USMB Coffee Shop IV

Got my CPAP yesterday, put it on this morning when I finally went to bed, woke up about 2 hours later with a headache and took it off...... Looks like I'm going to have to work up to using it all night.

I would call the sleep doctor and report and see what can be done about that. Shouldn't be happening. Did you have the humidifier going?
Got my CPAP yesterday, put it on this morning when I finally went to bed, woke up about 2 hours later with a headache and took it off...... Looks like I'm going to have to work up to using it all night.

That usually means that something is not fitting you right.
You should call them.
Damn ! I am all flustered. I have had a telephone scammer bothering me. He pretended to be my service provider, but then started asking me questions. I guessed he was trying to make me change from my existing provider so I put the phone down. Then he ran again later and this time I got him to admit he was from another company and I put the phone down again. If he rings again I will tell him to F off.

You tell 'em! :321:

Lol. I don't like getting calls all the time from the same telemarketers either. Can't you block calls? Maybe tell them if they give you the option to block their calls, you'd think about it. :D

I rang the number to find out who had called me, but his number was withheld so I can not block it.
What annoyed me was that he definitely tried to deceive me into believing he was my service provider, so as to get information that would allow him to change my account.
I can block "private" type numbers that withhold their information on my Galaxy S4.

The only problem we would have with that is the three friends/relatives in the medical profession who appear as "private numbers' on our caller ID when they call us for routine stuff. So I put up with all the crap instead of using means that would also block those calls that we want.
They could always get themselves a cheap cell phone to use for strictly family and private calls that they didn't have to block their number.
Got my CPAP yesterday, put it on this morning when I finally went to bed, woke up about 2 hours later with a headache and took it off...... Looks like I'm going to have to work up to using it all night.

I would call the sleep doctor and report and see what can be done about that. Shouldn't be happening. Did you have the humidifier going?
Yeah, which may be the problem, with all the drainage I have at night it could be adding to it. The more humid it gets the more often I get sinus headaches. :dunno:
Was just reading that one of the latest scams targets folks who rent hotel rooms for the night. You just check in and you get a call from what appears to be the front desk saying that they are having trouble getting the equipment to accept your credit card and could you please read them the numbers? Of course it isn't the front desk at all but an outside crook.

We saw a notice about this also at the hotel we were at last week! People suck!
Got my CPAP yesterday, put it on this morning when I finally went to bed, woke up about 2 hours later with a headache and took it off...... Looks like I'm going to have to work up to using it all night.

That usually means that something is not fitting you right.
You should call them.
It was the first night, pretty sure I'll have to do some adjusting over the next week to get it just right. Could be the mask I went with........


Damn ! I am all flustered. I have had a telephone scammer bothering me. He pretended to be my service provider, but then started asking me questions. I guessed he was trying to make me change from my existing provider so I put the phone down. Then he ran again later and this time I got him to admit he was from another company and I put the phone down again. If he rings again I will tell him to F off.

You tell 'em! :321:

Lol. I don't like getting calls all the time from the same telemarketers either. Can't you block calls? Maybe tell them if they give you the option to block their calls, you'd think about it. :D

I rang the number to find out who had called me, but his number was withheld so I can not block it.
What annoyed me was that he definitely tried to deceive me into believing he was my service provider, so as to get information that would allow him to change my account.
I can block "private" type numbers that withhold their information on my Galaxy S4.

The only problem we would have with that is the three friends/relatives in the medical profession who appear as "private numbers' on our caller ID when they call us for routine stuff. So I put up with all the crap instead of using means that would also block those calls that we want.
They could always get themselves a cheap cell phone to use for strictly family and private calls that they didn't have to block their number.

I suppose but it really isn't necessary. We are on the no sales calls list and we don't get all that many sales calls and either don't answer the ones we can identify on caller ID or we've sort of made it a sport with creative ways of dealing with pushy telemarketers and scammers. When you get to be Hombre and my age, we take some delight in being eccentric old people that those telemarketers inevitably underestimate. Everybody needs a hobby. :)
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Got my CPAP yesterday, put it on this morning when I finally went to bed, woke up about 2 hours later with a headache and took it off...... Looks like I'm going to have to work up to using it all night.

I would call the sleep doctor and report and see what can be done about that. Shouldn't be happening. Did you have the humidifier going?
Yeah, which may be the problem, with all the drainage I have at night it could be adding to it. The more humid it gets the more often I get sinus headaches. :dunno:

Using the CPAP without the humidifier is an option but that can also cause some icky problems, BUT. . .maybe it can be turned down some and I do know a couple of folks who don't use a humidifier and report no consequences--others need a heated humidifier when they can't use the unheated one--that would be Hombre. At any rate I sure wouldn't suffer and you obviously need that machine, so we'll hope for an easy fix.

Ringel05 - edited this after you read it.
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You tell 'em! :321:

Lol. I don't like getting calls all the time from the same telemarketers either. Can't you block calls? Maybe tell them if they give you the option to block their calls, you'd think about it. :D

I rang the number to find out who had called me, but his number was withheld so I can not block it.
What annoyed me was that he definitely tried to deceive me into believing he was my service provider, so as to get information that would allow him to change my account.
I can block "private" type numbers that withhold their information on my Galaxy S4.

