USMB Coffee Shop IV

Oh! today is my 7th day without a cigarette.
Last night was tough.

Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:
Oh! today is my 7th day without a cigarette.
Last night was tough.

Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:
I'm seriously considering quitting also. Last time I did I found the first 2 weeks to be the worse. Thinking about going with the patch, used em on my 13 hour flight to Korea then back years ago. Worked like a charm. If nothing else it will get me used to not sucking on a cigarette making it easier to quit.
Oh! today is my 7th day without a cigarette.
Last night was tough.

Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:

A fortnight is 14 days? I always wonder when I see the word, but never wonder enough to actually look it up. :lol:
Oh! today is my 7th day without a cigarette.
Last night was tough.

Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:

A fortnight is 14 days? I always wonder when I see the word, but never wonder enough to actually look it up. :lol:

"Fort" from "fourteen"... from Old Englisshe fēowertyne niht ("fourteen nights").

Common measure in many languages and cultures; in France they speak of quinze jours (15 days). :)

Usually we use the term "biweekly" but that could be a bit ambiguous, as it could be read to mean "twice a week".

Oh! today is my 7th day without a cigarette.
Last night was tough.

Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:
I'm seriously considering quitting also. Last time I did I found the first 2 weeks to be the worse. Thinking about going with the patch, used em on my 13 hour flight to Korea then back years ago. Worked like a charm. If nothing else it will get me used to not sucking on a cigarette making it easier to quit.

I'm sure I've posted this before but when I was quitting (the final time) a friend gave me a great perspective: "you know, it's not an addiction --- it's a habit".

That was a nice psychological help. An addiction is something that has control over you; a habit is something you do voluntarily, and can change to a new habit. Ultimately it's simply establishing new patterns. I found it helps to alter several patterns at once, e.g. change the furniture around at the same time. They all become part of "the new pattern" -- which then associates with unsmoking. Thus they reinforce each other. :)
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Say Foxy, and anyone interested... if there's still a prayer/good wish list going on... I just heard that my brother is in a hospital with a broken hip after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Don't know any details as yet and apparently he's not able to talk yet, but he's in excellent physical shape so in the absence of further info I have hope. But wouldn't say no to more.


Does your brother live far away from you? Just curious because it sounds like it by your post. How old is your brother, if that's not too personal a question?

He's about 700, and he lives 62 miles away.

Or wait, maybe it's the other way 'round.

He had surgery last night, so I heard from another brother, but I still haven't talked to him directly. I'm inferring it went OK since he said he'll be out of hospital in about two weeks. But I still don't know any details as far as how it will impact him. He's very very active normally and in great shape, up to now.

So I just spoke with my brother and he's doing well. Had a complete hip replacement last night and expects to be released not in two weeks but more like two days. :eek:

Simpler than I had imagined. Of course it's going to be a while before he can walk normally, climb stairs and that sort of thing but he's in good spirits and didn't injure anything else.

I told him this is revenge for the time I beat him on (receiving) a pass play and unable to stop me, he pushed me forward, cracking my rib. Strangely he does not remember that one. Probably because he failed to force me to drop the ball. :eusa_shifty:

Thanks folks for your good wishes. It's looking positive.
Oh! today is my 7th day without a cigarette.
Last night was tough.

Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:
I'm seriously considering quitting also. Last time I did I found the first 2 weeks to be the worse. Thinking about going with the patch, used em on my 13 hour flight to Korea then back years ago. Worked like a charm. If nothing else it will get me used to not sucking on a cigarette making it easier to quit.
I'm doing the patch. I find if I could stick with a set time to put on the patch, I would be better off, but with my schedule, that rarely happens. If I'm late, I've been really jonesing and 10 minutes after putting on a fresh patch, I'm OK.
Now, this morning, I slept til noon and completely spaced out. I didn't put a patch on before leaving for Doc's I'm actually pretty much OK, but I have a lot to do today and am going to stick one on.
Update on Jasper, he's rapidly getting better, still sleeping a lot but is eating pretty normally and drinking more water. I should have expected it cause he never really did drink much water and the last time he was sick many years ago was from dehydration.
A co-worker of mine died very suddenly Friday. It's quite a blow personally, we were talking about our grandchildren just the day before and he seemed quite normal and chipper. His position in the company was key and I know the company will suffer greatly from his lack. For my part, I'll miss having a cup of coffee and a chat.
Just goes to highlight, live every day like there is no tomorrow...
Took Jasper to the Vet yesterday, he's been lethargic and "off" the last week. After a battery of tests it looks like it's a acute bladder infection. Give him medication twice a day but he looks like shit, heck we were worried he wouldn't last through the night, he looked that bad.
He looks a little better this morning and is moving around some but still not eating or drinking water, we'll have to use the medication syringe to feed him water. It's a syringe, no needle, the medication is squirted in his mouth, we can do the same with water.

Male cats are unfortunately pretty susceptible to that. But it usually does pass with proper treatment. We'll hope for the best.

I've read that cats in general don't hydrate themselves enough. And Hobbes pretty much ignores his own water bowl -- if I see him actually drink from it I get concerned since it's so unusual he must be really parched.

