USMB Coffee Shop IV

Last week was not a very good week at all for us.

Not only did we have to get a new fridge, but one of our best friends, fiancé died.
They had just recently gotten engaged 2 weeks before right after her birthday.
She had double pneumonia.
She went into the hospital on Tue. night and by Thur. morning she was dead.
She had just turned 50 just a few weeks ago.
It is hard to deal with when it happens so quickly and when they die so young like that.


Never know when our turkey timers are going to pop.
Glad Mrs. R's procedure went well and I'm glad they are keeping her there tonight so they can be sure the pain is fully under control before they send her home.

Hombre and I are back from my P.T. appointment this morning--it was much MUCH less traumatic than I was expecting and I am actually looking forward to more sessions now. The shoulder feels better already and I will have exercises to do until the next session. But because I was a good girl, Hombre took me to Red Lobster for lunch and that was really enjoyable. No cooking the rest of the day and all is well.
Just got back from the beach where I take the dogs to walk. There were others there..with their cameras. Tide is so high, the trail is unwalkable. Someone said it was 15 feet higher than they have ever seen and it still has another hour to go to rise. And of course..instead of it being cooler weather with coats and uggs...everyone is still in flipflops and tank tops. It's upper 80's again today.

There was a canoe out there, banging against a tree that canoe would never meet in other circumstances. I went out and pulled it to shore the best I could. Looked new. No damages except some water on the inside from the waves and it banging against trees where the water has never been.

This is not good. Especially for homes right on the waterfront.
Just got back from the beach where I take the dogs to walk. There were others there..with their cameras. Tide is so high, the trail is unwalkable. Someone said it was 15 feet higher than they have ever seen and it still has another hour to go to rise. And of course..instead of it being cooler weather with coats and uggs...everyone is still in flipflops and tank tops. It's upper 80's again today.

There was a canoe out there, banging against a tree that canoe would never meet in other circumstances. I went out and pulled it to shore the best I could. Looked new. No damages except some water on the inside from the waves and it banging against trees where the water has never been.

This is not good. Especially for homes right on the waterfront.

What is causing the high tide? Do ya'll have something headed your way?
Glad Mrs. R's procedure went well and I'm glad they are keeping her there tonight so they can be sure the pain is fully under control before they send her home.

Hombre and I are back from my P.T. appointment this morning--it was much MUCH less traumatic than I was expecting and I am actually looking forward to more sessions now. The shoulder feels better already and I will have exercises to do until the next session. But because I was a good girl, Hombre took me to Red Lobster for lunch and that was really enjoyable. No cooking the rest of the day and all is well.
She's in her room sleeping, they gave her dilaudid in post op which she doesn't do well with, nausea and vomiting........ I'm back home checking up on the "kids" then I'll go back later this afternoon. Still haven't seen the doc so I not 100% sure but the nurse said they only did a partial, wellllllll, that's what was on her pre-op check in sheet soooooo....... :dunno:
I was able to do some heavy power napping in the waiting room so I'm not totally wasted otherwise I'd be in bed right now. :D
Good to see PT is working for you but it may get sore as PT progresses just not as sore as you were afraid it would. :thup:
Just got back from the beach where I take the dogs to walk. There were others there..with their cameras. Tide is so high, the trail is unwalkable. Someone said it was 15 feet higher than they have ever seen and it still has another hour to go to rise. And of course..instead of it being cooler weather with coats and uggs...everyone is still in flipflops and tank tops. It's upper 80's again today.

There was a canoe out there, banging against a tree that canoe would never meet in other circumstances. I went out and pulled it to shore the best I could. Looked new. No damages except some water on the inside from the waves and it banging against trees where the water has never been.

This is not good. Especially for homes right on the waterfront.

What is causing the high tide? Do ya'll have something headed your way?
Not that I know of. Local news says no storms, Patricia missed us in our area so it isn't the leftovers from that hurricane. I have noticed the past couple of months now that where I take the dogs..most of the time I can't take them to the shore because there is no shore. Low tide is now what high tide used to be. So now high tide is HIGHER tide. Homes along the bluffs have been shored up and every day another home owner is out there doing what can be done to protect the soil, sand and dirt and shrubs and trees from toppling in where it is eating it all from the waves.

Personally....I think the melting ice is raising the waters.
Just got back from the beach where I take the dogs to walk. There were others there..with their cameras. Tide is so high, the trail is unwalkable. Someone said it was 15 feet higher than they have ever seen and it still has another hour to go to rise. And of course..instead of it being cooler weather with coats and uggs...everyone is still in flipflops and tank tops. It's upper 80's again today.

There was a canoe out there, banging against a tree that canoe would never meet in other circumstances. I went out and pulled it to shore the best I could. Looked new. No damages except some water on the inside from the waves and it banging against trees where the water has never been.

This is not good. Especially for homes right on the waterfront.

