USMB Coffee Shop IV

Another stupid accident . . . a woman in my area had dropped her wallet on the train tracks and went back to get it and was hit and killed by a train. I cannot even imagine being that dumb. Seriously. I would not get anywhere close to where moving trains are. I used to go for a walk in an area right next to the train tracks, and when those train come by, they are also very intimidating. They are loud and so fast and big. Scary stuff!

Well I agree that trying to grab a wallet off the track with the train obviously inches away is pretty dumb. But condolences to her family and friends.

I am one of those weird people--I've been using that word a lot to describe myself lately haven't I?--who loves trains--especially coal burners--and who will drive blocks out of my way to be first in line at a crossing when a train comes by. As a child, one family we were friends with rented an old depot building for a house. Their 'front porch' was the old train platform close enough to the tracks to load stuff off the platform into the box cars or whatever. I used to love to be out there when the fast freights came by, but the illusion of being carried along with the train was so powerful that I would like flat on the platform and hold on for dear life to avoid 'being carried away.'

Even saying that, all the train wrecks around the country in recent years has made me squeamish about riding trains as transportation. Usually safe I know, but being trapped inside when you are injured or the train is on fire is a recurring nightmare of mine.

She could have at least asked someone who works there to retrieve it for her. At least they would know when it is safe to go onto the tracks.

That's the problem with most accidents, however. We don't think to ask somebody for help or instructions before we've already screwed up.

I wonder how traumatic it is for the people who were operating the train? They probably don't feel very good either after an incident such as this.
Well it didn't take me long to decide against Zorin OS. It has a Look Changer feature to modify the look of the desktop. It starts in a Win7 look, can change to XP or GNOME. I decided to give the XP look a try and didn't like it. When I tried to change back to Win7, nothing happened. I tried to change to GNOME and got overlapping panes on the bottom of the desktop. Basically it got stuck in XP look.

So that's all been deleted and now I'm deciding whether to try Mint or Ubuntu next. :p
I'm quite sure you would like Kubuntu more than Ubuntu. Kubuntu uses the KDE desktop rather than Gnome. They are both the same other than that.

I went and got Ubuntu, I'm using it now. I'll probably grab Kubuntu and either try it as well or just wait and try it when I put together my new machine.

I do have to say, the transition from Windows to Ubuntu looks like it is going to be.....annoying. I just spent way too much time trying to figure out why I can't get the menu toolbar in Firefox.....before eventually realizing that it's there, I just can't see it unless I hover my cursor over the top of the page. :mad:

Running commands in the terminal is also probably going to be a learning experience. I didn't realize that it would ask for my password but then give no indication that it was accepting what I was typing! :lol:

Oh my--got an error message on your link MeBelle, but thanks for letting us know. He had battled cancer for a very long time and sorry to hear that he finally lost that war.

Good to see you though. You should stop by more often.
Thanks Foxy...

The 'error message' should have taken you to the final post.

If you don't mind, I'll post the message here.

Oh my--got an error message on your link MeBelle, but thanks for letting us know. He had battled cancer for a very long time and sorry to hear that he finally lost that war.

Good to see you though. You should stop by more often.
Thanks Foxy...

The 'error message' should have taken you to the final post.

If you don't mind, I'll post the message here.

You're right, the link does take us to that thread and here it is again.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He really wasn't active in the Coffee Shop MeBelle and I think so few posting here know who he is, better for those who did know him to pay their last respects there? But no, I have no objection to you posting the post of his passing here.

But he and Syrenn were both signatories in the Coffee Shop and I will express my condolences to her and a heartfelt RIP to him.

They Do Say Bad Things Come in Three's

Sunday all of the Doctors were gathered to have the discussion of what He wanted and to discuss his final days.... and he wanted to come home. He wanted to wrap up a few things on his computers, see his beloved cats, do a movie marathon of his favorites....and have me arrange for a round of kittens...before checking into hospice. He so wanted to hold kittens one last time..... It was going to take a few day for all of the arrangements...bed, wheelchairs, ramps, transportation back and forth for blood.... It was suggested that i bring him his computers so do what ever it was he wanted to wrap up....

They offered to move Him into one of the nicer suites of the palliative care unite.... OMG the VERY same room my mother had just died in. I passed...(bad juju)...we were just fine and happy in the room we were in thank you very much.

We also finalized all of the paperwork stating that i was to be his medical power of attorney. They all new this but just needed it said again, signed and witnessed.... They asked him about his wishes for DNR. The doctors looked at him for the answer...and he looked at me. He trusted my decisions and knowledge....and so did the doctors.

