USMB Coffee Shop IV

Oh man! I didn't even think of that! :sad: I'm going to miss the whole Super Bowl!

:( Can you DVR it?

It's not the same though! I think I might be able to stream it live from the cellphone, but that's not the same as hanging out with friends and watching or just being home to watch it. Oh well, tis not the end of the world, just something I haven't really thought about much until now.
Oh man! I didn't even think of that! :sad: I'm going to miss the whole Super Bowl!

:( Can you DVR it?

It's not the same though! I think I might be able to stream it live from the cellphone, but that's not the same as hanging out with friends and watching or just being home to watch it. Oh well, tis not the end of the world, just something I haven't really thought about much until now.

Oh I agree. But at least you could zip through to see all the special ads everybody will be talking about, see the halftime show if that is you cup of tea, and pick out the highlights of the game. Then again on Super Bowl Sunday, sometimes employers sort of arrange it so you can work and watch. . . .maybe?
Rough day today, not sleeping well, I'm a side sleeper and no matter which side I'm on the hand on the side I'm sleeping on goes to sleep and after about an hour wakes me due to the pain, I have a chiro appointment Friday. Also my lower GI track was in knots this morning and my stomach was in pain then a few hours ago developed a pulled muscle in my left shoulder/neck not to mention I generally feel like shit.

I do not feel shit nor anything similar. Stepped in it more than a few times. Hands going to sleep at night is a normal adjustment to landscape season, lasts about six weeks
Oh man! I didn't even think of that! :sad: I'm going to miss the whole Super Bowl!

:( Can you DVR it?

It's not the same though! I think I might be able to stream it live from the cellphone, but that's not the same as hanging out with friends and watching or just being home to watch it. Oh well, tis not the end of the world, just something I haven't really thought about much until now.

Oh I agree. But at least you could zip through to see all the special ads everybody will be talking about, see the halftime show if that is you cup of tea, and pick out the highlights of the game. Then again on Super Bowl Sunday, sometimes employers sort of arrange it so you can work and watch. . . .maybe?

Lol! Probably not, but if things are slow, I can just take peeks. :D
Rough day today, not sleeping well, I'm a side sleeper and no matter which side I'm on the hand on the side I'm sleeping on goes to sleep and after about an hour wakes me due to the pain, I have a chiro appointment Friday. Also my lower GI track was in knots this morning and my stomach was in pain then a few hours ago developed a pulled muscle in my left shoulder/neck not to mention I generally feel like shit.

I wonder if this Budwig protocol I'm doing would help you and/or Gracie or anybody else having chronic issues? I'm in my third week now, which is too early for a firm verdict, but I'm sure feeling pretty good and it does seem like some of the issues I was having have improved. You can read up on it on the internet. Since you're already on a low sugar regime, it should be a piece of cake for you.

It isn't medicine or a cure-all. But it provides ammo to prompt your body to heal itself.
This morning started out in the low 40s and peaked early afternoon at about 50, then it has done a steady slide to about 32. I say about because it is alternating between rain and snow now. A good breeze too.
What is Budwig Protocol?

As long as I have ability to move around the room, I do get 7 hours sleep. Just not all at once. Recline to bed, bed to recliner. If I wanna knock myself out completely:

10pm 1 vicodin
11pm 10mgs melatonin
12am 1/2 cup of wine
1am 1 xanax
2am 1 benadryl

I wake up at 1pm without getting up once. :lol:
But I only do that rarely. Like when the inlaws are coming and I have to let MrG sleep in my room. Suffice it to say....inlaws from now on have to stay in a motel. That shit knocks me out but it does a number on my intestines.
Falling to sleep is not a problem. Waking at 4 or 5 and getting back to sleep can be. My brain tries to fix every conceivable issue I can think of.
What is Budwig Protocol?

As long as I have ability to move around the room, I do get 7 hours sleep. Just not all at once. Recline to bed, bed to recliner. If I wanna knock myself out completely:

10pm 1 vicodin
11pm 10mgs melatonin
12am 1/2 cup of wine
1am 1 xanax
2am 1 benadryl

I wake up at 1pm without getting up once. :lol:
But I only do that rarely. Like when the inlaws are coming and I have to let MrG sleep in my room. Suffice it to say....inlaws from now on have to stay in a motel. That shit knocks me out but it does a number on my intestines.

The Budwig Protocol is a special scientifically formulated diet with different regimes depending on what you want to treat. The cancer diet is the most strict, but others are designed to target specific complaints. You can read up on it by googling Budwig Center or any of numerous websites discussing or commenting on the protocol. You probably would have to buy Dr. Budwig's books to get all the information and a full discussion on the science behind it.

For instance for Rheumatoid Arthritis::
Alkaline Forming Foods For A Balanced And Healthy Diet

The anti-cancer diet:
The Budwig Diet - Flaxseed Oil And Cottage Cheese Quark Diet

In December, Hombre and I visited some dear old friends in West Texas. We really thought it was the last time we would see the guy because he had advanced stage squamous cell skin cancer that had covered most of one ear, was moving down his neck and was in his lymph system. The doctors said nothing could be done short of amputating the entire ear, much of the neck muscle and then aggressive chemo. He had refused. But he did go on the very strict Budwig Cancer diet. And in six months he was cancer free. His onocologist couldn't believe it but told him Tommy, whatever you're doing, keep it up, because you are cancer free.

