USMB Coffee Shop IV

Halloween is this weekend. As a kid, Halloween was rivaled by Christmas as the most fun time of the year (and that's taking the last day of school into account).

This year, I bought 100 glow stick necklaces for the wee tykes. The necklaces are 22" in diameter and glow in purple, orange and green luminous chemicals. I also have seven bags of Reese Cups at hand. It started out as eight bags of Reese Cups, but...

My neighborhood crawls with kids. Although you wouldn't know it as so many of the wee bairn are occupied with video games and rarely pick up a game of baseball or tag any more. The luxurious Pimplebutt Estate is flanked by houses of 2,000 square feet or more arraigned on the hillside like the homes in San Francisco or ancient Machu Picchu. A kid could not do better for Halloween scavenging than my neighborhood.

Only a few years ago (and that's relative too because it was only forty or fifty years ago in reality) I was one of those kids canvassing the same neighborhoods for Trick-or-Treat. My brother lives in one of the 'better' houses for Halloween. By 'better' I mean one of those homes that had full sized candy bars every year. There were homes with spacious back yards a Halloweener could take a rest in, laying on the lawn, exchanging undesirable candy for something a little more chocolaty. Those were the days before local hospitals would offer x-ray services and the Trick-or-Treat hours extended into the night.

Today's Halloween had devolved into an adult holiday offering a chance to get drunk before the sanctioned days of New Year's Eve and St. Patrick's Day. It was, just in the days of my own faded youth, a children's holiday ripe with fresh apple cider, glazed doughnuts, bobbing for apples and home-made costumes. The store bought costumes featured a mask of molded plastic with a peculiar smell, a black elastic band with which to keep them on and eye holes that ensured you could not see out of them.

Daisy the Mutt thinks that each and every Trick-or-Treater is coming to visit her. She barks and cries and begs to greet all of them. There are too many to open the door for, so I post up ion the North Portico in a lawn chair and watch them come up and down the hill. So, I tie Daisy to her leash in belief that there she will stay, happy and contented. While, in reality, Daisy will chafe at the leash and insist she sits upon my lap to get the full treatment form the kids.

Have a happy and, above all, safe Halloween this year, coffee shoppers!

It seems to me that Halloween for the kids has become much more location specific and event oriented. We take the little one to one of a few particular subdivisions in the area that are known as good places for trick or treating. I don't know that we've ever even walked her to the few houses in our own little subdivision. There's also trunk or treat type events and our downtown does a Halloween day every year.

Trunk or treat instead of house to house soliciting is becoming increasingly popular in Albuquerque too.
Halloween is this weekend. As a kid, Halloween was rivaled by Christmas as the most fun time of the year (and that's taking the last day of school into account).

This year, I bought 100 glow stick necklaces for the wee tykes. The necklaces are 22" in diameter and glow in purple, orange and green luminous chemicals. I also have seven bags of Reese Cups at hand. It started out as eight bags of Reese Cups, but...

My neighborhood crawls with kids. Although you wouldn't know it as so many of the wee bairn are occupied with video games and rarely pick up a game of baseball or tag any more. The luxurious Pimplebutt Estate is flanked by houses of 2,000 square feet or more arraigned on the hillside like the homes in San Francisco or ancient Machu Picchu. A kid could not do better for Halloween scavenging than my neighborhood.

Only a few years ago (and that's relative too because it was only forty or fifty years ago in reality) I was one of those kids canvassing the same neighborhoods for Trick-or-Treat. My brother lives in one of the 'better' houses for Halloween. By 'better' I mean one of those homes that had full sized candy bars every year. There were homes with spacious back yards a Halloweener could take a rest in, laying on the lawn, exchanging undesirable candy for something a little more chocolaty. Those were the days before local hospitals would offer x-ray services and the Trick-or-Treat hours extended into the night.