I went home, arranged to get kittens and bring them in on Wed....after all we did have at least a week... I gathered all that he wanted and brought it back up to him.

the call came in at 230am (8.17.15) monday morning.... i should come now. His eyes were closed and respiration was 58. They were desperately trying to get it down with morphine and ease his pain. (normal is 15 -20) I made the DNR decision and refused any further blood. I knew he would never wake up again.... The hours ticked on... and on.... to the point they had run the pharmacy out of morphine and were PRN dosing him every 10 minutes. I had had enough.... after 8 hours of them not being able to deal with his breathing issues and pain.... i had HAD enough.

I ordered.... that the doctors orders be changed from morphine to dilaudid. The nurse looked at her charge nurse... the charge looked at me and said... You are right. (and He hates it when i am She ran off to try and get the orders changed. The attending doctors said no, they did not think that was a good idea at all..who was i after all to give orders, make medical decisions, and second guess them, the doctors... he was already at the max dose of morphine both drip and boils.

the nurse came back into the room a while later and said "I would never guess" .... aaahhh... yes indeed... the doctors DO think it is a good idea after all!!! I am right... They changed the orders and gave him the dilauded. After the first dose... his whole body gave a sigh of relief.... and his breathing rate slowly came down. His pain was finally over.....

I held his hand and stroked his arm for almost 24 hours until he passed away. For a brief moment he opened his eyes and looked at me...breathed his last, and passed away. I am heartbroken. I have lost my best friend. I will always love him...and know he will always love me.

My family will never forgive me....nor will they ever understand. At 11am was my mothers burial...of which i did not sister has not responded to the email my husband sent saying that depending on what happened at the hospital with my friend... we may or may not be there.

In the afternoon.. the emails between my husband and his father started flying. A dear family friend, the wife of his college roommate, had lost her battle with cancer. The infection she had was not going to respond...and they were taking her off of life support in the ICU. The ICU unit is on the floor directly beneath us! She passed away a few hours later.

the morbid thought that just came to mind..... they will be sharing rooms in the morgue and be able to keep each other company...... :eek-52:

oh... and there was an earthquake.

My Shakespearean life.... and the does laugh....

You're right, the link does take us to that thread and here it is again.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He really wasn't active in the Coffee Shop MeBelle and I think so few posting here know who he is, better for those who did know him to pay their last respects there? But no, I have no objection to you posting the post of his passing here.

But he and Syrenn were both signatories in the Coffee Shop and I will express my condolences to her and a heartfelt RIP to him.

Understood Foxfyre...and thank you.
View attachment 47790

They Do Say Bad Things Come in Three's

Sunday all of the Doctors were gathered to have the discussion of what He wanted and to discuss his final days.... and he wanted to come home. He wanted to wrap up a few things on his computers, see his beloved cats, do a movie marathon of his favorites....and have me arrange for a round of kittens...before checking into hospice. He so wanted to hold kittens one last time..... It was going to take a few day for all of the arrangements...bed, wheelchairs, ramps, transportation back and forth for blood.... It was suggested that i bring him his computers so do what ever it was he wanted to wrap up....

They offered to move Him into one of the nicer suites of the palliative care unite.... OMG the VERY same room my mother had just died in. I passed...(bad juju)...we were just fine and happy in the room we were in thank you very much.

We also finalized all of the paperwork stating that i was to be his medical power of attorney. They all new this but just needed it said again, signed and witnessed.... They asked him about his wishes for DNR. The doctors looked at him for the answer...and he looked at me. He trusted my decisions and knowledge....and so did the doctors.

I went home, arranged to get kittens and bring them in on Wed....after all we did have at least a week... I gathered all that he wanted and brought it back up to him.

the call came in at 230am (8.17.15) monday morning.... i should come now. His eyes were closed and respiration was 58. They were desperately trying to get it down with morphine and ease his pain. (normal is 15 -20) I made the DNR decision and refused any further blood. I knew he would never wake up again.... The hours ticked on... and on.... to the point they had run the pharmacy out of morphine and were PRN dosing him every 10 minutes. I had had enough.... after 8 hours of them not being able to deal with his breathing issues and pain.... i had HAD enough.

I ordered.... that the doctors orders be changed from morphine to dilaudid. The nurse looked at her charge nurse... the charge looked at me and said... You are right. (and He hates it when i am She ran off to try and get the orders changed. The attending doctors said no, they did not think that was a good idea at all..who was i after all to give orders, make medical decisions, and second guess them, the doctors... he was already at the max dose of morphine both drip and boils.

the nurse came back into the room a while later and said "I would never guess" .... aaahhh... yes indeed... the doctors DO think it is a good idea after all!!! I am right... They changed the orders and gave him the dilauded. After the first dose... his whole body gave a sigh of relief.... and his breathing rate slowly came down. His pain was finally over.....

I held his hand and stroked his arm for almost 24 hours until he passed away. For a brief moment he opened his eyes and looked at me...breathed his last, and passed away. I am heartbroken. I have lost my best friend. I will always love him...and know he will always love me.

