USMB Coffee Shop IV

Here is a photo of our new fifth wheel. It's in the driveway because we've been putting all the stuff we had in the RV into it. I will be moving it in the next couple days after we finish getting all the stuff in it. Mrs. BBD sure does like it.View attachment 52347

Well it is beautiful and I'm sure you'll both love traveling to wonderful places in it. There was a time I would have loved that, but at this point in my life I would just as soon let others make the beds and do the cooking and cleaning when I'm on vacation. :)
Oh! today is my 7th day without a cigarette.
Last night was tough.

Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:
I'm seriously considering quitting also. Last time I did I found the first 2 weeks to be the worse. Thinking about going with the patch, used em on my 13 hour flight to Korea then back years ago. Worked like a charm. If nothing else it will get me used to not sucking on a cigarette making it easier to quit.

They also have those vapor cigarettes. Maybe that would help? I've heard people might get addicted to those too, but can it be any worse than smoking cigarettes? I would think it would be better.
They can be if one buys the refill that is nicotine free. I did cut back yesterday, I'll cut back some more today plus I'm going to the store so I'll pick up a box of patches.
Good morning. I worked security last night. I really hate dealing with drunk women..... I got home a 5:15, went to bed about 6 and woke up at 12:09. Now, coffee in hand, I'm about to start all over again.
9 ball league at 6PM, so that means I'll be at it til 10.

All I can picture is some drunk lady crying and bawling on your shoulder, as you try to steer her towards the door, Ernie! :lol:
The second one... pretty much as you envision, except she had to be carried. In her defense, when she walked in with her husband, she said she was going to get drunk and be carried out.
She and her husband are dear friends and valued customers. They may get pretty damned drunk, but they would never drive. When they come out, they usually arrange a ride before hand or arrange with staff.
The first one was tossed out that morning by her husband and then followed him to Doc's. She was starting crap with any woman who got within 3 yards of the soon to be ex. A knife came out and I got busy. Luckily, a local motorcycle club happened to be there to back me up.
It's part of the job I signed up for when I bought the place. Part of me loves tossing 25 year olds out of the place at 66.
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Oh! today is my 7th day without a cigarette.
Last night was tough.

Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:
I'm seriously considering quitting also. Last time I did I found the first 2 weeks to be the worse. Thinking about going with the patch, used em on my 13 hour flight to Korea then back years ago. Worked like a charm. If nothing else it will get me used to not sucking on a cigarette making it easier to quit.
I'm doing the patch. I find if I could stick with a set time to put on the patch, I would be better off, but with my schedule, that rarely happens. If I'm late, I've been really jonesing and 10 minutes after putting on a fresh patch, I'm OK.
Now, this morning, I slept til noon and completely spaced out. I didn't put a patch on before leaving for Doc's I'm actually pretty much OK, but I have a lot to do today and am going to stick one on.
OK I got out of the house without the patch.... or eating. Blood sugar crashed and I got pretty bad for a while. An orange juice and a bag of chips got me vertical again and I'm AOK after a meal. I think I need a keeper.

Are you diabetic, Ernie?
Mildly hypoglycemic which is pretty much the opposite.
Good Morning !

Happy Columbus Day !

I hope everyone had a good weekend. :)
Mr Gracie is not a happy camper. I sprung a leak in my radiator in the van. He is out there pulling it out so we can order a new one. Mechanic wanted 100 bucks an hour, plus a couple hundred bucks for the radiator and Mr Gracie started mumbling about highway he is doing it himself.

He is not amused at the moment. And he has to take me to town for my yearly mammogram since I can't take the van. Neither of us are amused today. :lol:
Mr Gracie is not a happy camper. I sprung a leak in my radiator in the van. He is out there pulling it out so we can order a new one. Mechanic wanted 100 bucks an hour, plus a couple hundred bucks for the radiator and Mr Gracie started mumbling about highway he is doing it himself.