What is causing the high tide? Do ya'll have something headed your way?
Not that I know of. Local news says no storms, Patricia missed us in our area so it isn't the leftovers from that hurricane. I have noticed the past couple of months now that where I take the dogs..most of the time I can't take them to the shore because there is no shore. Low tide is now what high tide used to be. So now high tide is HIGHER tide. Homes along the bluffs have been shored up and every day another home owner is out there doing what can be done to protect the soil, sand and dirt and shrubs and trees from toppling in where it is eating it all from the waves.

Personally....I think the melting ice is raising the waters.

I haven't seen any indication on that but was just reading up that you're have a 'spring tide'--unusually high tides this week because the moon is lined up with Jupiter or something and the gravitational pull is at an extreme. Supposed to subside by Friday.
Just got back from the beach where I take the dogs to walk. There were others there..with their cameras. Tide is so high, the trail is unwalkable. Someone said it was 15 feet higher than they have ever seen and it still has another hour to go to rise. And of course..instead of it being cooler weather with coats and uggs...everyone is still in flipflops and tank tops. It's upper 80's again today.

There was a canoe out there, banging against a tree that canoe would never meet in other circumstances. I went out and pulled it to shore the best I could. Looked new. No damages except some water on the inside from the waves and it banging against trees where the water has never been.

This is not good. Especially for homes right on the waterfront.

What is causing the high tide? Do ya'll have something headed your way?
Not that I know of. Local news says no storms, Patricia missed us in our area so it isn't the leftovers from that hurricane. I have noticed the past couple of months now that where I take the dogs..most of the time I can't take them to the shore because there is no shore. Low tide is now what high tide used to be. So now high tide is HIGHER tide. Homes along the bluffs have been shored up and every day another home owner is out there doing what can be done to protect the soil, sand and dirt and shrubs and trees from toppling in where it is eating it all from the waves.

Personally....I think the melting ice is raising the waters.

I haven't seen any indication on that but was just reading up that you're have a 'spring tide'--unusually high tides this week because the moon is lined up with Jupiter or something and the gravitational pull is at an extreme. Supposed to subside by Friday.
I hope so, cuz I miss my walking path. Karma doesn't though. She just wades or swims along. Makes a helluva mess in my van!
Got back to the hospital over an hour ago, she's still nauseous. Looked at the PCA, hydro morphone......... duh, diladid.........
No wonder she's been nauseous the whole time!
They'd given her anti-nausea meds to no avail, finally got her some stronger ant-nausea meds and set up the PCA to deliver a lower dosage on demand if she needs it, not automatically.
She says she feels no pain only nausea and like me I'd rather be in pain than have to deal with nausea.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Gracie's Karma,
GW's new job and water logged goats,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern with a special RIP for Bert.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Have been baking ice cream ingredients in the oven for hours, still no ice cream. Sort of looks like brittle, I still believe Foxfyre.
Good morning everybody. We had an absolutely breathtaking sunrise this morning and it is now overcast with a chance for showers later. I was awake to witness some of the sunrise but did does off after that a few times. We're invited to one of my old highschool classmate's home for an afternoon of Texas Forty Two and I am looking forward to that. We have lived in Albuquerque or the area for 31 years and these are the first folks we've found who play 42. We used to play all the time in Texas where it is considered mandatory.
The wife is doing better today, much better. The anti nausea med they gave her worked wonders as well as giving her control over the pain med administration, said she only pushed the dosage pump once last night plus they're giving her Oxycontin now by mouth, she has no problem with that pain med. She was getting PT this morning when I arrived and they had her walk the hallway with the help of a walker. Looks like they might keep her one more night so the reports by the doc/s office staff of it being outpatient was obviously mistaken.
Good morning everybody. We had an absolutely breathtaking sunrise this morning and it is now overcast with a chance for showers later. I was awake to witness some of the sunrise but did does off after that a few times. We're invited to one of my old highschool classmate's home for an afternoon of Texas Forty Two and I am looking forward to that. We have lived in Albuquerque or the area for 31 years and these are the first folks we've found who play 42. We used to play all the time in Texas where it is considered mandatory.
I woke up to rain and cool temps this morning. The cats have been "acting out" with the wife not there, as expected. Especially Jasper, he'll wander the house looking for her then find a sock and drag it around the house while yelling for her....... They haven't been out now for a couple of days now and Giz is bouncing off the walls, not only that the pigeons haven't had their popcorn and are hanging by the back slider demanding to be fed...... :lol:
The wife is doing better today, much better. The anti nausea med they gave her worked wonders as well as giving her control over the pain med administration, said she only pushed the dosage pump once last night plus they're giving her Oxycontin now by mouth, she has no problem with that pain med. She was getting PT this morning when I arrived and they had her walk the hallway with the help of a walker. Looks like they might keep her one more night so the reports by the doc/s office staff of it being outpatient was obviously mistaken.

