USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just checked the weather map again and I think Illinois isn't going to get hit with this one, but Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan are. And further south there are all kinds of flood warnings and Ernie S. area is under a huge area of tornado watch. Speaking of which, has anybody seen Ernie lately? He hasn't posted in the Coffee Shop for several days and that's not like him. I'm getting concerned.

Sunny and high of 83 today and tomorrow...try not to hate us.:D

I might get a bit irked, but I couldn't ever hate you. :) By the way, is there a date for the big day?
And good morning everybody. I rose but it will take awhile for me to shine, Chris. And I feel your pain Peach. Wednesday is our grocery shopping day too, and I'll have to do it by myself today as one of the volunteers at the hospital just called in sick and Hombre will pull an extra shift this afternoon. At least driving is getting a bit easier all the time for me--I am seeing real progress with my shoulder now. I am glad Save hasn't been blown into Lake Erie yet and glad Ernie checked in and he's okay too and I hope GW doesn't have to drive through any of those avalanche areas he was talking about. I have been reading that there have been 10 deaths from avalanches in the USA since mid January. And waiting for wedding bells for Sherry and WQ. And everybody else I hope you get snow where you want, better weather where you need it, and all is well.

Coming up on 10 a.m. here and it's still 20 degrees outside. Got really cold last night but the sun is shining and there's no wind today so far, so it's all good.
Who's throwing a Super Bowl party? Who's going to one?

Here's a game we play during the festivities. It involves everyone's favorite Super Bowl activity, the commercials.

Divide them into categories. Insurance/credit cards/financial institutions, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, cars and car services, junk food, television programs and movies, pharmaceuticals, vacation spots and cruises.

Everyone gets a category. Now, count how many commercials in your category were aired and the winner takes home the uneaten bean dip!,
Tuesdays, I'm the big bad bouncer dude. Don't laugh. I have a definite advantage tucked in my waist band.
I'm generally at the bar, cleaning up and counting out 'til nearly 4 then we stop for breakfast 'til 5 or so. Of course, I can't settle in for a while, so I get to hear the school bus turning around here at the dead end about the time I'm pulling up the blankets.
Who's throwing a Super Bowl party? Who's going to one?

Here's a game we play during the festivities. It involves everyone's favorite Super Bowl activity, the commercials.

Divide them into categories. Insurance/credit cards/financial institutions, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, cars and car services, junk food, television programs and movies, pharmaceuticals, vacation spots and cruises.

Everyone gets a category. Now, count how many commercials in your category were aired and the winner takes home the uneaten bean dip!,

That would be really fun. However, Hombre and I will probably be the only ones to attend our Super Bowl party. And I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't sleep through part of it as that is usually the routine for Sunday afternoons.
Tuesdays, I'm the big bad bouncer dude. Don't laugh. I have a definite advantage tucked in my waist band.
I'm generally at the bar, cleaning up and counting out 'til nearly 4 then we stop for breakfast 'til 5 or so. Of course, I can't settle in for a while, so I get to hear the school bus turning around here at the dead end about the time I'm pulling up the blankets.

I still hope you're taking care of Ernie. If you make it too hard on him, all that time and effort won't be worth it.
Speaking of taking care of things. I have to go get some dinner on the table for Hombre and me and take care of some other chores I've been sort of trying to ignore all day. Later gaters.
Today it got up to almost 70! No wind, either. Clear skies. I have my capri leggings on, my flip flops and a tank top. I also got to do some gardening! Boy, have I missed that! All this week, it is going to get warmer and warmer and warmer. Tomorrow 75 plus degrees. Day after, up to 80 supposedly. It remains to be seen but I'm diggin' it! Kinda tired now but it's a good tired from raking, snipping, shoveling, pruning.
Who's throwing a Super Bowl party? Who's going to one?

Here's a game we play during the festivities. It involves everyone's favorite Super Bowl activity, the commercials.

Divide them into categories. Insurance/credit cards/financial institutions, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, cars and car services, junk food, television programs and movies, pharmaceuticals, vacation spots and cruises.

Everyone gets a category. Now, count how many commercials in your category were aired and the winner takes home the uneaten bean dip!,

That would be really fun. However, Hombre and I will probably be the only ones to attend our Super Bowl party. And I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't sleep through part of it as that is usually the routine for Sunday afternoons.
That's okay. As my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers are not involved in this year's Super Bowl (a rare occurrence), I'll no doubt watch some of it, but tune to Downton Abbey at 9:00.

Incidentally, if you play the commercials game, take TV shows and movies as your category!
Rough day today, not sleeping well, I'm a side sleeper and no matter which side I'm on the hand on the side I'm sleeping on goes to sleep and after about an hour wakes me due to the pain, I have a chiro appointment Friday. Also my lower GI track was in knots this morning and my stomach was in pain then a few hours ago developed a pulled muscle in my left shoulder/neck not to mention I generally feel like shit.
Who's throwing a Super Bowl party? Who's going to one?

Here's a game we play during the festivities. It involves everyone's favorite Super Bowl activity, the commercials.

Divide them into categories. Insurance/credit cards/financial institutions, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, cars and car services, junk food, television programs and movies, pharmaceuticals, vacation spots and cruises.

Everyone gets a category. Now, count how many commercials in your category were aired and the winner takes home the uneaten bean dip!,
As usual I'm planning a shopping trip during the Stuper Bowel........
Who's throwing a Super Bowl party? Who's going to one?

Here's a game we play during the festivities. It involves everyone's favorite Super Bowl activity, the commercials.

Divide them into categories. Insurance/credit cards/financial institutions, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, cars and car services, junk food, television programs and movies, pharmaceuticals, vacation spots and cruises.

Everyone gets a category. Now, count how many commercials in your category were aired and the winner takes home the uneaten bean dip!,

I have to work!!! :(

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