He is not amused at the moment. And he has to take me to town for my yearly mammogram since I can't take the van. Neither of us are amused today. :lol:

At least he can do that. I wouldn't have the first idea what to do to pull a piece of a car engine out. :D
Long long ago before I met him, he used to have his own automotive repair shop. But these new cars? Head scratchers.

So....not only is google yer is youtube.

This is what he is following. Outside, in to watch the vid, back outside.
His hands are too big to get to the bottom stuck mine in there and moved the clamp enough to where he could get a better grip. Been a long time since I've messed with the innards of a car. Once upon a time, I could pull an engine with a cherry picker, by myself, with or without the bell housing. Without is easier to get it out, but putting it back in and lining it back up is a bitch. Or rather, was a bitch. Damn..that was 40 years ago.

And..since we are "so poor", we hafta to it ourselves. Even if I was as rich as some "claim" to be, I still wouldn't spend 800 bucks for an hours work by a mechanic when we can do it ourselves.
His hands are too big to get to the bottom stuck mine in there and moved the clamp enough to where he could get a better grip. Been a long time since I've messed with the innards of a car. Once upon a time, I could pull an engine with a cherry picker, by myself, with or without the bell housing. Without is easier to get it out, but putting it back in and lining it back up is a bitch. Or rather, was a bitch. Damn..that was 40 years ago.

And..since we are "so poor", we hafta to it ourselves. Even if I was as rich as some "claim" to be, I still wouldn't spend 800 bucks for an hours work by a mechanic when we can do it ourselves.

I don't even know what a bell housing is. I've never owned a car or even had a driver's license. :lol:

Sadly, I will almost surely have to get one in the next few years. I won't be able to be a live in nanny forever. :(
Mr Gracie is not a happy camper. I sprung a leak in my radiator in the van. He is out there pulling it out so we can order a new one. Mechanic wanted 100 bucks an hour, plus a couple hundred bucks for the radiator and Mr Gracie started mumbling about highway he is doing it himself.

He is not amused at the moment. And he has to take me to town for my yearly mammogram since I can't take the van. Neither of us are amused today. :lol:

Ooooh, I've made the mistake of thinking that. Never again.
Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:
I'm seriously considering quitting also. Last time I did I found the first 2 weeks to be the worse. Thinking about going with the patch, used em on my 13 hour flight to Korea then back years ago. Worked like a charm. If nothing else it will get me used to not sucking on a cigarette making it easier to quit.
I'm doing the patch. I find if I could stick with a set time to put on the patch, I would be better off, but with my schedule, that rarely happens. If I'm late, I've been really jonesing and 10 minutes after putting on a fresh patch, I'm OK.
Now, this morning, I slept til noon and completely spaced out. I didn't put a patch on before leaving for Doc's I'm actually pretty much OK, but I have a lot to do today and am going to stick one on.
OK I got out of the house without the patch.... or eating. Blood sugar crashed and I got pretty bad for a while. An orange juice and a bag of chips got me vertical again and I'm AOK after a meal. I think I need a keeper.

Are you diabetic, Ernie?
Mildly hypoglycemic which is pretty much the opposite.

Yeah me too.
Sometimes as a kid out doing physical things I'd get the urge to drop everything and run back into the house and chomp down a bunch of crackers. Only in adulthood after speaking to a nurse did I figure out why -- my sugar level dropped and starch converts quickly to glucose. The body knows before the brain.
Mr Gracie is not a happy camper. I sprung a leak in my radiator in the van. He is out there pulling it out so we can order a new one. Mechanic wanted 100 bucks an hour, plus a couple hundred bucks for the radiator and Mr Gracie started mumbling about highway he is doing it himself.

He is not amused at the moment. And he has to take me to town for my yearly mammogram since I can't take the van. Neither of us are amused today. :lol:

Ooooh, I've made the mistake of thinking that. Never again.
Thinking what? Doing it yourself?

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