USMB Coffee Shop IV

Got up at six am Sunday after not being able to sleep since 4am. Ordered a new game on amazon called. deus ex, the fall. Now I will go back to playing deus ex, human revolution, which I have almost finished.
Jasper is doing better this evening, actually ate something, he's also cleaning himself again but he's still pretty sick. Still doesn't seem to drink any water so we keep giving him syringes full of water and he's starting to fight that now so yeah, he's getting better. :thup:
Say Foxy, and anyone interested... if there's still a prayer/good wish list going on... I just heard that my brother is in a hospital with a broken hip after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Don't know any details as yet and apparently he's not able to talk yet, but he's in excellent physical shape so in the absence of further info I have hope. But wouldn't say no to more.

Your brother is in my thoughts, Pogo,hope he has a swift and full recovery
Happy Saturday, coffee shop people! :) It's a chilly morning here, only 50 degrees and quite breezy. I actually wore my jacket out this morning!

50 is warm around these parts.

Well that's just one reason why I would never live in those parts. :D
Say Foxy, and anyone interested... if there's still a prayer/good wish list going on... I just heard that my brother is in a hospital with a broken hip after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Don't know any details as yet and apparently he's not able to talk yet, but he's in excellent physical shape so in the absence of further info I have hope. But wouldn't say no to more.


Best wishes to your bro! :)
Took Jasper to the Vet yesterday, he's been lethargic and "off" the last week. After a battery of tests it looks like it's a acute bladder infection. Give him medication twice a day but he looks like shit, heck we were worried he wouldn't last through the night, he looked that bad.
He looks a little better this morning and is moving around some but still not eating or drinking water, we'll have to use the medication syringe to feed him water. It's a syringe, no needle, the medication is squirted in his mouth, we can do the same with water.

Male cats are unfortunately pretty susceptible to that. But it usually does pass with proper treatment. We'll hope for the best.

I've read that cats in general don't hydrate themselves enough. And Hobbes pretty much ignores his own water bowl -- if I see him actually drink from it I get concerned since it's so unusual he must be really parched.

But he's got another angle -- at one point, for whatever reason he jumped in the bathtub in the usual feline curiosity; I turned on the water spout just a trickle. This fascinated him and he started pawing at it, then took it on himself to lick up as much water as he could hold, as it were his personal mission to keep it from going down the drain. And now he does it all the time; if I walk in there he jumps right in the tub awaiting the trickle.

Pretty much every cat I've had loved drinking water from the faucet. I also had a cat who would stick his paw in a glass to drink whatever was in it. You had to REALLY watch your drinks around him! :lol:
Say Foxy, and anyone interested... if there's still a prayer/good wish list going on... I just heard that my brother is in a hospital with a broken hip after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Don't know any details as yet and apparently he's not able to talk yet, but he's in excellent physical shape so in the absence of further info I have hope. But wouldn't say no to more.


Pogo, so sorry. I didn't see this post until Chris quoted it this morning, so I didn't get your brother on the list last night. He is there now though and we'll send all manner of positive vibes.
Say Foxy, and anyone interested... if there's still a prayer/good wish list going on... I just heard that my brother is in a hospital with a broken hip after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Don't know any details as yet and apparently he's not able to talk yet, but he's in excellent physical shape so in the absence of further info I have hope. But wouldn't say no to more.


Pogo, so sorry. I didn't see this post until Chris quoted it this morning, so I didn't get your brother on the list last night. He is there now though and we'll send all manner of positive vibes.

Positive vibes. :D

Say Foxy, and anyone interested... if there's still a prayer/good wish list going on... I just heard that my brother is in a hospital with a broken hip after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Don't know any details as yet and apparently he's not able to talk yet, but he's in excellent physical shape so in the absence of further info I have hope. But wouldn't say no to more.


Does your brother live far away from you? Just curious because it sounds like it by your post. How old is your brother, if that's not too personal a question?
Say Foxy, and anyone interested... if there's still a prayer/good wish list going on... I just heard that my brother is in a hospital with a broken hip after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Don't know any details as yet and apparently he's not able to talk yet, but he's in excellent physical shape so in the absence of further info I have hope. But wouldn't say no to more.


Does your brother live far away from you? Just curious because it sounds like it by your post. How old is your brother, if that's not too personal a question?

He's about 700, and he lives 62 miles away.

Or wait, maybe it's the other way 'round.

He had surgery last night, so I heard from another brother, but I still haven't talked to him directly. I'm inferring it went OK since he said he'll be out of hospital in about two weeks. But I still don't know any details as far as how it will impact him. He's very very active normally and in great shape, up to now.
Say Foxy, and anyone interested... if there's still a prayer/good wish list going on... I just heard that my brother is in a hospital with a broken hip after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Don't know any details as yet and apparently he's not able to talk yet, but he's in excellent physical shape so in the absence of further info I have hope. But wouldn't say no to more.


Does your brother live far away from you? Just curious because it sounds like it by your post. How old is your brother, if that's not too personal a question?

He's about 700, and he lives 62 miles away.

Or wait, maybe it's the other way 'round.

He had surgery last night, so I heard from another brother, but I still haven't talked to him directly. I'm inferring it went OK since he said he'll be out of hospital in about two weeks. But I still don't know any details as far as how it will impact him. He's very very active normally and in great shape, up to now.

Oh well, 62 and in good shape, he will probably recover just fine. Really old/unhealthy people have a difficult time healing from hip fractures.
Say Foxy, and anyone interested... if there's still a prayer/good wish list going on... I just heard that my brother is in a hospital with a broken hip after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Don't know any details as yet and apparently he's not able to talk yet, but he's in excellent physical shape so in the absence of further info I have hope. But wouldn't say no to more.


Does your brother live far away from you? Just curious because it sounds like it by your post. How old is your brother, if that's not too personal a question?

He's about 700, and he lives 62 miles away.

Or wait, maybe it's the other way 'round.

He had surgery last night, so I heard from another brother, but I still haven't talked to him directly. I'm inferring it went OK since he said he'll be out of hospital in about two weeks. But I still don't know any details as far as how it will impact him. He's very very active normally and in great shape, up to now.

Oh well, 62 and in good shape, he will probably recover just fine. Really old/unhealthy people have a difficult time healing from hip fractures.

Yeah that's true. My aunt had the same injury a few months ago, though not on a bike. She's 96. She came out pretty well though.
My bunny is so spoiled. I let him out of his room this morning (his "room" is my downstairs bathroom where I keep him and his litter box). I keep his food and his water bottle in his cage out in the living room. At night time, he goes into his room to sleep and comes out in the morning to eat and run around a bit before he goes to sleep again. Rabbits sleep SO much, but I digress. :D

So, I let him out, and he follows me into the kitchen. I open the fridge and he scooches down and crawls in between the floor and the fridge door and just starts begging to me for "snacks." He has a full bowl of food and water in his cage that he knows about but he wants carrots instead. Well, I don't have any carrots left because he ate them all, and I gave him a date (it's a fruit, don't get smart :razz:), and he just looked at me like, "well, this is NOT a carrot," and started eating it begrudgingly. :lol: Apparently, I spoil my animals. Lol.
Good morning. I worked security last night. I really hate dealing with drunk women..... I got home a 5:15, went to bed about 6 and woke up at 12:09. Now, coffee in hand, I'm about to start all over again.
9 ball league at 6PM, so that means I'll be at it til 10.

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