USMB Coffee Shop IV

Best test answer ever?


LiFi internet: First real-world usage boasts speed 100 times faster than WiFi

Li-fi.....wireless data transferred through light rather than radio. Supposedly up to 100 times faster than wi-fi. The inventor talks about using light bulbs as internet connections. :D

Yike! The return of Nicola Tesla!
What about the light pollution though?

My cable company (which provides internet, then charges me extra for not watching TV) keeps making noises about how they're stringing fiber optic. I've been awaiting its arrival. But the repair guy last week says they're only sending it to places that aren't served by cable now, so it'll never happen. :crybaby:

We're trying to figure out how to rid ourselves of cable as the fees keep going up. They add lots of high tech gadgetry to it that just makes it harder to use in the way we prefer to use it and the costs go up every few months with no explanation.

Does anybody have experience with DirectTV and Century Link? Would you recommend? Or not?
LiFi internet: First real-world usage boasts speed 100 times faster than WiFi

Li-fi.....wireless data transferred through light rather than radio. Supposedly up to 100 times faster than wi-fi. The inventor talks about using light bulbs as internet connections. :D

Yike! The return of Nicola Tesla!
What about the light pollution though?

My cable company (which provides internet, then charges me extra for not watching TV) keeps making noises about how they're stringing fiber optic. I've been awaiting its arrival. But the repair guy last week says they're only sending it to places that aren't served by cable now, so it'll never happen. :crybaby:

We're trying to figure out how to rid ourselves of cable as the fees keep going up. They add lots of high tech gadgetry to it that just makes it harder to use in the way we prefer to use it and the costs go up every few months with no explanation.

Does anybody have experience with DirectTV and Century Link? Would you recommend? Or not?

I think a HD antenna and a computer techie can save you a ton. I don't understand how it all works.
LiFi internet: First real-world usage boasts speed 100 times faster than WiFi

Li-fi.....wireless data transferred through light rather than radio. Supposedly up to 100 times faster than wi-fi. The inventor talks about using light bulbs as internet connections. :D

Yike! The return of Nicola Tesla!
What about the light pollution though?

My cable company (which provides internet, then charges me extra for not watching TV) keeps making noises about how they're stringing fiber optic. I've been awaiting its arrival. But the repair guy last week says they're only sending it to places that aren't served by cable now, so it'll never happen. :crybaby:

We're trying to figure out how to rid ourselves of cable as the fees keep going up. They add lots of high tech gadgetry to it that just makes it harder to use in the way we prefer to use it and the costs go up every few months with no explanation.

Does anybody have experience with DirectTV and Century Link? Would you recommend? Or not?
My dad had Century Link for internet, while we were at my parent's house there were lots of dropped internet signals. DirectTV contracts out internet to companies like Century Link. While they're not cheap I've had extremely few issues with Comcast/Xfinity over the decades I've used them, heck wish we had Comcast/Xfinity here in El Paso but we're stuck with Time Warner, lot's of issues with internet and TV..........
LiFi internet: First real-world usage boasts speed 100 times faster than WiFi

Li-fi.....wireless data transferred through light rather than radio. Supposedly up to 100 times faster than wi-fi. The inventor talks about using light bulbs as internet connections. :D

Yike! The return of Nicola Tesla!
What about the light pollution though?

My cable company (which provides internet, then charges me extra for not watching TV) keeps making noises about how they're stringing fiber optic. I've been awaiting its arrival. But the repair guy last week says they're only sending it to places that aren't served by cable now, so it'll never happen. :crybaby:

We're trying to figure out how to rid ourselves of cable as the fees keep going up. They add lots of high tech gadgetry to it that just makes it harder to use in the way we prefer to use it and the costs go up every few months with no explanation.

Does anybody have experience with DirectTV and Century Link? Would you recommend? Or not?

I think a HD antenna and a computer techie can save you a ton. I don't understand how it all works.
Roku or a similar type system but you still have to have a good to great internet service. What you end up dropping is the TV from the providers if you don't mind watching programs that are at minimum broadcast a day later than when the are shown on cable. Plus for the "good" broadcasters you pay for those like Amazon Prime and Hulu Plus.
Hard up against Thanksgiving now and homes and offices seem to be taking on new, sometimes enticing, sometimes questionable aromas. At Pimplebutt, tomorrow's aroma of ham baking will drive Daisy the Mutt absolutely ape. The aroma of roast turkey and pies at my brother's house will fill the home with the smells of Thanksgiving. At the Big House, Mom, at 81 years young, will be rolling out home made egg noodles, fresh baked dinner rolls and green bean/almond casserole to make the Big House smell like home.

