things! Near as I can tell the damage from the tree to the roof is minimal. I need to call someone for an estimate.

It's silly I know as it is usually actually less money out of pocket, but I always feel just a wee bit cheated when the damages don't exceed the deductible. :)

I'm moving a piano tomorrow. Don't ask.... I hope the hernia operation afterwards is successful. :D

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Cats, the proper answer is cats...

The tree is off the house and on the ground without damage to other important surrounding objects or living things! Near as I can tell the damage from the tree to the roof is minimal. I need to call someone for an estimate.

It's silly I know as it is usually actually less money out of pocket, but I always feel just a wee bit cheated when the damages don't exceed the deductible. :)

I'm moving a piano tomorrow. Don't ask.... I Hope the hernia operation afterwards is successful. :D


Oh my, that is ambitious and let's leave the hernia out of the equation okay? Do you usually move pianos? I always figure that's what those big muscle bound guys who hire out as moving people are for. :)
Cats, the proper answer is cats...

The tree is off the house and on the ground without damage to other important surrounding objects or living things! Near as I can tell the damage from the tree to the roof is minimal. I need to call someone for an estimate.

It's silly I know as it is usually actually less money out of pocket, but I always feel just a wee bit cheated when the damages don't exceed the deductible. :)

I'm moving a piano tomorrow. Don't ask.... I Hope the hernia operation afterwards is successful. :D


Oh my, that is ambitious and let's leave the hernia out of the equation okay? Do you usually move pianos? I always figure that's what those big muscle bound guys who hire out as moving people are for. :)

Foxy....I used to be a weightlifter for many years. Used to do a cycle of lifting 10,000 lbs in 5 minutes and do the cycle three times. Fast cycling and heavy weight puts on muscle mass fast. Real fast. :)

The problem was I grew out of all my shirts! :lol: My ex was not amused. I ended up with a pretty severe umbilical hernia. I had it surgically repaired about two years ago.

My aunt is moving her piano down from Virginia and asked me to move it into her house. I have two other guys helping but the piano weighs around 600 lbs and I know I'll be doing most of the lifting. I'm worried about the mesh in my abdomen tearing but my family doesn't seem to care.

"You're can do it!" :D Oh well....the things we do for family. :)
Cats, the proper answer is cats...

The tree is off the house and on the ground without damage to other important surrounding objects or living things! Near as I can tell the damage from the tree to the roof is minimal. I need to call someone for an estimate.

It's silly I know as it is usually actually less money out of pocket, but I always feel just a wee bit cheated when the damages don't exceed the deductible. :)

I'm moving a piano tomorrow. Don't ask.... I Hope the hernia operation afterwards is successful. :D


Oh my, that is ambitious and let's leave the hernia out of the equation okay? Do you usually move pianos? I always figure that's what those big muscle bound guys who hire out as moving people are for. :)

Foxy....I used to be a weightlifter for many years. Used to do a cycle of lifting 10,000 lbs in 5 minutes and do the cycle three times. Fast cycling and heavy weight puts on muscle mass fast. Real fast. :)

The problem was I grew out of all my shirts! :lol: My ex was not amused. I ended up with a pretty severe umbilical hernia. I had it surgically repaired about two years ago.

My aunt is moving her piano down from Virginia and asked me to move it into her house. I have two other guys helping but the piano weighs around 600 lbs and I know I'll be doing most of the lifting. I'm worried about the mesh in my abdomen tearing but my family doesn't seem to care.

"You're can do it!" :D Oh well....the things we do for family. :)
I moved a piano once. Just 10 feet, actually, but it took 17 hours. OH! We moved it 10 feet vertically. It came out of the house and up a near vertical ramp to the 2nd floor deck we had reinforced and then back to its spot in the dining room exactly 9' 10" from where it started.
Cats, the proper answer is cats...

The tree is off the house and on the ground without damage to other important surrounding objects or living things! Near as I can tell the damage from the tree to the roof is minimal. I need to call someone for an estimate.

