USMB Coffee Shop IV

Still no Bert. The other two have been off looking with me and haven't had any luck either, I'll check around, but the old boy has been going down hill lately. Not in pain or with outward signs of trauma or disease, just old and mostly toothless and I suspect, partially deaf..
Our last Bichon, Sugar, failed at about the same age. She still had teeth, but had sore joints and went blind. I suspect she didn't wander off to die alone because she didn't know where "alone" was.
I do miss him. Hell I miss all of the pets I've have in the last 66 years, but I'm a realist. Grover is 9 so he's got some time. Picasso is just 2, so he'll be with me for quite a while, but I'm thinking he may be my last dog. I've buried too many and don't want one to bury me.

Well, still hoping that Bert makes an appearance today. Do you think someone may have taken him in? Sometimes animals get locked in people's basements or sheds too. That has happened to me with several cats. They were missing for days. One was missing for a week. Come to find out, they had been locked up in a neighbor's basement or shed and not discovered right away.
He's not one to go wandering to other homes. He's more of a head down to the creek to bark at the ducks or walk in the woods kind of dog. Not very social with strangers at all and in his younger days would attack any other dog he saw.
I'm afraid he's gone.

Ahh, so sorry to hear that Ernie.
He is in a better place now if he is gone.
I hope you can find out what happened to him, it's harder not really knowing.
My cat turned 17 in Aug. so I will only have her for a short little time that she has left.
It's very hard to lose them when they have been with us for 15 or more years.
I think that your dog had a very good a wonderful life with you.
If he is gone he is having a wonderful time in doggie Heaven right now.

17?? That is one old cat!

I have had several that lived to be 19 and 20 years old.
They were still very active and playing with their toys and each other at that age.
My 17 year old still loves catnip, playing with her toys and jumping up the 7 ft. high cat tree.
My "old lady" cat is about 20 yrs now and I leave her every time I go to work with the thought that it might be our last goodbye. Her last checkup this past summer indicated no renal failure pending and she still has a healthy appetite for both food and affection. Most of my kitties seem to last 17-18 years, although some breeds are less long-lived, like the Spyhnx cats.
At 15, most dogs are pretty aged, I hope for the best for you, Ernie, but my heart will be with you if things turn out less than optimally.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Gracie's Karma,
Ernie's Bert,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Physical therapy for me tomorrow. Never had it done before, so I have no clue what to expect. They said wear something comfortable and to be there at noon. Doc set up the appt for me, and they said they would help me with managing my RA. I'm kinda nervous about someone bending my joints around all twisty turny. :(
Physical therapy for me tomorrow. Never had it done before, so I have no clue what to expect. They said wear something comfortable and to be there at noon. Doc set up the appt for me, and they said they would help me with managing my RA. I'm kinda nervous about someone bending my joints around all twisty turny. :(

Everybody says it helps though Gracie. I have been putting off rescheduling therapy for my bad shoulder for the same reason--it's gonna hurt. But if the hurt means less hurt, it's all good.
Physical therapy for me tomorrow. Never had it done before, so I have no clue what to expect. They said wear something comfortable and to be there at noon. Doc set up the appt for me, and they said they would help me with managing my RA. I'm kinda nervous about someone bending my joints around all twisty turny. :(
It's not that bad, generally they'll use hot pads and electric stimulation first (they set it to what you're comfortable with). Then they'll have you do some exercises with it, at a level you can tolerate.
Yesterday I stepped out to go to the store and there was a convoy of Gambel's quail making their way up the side street. Later that day I saw another convoy of quail running around the parking lot of a Walgreens.


Never seen quail up close before, kinda cool. :thup:
Yesterday I stepped out to go to the store and there was a convoy of Gambel's quail making their way up the side street. Later that day I saw another convoy of quail running around the parking lot of a Walgreens.


Never seen quail up close before, kinda cool. :thup:
Hmmm. Quail may have a message for you? Once is a chance meeting. Twice in one day....I automatically think : trying to tell you something. (But thats me. For funzies, this is their message to you).

