USMB Coffee Shop IV

Her surgery is not till next Thursday.
She will be back here tonight or tomorrow.

Right. I'm not going anywhere until o-dark thirty a week from today--have to be at the hospital by 6 am for an 8 am surgery--that's assuming they didn't find anything on today's tests that would make the surgery inadvisable. So far the blood work is back and it looks pretty good. Still waiting on the EKG. It raised my eyebrows when they told me the surgeon had reserved six hours!!! for my surgery. I haven't been able to stay asleep uninterrupted for that long for years. But oh well. . . .
Her surgery is not till next Thursday.
She will be back here tonight or tomorrow.

Right. I'm not going anywhere until o-dark thirty a week from today--have to be at the hospital by 6 am for an 8 am surgery--that's assuming they didn't find anything on today's tests that would make the surgery inadvisable. So far the blood work is back and it looks pretty good. Still waiting on the EKG. It raised my eyebrows when they told me the surgeon had reserved six hours!!! for my surgery. I haven't been able to stay asleep uninterrupted for that long for years. But oh well. . . .

6 Hours !!!!!!!!!! :eek-52:
Her surgery is not till next Thursday.
She will be back here tonight or tomorrow.

Right. I'm not going anywhere until o-dark thirty a week from today--have to be at the hospital by 6 am for an 8 am surgery--that's assuming they didn't find anything on today's tests that would make the surgery inadvisable. So far the blood work is back and it looks pretty good. Still waiting on the EKG. It raised my eyebrows when they told me the surgeon had reserved six hours!!! for my surgery. I haven't been able to stay asleep uninterrupted for that long for years. But oh well. . . .

6 Hours !!!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

Yes, though it probably won't take that long. But apparently these kinds of surgery are pretty intricate and slow going. But whatever, a week from now it will be over with and I'll be on the road to recovery or not. It is pretty much out of my hands.
The truck is a 4 banger and can't pull shit. So..we have to use my van. Acutally, I COULD live in my van quite easily. But if anything happened to Mr Gracie....then I would sell his truck, buy a thingybob that clamps on the top of my van for extra storage space, and live IN the van. I'd bebop up to Monterey, Big Sur, maybe even oregon or washington. Heck, I could go anywhere I want to. Sleep in motel area streets so it looks like I am a guest....shower at beaches with bathrooms with showers, use a hibachi for cooking on nice days and nights or just hit fast food joints for breakfast since I don't usually eat dinner anyway. Yes. I could do it. Did it before when I had my VW bus back in 1970. No reason I couldn't do it again. :)

There was a time in my life that would appeal to me. But now I want my a/c in the summer and heat in the winter, a really REALLY comfortable bed, wifi, DVR, big screen movies, and I enjoy cooking stuff that I wouldn't be able to pull off on a hibachi. :)
Her surgery is not till next Thursday.
She will be back here tonight or tomorrow.

Right. I'm not going anywhere until o-dark thirty a week from today--have to be at the hospital by 6 am for an 8 am surgery--that's assuming they didn't find anything on today's tests that would make the surgery inadvisable. So far the blood work is back and it looks pretty good. Still waiting on the EKG. It raised my eyebrows when they told me the surgeon had reserved six hours!!! for my surgery. I haven't been able to stay asleep uninterrupted for that long for years. But oh well. . . .

6 Hours !!!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

Yes, though it probably won't take that long. But apparently these kinds of surgery are pretty intricate and slow going. But whatever, a week from now it will be over with and I'll be on the road to recovery or not. It is pretty much out of my hands.

Are you tired from todays tests?
You will defiantly be in our prayers for you to have a quick and speedy recovery next week.
Be sure to take it real easy after the surgery.
Been putting things away and cleaning most of the day, went for a nice swim earlier and might do it again this evening weather permitting...... :D
Making dinner right now.
I dunno....all those things sound good, Foxy, but for some reason, I am in the frame of mind that if it doesn't fit in a tipi, I have too much. My tipi is my van, lol.
The older I get, the less I want. Then again, I don't have a family like you do, either. Its just me, the two dogs and Mr Gracie. That's it, and I like it that way. :)

I also don't need AC if I stay along the coastline. The tv thing, and internet..that might be a problem. Hence...finding a motel to stick close to to hitch off their wifi...or a internet cafe. Being social is not my concern. Its missing good tv shows I like, and movies. That might be a problem with Van Living.
Morning Save and most of us, afternoon Dajjal, and good evening Noomi, if you're reading in today. Getting some wash done and tie up some loose ends here at home. Off to the hospital this afternoon for a pre-op work up - EKG and all that - to get the green light for surgery next Thursday.. I'll probably be out of commission for at least a full week and I'm going to need all our regular folks to keep the Coffee Shop going, greet any newbies, and keep the home fire burning and all that.

Good luck with the surgery. Sending good thoughts your way. :)
Her surgery is not till next Thursday.
She will be back here tonight or tomorrow.

Right. I'm not going anywhere until o-dark thirty a week from today--have to be at the hospital by 6 am for an 8 am surgery--that's assuming they didn't find anything on today's tests that would make the surgery inadvisable. So far the blood work is back and it looks pretty good. Still waiting on the EKG. It raised my eyebrows when they told me the surgeon had reserved six hours!!! for my surgery. I haven't been able to stay asleep uninterrupted for that long for years. But oh well. . . .

