USMB Coffee Shop IV

I sort of rejected the "Hippie culture" way back when so Woodstock was not really the thing for me or most of my friends. (I am more of a "Hippie" now than I was as a youngster. :)) But Woodstock certainly did ingrain itself as an iconic symbol of the culture of that time.
The weather has barely started to turn colder, just a couple of weeks of 50s type weather, but my psoriasis, particularly on my hands, has flared up. :( It's so annoying having the skin split around my knuckles.

I use a product called Psoriasin that has really worked for me. Usually available OTC at your local pharmacy or even the super market or the last I bought was through Amazon. I tried the one Ringel recommended but didn't get the same good results.
The weather has barely started to turn colder, just a couple of weeks of 50s type weather, but my psoriasis, particularly on my hands, has flared up. :( It's so annoying having the skin split around my knuckles.

I use a product called Psoriasin that has really worked for me. Usually available OTC at your local pharmacy or even the super market or the last I bought was through Amazon. I tried the one Ringel recommended but didn't get the same good results.

I have a jar of that in the bathroom. :)

Unfortunately, unless I get myself some disposable latex gloves or something like that, putting it all over my hands leads to greasy psoriasis ointment getting all over things. I should have bought some when I was buying Christmas presents. :p
The weather has barely started to turn colder, just a couple of weeks of 50s type weather, but my psoriasis, particularly on my hands, has flared up. :( It's so annoying having the skin split around my knuckles.

I use a product called Psoriasin that has really worked for me. Usually available OTC at your local pharmacy or even the super market or the last I bought was through Amazon. I tried the one Ringel recommended but didn't get the same good results.
It's funny, since being down here in El Paso I've rarely had an outbreak and the couple I've had have been extremely mild. Believe it or not we've had more humidity down here than up in Colorado Springs. Heck, I couldn't tell you where the psoriasis cream is right this minute, I'd have to hunt for it....... No telling what winter will bring though.
Since the Giz escape a few days back we dug out the old cat harnesses. Tried the newest one but he wold slip out of it in a minute so we put the LittleBoy's old harness on him (has about 20 ft of cord attached to it) He hasn't been able yet to get out of it so he's unhappy but has only recently looked at trying to get over the wall today.
Ernie S. , no...I never made it there, I'm sad to say. My mamm gal's mom was there though. The subject came up when she saw I only had one breast and asked me how I was doing and was I going to get an implant and I said nah...too old now to give a damn and the one gone saw lots of action anyway and that led to hitch hiking to 'Frisco without a top on, burning my bra in Iowa at a jam concert and Woodstock where they let their girls burst free, lol.

I don't have psoriasis on my hands...but I do behind my ears and on the side of my head. COCONUT OIL does wonders. I clunk it on, let it sit on my whole head and hair for about half an hour, then rinse with Selsun Blue. Works like a charm. Might be good for hands? Not so greasy either and if you forget and touch your mouth with your hands, it won't kill ya cuz it's just coconut oil. :)
Ernie S. , no...I never made it there, I'm sad to say. My mamm gal's mom was there though. The subject came up when she saw I only had one breast and asked me how I was doing and was I going to get an implant and I said nah...too old now to give a damn and the one gone saw lots of action anyway and that led to hitch hiking to 'Frisco without a top on, burning my bra in Iowa at a jam concert and Woodstock where they let their girls burst free, lol.

I don't have psoriasis on my hands...but I do behind my ears and on the side of my head. COCONUT OIL does wonders. I clunk it on, let it sit on my whole head and hair for about half an hour, then rinse with Selsun Blue. Works like a charm. Might be good for hands? Not so greasy either and if you forget and touch your mouth with your hands, it won't kill ya cuz it's just coconut oil. :)

I actually used coconut oil for a bit. It worked well enough as a covering/lubricant, but I've yet to find anything that actually gets the psoriasis to retreat at all. I basically just moisturize and cover up the psoriasis and hope that keeps my skin from splitting too badly.
Gracie , didn't you post a recipe for an easy pumpkin cheesecake the other day? I meant to go back and copy it but neglected to do so at the time and now I can't find it. Would you post it again? And if it was somebody other than Gracie, would you post it again?
Hey guys!

Coming in to say hi!

Merry Christmasgivingoween!
Hello, youngster! How are you doing? Fill us in about how things are going for you...enquiring minds would like to know. (OK, I'm interested.)

I'm doing better since the Dawgs won tonight. Overall I lost my class ring back in June, got it replaced. My youngest brother came to see me for a couple weeks. I hadn't seen him in almost five years.