Quail teaches about mysticism and enlightens you about your soul name and purpose. He is about nourishment of the soul, family, teaches how to elude problems, spot danger, and safety issues. Are you spending enough time with family? There are safety in numbers, perhaps you need to socialize? Quail also aids in awareness of dangers and gives you the quickness and camouflage you need in time of crisis. Are you blending in? Should you at this time? Quail will show you much about movement and taking opportunities when they are right. Allow quail to teach you this fine arts. It is time to be aware of what is going on around you.

From here:
Animal Spirit Totems Dictionary of Birds - Bird Totems A-Z
Yesterday I stepped out to go to the store and there was a convoy of Gambel's quail making their way up the side street. Later that day I saw another convoy of quail running around the parking lot of a Walgreens.


Never seen quail up close before, kinda cool. :thup:
Hmmm. Quail may have a message for you? Once is a chance meeting. Twice in one day....I automatically think : trying to tell you something. (But thats me. For funzies, this is their message to you).

Quail teaches about mysticism and enlightens you about your soul name and purpose. He is about nourishment of the soul, family, teaches how to elude problems, spot danger, and safety issues. Are you spending enough time with family? There are safety in numbers, perhaps you need to socialize? Quail also aids in awareness of dangers and gives you the quickness and camouflage you need in time of crisis. Are you blending in? Should you at this time? Quail will show you much about movement and taking opportunities when they are right. Allow quail to teach you this fine arts. It is time to be aware of what is going on around you.

From here:
Animal Spirit Totems Dictionary of Birds - Bird Totems A-Z
I don't know about any of that. All I know is I just finished my quick "Eskimo" swim this morning....... That water is cold...... but I'm awake......
Yesterday I stepped out to go to the store and there was a convoy of Gambel's quail making their way up the side street. Later that day I saw another convoy of quail running around the parking lot of a Walgreens.


Never seen quail up close before, kinda cool. :thup:
Hmmm. Quail may have a message for you? Once is a chance meeting. Twice in one day....I automatically think : trying to tell you something. (But thats me. For funzies, this is their message to you).

Quail teaches about mysticism and enlightens you about your soul name and purpose. He is about nourishment of the soul, family, teaches how to elude problems, spot danger, and safety issues. Are you spending enough time with family? There are safety in numbers, perhaps you need to socialize? Quail also aids in awareness of dangers and gives you the quickness and camouflage you need in time of crisis. Are you blending in? Should you at this time? Quail will show you much about movement and taking opportunities when they are right. Allow quail to teach you this fine arts. It is time to be aware of what is going on around you.

From here:
Animal Spirit Totems Dictionary of Birds - Bird Totems A-Z

I don't question this at all. . . .well not a great deal. :) But I've never seen quail up close and personal either. I have just been beneficiary of quail hunters who invited me to share in the bounty. They are really tasty. :)
I have a pair of quail that used to visit the back yard but I haven't seem them lately.
Unusual encounters usually mean "hello? Message here!" (for me, anyway).
The Quail come into my backyard everyday.
They eat on the wild birdseed blocks that I buy for them
I love to watch them, they can really be quite funny especially when they chase each other around. :)
We have all kinds of birds that come in and eat off the blocks.
Doves, sparrows, finches, all kinds of small birds and then the bigger ones come in too, like crows and ravens.
The very first time my cat saw a raven which is bigger than her, she turned and looked at me like this cat did with her little mouth in a wide O.

The Quail come into my backyard everyday.
They eat on the wild birdseed blocks that I buy for them
I love to watch them, they can really be quite funny especially when they chase each other around. :)
We have all kinds of birds that come in and eat off the blocks.
Doves, sparrows, finches, all kinds of small birds and then the bigger ones come in too, like crows and ravens.
The very first time my cat saw a raven which is bigger than her, she turned and looked at me like this cat did with her little mouth in a wide O.

:lol: That's cute! I've had cats that would sit in the window and make funny sounds whenever birds would land nearby. I'll see if I can find a video of a cat doing it.

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