USMB Coffee Shop IV

What is Budwig Protocol?

As long as I have ability to move around the room, I do get 7 hours sleep. Just not all at once. Recline to bed, bed to recliner. If I wanna knock myself out completely:

10pm 1 vicodin
11pm 10mgs melatonin
12am 1/2 cup of wine
1am 1 xanax
2am 1 benadryl

I wake up at 1pm without getting up once. :lol:
But I only do that rarely. Like when the inlaws are coming and I have to let MrG sleep in my room. Suffice it to say....inlaws from now on have to stay in a motel. That shit knocks me out but it does a number on my intestines.

The Budwig Protocol is a special scientifically formulated diet with different regimes depending on what you want to treat. The cancer diet is the most strict, but others are designed to target specific complaints. You can read up on it by googling Budwig Center or any of numerous websites discussing or commenting on the protocol. You probably would have to buy Dr. Budwig's books to get all the information and a full discussion on the science behind it.

For instance for Rheumatoid Arthritis::
Alkaline Forming Foods For A Balanced And Healthy Diet

The anti-cancer diet:
The Budwig Diet - Flaxseed Oil And Cottage Cheese Quark Diet

In December, Hombre and I visited some dear old friends in West Texas. We really thought it was the last time we would see the guy because he had advanced stage squamous cell skin cancer that had covered most of one ear, was moving down his neck and was in his lymph system. The doctors said nothing could be done short of amputating the entire ear, much of the neck muscle and then aggressive chemo. He had refused. But he did go on the very strict Budwig Cancer diet. And in six months he was cancer free. His onocologist couldn't believe it but told him Tommy, whatever you're doing, keep it up, because you are cancer free.

The center is quick to advise that what works for one may not be the right course of action for another and different people react differently. I decided to try it just because there were so many things wrong with me post surgery and after looking at it, figured it couldn't hurt me. And I honestly do believe most or all of that is improving and clearing up. My next round of blood tests should tell the tale. I do know that in three weeks it seems that I have more energy, less pain, am sleeping better, and I know my skin, that was a mess, is obviously improved. I'm doing the less restrictive protocol and I'm sold.

I would advise to follow their cautions about not combining this with other therapies though.

A quick look shows the Budwig diet cuts out fatty meats and sugar. I could probably do without the meats, but sugar? I drink tea all day and I don't much like honey. :p

Unless you are on the strictest cancer treatment diet, there are a few other sweeteners allowed but yes, sugar is a no no.
What is Budwig Protocol?

As long as I have ability to move around the room, I do get 7 hours sleep. Just not all at once. Recline to bed, bed to recliner. If I wanna knock myself out completely:

10pm 1 vicodin
11pm 10mgs melatonin
12am 1/2 cup of wine
1am 1 xanax
2am 1 benadryl

I wake up at 1pm without getting up once. :lol:
But I only do that rarely. Like when the inlaws are coming and I have to let MrG sleep in my room. Suffice it to say....inlaws from now on have to stay in a motel. That shit knocks me out but it does a number on my intestines.

The Budwig Protocol is a special scientifically formulated diet with different regimes depending on what you want to treat. The cancer diet is the most strict, but others are designed to target specific complaints. You can read up on it by googling Budwig Center or any of numerous websites discussing or commenting on the protocol. You probably would have to buy Dr. Budwig's books to get all the information and a full discussion on the science behind it.

For instance for Rheumatoid Arthritis::
Alkaline Forming Foods For A Balanced And Healthy Diet

The anti-cancer diet:
The Budwig Diet - Flaxseed Oil And Cottage Cheese Quark Diet

In December, Hombre and I visited some dear old friends in West Texas. We really thought it was the last time we would see the guy because he had advanced stage squamous cell skin cancer that had covered most of one ear, was moving down his neck and was in his lymph system. The doctors said nothing could be done short of amputating the entire ear, much of the neck muscle and then aggressive chemo. He had refused. But he did go on the very strict Budwig Cancer diet. And in six months he was cancer free. His onocologist couldn't believe it but told him Tommy, whatever you're doing, keep it up, because you are cancer free.

The center is quick to advise that what works for one may not be the right course of action for another and different people react differently. I decided to try it just because there were so many things wrong with me post surgery and after looking at it, figured it couldn't hurt me. And I honestly do believe most or all of that is improving and clearing up. My next round of blood tests should tell the tale. I do know that in three weeks it seems that I have more energy, less pain, am sleeping better, and I know my skin, that was a mess, is obviously improved. I'm doing the less restrictive protocol and I'm sold.

I would advise to follow their cautions about not combining this with other therapies though.

A quick look shows the Budwig diet cuts out fatty meats and sugar. I could probably do without the meats, but sugar? I drink tea all day and I don't much like honey. :p
I drink a lot of green tea. HOT green tea. Sometimes I add honey but mostly I use sugar. I like sweet tea. I won't stop the sugar, although I have not eaten fatty meats in a very long time. I barely eat anything any more. I even gave up my beloved bacon. But sugar in my tea or coffee? Nope. I won't give that up.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. Kat
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.
Well I got about 6 hours sleep before my right hand woke me up. The neck is a little better and I don't feel as bad as I did yesterday, hope that continues........ Had a nice bowl of rice this morning and sipping on coffee praying it doesn't mess up my stomach......
Cold this morning, for this area, in the low 30s, had to put my robe on until the furnace warmed up the house some.
Woke up to a back spasm this morning and now I can't lift my right arm. Looks like a rope under my skin from my neck to my shoulder blade. Gonna be a fun day in the clinic.
Tuesdays, I'm the big bad bouncer dude. Don't laugh. I have a definite advantage tucked in my waist band.
I'm generally at the bar, cleaning up and counting out 'til nearly 4 then we stop for breakfast 'til 5 or so. Of course, I can't settle in for a while, so I get to hear the school bus turning around here at the dead end about the time I'm pulling up the blankets.