My family will never forgive me....nor will they ever understand. At 11am was my mothers burial...of which i did not sister has not responded to the email my husband sent saying that depending on what happened at the hospital with my friend... we may or may not be there.

In the afternoon.. the emails between my husband and his father started flying. A dear family friend, the wife of his college roommate, had lost her battle with cancer. The infection she had was not going to respond...and they were taking her off of life support in the ICU. The ICU unit is on the floor directly beneath us! She passed away a few hours later.

the morbid thought that just came to mind..... they will be sharing rooms in the morgue and be able to keep each other company...... :eek-52:

oh... and there was an earthquake.

My Shakespearean life.... and the does laugh....

Thanks Mebelle. Maybe all of us will hold those we love a little longer and tighter tonight.
ChrisL I have seen maybe 20 or 30 times now that clip of the great white shark barely missing the one seal who made it to the beach and the shark then catching a less speedy, less fortunate seal with quite graphic blood and gore obvious.

What so far nobody has mentioned, is that great white was 30 feet off the Massachusetts coast!! Wouldn't you think that should be news?
My brief foray into the world of Linux is (probably) over. After some frustrating messing around, I was able to get PlayOnLinux working for Hearthstone, a free card game from Blizzard. There were graphical issues, but I have those on my laptop, so no big deal. Then the game froze and I couldn't find a way out of it, had to restart the PC. More time, more reading, I was able to load the game using WINE. This time it simply crashed so I at least could continue working. More reading and I find that there are issues with the game, there are possible workarounds but it's far too complex an issue for the very first game I try to play in Linux, one which the WINE site listed as platinum in testing.

If I can't play my games, I can't use the OS. :(
View attachment 47790

They Do Say Bad Things Come in Three's

Sunday all of the Doctors were gathered to have the discussion of what He wanted and to discuss his final days.... and he wanted to come home. He wanted to wrap up a few things on his computers, see his beloved cats, do a movie marathon of his favorites....and have me arrange for a round of kittens...before checking into hospice. He so wanted to hold kittens one last time..... It was going to take a few day for all of the arrangements...bed, wheelchairs, ramps, transportation back and forth for blood.... It was suggested that i bring him his computers so do what ever it was he wanted to wrap up....

They offered to move Him into one of the nicer suites of the palliative care unite.... OMG the VERY same room my mother had just died in. I passed...(bad juju)...we were just fine and happy in the room we were in thank you very much.

We also finalized all of the paperwork stating that i was to be his medical power of attorney. They all new this but just needed it said again, signed and witnessed.... They asked him about his wishes for DNR. The doctors looked at him for the answer...and he looked at me. He trusted my decisions and knowledge....and so did the doctors.

I went home, arranged to get kittens and bring them in on Wed....after all we did have at least a week... I gathered all that he wanted and brought it back up to him.

the call came in at 230am (8.17.15) monday morning.... i should come now. His eyes were closed and respiration was 58. They were desperately trying to get it down with morphine and ease his pain. (normal is 15 -20) I made the DNR decision and refused any further blood. I knew he would never wake up again.... The hours ticked on... and on.... to the point they had run the pharmacy out of morphine and were PRN dosing him every 10 minutes. I had had enough.... after 8 hours of them not being able to deal with his breathing issues and pain.... i had HAD enough.

I ordered.... that the doctors orders be changed from morphine to dilaudid. The nurse looked at her charge nurse... the charge looked at me and said... You are right. (and He hates it when i am She ran off to try and get the orders changed. The attending doctors said no, they did not think that was a good idea at all..who was i after all to give orders, make medical decisions, and second guess them, the doctors... he was already at the max dose of morphine both drip and boils.

the nurse came back into the room a while later and said "I would never guess" .... aaahhh... yes indeed... the doctors DO think it is a good idea after all!!! I am right... They changed the orders and gave him the dilauded. After the first dose... his whole body gave a sigh of relief.... and his breathing rate slowly came down. His pain was finally over.....

I held his hand and stroked his arm for almost 24 hours until he passed away. For a brief moment he opened his eyes and looked at me...breathed his last, and passed away. I am heartbroken. I have lost my best friend. I will always love him...and know he will always love me.

My family will never forgive me....nor will they ever understand. At 11am was my mothers burial...of which i did not sister has not responded to the email my husband sent saying that depending on what happened at the hospital with my friend... we may or may not be there.

In the afternoon.. the emails between my husband and his father started flying. A dear family friend, the wife of his college roommate, had lost her battle with cancer. The infection she had was not going to respond...and they were taking her off of life support in the ICU. The ICU unit is on the floor directly beneath us! She passed away a few hours later.

the morbid thought that just came to mind..... they will be sharing rooms in the morgue and be able to keep each other company...... :eek-52:

oh... and there was an earthquake.

My Shakespearean life.... and the does laugh....