When you described the procedure I thought outpatient would be almost malpractice. Happy she is progressing and that they are managing the worst of the recovery before sending her home. Some were sure I was in serious trouble and maybe even in a life threatening situation when they kept me in ICU for so long, but I was actually having a lovely time considering I was in the hospital. Had a great view, the best attention I have EVER gotten from a medical team, and when they did release me I experienced no unexpected complications and have had a uneventful recovery. We'll hope for the same for Mrs. R.
Halloween is this weekend. As a kid, Halloween was rivaled by Christmas as the most fun time of the year (and that's taking the last day of school into account).

This year, I bought 100 glow stick necklaces for the wee tykes. The necklaces are 22" in diameter and glow in purple, orange and green luminous chemicals. I also have seven bags of Reese Cups at hand. It started out as eight bags of Reese Cups, but...

My neighborhood crawls with kids. Although you wouldn't know it as so many of the wee bairn are occupied with video games and rarely pick up a game of baseball or tag any more. The luxurious Pimplebutt Estate is flanked by houses of 2,000 square feet or more arraigned on the hillside like the homes in San Francisco or ancient Machu Picchu. A kid could not do better for Halloween scavenging than my neighborhood.

Only a few years ago (and that's relative too because it was only forty or fifty years ago in reality) I was one of those kids canvassing the same neighborhoods for Trick-or-Treat. My brother lives in one of the 'better' houses for Halloween. By 'better' I mean one of those homes that had full sized candy bars every year. There were homes with spacious back yards a Halloweener could take a rest in, laying on the lawn, exchanging undesirable candy for something a little more chocolaty. Those were the days before local hospitals would offer x-ray services and the Trick-or-Treat hours extended into the night.

Today's Halloween had devolved into an adult holiday offering a chance to get drunk before the sanctioned days of New Year's Eve and St. Patrick's Day. It was, just in the days of my own faded youth, a children's holiday ripe with fresh apple cider, glazed doughnuts, bobbing for apples and home-made costumes. The store bought costumes featured a mask of molded plastic with a peculiar smell, a black elastic band with which to keep them on and eye holes that ensured you could not see out of them.

Daisy the Mutt thinks that each and every Trick-or-Treater is coming to visit her. She barks and cries and begs to greet all of them. There are too many to open the door for, so I post up ion the North Portico in a lawn chair and watch them come up and down the hill. So, I tie Daisy to her leash in belief that there she will stay, happy and contented. While, in reality, Daisy will chafe at the leash and insist she sits upon my lap to get the full treatment form the kids.

Have a happy and, above all, safe Halloween this year, coffee shoppers!
Halloween is this weekend. As a kid, Halloween was rivaled by Christmas as the most fun time of the year (and that's taking the last day of school into account).

This year, I bought 100 glow stick necklaces for the wee tykes. The necklaces are 22" in diameter and glow in purple, orange and green luminous chemicals. I also have seven bags of Reese Cups at hand. It started out as eight bags of Reese Cups, but...

My neighborhood crawls with kids. Although you wouldn't know it as so many of the wee bairn are occupied with video games and rarely pick up a game of baseball or tag any more. The luxurious Pimplebutt Estate is flanked by houses of 2,000 square feet or more arraigned on the hillside like the homes in San Francisco or ancient Machu Picchu. A kid could not do better for Halloween scavenging than my neighborhood.

Only a few years ago (and that's relative too because it was only forty or fifty years ago in reality) I was one of those kids canvassing the same neighborhoods for Trick-or-Treat. My brother lives in one of the 'better' houses for Halloween. By 'better' I mean one of those homes that had full sized candy bars every year. There were homes with spacious back yards a Halloweener could take a rest in, laying on the lawn, exchanging undesirable candy for something a little more chocolaty. Those were the days before local hospitals would offer x-ray services and the Trick-or-Treat hours extended into the night.

Today's Halloween had devolved into an adult holiday offering a chance to get drunk before the sanctioned days of New Year's Eve and St. Patrick's Day. It was, just in the days of my own faded youth, a children's holiday ripe with fresh apple cider, glazed doughnuts, bobbing for apples and home-made costumes. The store bought costumes featured a mask of molded plastic with a peculiar smell, a black elastic band with which to keep them on and eye holes that ensured you could not see out of them.

Daisy the Mutt thinks that each and every Trick-or-Treater is coming to visit her. She barks and cries and begs to greet all of them. There are too many to open the door for, so I post up ion the North Portico in a lawn chair and watch them come up and down the hill. So, I tie Daisy to her leash in belief that there she will stay, happy and contented. While, in reality, Daisy will chafe at the leash and insist she sits upon my lap to get the full treatment form the kids.

Have a happy and, above all, safe Halloween this year, coffee shoppers!

It seems to me that Halloween for the kids has become much more location specific and event oriented. We take the little one to one of a few particular subdivisions in the area that are known as good places for trick or treating. I don't know that we've ever even walked her to the few houses in our own little subdivision. There's also trunk or treat type events and our downtown does a Halloween day every year.

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