USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just finished my first batch of spelt flour crackers, with flax, sesame, and sunflower seeds. They're really tasty if a little chewy. Part of my long term diet changes include using "ancient" grains instead of modern, commercially produced wheat. Of course, that means I'll be making lots of my own baked goods, since "ancient" grains haven't really caught on with the mainstream diner.
Here's a pretty good article that describes some of the differences between spelt and modern wheat:
I've always wondered if ancient grains are taken from archeologically sites......... :eusa_whistle:
Actually, lots of them are simply still grown in places where they've been grown for many generations who never heard of the concept of selective breeding.
I know, I was trying (unsuccessfully) to be funny........ *sigh*
I just finished my first batch of spelt flour crackers, with flax, sesame, and sunflower seeds. They're really tasty if a little chewy. Part of my long term diet changes include using "ancient" grains instead of modern, commercially produced wheat. Of course, that means I'll be making lots of my own baked goods, since "ancient" grains haven't really caught on with the mainstream diner.
Here's a pretty good article that describes some of the differences between spelt and modern wheat:
I've always wondered if ancient grains are taken from archeologically sites......... :eusa_whistle:
Actually, lots of them are simply still grown in places where they've been grown for many generations who never heard of the concept of selective breeding.
I know, I was trying (unsuccessfully) to be funny........ *sigh*
Nah, I was being distinctly unfunny. Sowwy!
Happy Saturday, coffee shop people! :) It's a chilly morning here, only 50 degrees and quite breezy. I actually wore my jacket out this morning!

Good morning all. Chilly here too with the temps going down to 50 and 51 the last several days--the coldest time is just before sunrise so you really bundle up to attend the mass ascension this morning.

Speaking of hot air balloons, we were wondering early what balloons the U.K. had sent over this year. Well they sent three--two penguins named "Puddles" and "Splash" and a Pirate balloon which is one of the largest in the world, all from Bristol, England. All had been lost in transit triggering a panicked search and finally arrived just in the nick of time for us to enjoy them.

Took Jasper to the Vet yesterday, he's been lethargic and "off" the last week. After a battery of tests it looks like it's a acute bladder infection. Give him medication twice a day but he looks like shit, heck we were worried he wouldn't last through the night, he looked that bad.
He looks a little better this morning and is moving around some but still not eating or drinking water, we'll have to use the medication syringe to feed him water. It's a syringe, no needle, the medication is squirted in his mouth, we can do the same with water.
Took Jasper to the Vet yesterday, he's been lethargic and "off" the last week. After a battery of tests it looks like it's a acute bladder infection. Give him medication twice a day but he looks like shit, heck we were worried he wouldn't last through the night, he looked that bad.
He looks a little better this morning and is moving around some but still not eating or drinking water, we'll have to use the medication syringe to feed him water. It's a syringe, no needle, the medication is squirted in his mouth, we can do the same with water.

Male cats are unfortunately pretty susceptible to that. But it usually does pass with proper treatment. We'll hope for the best.
KQUOTE="gallantwarrior, post: 12519513, member: 31362"]
I just finished my first batch of spelt flour crackers, with flax, sesame, and sunflower seeds. They're really tasty if a little chewy. Part of my long term diet changes include using "ancient" grains instead of modern, commercially produced wheat. Of course, that means I'll be making lots of my own baked goods, since "ancient" grains haven't really caught on with the mainstream diner.
Here's a pretty good article that describes some of the differences between spelt and modern wheat:
I've always wondered if ancient grains are taken from archeologically sites......... :eusa_whistle:
Actually, lots of them are simply still grown in places where they've been grown for many generations who never heard of the concept of selective breeding.
I know, I was trying (unsuccessfully) to be funny........ *sigh*
Nah, I was being distinctly unfunny. Sowwy![/QUOTE]
Aww, you both are very funny guys! :D
Would that be funny, ha-ha, or funny strange?
Took Jasper to the Vet yesterday, he's been lethargic and "off" the last week. After a battery of tests it looks like it's a acute bladder infection. Give him medication twice a day but he looks like shit, heck we were worried he wouldn't last through the night, he looked that bad.
He looks a little better this morning and is moving around some but still not eating or drinking water, we'll have to use the medication syringe to feed him water. It's a syringe, no needle, the medication is squirted in his mouth, we can do the same with water.
Good luck n more is better in this case. Gotta him flushed out.
50 would be freezing here, cotton buds are just starting to open and some of the early peanuts are bottoms up in the fields. We'll be raking goobers 'till Thanksgiving and then planting turnips and potatoes. The ground never freezes here, though we do see a few frosts It was 70 when I woke up at 9:00 a bit warmer than yesterday when we dropped to 65.
50 around here would make me and Mrs. Liberty younger than we are.