Today's Halloween had devolved into an adult holiday offering a chance to get drunk before the sanctioned days of New Year's Eve and St. Patrick's Day. It was, just in the days of my own faded youth, a children's holiday ripe with fresh apple cider, glazed doughnuts, bobbing for apples and home-made costumes. The store bought costumes featured a mask of molded plastic with a peculiar smell, a black elastic band with which to keep them on and eye holes that ensured you could not see out of them.

Daisy the Mutt thinks that each and every Trick-or-Treater is coming to visit her. She barks and cries and begs to greet all of them. There are too many to open the door for, so I post up ion the North Portico in a lawn chair and watch them come up and down the hill. So, I tie Daisy to her leash in belief that there she will stay, happy and contented. While, in reality, Daisy will chafe at the leash and insist she sits upon my lap to get the full treatment form the kids.

Have a happy and, above all, safe Halloween this year, coffee shoppers!

Hi Nosmo. Have missed you and your posts a lot.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Gracie's Karma,
GW's new job and water logged goats,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern with a special RIP for Bert.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Halloween is this weekend. As a kid, Halloween was rivaled by Christmas as the most fun time of the year (and that's taking the last day of school into account).

This year, I bought 100 glow stick necklaces for the wee tykes. The necklaces are 22" in diameter and glow in purple, orange and green luminous chemicals. I also have seven bags of Reese Cups at hand. It started out as eight bags of Reese Cups, but...

My neighborhood crawls with kids. Although you wouldn't know it as so many of the wee bairn are occupied with video games and rarely pick up a game of baseball or tag any more. The luxurious Pimplebutt Estate is flanked by houses of 2,000 square feet or more arraigned on the hillside like the homes in San Francisco or ancient Machu Picchu. A kid could not do better for Halloween scavenging than my neighborhood.

Only a few years ago (and that's relative too because it was only forty or fifty years ago in reality) I was one of those kids canvassing the same neighborhoods for Trick-or-Treat. My brother lives in one of the 'better' houses for Halloween. By 'better' I mean one of those homes that had full sized candy bars every year. There were homes with spacious back yards a Halloweener could take a rest in, laying on the lawn, exchanging undesirable candy for something a little more chocolaty. Those were the days before local hospitals would offer x-ray services and the Trick-or-Treat hours extended into the night.

Today's Halloween had devolved into an adult holiday offering a chance to get drunk before the sanctioned days of New Year's Eve and St. Patrick's Day. It was, just in the days of my own faded youth, a children's holiday ripe with fresh apple cider, glazed doughnuts, bobbing for apples and home-made costumes. The store bought costumes featured a mask of molded plastic with a peculiar smell, a black elastic band with which to keep them on and eye holes that ensured you could not see out of them.

Daisy the Mutt thinks that each and every Trick-or-Treater is coming to visit her. She barks and cries and begs to greet all of them. There are too many to open the door for, so I post up ion the North Portico in a lawn chair and watch them come up and down the hill. So, I tie Daisy to her leash in belief that there she will stay, happy and contented. While, in reality, Daisy will chafe at the leash and insist she sits upon my lap to get the full treatment form the kids.

Have a happy and, above all, safe Halloween this year, coffee shoppers!

It seems to me that Halloween for the kids has become much more location specific and event oriented. We take the little one to one of a few particular subdivisions in the area that are known as good places for trick or treating. I don't know that we've ever even walked her to the few houses in our own little subdivision. There's also trunk or treat type events and our downtown does a Halloween day every year.

Trunk or treat instead of house to house soliciting is becoming increasingly popular in Albuquerque too.

If I had to guess I would say it is a combination of parental paranoia, less free time for parents, and less tightly knit communities. I don't want to get into any speculations about the reasons for that as it would delve too closely to politics. Doing events lets Halloween be an organized holiday instead of the free flowing, come back when it's dark kind of day it was in the past. Kids just don't seem to be out on their own as much these days, leaving parents less inclined to let them trick or treat on their own or even in a group of other kids.
Today kinda sucks. I've been really tired the past couple of days. Don't know why. Just no energy. And hurt? Oh yes. That too. Been ignoring and although I did not like my Ma, I thank her for the high tolerance for pain gene she gave me. But I think I'm tired of being tired....or just worn out from ignoring that which refuses to now be ignored. Both shoulders, both wrists (they feel like a hot stove, my wrists), my knees and now both feet decided to join the party. Ache ache ache, throb throb throb.
Fuck it. Gonna pop two vicodins and see if that will put a dent in it to where I am not so......blahhhhhhhhhh.
Halloween is this weekend. As a kid, Halloween was rivaled by Christmas as the most fun time of the year (and that's taking the last day of school into account).