6 Hours !!!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

Yes, though it probably won't take that long. But apparently these kinds of surgery are pretty intricate and slow going. But whatever, a week from now it will be over with and I'll be on the road to recovery or not. It is pretty much out of my hands.

Are you tired from todays tests?
You will defiantly be in our prayers for you to have a quick and speedy recovery next week.

Thanks Peach. Today's tests were pretty easy but we are getting really tired of the whole process. Really stressful - a little scary - dreading the long recuperation that will be difficult. But quality of life is important too and it will be worth it. But thanks. Those prayers really make a difference.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Up early again and its a clear sky outside. I have not seen a blue sky for weeks and it has been raining so much we have had local flooding. Come to think of it the sky has been overcast since before the recent meteor shower.
It has been a lousy summer in England since July.
Her surgery is not till next Thursday.
She will be back here tonight or tomorrow.

Right. I'm not going anywhere until o-dark thirty a week from today--have to be at the hospital by 6 am for an 8 am surgery--that's assuming they didn't find anything on today's tests that would make the surgery inadvisable. So far the blood work is back and it looks pretty good. Still waiting on the EKG. It raised my eyebrows when they told me the surgeon had reserved six hours!!! for my surgery. I haven't been able to stay asleep uninterrupted for that long for years. But oh well. . . .

6 Hours !!!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

Yes, though it probably won't take that long. But apparently these kinds of surgery are pretty intricate and slow going. But whatever, a week from now it will be over with and I'll be on the road to recovery or not. It is pretty much out of my hands.

Are you tired from todays tests?
You will defiantly be in our prayers for you to have a quick and speedy recovery next week.

Thanks Peach. Today's tests were pretty easy but we are getting really tired of the whole process. Really stressful - a little scary - dreading the long recuperation that will be difficult. But quality of life is important too and it will be worth it. But thanks. Those prayers really make a difference.

I understand that stressful and scary stuff very well.
My husband has had several bad MS attacks and has had several stays in the hospital.
One stay he was in for about 3 weeks and the stress turned a rather large swatch of hair white from the stress.

Will they keep you for a while at the hospital?
Right. I'm not going anywhere until o-dark thirty a week from today--have to be at the hospital by 6 am for an 8 am surgery--that's assuming they didn't find anything on today's tests that would make the surgery inadvisable. So far the blood work is back and it looks pretty good. Still waiting on the EKG. It raised my eyebrows when they told me the surgeon had reserved six hours!!! for my surgery. I haven't been able to stay asleep uninterrupted for that long for years. But oh well. . . .

6 Hours !!!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

Yes, though it probably won't take that long. But apparently these kinds of surgery are pretty intricate and slow going. But whatever, a week from now it will be over with and I'll be on the road to recovery or not. It is pretty much out of my hands.

Are you tired from todays tests?
You will defiantly be in our prayers for you to have a quick and speedy recovery next week.

Thanks Peach. Today's tests were pretty easy but we are getting really tired of the whole process. Really stressful - a little scary - dreading the long recuperation that will be difficult. But quality of life is important too and it will be worth it. But thanks. Those prayers really make a difference.

I understand that stressful and scary stuff very well.
My husband has had several bad MS attacks and has had several stays in the hospital.
One stay he was in for about 3 weeks and the stress turned a rather large swatch of hair white from the stress.

Will they keep you for a while at the hospital?

Yes, I will probably be in the hospital for a week including a couple of days in ICU. That is why I said you guys would have to hold the fort and keeps things normal here while I'm gone. That's why I'm really not looking forward to it. But it will be good to have it over with and get on with my life too.
Up early again and its a clear sky outside. I have not seen a blue sky for weeks and it has been raining so much we have had local flooding. Come to think of it the sky has been overcast since before the recent meteor shower.
It has been a lousy summer in England since July.

Does sound a bit depressing Dajjal, but so is prolonged drought. Considering how our American west is so starved for rain, it does seem that we need a better distribution system.
6 Hours !!!!!!!!!! :eek-52:

Yes, though it probably won't take that long. But apparently these kinds of surgery are pretty intricate and slow going. But whatever, a week from now it will be over with and I'll be on the road to recovery or not. It is pretty much out of my hands.

Are you tired from todays tests?
You will defiantly be in our prayers for you to have a quick and speedy recovery next week.

Thanks Peach. Today's tests were pretty easy but we are getting really tired of the whole process. Really stressful - a little scary - dreading the long recuperation that will be difficult. But quality of life is important too and it will be worth it. But thanks. Those prayers really make a difference.

I understand that stressful and scary stuff very well.
My husband has had several bad MS attacks and has had several stays in the hospital.
One stay he was in for about 3 weeks and the stress turned a rather large swatch of hair white from the stress.

Will they keep you for a while at the hospital?

Yes, I will probably be in the hospital for a week including a couple of days in ICU. That is why I said you guys would have to hold the fort and keeps things normal here while I'm gone. That's why I'm really not looking forward to it. But it will be good to have it over with and get on with my life too.

Thank you.
I didn't know if you would be there for a couple of days and then go home for a long bed rest or what.
It is good that they will keep you there for a week of recovery. Much better than going home, starting to feel better and then being tempted to get up and start doing something.
We certainly will keep the fort.
We will keep you in our prayers until you are well enough to return again.
It will be great for you when you get it all behind you. :biggrin:

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