I've been watching tons of anime, gaming hard and doing enormous amounts of housework, got an electrician to overhaul the electric system and installed a new ceiling fan and circuit breaker. So, I've been spending a lot of time helping my grandmother spruce up the house. Next up? The plumbing. And a diet. I got a new T-Shirt that would look good on a slim figure.

Planning to start my artwork back up soon, too. Winter seems to bring out my best art. So I'll post those on my Deviant Art page when I get going, feel free to look through my past drawings if you like.

JadeHarvester on DeviantArt
How's your granny doing? I have a brother who is a HUGE anime fan. He has tons of DVDs and such. I suppose it's an acquired taste. Some of it is quite...hmm, revealing.
Is that all you on the website? It's pretty interesting fantasy art.
Been looking for the Swiffer dusting handles for at least a month or two, should have asked the wife right off the bat, "oh yeah, I put them in the umbrella stand so they wouldn't get lost......" Like I would think to look there.......

I don't use Swiffers. I do it the old-fashioned way with furniture polish and a rag. Lol.
I use Swiffers because they are easier on my back and I have no electrickery to run a vacuum cleaner. For the small area carpets, I have a device called a Hokie. Works great!
How's your granny doing?

She's "pluggin' along" as she puts it. Which is good.

Is that all you on the website?

Yup. That's all me. I started doing stuff like that when I was 9 years old. Since I'm cooped up at home most of the time, that's a pastime for me.

I have a brother who is a HUGE anime fan. He has tons of DVDs and such. I suppose it's an acquired taste. Some of it is quite...hmm, revealing.

Well, Gundam, Ghost in the Shell, Heroic Age, Dragon Ball Z, Naruto and the like for me. I mostly stream it all online because I don't have the room or the money for DVD's. But I can draw most of them, though Mecha is a stretch.
Tomorrow is mammogram day. I don't look forward to it. They think my boob is taffy when they start stretching it all over that plate. Jeez.

And karma has an ear infection so not only do I have to go get my boob squished, I hafta take Karm to the vet so they can check it out.

Sigh. If it ain't one thing, its another!
My vet provided me a supply of otibiotic ointment and ear cleaning stuff because my cats have ear problems but no ear mites. We're not sure what's causing all the itching and scratching, or the muck I drag out, but this stuff helps. Good luck with the mammogram. I understand those can be...unpleasant?
How's your granny doing?

She's "pluggin' along" as she puts it. Which is good.

Is that all you on the website?

Yup. That's all me. I started doing stuff like that when I was 9 years old. Since I'm cooped up at home most of the time, that's a pastime for me.

I have a brother who is a HUGE anime fan. He has tons of DVDs and such. I suppose it's an acquired taste. Some of it is quite...hmm, revealing.

Well, Gundam, Ghost in the Shell, Heroic Age, Dragon Ball Z, Naruto and the like for me. I mostly stream it all online because I don't have the room or the money for DVD's. But I can draw most of them, though Mecha is a stretch.
I'm lost. I'll have to talk to my brother to find out what's good, or current. That said, DAYUM, young'un! That is some fine artwork. You should be able to make a fine living with that. Do you mind if I forward that website to my granddaughter? She wants to be a graphic artist and she's already creating some good stuff. My daughter was shocked when she found that the granddaughter was posting how-to-draw videos on YouTube.
So, my little one is now preparing her breakfast and lunch for herself. I was going to help her prep things but she was "no, please...I am enjoying my alone time!" I love the young lady she is growing into...but I miss my little girl!
That's a good thing. Too often it seems that young people are not encouraged to make do for themselves and they end up helpless when they are on their own.
So, my little one is now preparing her breakfast and lunch for herself. I was going to help her prep things but she was "no, please...I am enjoying my alone time!" I love the young lady she is growing into...but I miss my little girl!
My little girl is 33, has a great career and owns her own home. I'm finally used to, and appreciative, of her independence. I do remember cringing at cooking, but for me, it came much earlier when horses replaced me as the most important thing in her life. To this day, I hate "My Little Pony".
My baby is 33 now, too. She's the best military wife you could find. I always told her, whatever you choose to do, do the best you can. She's a stay-at-home mom and military spouse to a Special Forces soldier. She's managed a household on a soldier's wages since the get-go and her girls are...well, wonderful little girls. They have no debts, she saves money for important things, and they still manage to live a comfortable life.
As for "My Little Pony", I'm enduring a second generation of that and Barbie!
I've had Sphinx cats and seriously, the others do look at them like that!

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