This year, I bought 100 glow stick necklaces for the wee tykes. The necklaces are 22" in diameter and glow in purple, orange and green luminous chemicals. I also have seven bags of Reese Cups at hand. It started out as eight bags of Reese Cups, but...

My neighborhood crawls with kids. Although you wouldn't know it as so many of the wee bairn are occupied with video games and rarely pick up a game of baseball or tag any more. The luxurious Pimplebutt Estate is flanked by houses of 2,000 square feet or more arraigned on the hillside like the homes in San Francisco or ancient Machu Picchu. A kid could not do better for Halloween scavenging than my neighborhood.

Only a few years ago (and that's relative too because it was only forty or fifty years ago in reality) I was one of those kids canvassing the same neighborhoods for Trick-or-Treat. My brother lives in one of the 'better' houses for Halloween. By 'better' I mean one of those homes that had full sized candy bars every year. There were homes with spacious back yards a Halloweener could take a rest in, laying on the lawn, exchanging undesirable candy for something a little more chocolaty. Those were the days before local hospitals would offer x-ray services and the Trick-or-Treat hours extended into the night.

Today's Halloween had devolved into an adult holiday offering a chance to get drunk before the sanctioned days of New Year's Eve and St. Patrick's Day. It was, just in the days of my own faded youth, a children's holiday ripe with fresh apple cider, glazed doughnuts, bobbing for apples and home-made costumes. The store bought costumes featured a mask of molded plastic with a peculiar smell, a black elastic band with which to keep them on and eye holes that ensured you could not see out of them.

Daisy the Mutt thinks that each and every Trick-or-Treater is coming to visit her. She barks and cries and begs to greet all of them. There are too many to open the door for, so I post up ion the North Portico in a lawn chair and watch them come up and down the hill. So, I tie Daisy to her leash in belief that there she will stay, happy and contented. While, in reality, Daisy will chafe at the leash and insist she sits upon my lap to get the full treatment form the kids.

Have a happy and, above all, safe Halloween this year, coffee shoppers!

It seems to me that Halloween for the kids has become much more location specific and event oriented. We take the little one to one of a few particular subdivisions in the area that are known as good places for trick or treating. I don't know that we've ever even walked her to the few houses in our own little subdivision. There's also trunk or treat type events and our downtown does a Halloween day every year.
When I was a kid (and I don't like starting out like that), we walked to a neighborhood school, we played with the other kids in our neighborhood and we were like little commandos with 'battlefield intelligence' about our neighborhood. We knew where all the fences, culverts, drainage ditches, angry dogs, vegetable gardens, out buildings, and hazards were in every yard. We could tell each other about who was giving out the best candy. "Weavers are giving Hershey bars and the Millers are giving out full size Milk Duds!"

Today, kids are picked up for school by bus or driven there by parents. Kids are involved in organized sports with little chance to just find friends and play touch football or softball. As kids no longer roam their neighborhoods for companionship, they don't know the shortcuts and hide-and-go0seek locations. They in turn become lousy Trick-or-Treaters. Thus the emergence of organized Halloween. An opportunity lost for kids to be creative and independent.
Today I have to go into the hospital for my second and last of my tests and then I start training on Tuesday. Second shift, so I have to work my current schedule around for my transcription job. This is going to be kind of a pain of butt, I think. :D I'm going to try it though. It's going to be hard having 2 jobs. We'll see how it goes.

Happy Friday! Wish I was here . . .