There is a Facebook video floating around these parts. It is a Fox News show which asked who outside of Congress might be a possible Speaker of the House. Larry Arnn, President of Hillsdale College was the name mentioned. Kind of fun when we hear someone make the news in a positive light from around here.

Grass has slowed right down, so I have less to mow and can finish a few landscape projects before Fall ends.
Say Foxy, and anyone interested... if there's still a prayer/good wish list going on... I just heard that my brother is in a hospital with a broken hip after being hit by a car while riding his bike.

Don't know any details as yet and apparently he's not able to talk yet, but he's in excellent physical shape so in the absence of further info I have hope. But wouldn't say no to more.

Took Jasper to the Vet yesterday, he's been lethargic and "off" the last week. After a battery of tests it looks like it's a acute bladder infection. Give him medication twice a day but he looks like shit, heck we were worried he wouldn't last through the night, he looked that bad.
He looks a little better this morning and is moving around some but still not eating or drinking water, we'll have to use the medication syringe to feed him water. It's a syringe, no needle, the medication is squirted in his mouth, we can do the same with water.

Male cats are unfortunately pretty susceptible to that. But it usually does pass with proper treatment. We'll hope for the best.

I've read that cats in general don't hydrate themselves enough. And Hobbes pretty much ignores his own water bowl -- if I see him actually drink from it I get concerned since it's so unusual he must be really parched.

But he's got another angle -- at one point, for whatever reason he jumped in the bathtub in the usual feline curiosity; I turned on the water spout just a trickle. This fascinated him and he started pawing at it, then took it on himself to lick up as much water as he could hold, as it were his personal mission to keep it from going down the drain. And now he does it all the time; if I walk in there he jumps right in the tub awaiting the trickle.
Took Jasper to the Vet yesterday, he's been lethargic and "off" the last week. After a battery of tests it looks like it's a acute bladder infection. Give him medication twice a day but he looks like shit, heck we were worried he wouldn't last through the night, he looked that bad.
He looks a little better this morning and is moving around some but still not eating or drinking water, we'll have to use the medication syringe to feed him water. It's a syringe, no needle, the medication is squirted in his mouth, we can do the same with water.

Male cats are unfortunately pretty susceptible to that. But it usually does pass with proper treatment. We'll hope for the best.

I've read that cats in general don't hydrate themselves enough. And Hobbes pretty much ignores his own water bowl -- if I see him actually drink from it I get concerned since it's so unusual he must be really parched.

But he's got another angle -- at one point, for whatever reason he jumped in the bathtub in the usual feline curiosity; I turned on the water spout just a trickle. This fascinated him and he started pawing at it, then took it on himself to lick up as much water as he could hold, as it were his personal mission to keep it from going down the drain. And now he does it all the time; if I walk in there he jumps right in the tub awaiting the trickle.

Well, if he is in the tub, he isn't in a tree. :) Glad you stopped by Pogo. Wish you would more often.
Took Jasper to the Vet yesterday, he's been lethargic and "off" the last week. After a battery of tests it looks like it's a acute bladder infection. Give him medication twice a day but he looks like shit, heck we were worried he wouldn't last through the night, he looked that bad.
He looks a little better this morning and is moving around some but still not eating or drinking water, we'll have to use the medication syringe to feed him water. It's a syringe, no needle, the medication is squirted in his mouth, we can do the same with water.

Male cats are unfortunately pretty susceptible to that. But it usually does pass with proper treatment. We'll hope for the best.

I've read that cats in general don't hydrate themselves enough. And Hobbes pretty much ignores his own water bowl -- if I see him actually drink from it I get concerned since it's so unusual he must be really parched.

But he's got another angle -- at one point, for whatever reason he jumped in the bathtub in the usual feline curiosity; I turned on the water spout just a trickle. This fascinated him and he started pawing at it, then took it on himself to lick up as much water as he could hold, as it were his personal mission to keep it from going down the drain. And now he does it all the time; if I walk in there he jumps right in the tub awaiting the trickle.

Well, if he is in the tub, he isn't in a tree. :) Glad you stopped by Pogo. Wish you would more often.

Strange as it seems, the last time he went up a tree (I've lost count) I just stood there and ordered him down, and watched him as he did it, climbing backwards. So now the cat's out of the bag, he can't play that feline-in-distress game any more since I know better. ;)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Gracie's Karma,
Ernie's Bert,
Ringel's Jasper,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

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