But he's got another angle -- at one point, for whatever reason he jumped in the bathtub in the usual feline curiosity; I turned on the water spout just a trickle. This fascinated him and he started pawing at it, then took it on himself to lick up as much water as he could hold, as it were his personal mission to keep it from going down the drain. And now he does it all the time; if I walk in there he jumps right in the tub awaiting the trickle.

Mine would jump up by the spout and say I want water. I mean near perfect English.
Here is a photo of our new fifth wheel. It's in the driveway because we've been putting all the stuff we had in the RV into it. I will be moving it in the next couple days after we finish getting all the stuff in it. Mrs. BBD sure does like it.
I had forgotten a simple dinner I used to make for the wife, haven't made it in years.
Cook up a pound of breakfast sausage add a bag of frozen green beans and 1/2 tsp of rubbed sage.
I also do it with diced ham and ginger.
Oh! today is my 7th day without a cigarette.
Last night was tough.

Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:
I'm seriously considering quitting also. Last time I did I found the first 2 weeks to be the worse. Thinking about going with the patch, used em on my 13 hour flight to Korea then back years ago. Worked like a charm. If nothing else it will get me used to not sucking on a cigarette making it easier to quit.
I'm doing the patch. I find if I could stick with a set time to put on the patch, I would be better off, but with my schedule, that rarely happens. If I'm late, I've been really jonesing and 10 minutes after putting on a fresh patch, I'm OK.
Now, this morning, I slept til noon and completely spaced out. I didn't put a patch on before leaving for Doc's I'm actually pretty much OK, but I have a lot to do today and am going to stick one on.
OK I got out of the house without the patch.... or eating. Blood sugar crashed and I got pretty bad for a while. An orange juice and a bag of chips got me vertical again and I'm AOK after a meal. I think I need a keeper.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Gracie's Karma,
Ernie's Bert,
Ringel's Jasper,
Pogo's brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Good morning. I worked security last night. I really hate dealing with drunk women..... I got home a 5:15, went to bed about 6 and woke up at 12:09. Now, coffee in hand, I'm about to start all over again.
9 ball league at 6PM, so that means I'll be at it til 10.

All I can picture is some drunk lady crying and bawling on your shoulder, as you try to steer her towards the door, Ernie! :lol:
Oh! today is my 7th day without a cigarette.
Last night was tough.

Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:
I'm seriously considering quitting also. Last time I did I found the first 2 weeks to be the worse. Thinking about going with the patch, used em on my 13 hour flight to Korea then back years ago. Worked like a charm. If nothing else it will get me used to not sucking on a cigarette making it easier to quit.

They also have those vapor cigarettes. Maybe that would help? I've heard people might get addicted to those too, but can it be any worse than smoking cigarettes? I would think it would be better.
Say Foxy, and anyone interested... if there's still a prayer/good wish list going on... I just heard that my brother is in a hospital with a broken hip after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Don't know any details as yet and apparently he's not able to talk yet, but he's in excellent physical shape so in the absence of further info I have hope. But wouldn't say no to more.


Does your brother live far away from you? Just curious because it sounds like it by your post. How old is your brother, if that's not too personal a question?

He's about 700, and he lives 62 miles away.

Or wait, maybe it's the other way 'round.

He had surgery last night, so I heard from another brother, but I still haven't talked to him directly. I'm inferring it went OK since he said he'll be out of hospital in about two weeks. But I still don't know any details as far as how it will impact him. He's very very active normally and in great shape, up to now.

So I just spoke with my brother and he's doing well. Had a complete hip replacement last night and expects to be released not in two weeks but more like two days. :eek:

Simpler than I had imagined. Of course it's going to be a while before he can walk normally, climb stairs and that sort of thing but he's in good spirits and didn't injure anything else.

I told him this is revenge for the time I beat him on (receiving) a pass play and unable to stop me, he pushed me forward, cracking my rib. Strangely he does not remember that one. Probably because he failed to force me to drop the ball. :eusa_shifty:

Thanks folks for your good wishes. It's looking positive.

Awesome news! :) Two days! That's really good! He must be doing very well with everything.
Oh! today is my 7th day without a cigarette.
Last night was tough.

Hang in there Ern. Three more days makes "10". Four more after that makes "a fortnight". And so on. That's how I approached it -- small milestones.

In my experience once you hit two months it starts easing up. One week down, seven to go. :thup:
I'm seriously considering quitting also. Last time I did I found the first 2 weeks to be the worse. Thinking about going with the patch, used em on my 13 hour flight to Korea then back years ago. Worked like a charm. If nothing else it will get me used to not sucking on a cigarette making it easier to quit.
I'm doing the patch. I find if I could stick with a set time to put on the patch, I would be better off, but with my schedule, that rarely happens. If I'm late, I've been really jonesing and 10 minutes after putting on a fresh patch, I'm OK.
Now, this morning, I slept til noon and completely spaced out. I didn't put a patch on before leaving for Doc's I'm actually pretty much OK, but I have a lot to do today and am going to stick one on.
OK I got out of the house without the patch.... or eating. Blood sugar crashed and I got pretty bad for a while. An orange juice and a bag of chips got me vertical again and I'm AOK after a meal. I think I need a keeper.

Are you diabetic, Ernie?

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