It's silly I know as it is usually actually less money out of pocket, but I always feel just a wee bit cheated when the damages don't exceed the deductible. :)

I'm moving a piano tomorrow. Don't ask.... I Hope the hernia operation afterwards is successful. :D


Oh my, that is ambitious and let's leave the hernia out of the equation okay? Do you usually move pianos? I always figure that's what those big muscle bound guys who hire out as moving people are for. :)

Foxy....I used to be a weightlifter for many years. Used to do a cycle of lifting 10,000 lbs in 5 minutes and do the cycle three times. Fast cycling and heavy weight puts on muscle mass fast. Real fast. :)

The problem was I grew out of all my shirts! :lol: My ex was not amused. I ended up with a pretty severe umbilical hernia. I had it surgically repaired about two years ago.

My aunt is moving her piano down from Virginia and asked me to move it into her house. I have two other guys helping but the piano weighs around 600 lbs and I know I'll be doing most of the lifting. I'm worried about the mesh in my abdomen tearing but my family doesn't seem to care.

"You're can do it!" :D Oh well....the things we do for family. :)

In all due respect my friend, I do understand that we sometimes do what we gotta do. But unnecessarily injuring yourself should not be among those gotta's.
Cats, the proper answer is cats...

The tree is off the house and on the ground without damage to other important surrounding objects or living things! Near as I can tell the damage from the tree to the roof is minimal. I need to call someone for an estimate.

It's silly I know as it is usually actually less money out of pocket, but I always feel just a wee bit cheated when the damages don't exceed the deductible. :)

I'm moving a piano tomorrow. Don't ask.... I Hope the hernia operation afterwards is successful. :D


Oh my, that is ambitious and let's leave the hernia out of the equation okay? Do you usually move pianos? I always figure that's what those big muscle bound guys who hire out as moving people are for. :)

Foxy....I used to be a weightlifter for many years. Used to do a cycle of lifting 10,000 lbs in 5 minutes and do the cycle three times. Fast cycling and heavy weight puts on muscle mass fast. Real fast. :)

The problem was I grew out of all my shirts! :lol: My ex was not amused. I ended up with a pretty severe umbilical hernia. I had it surgically repaired about two years ago.

My aunt is moving her piano down from Virginia and asked me to move it into her house. I have two other guys helping but the piano weighs around 600 lbs and I know I'll be doing most of the lifting. I'm worried about the mesh in my abdomen tearing but my family doesn't seem to care.

"You're can do it!" :D Oh well....the things we do for family. :)
I moved a piano once. Just 10 feet, actually, but it took 17 hours. OH! We moved it 10 feet vertically. It came out of the house and up a near vertical ramp to the 2nd floor deck we had reinforced and then back to its spot in the dining room exactly 9' 10" from where it started.'re giving me nightmares. :lol:

I have to unload my Aunt's piano off a truck, and then get it up a flight of about four stairs into her house. It sounds a lot easier than the job you had to do. I will make a ramp out of 3/4 inch plywood. I measured the door this morning and the piano should just fit.

Getting it out of the truck I think will be the biggest challenge. The ramp into the house should be easier....I hope. :)
Cats, the proper answer is cats...

The tree is off the house and on the ground without damage to other important surrounding objects or living things! Near as I can tell the damage from the tree to the roof is minimal. I need to call someone for an estimate.

It's silly I know as it is usually actually less money out of pocket, but I always feel just a wee bit cheated when the damages don't exceed the deductible. :)

I'm moving a piano tomorrow. Don't ask.... I Hope the hernia operation afterwards is successful. :D


Oh my, that is ambitious and let's leave the hernia out of the equation okay? Do you usually move pianos? I always figure that's what those big muscle bound guys who hire out as moving people are for. :)

Foxy....I used to be a weightlifter for many years. Used to do a cycle of lifting 10,000 lbs in 5 minutes and do the cycle three times. Fast cycling and heavy weight puts on muscle mass fast. Real fast. :)

The problem was I grew out of all my shirts! :lol: My ex was not amused. I ended up with a pretty severe umbilical hernia. I had it surgically repaired about two years ago.

My aunt is moving her piano down from Virginia and asked me to move it into her house. I have two other guys helping but the piano weighs around 600 lbs and I know I'll be doing most of the lifting. I'm worried about the mesh in my abdomen tearing but my family doesn't seem to care.