The center is quick to advise that what works for one may not be the right course of action for another and different people react differently. I decided to try it just because there were so many things wrong with me post surgery and after looking at it, figured it couldn't hurt me. And I honestly do believe most or all of that is improving and clearing up. My next round of blood tests should tell the tale. I do know that in three weeks it seems that I have more energy, less pain, am sleeping better, and I know my skin, that was a mess, is obviously improved. I'm doing the less restrictive protocol and I'm sold.

I would advise to follow their cautions about not combining this with other therapies though.
Just checked the weather map again and I think Illinois isn't going to get hit with this one, but Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan are. And further south there are all kinds of flood warnings and Ernie S. area is under a huge area of tornado watch. Speaking of which, has anybody seen Ernie lately? He hasn't posted in the Coffee Shop for several days and that's not like him. I'm getting concerned.

Sunny and high of 83 today and tomorrow...try not to hate us.:D

I might get a bit irked, but I couldn't ever hate you. :) By the way, is there a date for the big day?

The beginning of Spring...symbolic as a new beginning.:)

Oh, I see what you mean with one coconut half, not two halves.

Good catch...also 3 bananas instead of 4.

Who's throwing a Super Bowl party? Who's going to one?

Here's a game we play during the festivities. It involves everyone's favorite Super Bowl activity, the commercials.

Divide them into categories. Insurance/credit cards/financial institutions, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, cars and car services, junk food, television programs and movies, pharmaceuticals, vacation spots and cruises.

Everyone gets a category. Now, count how many commercials in your category were aired and the winner takes home the uneaten bean dip!,

Our party will only consist of WQ, my son and me...we have a list of all our favorite foods. Go Panthers!!:banana:
Rough day today, not sleeping well, I'm a side sleeper and no matter which side I'm on the hand on the side I'm sleeping on goes to sleep and after about an hour wakes me due to the pain, I have a chiro appointment Friday. Also my lower GI track was in knots this morning and my stomach was in pain then a few hours ago developed a pulled muscle in my left shoulder/neck not to mention I generally feel like shit.

I wonder if this Budwig protocol I'm doing would help you and/or Gracie or anybody else having chronic issues? I'm in my third week now, which is too early for a firm verdict, but I'm sure feeling pretty good and it does seem like some of the issues I was having have improved. You can read up on it on the internet. Since you're already on a low sugar regime, it should be a piece of cake for you.

It isn't medicine or a cure-all. But it provides ammo to prompt your body to heal itself.
I'm supposed to currently be on the BART diet, Bananas, Applesauce (which I hate), Rice and Toast. My problem is I see it as Bavarian, Asian, Roman and Tahitian.......... Guess I should really do it as it's supposed to be....... :lol:
Morning !

It got down to 15 this morning ! Burrrrr........ and I have to leave early this morning to do monthly groceries.
Not a happy camper this morning grrrrrrr :)

I think this lizard has been watching too many Pinky and Brain Cartoons. :biggrin:
15? Ain't no thang. Par for the course around here this time of year.
Who's throwing a Super Bowl party? Who's going to one?

Here's a game we play during the festivities. It involves everyone's favorite Super Bowl activity, the commercials.

Divide them into categories. Insurance/credit cards/financial institutions, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, cars and car services, junk food, television programs and movies, pharmaceuticals, vacation spots and cruises.

Everyone gets a category. Now, count how many commercials in your category were aired and the winner takes home the uneaten bean dip!,
As usual I'm planning a shopping trip during the Stuper Bowel........
Best time to beat the crowds!
What is Budwig Protocol?

As long as I have ability to move around the room, I do get 7 hours sleep. Just not all at once. Recline to bed, bed to recliner. If I wanna knock myself out completely:

10pm 1 vicodin
11pm 10mgs melatonin
12am 1/2 cup of wine
1am 1 xanax
2am 1 benadryl

I wake up at 1pm without getting up once. :lol:
But I only do that rarely. Like when the inlaws are coming and I have to let MrG sleep in my room. Suffice it to say....inlaws from now on have to stay in a motel. That shit knocks me out but it does a number on my intestines.

The Budwig Protocol is a special scientifically formulated diet with different regimes depending on what you want to treat. The cancer diet is the most strict, but others are designed to target specific complaints. You can read up on it by googling Budwig Center or any of numerous websites discussing or commenting on the protocol. You probably would have to buy Dr. Budwig's books to get all the information and a full discussion on the science behind it.

For instance for Rheumatoid Arthritis::
Alkaline Forming Foods For A Balanced And Healthy Diet

The anti-cancer diet:
The Budwig Diet - Flaxseed Oil And Cottage Cheese Quark Diet

In December, Hombre and I visited some dear old friends in West Texas. We really thought it was the last time we would see the guy because he had advanced stage squamous cell skin cancer that had covered most of one ear, was moving down his neck and was in his lymph system. The doctors said nothing could be done short of amputating the entire ear, much of the neck muscle and then aggressive chemo. He had refused. But he did go on the very strict Budwig Cancer diet. And in six months he was cancer free. His onocologist couldn't believe it but told him Tommy, whatever you're doing, keep it up, because you are cancer free.

The center is quick to advise that what works for one may not be the right course of action for another and different people react differently. I decided to try it just because there were so many things wrong with me post surgery and after looking at it, figured it couldn't hurt me. And I honestly do believe most or all of that is improving and clearing up. My next round of blood tests should tell the tale. I do know that in three weeks it seems that I have more energy, less pain, am sleeping better, and I know my skin, that was a mess, is obviously improved. I'm doing the less restrictive protocol and I'm sold.

I would advise to follow their cautions about not combining this with other therapies though.

A quick look shows the Budwig diet cuts out fatty meats and sugar. I could probably do without the meats, but sugar? I drink tea all day and I don't much like honey. :p

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