USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hope you all have a great weekend.
Our new bathroom floor has been put on hold for a little bit because the guy doing has a bad head cold.
I will see when it does get finished if I can get pics for you all to see. :)


I LOVE this one, Peach. That is so adorable. Lol. :)
Hey hey hey....

Stopped by to wish you all a very Merry Christmas......

Mrs O is holding steady, and Colonel just turned 15....

I'm still the Commander of the Local American Legion

And the coffee Shop still rocks.......

So ya'll have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

Good to see you Ollie! The very best for you and yours this holiday season. :D
Hey hey hey....

Stopped by to wish you all a very Merry Christmas......

Mrs O is holding steady, and Colonel just turned 15....

I'm still the Commander of the Local American Legion

And the coffee Shop still rocks.......

So ya'll have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

(((Ollie))) So happy when you stop in for an update!
5 AM Thursday morning, I can't sleep. I have been awake for two hours already. What to do?

That is a problem Dajjal and I've had to deal with that a lot too since my bad shoulder has pretty well disrupted my sleep cycle. There's always reruns on TV or computer games.
I was really tired today for some reason. No pain except for a hitch in my lower back, but fatiqued mostly. I laid down at 3pm and slept til 7pm. Looks like I will be up all night playing games or on netflix. Or Pinterest.
I got about 5 hours sleep last night, ran a couple of errands this morning, ate lunch and that was it, couldn't keep my eyes open, Slept for 3 hours but woke up severely sinusy and feeling like I didn't get much rest at all.
I finally got to bed at around 4am and slept til 11am. If it keeps raining like it is, I might head to bed early tonight. I do NOT like sleeping that late so I want to get back to the 7-10am wake up times again. Which means going to bed earlier.

You don't sleep well in the rain? Well we'll send good sleep vibes for you, Ringel, Chris, Dajjal, and me. All having sleep issues.
5 AM Thursday morning, I can't sleep. I have been awake for two hours already. What to do?

That is a problem Dajjal and I've had to deal with that a lot too since my bad shoulder has pretty well disrupted my sleep cycle. There's always reruns on TV or computer games.
I was really tired today for some reason. No pain except for a hitch in my lower back, but fatiqued mostly. I laid down at 3pm and slept til 7pm. Looks like I will be up all night playing games or on netflix. Or Pinterest.
I got about 5 hours sleep last night, ran a couple of errands this morning, ate lunch and that was it, couldn't keep my eyes open, Slept for 3 hours but woke up severely sinusy and feeling like I didn't get much rest at all.
I finally got to bed at around 4am and slept til 11am. If it keeps raining like it is, I might head to bed early tonight. I do NOT like sleeping that late so I want to get back to the 7-10am wake up times again. Which means going to bed earlier.

You don't sleep well in the rain? Well we'll send good sleep vibes for you, Ringel, Chris, Dajjal, and me. All having sleep issues.

I slept a lot better last night, thanks Foxy! :)
Bonzi was asking an interesting question on another thread. This was my reply:

There are many ways to express love, my guess is you are attracted to people that express it in a way you understand and need.
And wow, I'm going to leave more often. All kind of my favorite peeps show up when I leave! Ha!

We did make it to our kids' house in good shape on Thursday and went through the marathon graduation activities at WT yesterday....beautiful weather with temps in the 70's - today are expecting cold rain or snow but a quiet day to relax and recoup. Again I don't know how much opportunity I'll have to check in, but I really do love you guys. I'll be back in the usual routine by Tuesday night sometime.
5 AM Thursday morning, I can't sleep. I have been awake for two hours already. What to do?

That is a problem Dajjal and I've had to deal with that a lot too since my bad shoulder has pretty well disrupted my sleep cycle. There's always reruns on TV or computer games.
I was really tired today for some reason. No pain except for a hitch in my lower back, but fatiqued mostly. I laid down at 3pm and slept til 7pm. Looks like I will be up all night playing games or on netflix. Or Pinterest.
I got about 5 hours sleep last night, ran a couple of errands this morning, ate lunch and that was it, couldn't keep my eyes open, Slept for 3 hours but woke up severely sinusy and feeling like I didn't get much rest at all.
I finally got to bed at around 4am and slept til 11am. If it keeps raining like it is, I might head to bed early tonight. I do NOT like sleeping that late so I want to get back to the 7-10am wake up times again. Which means going to bed earlier.

You don't sleep well in the rain? Well we'll send good sleep vibes for you, Ringel, Chris, Dajjal, and me. All having sleep issues.
I had a great 9 hour benadryl sleep last night, I'd still be asleep now except I really had to piss......
That is a problem Dajjal and I've had to deal with that a lot too since my bad shoulder has pretty well disrupted my sleep cycle. There's always reruns on TV or computer games.
I was really tired today for some reason. No pain except for a hitch in my lower back, but fatiqued mostly. I laid down at 3pm and slept til 7pm. Looks like I will be up all night playing games or on netflix. Or Pinterest.
I got about 5 hours sleep last night, ran a couple of errands this morning, ate lunch and that was it, couldn't keep my eyes open, Slept for 3 hours but woke up severely sinusy and feeling like I didn't get much rest at all.
I finally got to bed at around 4am and slept til 11am. If it keeps raining like it is, I might head to bed early tonight. I do NOT like sleeping that late so I want to get back to the 7-10am wake up times again. Which means going to bed earlier.

You don't sleep well in the rain? Well we'll send good sleep vibes for you, Ringel, Chris, Dajjal, and me. All having sleep issues.
I had a great 9 hour benadryl sleep last night, I'd still be asleep now except I really had to piss......

I seem to have got into a pattern where I go to bed a 12 midnight and wake up at 2 or 3 am and stay awake for several hours, before going back to sleep and waking up late morning. Last night I did not bother to get up and surf the web, I just laid awake staring at the back of my eylids for a couple of hours.
I was really tired today for some reason. No pain except for a hitch in my lower back, but fatiqued mostly. I laid down at 3pm and slept til 7pm. Looks like I will be up all night playing games or on netflix. Or Pinterest.
I got about 5 hours sleep last night, ran a couple of errands this morning, ate lunch and that was it, couldn't keep my eyes open, Slept for 3 hours but woke up severely sinusy and feeling like I didn't get much rest at all.
I finally got to bed at around 4am and slept til 11am. If it keeps raining like it is, I might head to bed early tonight. I do NOT like sleeping that late so I want to get back to the 7-10am wake up times again. Which means going to bed earlier.

You don't sleep well in the rain? Well we'll send good sleep vibes for you, Ringel, Chris, Dajjal, and me. All having sleep issues.
I had a great 9 hour benadryl sleep last night, I'd still be asleep now except I really had to piss......

I seem to have got into a pattern where I go to bed a 12 midnight and wake up at 2 or 3 am and stay awake for several hours, before going back to sleep and waking up late morning. Last night I did not bother to get up and surf the web, I just laid awake staring at the back of my eylids for a couple of hours.
Haven't gotten there yet. There's something down here in El Paso I guess I'm allergic to and it plays hell on my sinuses, if it wasn't for that I'd sleep like a baby with the CPAP machine.

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