USMB Coffee Shop IV

I finally bit the bullet after doing some research and let Windows 10 upgrade on this (my primary) laptop. The only reason is because it's an upgrade and not a clean install I can revert back to Win 7, I have 30 days before that function goes away. So far I'm finding it slower than Win 7 to boot up and only as fast as Win 7 when running apps.
I seriously miss my old Windows Games and so far I'm not happy with Win 10.

I'm feeling the same way about Windows 10, Ringel. Hombre thinks it is faster than Win 7 on his fairly powerful PC, but I also miss some capabilities with Win 7 on my laptop and it does seem to be slower.

I just ran across this, Ringel. See if it works on your computer--I don't have Win 10 on this one:

Where are my games? - Windows Help
I know there are ways to install the old games but it requires changing code, I don't mess with code.
I just reverted back to Win 7, was fed up with relearning Windows in Win 10 and there were aspects of Win 10 I just reeeeeealy don't like.

So how did you do that?
Open your Start menu, click on Settings, click on Update & Security, select Recovery.
It works for Win 7, 8 and 8.1, this will show you what you'll see:
How to Uninstall Windows 10 and Downgrade to Windows 7 or 8.1
I finally bit the bullet after doing some research and let Windows 10 upgrade on this (my primary) laptop. The only reason is because it's an upgrade and not a clean install I can revert back to Win 7, I have 30 days before that function goes away. So far I'm finding it slower than Win 7 to boot up and only as fast as Win 7 when running apps.
I seriously miss my old Windows Games and so far I'm not happy with Win 10.

I'm feeling the same way about Windows 10, Ringel. Hombre thinks it is faster than Win 7 on his fairly powerful PC, but I also miss some capabilities with Win 7 on my laptop and it does seem to be slower.

I just ran across this, Ringel. See if it works on your computer--I don't have Win 10 on this one:

Where are my games? - Windows Help
I know there are ways to install the old games but it requires changing code, I don't mess with code.
I just reverted back to Win 7, was fed up with relearning Windows in Win 10 and there were aspects of Win 10 I just reeeeeealy don't like.

You don't mess with code? Don't you run Linux on at least one machine? :p
I finally bit the bullet after doing some research and let Windows 10 upgrade on this (my primary) laptop. The only reason is because it's an upgrade and not a clean install I can revert back to Win 7, I have 30 days before that function goes away. So far I'm finding it slower than Win 7 to boot up and only as fast as Win 7 when running apps.
I seriously miss my old Windows Games and so far I'm not happy with Win 10.

I'm feeling the same way about Windows 10, Ringel. Hombre thinks it is faster than Win 7 on his fairly powerful PC, but I also miss some capabilities with Win 7 on my laptop and it does seem to be slower.

I just ran across this, Ringel. See if it works on your computer--I don't have Win 10 on this one:

Where are my games? - Windows Help
I know there are ways to install the old games but it requires changing code, I don't mess with code.
I just reverted back to Win 7, was fed up with relearning Windows in Win 10 and there were aspects of Win 10 I just reeeeeealy don't like.

You don't mess with code? Don't you run Linux on at least one machine? :p
That I know, a little, besides that's not writing/modifying code in the registry, I don't know how to do it in windows, looks much more complicated and if you do something wrong be prepared to do a complete new re-install.
On the outskirts of a small town, there was a big, old pecan tree just inside the cemetery fence. One day, two boys filled up a bucketful of nuts and sat down by the tree, out of sight, and began dividing the nuts. "One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me," said one boy. Several dropped and rolled down toward the fence.

Another boy came riding along the road on his bicycle. As he passed, he thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. He slowed down to investigate. Sure enough, he heard, "One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me ...."

He just knew what it was. He jumped back on his bike and rode off. Just around the bend he met an old man with a cane, hobbling along.

"Come here quick," said the boy, "you won't believe what I heard! Satan and the Lord are down at the cemetery dividing up the souls!"

The man said, "Beat it kid, can't you see it's hard for me to walk." When the boy insisted though, the man hobbled slowly to the cemetery.

Standing by the fence they heard, "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me."

The old man whispered, "Boy, you've been tellin' me the truth. Let's see if we can see the Lord...?" Shaking with fear, they peered through the fence, yet were still unable to see anything. The old man and the boy gripped the wrought iron bars of the fence tighter and tighter as they tried to get a glimpse of the Lord.

At last they heard, "One for you, one for me. That's all. Now let's go get those nuts by the fence and we'll be done...."

They say the old man had the lead for a good quarter-mile before the kid on the bike passed him.​
Oh and with Win 8.1 and Win 10 instead of using the Microsoft account to log in (allowing them to spy on you) create a Local Account. Also remember to turn off all Microsoft sharing with your computer for more secure privacy.
On the outskirts of a small town, there was a big, old pecan tree just inside the cemetery fence. One day, two boys filled up a bucketful of nuts and sat down by the tree, out of sight, and began dividing the nuts. "One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me," said one boy. Several dropped and rolled down toward the fence.

Another boy came riding along the road on his bicycle. As he passed, he thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. He slowed down to investigate. Sure enough, he heard, "One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me ...."

He just knew what it was. He jumped back on his bike and rode off. Just around the bend he met an old man with a cane, hobbling along.

"Come here quick," said the boy, "you won't believe what I heard! Satan and the Lord are down at the cemetery dividing up the souls!"

The man said, "Beat it kid, can't you see it's hard for me to walk." When the boy insisted though, the man hobbled slowly to the cemetery.

Standing by the fence they heard, "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me."