I still hope you're taking care of Ernie. If you make it too hard on him, all that time and effort won't be worth it.
I try, Foxie, but I really need a keeper. I am blessed or cursed by the absence of ever feeling hungry. I frequently need to be reminded to eat. I've gotten on a weight gain kick and have put on a few pounds, but I really need another 10 or 15 pounds on me to get up to snuff.
Woke up to a back spasm this morning and now I can't lift my right arm. Looks like a rope under my skin from my neck to my shoulder blade. Gonna be a fun day in the clinic.

I had back spasms right after my surgery in September--had never experienced them before. Not fun. Fortunately they have not reoccurred since I came home. Hope they find a quick and relatively painless fix for you and you aren't in for the long haul of adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) that I've been dealing with since last July.
in the
Tuesdays, I'm the big bad bouncer dude. Don't laugh. I have a definite advantage tucked in my waist band.
I'm generally at the bar, cleaning up and counting out 'til nearly 4 then we stop for breakfast 'til 5 or so. Of course, I can't settle in for a while, so I get to hear the school bus turning around here at the dead end about the time I'm pulling up the blankets.

I still hope you're taking care of Ernie. If you make it too hard on him, all that time and effort won't be worth it.
I try, Foxie, but I really need a keeper. I am blessed or cursed by the absence of ever feeling hungry. I frequently need to be reminded to eat. I've gotten on a weight gain kick and have put on a few pounds, but I really need another 10 or 15 pounds on me to get up to snuff.

At least stock up on bottles of Ensure and/or Boost and keep a supply in the fridge at home and at Docs. Set your watch alarm or whatever works for you to remember to grab and chug one at least a couple of times a day. That will help make sure you're getting good nutrients as well as some calories. It would be a shame if you neglected you to the point you won't be able to enjoy all the effort you've put in to build something super neat.
in the
Tuesdays, I'm the big bad bouncer dude. Don't laugh. I have a definite advantage tucked in my waist band.
I'm generally at the bar, cleaning up and counting out 'til nearly 4 then we stop for breakfast 'til 5 or so. Of course, I can't settle in for a while, so I get to hear the school bus turning around here at the dead end about the time I'm pulling up the blankets.

I still hope you're taking care of Ernie. If you make it too hard on him, all that time and effort won't be worth it.
I try, Foxie, but I really need a keeper. I am blessed or cursed by the absence of ever feeling hungry. I frequently need to be reminded to eat. I've gotten on a weight gain kick and have put on a few pounds, but I really need another 10 or 15 pounds on me to get up to snuff.

At least stock up on bottles of Ensure and/or Boost and keep a supply in the fridge at home and at Docs. Set your watch alarm or whatever works for you to remember to grab and chug one at least a couple of times a day. That will help make sure you're getting good nutrients as well as some calories. It would be a shame if you neglected you to the point you won't be able to enjoy all the effort you've put in to build something super neat.
Cooking for one is a drag, so, unless I have a guest, I grab a burger or pizza. I do stop for breakfast after my late shifts, but that's generally waffles, bacon and eggs, not exactly a balanced diet. Maybe some Ensure would be good to have around.
My weight gain kick go to is a concoction I first had in Jamaica. I get out the blender and put in 12 oz pineapple juice, 12 oz of half and half, 6 oz coconut milk and a banana. I give it a whirl and drink it all, usually in about an hour. It's a bit over 2,000 calories and tastes great. It gives me a lot of electrolytes and the fruit and potassium I should be getting.
Tuesdays, I'm the big bad bouncer dude. Don't laugh. I have a definite advantage tucked in my waist band.
I'm generally at the bar, cleaning up and counting out 'til nearly 4 then we stop for breakfast 'til 5 or so. Of course, I can't settle in for a while, so I get to hear the school bus turning around here at the dead end about the time I'm pulling up the blankets.

I still hope you're taking care of Ernie. If you make it too hard on him, all that time and effort won't be worth it.
I try, Foxie, but I really need a keeper. I am blessed or cursed by the absence of ever feeling hungry. I frequently need to be reminded to eat. I've gotten on a weight gain kick and have put on a few pounds, but I really need another 10 or 15 pounds on me to get up to snuff.

Mangia!! :D
Good afternoon coffee shoppers! :)

Thursdays generally are happy here, Chris. Thursday is my day off. Back to working on the tractor, a little at a time. I'm limited by a sore knee. Someone spilled a drink at Doc's last night and I slipped and fell on my left knee. It hurt like hell at the time, but feels pretty good today as long as I don't push it too hard.
I sure do love being treated like some lowlife junkie when I'm seething in pain in the ER.
Good afternoon coffee shoppers! :)

Thursdays generally are happy here, Chris. Thursday is my day off. Back to working on the tractor, a little at a time. I'm limited by a sore knee. Someone spilled a drink at Doc's last night and I slipped and fell on my left knee. It hurt like hell at the time, but feels pretty good today as long as I don't push it too hard.

Take care of that, Ern!
I sure do love being treated like some lowlife junkie when I'm seething in pain in the ER.

Sorry to hear about that. Unfortunately, that is a consequence of the society we live in today.

Speaking of consequences; I recorded the incident and will be tagging Mercy Hospital in it.

What reason did they give you? Did they end up giving you any pain medication?

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