I read plenty of QW's posts. My condolences to all who knew and loved him.
My brief foray into the world of Linux is (probably) over. After some frustrating messing around, I was able to get PlayOnLinux working for Hearthstone, a free card game from Blizzard. There were graphical issues, but I have those on my laptop, so no big deal. Then the game froze and I couldn't find a way out of it, had to restart the PC. More time, more reading, I was able to load the game using WINE. This time it simply crashed so I at least could continue working. More reading and I find that there are issues with the game, there are possible workarounds but it's far too complex an issue for the very first game I try to play in Linux, one which the WINE site listed as platinum in testing.

If I can't play my games, I can't use the OS. :(
That's why I still use Windows. Tried to warn ya...... Now I use Linux on other machines, ones I don't use for games.
Try Steam, set up an account and see what the have that's compatible with Linux.
My brief foray into the world of Linux is (probably) over. After some frustrating messing around, I was able to get PlayOnLinux working for Hearthstone, a free card game from Blizzard. There were graphical issues, but I have those on my laptop, so no big deal. Then the game froze and I couldn't find a way out of it, had to restart the PC. More time, more reading, I was able to load the game using WINE. This time it simply crashed so I at least could continue working. More reading and I find that there are issues with the game, there are possible workarounds but it's far too complex an issue for the very first game I try to play in Linux, one which the WINE site listed as platinum in testing.

If I can't play my games, I can't use the OS. :(
That's why I still use Windows. Tried to warn ya...... Now I use Linux on other machines, ones I don't use for games.
Try Steam, set up an account and see what the have that's compatible with Linux.

I don't have any computers I don't use for games. :lol: I only use the laptop a bit, but still, having the option is important! :D
My brief foray into the world of Linux is (probably) over. After some frustrating messing around, I was able to get PlayOnLinux working for Hearthstone, a free card game from Blizzard. There were graphical issues, but I have those on my laptop, so no big deal. Then the game froze and I couldn't find a way out of it, had to restart the PC. More time, more reading, I was able to load the game using WINE. This time it simply crashed so I at least could continue working. More reading and I find that there are issues with the game, there are possible workarounds but it's far too complex an issue for the very first game I try to play in Linux, one which the WINE site listed as platinum in testing.

If I can't play my games, I can't use the OS. :(
That's why I still use Windows. Tried to warn ya...... Now I use Linux on other machines, ones I don't use for games.
Try Steam, set up an account and see what the have that's compatible with Linux.

I don't have any computers I don't use for games. :lol: I only use the laptop a bit, but still, having the option is important! :D
My primary laptop has some games that don't require intense focus like first person shooters, my primary games are on the much more powerful desktop with the 26" monitor. My other Linux desktop is for things like banking, etc and yes it does have Clam AV and a firewall.
I don't know. I wouldn't go onto the train tracks at a busy train station like that. No way.

BTW, I thought that accident happened locally because it was on my local news this morning, but it was in CT.

I've only ever been on the train once when I was a small child, so I don't remember it. I have a healthy fear of getting too close to trains though. :D
I know the Cos Cob station well. I used to commute into New York regularly.
It can be quite maddening when it happens between stations and you have to stay on board for a couple hours.
Boy it's REALLY cooled down up nort' here in Wiscaaansin. I love it.

So there I was, standing there in the pouring down rain at an afternoon auction yesterday, just for one thing, and boy did it pay off. I had read on the auction bill that there was a "chipper/shredder" to be sold, and when I got there and saw it, it looked like new. Come to find out it's only been used once, so it is virtually new. I did a little quick research with the Galaxy at the auction and saw that they go for around $550 new. So the bidding starts on it low and never really builds any steam. It quickly went to just me and one other person that didn't seem to enthused about bidding, so always bid as though you will NOT quit and they usually die out, even though my cousin, the auctioneer, did not want to give it up, aside from his pounding it trying to get more money for it, the bid ended with me at $170. He knew I was stealing it... LOL... YA WIN SOME, YA LOSE SOME, yesterday I won big time. Boy can I use this thing...


I would be curious how well it works. Might make a good addition to my tree removal equipment.

After I got the new table saw all assembled yesterday I pulled this out, choked it, opened the throttle a little, one pull and it started. Ran excellent, until the gas in the gas line was gone and then it quit. Found the fuel petcock, turned on the fuel, one more pull and it started right back up. Let it run for awhile and shut it down, checked the oil which looked as clean as any I've seen, then cleaned the machine up and replaced one hose that was cracked and weather checked. I have two overgrown bushes that are about 25 years overgrown. I hate them and they're going to get trimmed down to about 2 feet tall here pretty quick. I have many other uses for this machine as well so, I'll let ya know how well it works. If it works like crap then I'll sell it for a profit and buy a better one. If it works good then I made a really good buy.

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