Remind me to never take TWO vicodins again. They knocked me out, and i don't hurt right now, but the dreams were a bitch. I finally woke myself up and am now trying to stay awake cuz I don't want to go back into them again. I think I will watch the dawn for a change.
Remind me to never take TWO vicodins again. They knocked me out, and i don't hurt right now, but the dreams were a bitch. I finally woke myself up and am now trying to stay awake cuz I don't want to go back into them again. I think I will watch the dawn for a change.

I won't take sleeping pills, even in the hospital, for the same reason. Terrible dreams I cannot wake myself up from.
Today I have to go into the hospital for my second and last of my tests and then I start training on Tuesday. Second shift, so I have to work my current schedule around for my transcription job. This is going to be kind of a pain of butt, I think. :D I'm going to try it though. It's going to be hard having 2 jobs. We'll see how it goes.

Happy Friday! Wish I was here . . .


You'll be fine Chris and won't know what to do with all your free time when you no longer are working two jobs. I have worked more than one job at a time for much of my working career and it quickly becomes as routine as working one job does. And if you really love your second job, usually it somehow makes the original job more tolerable. I can't explain that, but that was the way it usually was for me.
Going to take the little Cimarron Fire Arms, 1873 Winchester Trapper replica up to a gun show today and see if I can do a little horse trading. I figure it's worth $11-12 hundred. Might find a nice AR to trade for.

Yesterday I took the "estate tour" of Frank Lloyd Wright's, Taliesin. Frank Lloyd Wright | Taliesin Quite the place, and some very creepy history. Seven people died there as a result of it being set on fire and then people were hacked to death by an ax wielding black servant. I took my Olympus digital voice recorder in an attempt to get an EVP, but there were too many people and too much talking going on. They close it down for the winter. Today is actually the last tour for the year. I would love to go in there, alone, in the winter. I'm sure the spirits would come out to talk to you then... :D
Early yesterday afternoon the wife sent me home from the hospital, I was falling asleep in the bedside chair. :lol:
Got home, put some items together for her then laid down for a couple hour nap....... Woke up 6 hours later to a heavy t-storm and determined to go back this morning. Was ready to go back to bed around 12:30 this morning when she called, was stuffed up badly and couldn't go to sleep, would i bring her the items she wanted plus some Afrin. Quick trip to the hospital, drop off the items then back home for a very bad and restless sleep.
She's doing much, much better, is using the walker to get herself to the bathroom and let me know the doc finally came by for a couple of minutes yesterday after I left, she'll be coming home today. I have to pick up a couple of things first (covered by the insurance, a mechanical exerciser, a walker, a cane and a cooling system (like a constant ice pack). It looks like a small electric cooler with 2 hoses running to a pad that sits on her knee, fill the cooler with ice and it pumps the cold air to the pad through one hose recycling the air via the other hose.
Finally let the cats out this morning and fed the pigeons for the first time in days, everyone's happy.
Today kinda sucks. I've been really tired the past couple of days. Don't know why. Just no energy. And hurt? Oh yes. That too. Been ignoring and although I did not like my Ma, I thank her for the high tolerance for pain gene she gave me. But I think I'm tired of being tired....or just worn out from ignoring that which refuses to now be ignored. Both shoulders, both wrists (they feel like a hot stove, my wrists), my knees and now both feet decided to join the party. Ache ache ache, throb throb throb.
Fuck it. Gonna pop two vicodins and see if that will put a dent in it to where I am not so......blahhhhhhhhhh.

Chronic pain does wear you down. But have you discussed the increased symptoms with your doctor. I can't believe I'm saying this as I was so suspicious of doctors as well as being distrustfful for so long, but since I found my surrgeon who I cannot praise enough, I am beginning to trust a bit more. And my new primary doctor also is willing to help me through the most uncomfortable symptoms remaining and so far is not over prescribing.
Remind me to never take TWO vicodins again. They knocked me out, and i don't hurt right now, but the dreams were a bitch. I finally woke myself up and am now trying to stay awake cuz I don't want to go back into them again. I think I will watch the dawn for a change.
I usually take 3 oxycodones, and they wire me up like a snorted a line cocaine. I don't understand how an opiate makes people drowsy or tired, but I know it does. Glad it has the opposite effect on me.
Going to take the little Cimarron Fire Arms, 1873 Winchester Trapper replica up to a gun show today and see if I can do a little horse trading. I figure it's worth $11-12 hundred. Might find a nice AR to trade for.