The only problem we would have with that is the three friends/relatives in the medical profession who appear as "private numbers' on our caller ID when they call us for routine stuff. So I put up with all the crap instead of using means that would also block those calls that we want.
They could always get themselves a cheap cell phone to use for strictly family and private calls that they didn't have to block their number.

I suppose but it really isn't necessary. We are on the no sales calls list and we don't get all that many sales calls and either don't answer the ones we can identify on caller ID or we've sort of made it a sport with creative ways of dealing with pushy telemarketers and scammers. When you get to be Hombre and my age, we take some delight in being eccentric old people that those telemarketers inevitably underestimate. :)
Well it didn't take me long to decide against Zorin OS. It has a Look Changer feature to modify the look of the desktop. It starts in a Win7 look, can change to XP or GNOME. I decided to give the XP look a try and didn't like it. When I tried to change back to Win7, nothing happened. I tried to change to GNOME and got overlapping panes on the bottom of the desktop. Basically it got stuck in XP look.

So that's all been deleted and now I'm deciding whether to try Mint or Ubuntu next. :p
Well it didn't take me long to decide against Zorin OS. It has a Look Changer feature to modify the look of the desktop. It starts in a Win7 look, can change to XP or GNOME. I decided to give the XP look a try and didn't like it. When I tried to change back to Win7, nothing happened. I tried to change to GNOME and got overlapping panes on the bottom of the desktop. Basically it got stuck in XP look.

So that's all been deleted and now I'm deciding whether to try Mint or Ubuntu next. :p
If I remember I initially had that problem with Zorin also, can't remember but I think there was an extra step I had to take to change it. :dunno:
Boy it's REALLY cooled down up nort' here in Wiscaaansin. I love it.

So there I was, standing there in the pouring down rain at an afternoon auction yesterday, just for one thing, and boy did it pay off. I had read on the auction bill that there was a "chipper/shredder" to be sold, and when I got there and saw it, it looked like new. Come to find out it's only been used once, so it is virtually new. I did a little quick research with the Galaxy at the auction and saw that they go for around $550 new. So the bidding starts on it low and never really builds any steam. It quickly went to just me and one other person that didn't seem to enthused about bidding, so always bid as though you will NOT quit and they usually die out, even though my cousin, the auctioneer, did not want to give it up, aside from his pounding it trying to get more money for it, the bid ended with me at $170. He knew I was stealing it... LOL... YA WIN SOME, YA LOSE SOME, yesterday I won big time. Boy can I use this thing...


I would be curious how well it works. Might make a good addition to my tree removal equipment.
Boy it's REALLY cooled down up nort' here in Wiscaaansin. I love it.

So there I was, standing there in the pouring down rain at an afternoon auction yesterday, just for one thing, and boy did it pay off. I had read on the auction bill that there was a "chipper/shredder" to be sold, and when I got there and saw it, it looked like new. Come to find out it's only been used once, so it is virtually new. I did a little quick research with the Galaxy at the auction and saw that they go for around $550 new. So the bidding starts on it low and never really builds any steam. It quickly went to just me and one other person that didn't seem to enthused about bidding, so always bid as though you will NOT quit and they usually die out, even though my cousin, the auctioneer, did not want to give it up, aside from his pounding it trying to get more money for it, the bid ended with me at $170. He knew I was stealing it... LOL... YA WIN SOME, YA LOSE SOME, yesterday I won big time. Boy can I use this thing...

All of us boys like our different toys..... :lol:


My son is currently working for a tree company, and they have a really huge and powerful one. He says that he can see how, if you don't know what you're doing, you could get dragged into it if you were a smaller lighter person. He tells me you have to be pretty careful on how you put larger branches in there and stuff. :ack-1:

Yep, you don't call an ambulance, just the coroner.
Got my CPAP yesterday, put it on this morning when I finally went to bed, woke up about 2 hours later with a headache and took it off...... Looks like I'm going to have to work up to using it all night.

Not at all uncommon.

From experience, I can tell you a left knee works way better.

Yet still.... ouch!
My worst accident (to date) is cutting my hand open with a hedge trimmer - it wasn't a powerful one and it only touched briefly the area between my thumb an index finger....

Went to the drug store and bought gauze, antibacterial cream, butterfly bandages and hydrogen peroxide. It went back together nicely. The jeans was wearing were goners though.
Well it didn't take me long to decide against Zorin OS. It has a Look Changer feature to modify the look of the desktop. It starts in a Win7 look, can change to XP or GNOME. I decided to give the XP look a try and didn't like it. When I tried to change back to Win7, nothing happened. I tried to change to GNOME and got overlapping panes on the bottom of the desktop. Basically it got stuck in XP look.

So that's all been deleted and now I'm deciding whether to try Mint or Ubuntu next. :p
I'm quite sure you would like Kubuntu more than Ubuntu. Kubuntu uses the KDE desktop rather than Gnome. They are both the same other than that.

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