USMB Coffee Shop IV

Again no need to 'share' but this one is sort of fun too:

Happy Birthday wordsmith Nosmo King.

It is not plagiarism if I use Dimplebutt is it?

FedEx delivered my washing machine parts in less than 48 hours from ordering. The clothes are enjoying their rotary adventures anew.
Dimple butt is all yours. My home is the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate.

Years ago I had a project at the NUWC (Naval Undersea Warfare Center) in Newport, Rhode Island. I was there for about six weeks.

So I had a lot of time to explore southeastern New England. I drove along Belvue Avenue in Newport. That's where the elite of 19th and early 20th century America built their summer "cottages". These are some of America's grandest homes. 20, 30, 40 thousand square foot mansions strung like a rope of pearls along the rocky shoreline. They all had grand names along with grand setting. Marble house, The Breakers, names like that. I figured that when you really made it, you might live in a home with a name, not just a street number.

I considered my humble cottage stuck on a hillside in northeastern Ohio. After considering a lot of alternatives, Pimplebutt seemed most appropriate.
I'm still trying to figure out a schedule for work that works for me. I've been trying to do my transcription job as a split shift, and that is kind of tough. They also want me to work at least one day over the weekend, and that is when my 4-midnight shift at the hospital is! This last weekend, I worked at the hospital, came home and then worked my transcription job overnight (when I did the third shift). Nope! I didn't like that and felt so tired. That takes some getting used to and I just really cannot afford to put in the time to "get used to it" right now. I'm going to have to try something else for the weekends.
Are you a nurse?

I'm a medical transcription and I'm an operator at the hospital. I took the operator job to get my foot in the door at the hospital because it's really kind of hard to get a job there, and they hire from within usually. I've been wanting to work there for a while, so when this opportunity came up, I took it. I don't think I could handle being a nurse, honestly. Lol.
I had to get stitches once, and I thought I'd like to watch. Next thing I knew they were picking me up off thefloor.
I had to get stitches once, and I thought I'd like to watch. Next thing I knew they were picking me up off thefloor.

I went to school to be a medical assistant, but I stayed on the administrative side of the field - doing medical transcription but had to take all the classes of course. I learned how to take blood, but I still can't watch them draw blood from me! Lol. It makes me feel queasy.
I had to get stitches once, and I thought I'd like to watch. Next thing I knew they were picking me up off thefloor.

I went to school to be a medical assistant, but I stayed on the administrative side of the field - doing medical transcription but had to take all the classes of course. I learned how to take blood, but I still can't watch them draw blood from me! Lol. It makes me feel queasy.

I've done so much cutting myself I don't think blood would bother me, but dealing with the people..... :lol:
Still a bit bummed over the Katahdin cadaver hanging in the garage. First time I've ever seen what a prolapsed uterus looks like 2 week before twin lambs are due. At the very least, we'll be packaging 40 lbs of mutton this morning.
That's a real shame about the ewe and lambs, 6'. Any idea what caused the prolapse?
Prolapsing tends to be a genetic tendency, so even if I was able to save her and the female lambs she was carrying, they would've been predisposed to do the same.

Just the nature of things. If you farm, you'll always be faced with losing an animal to predators/sickness/etc.. Doesn't make it suck any less though.
I absolutely agree! Too bad my partner is about 3-years-old, going on 65. He blames me every time an animal dies.

It's MY fault every time an animal dies too. :banghead:
Yeah, the passage of time has nothing to do with things passing on. Not to mention, if we kept every animal born here, I'd be feeding around 500 or so goats by now. They double their numbers every year.

Even those of us who have fur friends strictly for companionship deal with that. They do eventually become too sick to continue or die of old age--we deal with things that go wrong in kitten-puppy-foal etc. birth. The emotional toll is terrible but it's worth it for all that unconditional love. And having dealt with farm critters too, there might not be so much emotional loss when you have to put one down for whatever reason, or when you raise and sell them for profit, or they become dinner or meat in the freezer, but it still isn't easy for many.
It's never easy, but when raising livestock (as opposed to pets), you have to face the reality that some are destined to serve in other ways than sitting you your lap, or begging for food. I like to think that some of my critters sacrifice themselves in order to keep the others fed. Every one has a purpose in life.
I had to get stitches once, and I thought I'd like to watch. Next thing I knew they were picking me up off thefloor.

I went to school to be a medical assistant, but I stayed on the administrative side of the field - doing medical transcription but had to take all the classes of course. I learned how to take blood, but I still can't watch them draw blood from me! Lol. It makes me feel queasy.

I've done so much cutting myself I don't think blood would bother me, but dealing with the people..... :lol:
I hear ya. Dealing with the people is what I've done my whole life
I had to get stitches once, and I thought I'd like to watch. Next thing I knew they were picking me up off thefloor.

I went to school to be a medical assistant, but I stayed on the administrative side of the field - doing medical transcription but had to take all the classes of course. I learned how to take blood, but I still can't watch them draw blood from me! Lol. It makes me feel queasy.

I've done so much cutting myself I don't think blood would bother me, but dealing with the people..... :lol:

That too. Lol! It is MUCH more difficult to deal with sick people too. I've heard some horror stories from my instructors and have one of my own actually. I wouldn't say anything unless someone asks because it's rather gross. :D

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