Yesterday I took the "estate tour" of Frank Lloyd Wright's, Taliesin. Quite the place, and some very creepy history. Seven people died there as a result of it being set on fire and then people were hacked to death by an ax wielding black servant. I took my Olympus digital voice recorder in an attempt to get an EVP, but there were too many people and too much talking going on. They close it down for the winter. Today is actually the last tour for the year. I would love to go in there, alone, in the winter. I'm sure the spirits would come out to talk to you then... :D

Maybe there is a way to negotiate that with the powers? Call it a scientific experiment or something?
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Going to take the little Cimarron Fire Arms, 1873 Winchester Trapper replica up to a gun show today and see if I can do a little horse trading. I figure it's worth $11-12 hundred. Might find a nice AR to trade for.

Yesterday I took the "estate tour" of Frank Lloyd Wright's, Taliesin. Quite the place, and some very creepy history. Seven people died there as a result of it being set on fire and then people were hacked to death by an ax wielding black servant. I took my Olympus digital voice recorder in an attempt to get an EVP, but there were too many people and too much talking going on. They close it down for the winter. Today is actually the last tour for the year. I would love to go in there, alone, in the winter. I'm sure the spirits would come out to talk to you then... :D

Maybe there is a way to negotiate that with the powers? Call it a scientific experiment or something?
That's an idea... excellent.
Today kinda sucks. I've been really tired the past couple of days. Don't know why. Just no energy. And hurt? Oh yes. That too. Been ignoring and although I did not like my Ma, I thank her for the high tolerance for pain gene she gave me. But I think I'm tired of being tired....or just worn out from ignoring that which refuses to now be ignored. Both shoulders, both wrists (they feel like a hot stove, my wrists), my knees and now both feet decided to join the party. Ache ache ache, throb throb throb.
Fuck it. Gonna pop two vicodins and see if that will put a dent in it to where I am not so......blahhhhhhhhhh.

Chronic pain does wear you down. But have you discussed the increased symptoms with your doctor. I can't believe I'm saying this as I was so suspicious of doctors as well as being distrustfful for so long, but since I found my surrgeon who I cannot praise enough, I am beginning to trust a bit more. And my new primary doctor also is willing to help me through the most uncomfortable symptoms remaining and so far is not over prescribing.
I see him on the 2nd of Nov and will tell him.
Meanwhile....I popped two vicodins last night and....I ain't doing that again. Nope. Not gonna. The dreams were awful. I got up after much struggling to wake myself up, at 5:45am. Then I came here and posted a bit, then I got dressed and went to the store determined to find some energy in an aisle. None to be found, so I got stuff that needed getting, came home, fed the dogs, hung a tapestry on my wall, got a load ready for wash and then did the BIG mistake of sitting on the garden swing in full sunlight...which made me sleepy again. So....I'm fixing to go clean out the shed. I MIGHT take a wee nap around 2ish for an hour, but no more than that cuz I won't sleep tonight. And no pain pills tonight either. My brain needs a break from that horrid dream.
Today I have to go into the hospital for my second and last of my tests and then I start training on Tuesday. Second shift, so I have to work my current schedule around for my transcription job. This is going to be kind of a pain of butt, I think. :D I'm going to try it though. It's going to be hard having 2 jobs. We'll see how it goes.

Happy Friday! Wish I was here . . .


Why would you only have ONE job? :uhh:
No shed today. Going to beach. THEN a shrub or two. The shed can wait. I dread that.

And my reward for doing all this at 10:09am is a nice nap later. :lol:

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