"You're can do it!" :D Oh well....the things we do for family. :)

In all due respect my friend, I do understand that we sometimes do what we gotta do. But unnecessarily injuring yourself should not be among those gotta's.

The ladies in my family are old school southern belles. "I don't need to worry about a thing....I've got my big strong men to take care of everything." :lol:

Foxy....they are unconcerned because they don't have to be. It's a generational thing and a southern thing. It is expected. I am a bit worried....I have expressed concern....but what can you do?

I'm gonna move a piano tomorrow....that's the bottom line. :)
It's silly I know as it is usually actually less money out of pocket, but I always feel just a wee bit cheated when the damages don't exceed the deductible. :)

I'm moving a piano tomorrow. Don't ask.... I Hope the hernia operation afterwards is successful. :D


Oh my, that is ambitious and let's leave the hernia out of the equation okay? Do you usually move pianos? I always figure that's what those big muscle bound guys who hire out as moving people are for. :)

Foxy....I used to be a weightlifter for many years. Used to do a cycle of lifting 10,000 lbs in 5 minutes and do the cycle three times. Fast cycling and heavy weight puts on muscle mass fast. Real fast. :)

The problem was I grew out of all my shirts! :lol: My ex was not amused. I ended up with a pretty severe umbilical hernia. I had it surgically repaired about two years ago.

My aunt is moving her piano down from Virginia and asked me to move it into her house. I have two other guys helping but the piano weighs around 600 lbs and I know I'll be doing most of the lifting. I'm worried about the mesh in my abdomen tearing but my family doesn't seem to care.

"You're can do it!" :D Oh well....the things we do for family. :)

In all due respect my friend, I do understand that we sometimes do what we gotta do. But unnecessarily injuring yourself should not be among those gotta's.

The ladies in my family are old school southern belles. "I don't need to worry about a thing....I've got my big strong men to take care of everything." :lol:

Foxy....they are unconcerned because they don't have to be. It's a generational thing and a southern thing. It is expected. I am a bit worried....I have expressed concern....but what can you do?

I'm gonna move a piano tomorrow....that's the bottom line. :)

I understand even though I'm in my Mama Fox authoritarian mode here and am frowning and shaking my head. I will be sending you all possible good vibes.
It's silly I know as it is usually actually less money out of pocket, but I always feel just a wee bit cheated when the damages don't exceed the deductible. :)

I'm moving a piano tomorrow. Don't ask.... I Hope the hernia operation afterwards is successful. :D


Oh my, that is ambitious and let's leave the hernia out of the equation okay? Do you usually move pianos? I always figure that's what those big muscle bound guys who hire out as moving people are for. :)

Foxy....I used to be a weightlifter for many years. Used to do a cycle of lifting 10,000 lbs in 5 minutes and do the cycle three times. Fast cycling and heavy weight puts on muscle mass fast. Real fast. :)

The problem was I grew out of all my shirts! :lol: My ex was not amused. I ended up with a pretty severe umbilical hernia. I had it surgically repaired about two years ago.

My aunt is moving her piano down from Virginia and asked me to move it into her house. I have two other guys helping but the piano weighs around 600 lbs and I know I'll be doing most of the lifting. I'm worried about the mesh in my abdomen tearing but my family doesn't seem to care.

"You're can do it!" :D Oh well....the things we do for family. :)
I moved a piano once. Just 10 feet, actually, but it took 17 hours. OH! We moved it 10 feet vertically. It came out of the house and up a near vertical ramp to the 2nd floor deck we had reinforced and then back to its spot in the dining room exactly 9' 10" from where it started.'re giving me nightmares. :lol:

I have to unload my Aunt's piano off a truck, and then get it up a flight of about four stairs into her house. It sounds a lot easier than the job you had to do. I will make a ramp out of 3/4 inch plywood. I measured the door this morning and the piano should just fit.

Getting it out of the truck I think will be the biggest challenge. The ramp into the house should be easier....I hope. :)
The one I moved weighs 1,600 lbs. Be glad that isn't sitting in a truck right now.

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