The old man whispered, "Boy, you've been tellin' me the truth. Let's see if we can see the Lord...?" Shaking with fear, they peered through the fence, yet were still unable to see anything. The old man and the boy gripped the wrought iron bars of the fence tighter and tighter as they tried to get a glimpse of the Lord.

At last they heard, "One for you, one for me. That's all. Now let's go get those nuts by the fence and we'll be done...."

They say the old man had the lead for a good quarter-mile before the kid on the bike passed him.​
One other thing about Win 10 is in order to install it you give Microsoft permission to spy on you, everything you do is automatically sent to Microsoft servers. They've retroed some of it back to Win 7 with certain updates.

How to Uninstall Microsoft Spying Updates from Windows 7/8

Yes you can uninstall those updates and then Hide them when they show up again for download but you have to have Updates set to notify you and let you decide or they will automatically be reinstalled on your computer.

Going pure Linux or doing a Hackentosh is looking more and more appealing every day.
I finally bit the bullet after doing some research and let Windows 10 upgrade on this (my primary) laptop. The only reason is because it's an upgrade and not a clean install I can revert back to Win 7, I have 30 days before that function goes away. So far I'm finding it slower than Win 7 to boot up and only as fast as Win 7 when running apps.
I seriously miss my old Windows Games and so far I'm not happy with Win 10.
Several of my students have told me that Win10 is an improvement over Win8. I'm seriously considering the upgrade.
Just checking in. I'll be waiting for Foxy's outcome, bet on it.
It's definitely Fall here. Temps falling to the 40's at night, trees starting to drop their leaves. And a definite change in the cast of sunlight. Not to mention, it's dark enough at night to enjoy the terrific Northern Light shows that have been going this past week!
I've been having tons of issues with USMB lately. Whether it's tremendously slow or shuts me down. Today seems to be a good day. I've located a new, highly recommended virus protection program that I'm going to use to replace McAfee.
Daughter's all packed up, things stored that won't be going, other stuff has been sent ahead. She's got everyone's paperwork in order, including the dog's. They leave for Okinawa on 7 Sep. She'll be checking out possible jobs after they get settled. I may not have to go to Korea, there may be jobs for aircraft mechanics on Okinawa, too!
I finally bit the bullet after doing some research and let Windows 10 upgrade on this (my primary) laptop. The only reason is because it's an upgrade and not a clean install I can revert back to Win 7, I have 30 days before that function goes away. So far I'm finding it slower than Win 7 to boot up and only as fast as Win 7 when running apps.
I seriously miss my old Windows Games and so far I'm not happy with Win 10.
Several of my students have told me that Win10 is an improvement over Win8. I'm seriously considering the upgrade.
It didn't work that well for me and Win 10 is set up for Microsoft to spy on you, everything you do on your computer/online and it's part of the user license you agree to when you install it. It has keyloggers installed and from what I've discovered is not anywhere near as secure as Microsoft claims.
I've decided to keep Win 7 and when it's no longer supported I'll keep it on one machine that will not be connected to the internet that I'll keep games on, everything else will be Linux. Already told the wife she's going to have to learn to use Linux.
Just checking in. I'll be waiting for Foxy's outcome, bet on it.
It's definitely Fall here. Temps falling to the 40's at night, trees starting to drop their leaves. And a definite change in the cast of sunlight. Not to mention, it's dark enough at night to enjoy the terrific Northern Light shows that have been going this past week!
I've been having tons of issues with USMB lately. Whether it's tremendously slow or shuts me down. Today seems to be a good day. I've located a new, highly recommended virus protection program that I'm going to use to replace McAfee.
Daughter's all packed up, things stored that won't be going, other stuff has been sent ahead. She's got everyone's paperwork in order, including the dog's. They leave for Okinawa on 7 Sep. She'll be checking out possible jobs after they get settled. I may not have to go to Korea, there may be jobs for aircraft mechanics on Okinawa, too!

Wouldn't that be great? Keeping my fingers cross for you GW.
Good morning everybody. A beautiful morning in Albuquerque. I slept with the window wide open last night and slept better than I have in some time. Apparently that is what I was needing.
Morning Peach and yes, when you've been sleep deprived for awhile, it affects our health and well being in significant ways. So a good night's sleep is a real blessing.

Just finished a breakfast of sausage, tasty waffles, and Yoplait yogurt. Life is good.
Morning Peach and yes, when you've been sleep deprived for awhile, it affects our health and well being in significant ways. So a good night's sleep is a real blessing.

Just finished a breakfast of sausage, tasty waffles, and Yoplait yogurt. Life is good.
Yup, even with the CPAP I still don't always sleep that well, last night was one of those. Woke up sinusy, head achy and tired.
Morning Peach and yes, when you've been sleep deprived for awhile, it affects our health and well being in significant ways. So a good night's sleep is a real blessing.

Just finished a breakfast of sausage, tasty waffles, and Yoplait yogurt. Life is good.
Yup, even with the CPAP I still don't always sleep that well, last night was one of those. Woke up sinusy, head achy and tired.

Well that sucks. You should discuss it with your sleep doctor because it isn't supposed to be like that.
Morning Peach and yes, when you've been sleep deprived for awhile, it affects our health and well being in significant ways. So a good night's sleep is a real blessing.

Just finished a breakfast of sausage, tasty waffles, and Yoplait yogurt. Life is good.
Yup, even with the CPAP I still don't always sleep that well, last night was one of those. Woke up sinusy, head achy and tired.

Well that sucks. You should discuss it with your sleep doctor because it isn't supposed to be like that.
High humidity and high allergen count. I also have a follow up appointment with the sleep center on the 9th, i'll take the machine in and let them check it out. I also have to go back to VA and switch out the mask they gave me, it's already fallen apart three times.

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