USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good Morning everyone! errrrr afternoon. LOL I was up late. Hope everyone is well today.
Well it's chilly, overcast and wet....... Been trying to find and get all the Christmas boxes together so we know what we have. The wife was thinking we still had a 4' fake tree..... the same fake tree we donated two decades ago...... :dunno:

LOL I am not going to worry about a tree or any other decorations. I will be at the beach for a couple of weeks, starting next weekend. Love the beach at Christmas. I may take my small fiber optics tree with me to make it Christmasy. :)

We thought about not decorating this year as the kids won't be home and we'll be alone except local relatives who will be here for Christmas dinner. But I just couldn't do it. We do have our Christmas decorations down to two small boxes plus a 4' tree that comes right of the box complete with lights. We set it on the table, throw on a bit of garland, stick some poinsettias in it, and its ready to grow. Then a garland on the bookcase and bannister and mantle and we're done. We can take it all down and put it away in 20 minutes.
Oh, the tree! I was supposed to bring one here, then life got busy again...


May the spirit of Christmas be always in this great country!

(((Becki!!!))) OMG. We all have been so worried about you and it Is so good to see a Becki post in the CS again.

Thanks, Foxy. About the time I make one or two posts, "Time Remaining" at the library puter is down to single digit minutes. :haha:

I know, but hopefully that too shall pass. For now we'll take what we can get.
I'm tired of nightmares. I sleep well, but for the past couple of weeks...I have been unable to wake myself from them like I used to be able to do. So yeah...sleeping is no problem if I don't nap during the day....but going to bed to actually sleep makes me very nervous now because I know something bad from my subconscious is about to bitch slap me.:(
Makes my day suck, cuz it lingers.
Try this:
Nature Made Melatonin
I get it at Wallyworld. My husband has to take twice what I take to sleep 5 hours. Go figger. My little 3 mg tablet makes eyelids heavy pronto. Oh, I only have 30 seconds left. Love yas all!
Good Morning everyone! errrrr afternoon. LOL I was up late. Hope everyone is well today.
Well it's chilly, overcast and wet....... Been trying to find and get all the Christmas boxes together so we know what we have. The wife was thinking we still had a 4' fake tree..... the same fake tree we donated two decades ago...... :dunno:

LOL I am not going to worry about a tree or any other decorations. I will be at the beach for a couple of weeks, starting next weekend. Love the beach at Christmas. I may take my small fiber optics tree with me to make it Christmasy. :)

We thought about not decorating this year as the kids won't be home and we'll be alone except local relatives who will be here for Christmas dinner. But I just couldn't do it. We do have our Christmas decorations down to two small boxes plus a 4' tree that comes right of the box complete with lights. We set it on the table, throw on a bit of garland, stick some poinsettias in it, and its ready to grow. Then a garland on the bookcase and bannister and mantle and we're done. We can take it all down and put it away in 20 minutes.

LOL I was that way too the first couple of years. I felt so weird, and almost guilty for not decorating. Then I got used to it, and also realized I just prefer to remember the true meaning of Christmas (for me). Now days I don't give it a second thought....other than ''I sure am glad not to be cleaning that mess up."
I will be happy when the whole thing is over. And like some of mess to clean up and no bills to start paying for in January by going crazy on presents.

Again..bah humbug! :lol:

Meanwhile, it is a gorgeous day but colder than a witch's tit, so I'm off to my recliner and watch some netflix. I think I am in the mood for Quest For Fire. Love that flick. Not a heck of a lot of talking, but Ron Pearlman makes a great neanderthal and his body/face language rocks it!
Oh, the tree! I was supposed to bring one here, then life got busy again...


May the spirit of Christmas be always in this great country!

(((Becki!!!))) OMG. We all have been so worried about you and it Is so good to see a Becki post in the CS again.

Thanks, Foxy. About the time I make one or two posts, "Time Remaining" at the library puter is down to single digit minutes. :haha:

Knowing you are alive more frequently is a good thing. Thank you for making contact with us again.
Just had Wallyworld's Marketplace 3 meat, thin crust pizza. Yes I added shredded mozzarella but I was pleasantly surprised, it wasn't bad at all for $5 a pop.
Next time I have to remember to heat the pizza pan first so the crust will come out more crispy.
I make my own pizza now. Flour tortilla baked with a brushing of a little olive oil, then stacked with my mini multi color mild peppers (they taste like bell peppers), turkey bacon, artichoke hearts, couple of tomatoes diced, parma cheese, feta cheese, olives on a thin layer of zesty italian dressing or ranch dressing after pulling the tortilla out of the oven, slap it back in there til the cheese melts.....instant mini pizza. Not so mini if you get the BIG tortillas.

Norvovirus is all over california. I trust my own cooking better than someone elses.
I make my own pizza now. Flour tortilla baked with a brushing of a little olive oil, then stacked with my mini multi color mild peppers (they taste like bell peppers), turkey bacon, artichoke hearts, couple of tomatoes diced, parma cheese, feta cheese, olives on a thin layer of zesty italian dressing or ranch dressing after pulling the tortilla out of the oven, slap it back in there til the cheese melts.....instant mini pizza. Not so mini if you get the BIG tortillas.

Norvovirus is all over california. I trust my own cooking better than someone elses.

Some of those tortillas are 18" across. Sort of like truck rim size. :lol:
Got the lights on the tree! Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is on the tv while I weave the lights back into the center of the tree and out to the edge. My grandpa was named Rudolph aka Rudy.
Checked FB this AM and was feeling a little left out as all the Albuquerque folks are posting beautiful snow pictures this morning. Then it started snowing like crazy here and should continue most of the day. Pretty but would have preferred that it held off until we were off the roads. Wishing all a good Sunday. I'm off to make myself pretty and then we're off to brunch at the local country club and then some sort of play later.

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