Meanwhile, here at the office, the ladies have all lit aromatic candles at their desks. The combination of apple cinnamon, pine, vanilla, balsam, bayberry, clove, and pumpkin spice have created a totally different olfactory ambience. It smells like an Amish cat house in here.

If I could find a candle that smells of fresh mowed grass, peanuts and stale beer, I'd market it as "Baseball". Coupled with leather, new car smell, saw dust and Aqua Velva, candle makers could finally tap that vast market that they fail to sell to: men.

Christmas shopping begins in earnest come Saturday. Just about all of it will happen online. No crowds (thank you), no excess burning of gasoline and no frustrations make shopping a pleasure rather than a task. I'll con my loving sister-in-law into wrapping everything she is not getting from me. When I wrap gifts it looks as if I am more charitable and generous than I am in reality. My gifts apprear as if I took them to a blind seven year old born without thumbs and paid a generous sum to have her wrap my holiday gifts.

Thanksgivings past at the Big House were full tilt holidays. Mom would rise at 5:00 am and begin baking pies. She would remain in the kitchen, seasoning, stirring, mixing and generally fussing with every pot, pan and serving dish in the house until dinner is served sometime in the mid afternoon (or not quite roasted turkeys and lumpy gravy occasio9nally pushing dinner into the early evening).

We had shag capet in the dining room. I'm talking long, deep pile not unfamiliar in texture to something adorning the floors of the Playboy mansion. "Mary Tyler Moore carpet" is what Pop called it. Shag so long that, one Thanksgiving Mom's Donna Reed housewife pumps caught a heel in the pile tripping her and causing a cascade of sweet peas through the air and then onto the carpet. It was New Year's Day when the last of the errant peas was finally found. Granpa Howell (Mom's Dad) asked my brother seated at the far end of the table to 'pass the rolls'. My brother, being a rowdy pre-teen took it upon himself to imitate Terry Bradshaw and toss a roll to our near-sighted Grandpa. Of course he missed the catch and the roll fell into his coffee cup.

I don't want you to leave with the impression that Thanksgiving at the Nosmo King house was like a food fight, but that many people combined with that much food over that shaggy carpet made for some lasting memories.
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LiFi internet: First real-world usage boasts speed 100 times faster than WiFi

Li-fi.....wireless data transferred through light rather than radio. Supposedly up to 100 times faster than wi-fi. The inventor talks about using light bulbs as internet connections. :D

Yike! The return of Nicola Tesla!
What about the light pollution though?

My cable company (which provides internet, then charges me extra for not watching TV) keeps making noises about how they're stringing fiber optic. I've been awaiting its arrival. But the repair guy last week says they're only sending it to places that aren't served by cable now, so it'll never happen. :crybaby:

We're trying to figure out how to rid ourselves of cable as the fees keep going up. They add lots of high tech gadgetry to it that just makes it harder to use in the way we prefer to use it and the costs go up every few months with no explanation.

Does anybody have experience with DirectTV and Century Link? Would you recommend? Or not?

Don't know what Century Link is but I had DreckTV for a few years. I can't recommend it, but that's largely because I can't recommend TV in general. It did have a better channel selection (but not great) than my local cable, which was even lamer. On the other hand I did recommend it to my mother because it brought her some classical music channels she could no longer get on the radio.

I now get that sort of thing (music channels) and far more off my internet radio in the house, and satellite radio in the car. The Sirius/XM thing I just kind of stumbled onto when I noticed that a car I bought had one in it. I end up using it so much that I keep a subscription now.

As far as internet service I have seen HughesNet in operation and I can't recommend that, unless you like the old dial-up speeds.
Happy Bastille Day, because I'll never remember when that is....

I don't know what that is, never mind when it is.
Typical kids these days!!! Don't even learn anything about Americ...... uummmmmm French history!!!!!!

I may have heard of it before, but I had no idea what it was all about. Lol. :D


That song is perfect to dedicate to our government officials. :razz:

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