USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have almost made up my mind to spend three or four hundred pounds upgrading my computer so that I can play doom 4 when it comes out. Its a lot of money just to play one game, but there may be other PC computer games coming out that I will want to play.

Why not find some other games to play for now, and wait until Doom gets cheaper? I almost never spend more than $5 on a game these days.
I'll go up to $20 for a game but even that is rare, usually it's when a $60 game I want goes on sale otherwise it's mostly $5 to $10 games. I only paid over $30 once for a game I rarely play........ obviously won't do that again.

I found a site called Cheap Shark which lists game deals from various places. They have a list of game deals each week, you can also search for particular games and by price. There are 8-10 different sites they link to with deals, including Amazon and Steam.

The one thing about it is the games are all downloaded. No CD/DVD. If you really want a physical copy it isn't helpful. These days that isn't a big concern most of the time, with big outlets like Steam being so reliable/reputable.
I have almost made up my mind to spend three or four hundred pounds upgrading my computer so that I can play doom 4 when it comes out. Its a lot of money just to play one game, but there may be other PC computer games coming out that I will want to play.

Why not find some other games to play for now, and wait until Doom gets cheaper? I almost never spend more than $5 on a game these days.
I'll go up to $20 for a game but even that is rare, usually it's when a $60 game I want goes on sale otherwise it's mostly $5 to $10 games. I only paid over $30 once for a game I rarely play........ obviously won't do that again.

There is no WAY I could bring myself to spend that much on a silly game. :D I'm not rich!

I spent roughly $40 on Rise of Nations Patriots when it first came out, and it became one of my favorite things to do when I needed to escape for awhile and regroup. It was money well spent. Most of the games I have on my computer were $10 to $20 dollars though--all downloaded from CDs I purchased--and I think I've gotten my money's worth over the years. So much of my work and avocations require intense mental concentration and focus and are sometimes physically and emotionally draining. A computer game helps me unwind, get my mind off things, and generally regroup. It's almost a kind of therapy.

Once I beat a game, that is usually it for me. I'm done with it.

It depends on the game for me. There are some I've gone back and played and still liked. Most of the time, though, I'm with you. When I beat a game I move on to another. I happen to be a gamer, though, and usually have multiple games waiting to be played. :p
You can also try different websites that have free games to play. I sometimes go to one called There are hundreds of games to play there, some are actually pretty fun. I usually play card games or tower defense when I use it.
I used to like the James Bond game too.

My friends and I spent hours and hours and hours playing Goldeneye. We would split it to two TVs then put tin foil over half of the screen so you couldn't see where you opponent was. :lol:

I still have N64 and James Bond. Maybe I'll play it later today. I haven't played in years. :D
Here's the up-date on Mrs. BBD... Her knee replacement surgery was a great success. Her rehab has gone terrific and she is now having no pain at all. Looks like this event is history. Time to take her off the list Foxy.
I can afford to spend money, as I got a substantial inheritance from an uncle. But PC computer games that I want to play are becoming a rarity. Doom 4 is the kind of single player, first person shooter that I like. But my computer is too slow, even though it is only a year old. So if I want to play it I will have to upgrade.
Here's the up-date on Mrs. BBD... Her knee replacement surgery was a great success. Her rehab has gone terrific and she is now having no pain at all. Looks like this event is history. Time to take her off the list Foxy.

Woo hoo. I am most pleased to do so BBD and it sure sounds like answered prayer or result of positive vibes to me. So happy you got the results you needed and wanted.
I can afford to spend money, as I got a substantial inheritance from an uncle. But PC computer games that I want to play are becoming a rarity. Doom 4 is the kind of single player, first person shooter that I like. But my computer is too slow, even though it is only a year old. So if I want to play it I will have to upgrade.

I just played 2 single player FPS games that I got for cheap. Both may have come out in 2013. One is called Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army. If you like sniping when playing a FPS, this gives plenty of opportunity for it. You also get some slowed down, cinematic views when you make kills from long distance. The other game is Dead Effect. That one seemed a bit like a rip off of Dead Space, but I never played Dead Space, only watched someone else a bit, so I could be wrong.

In both cases you have a single player, first person shooter, where you get to shoot a bunch of zombies. They were both dark and spooky in style, very much like I remember from Doom.

You can get Dead Effect for a dollar on Steam right now. The Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army games, both 1 and 2, are currently $3.74 each on Steam.
If you like sniping when playing a FPS, this gives plenty of opportunity for it.

Thanks for the info on those games. I will investigate them on steam. I do like using sniping as a strategy in shooter games. I like picking off enemies before they spot you. One game you get to snipe people is 'Wolfenstein the new order'. In fact I was just looking at it and I may play it again. That will keep me occupied until doom 4 comes out.
Just got a call from the Doc's office this afternoon and Hubby is suppose to go in Wednesday for Lab tests.
Then they will call us back for the results.
Hopefully the penicillin got the infection.
As for the potential NV job, instead of going up and spending all that money they're doing a Skype interview on Friday. She explained her concerns and they did tell her they had 6 other candidates so we're not holding our breath. Even so it appears we're out $160 as I used the Priceline Express Deal to book a room and they don't give refunds, I missed the fine print. Sent them a nasty-gram and told them they just lost a customer.
As for the potential NV job, instead of going up and spending all that money they're doing a Skype interview on Friday. She explained her concerns and they did tell her they had 6 other candidates so we're not holding our breath. Even so it appears we're out $160 as I used the Priceline Express Deal to book a room and they don't give refunds, I missed the fine print. Sent them a nasty-gram and told them they just lost a customer.

Ewww. I would report them to the BBB and find some place to give them a rating and a piece of your mind too.
As for the potential NV job, instead of going up and spending all that money they're doing a Skype interview on Friday. She explained her concerns and they did tell her they had 6 other candidates so we're not holding our breath. Even so it appears we're out $160 as I used the Priceline Express Deal to book a room and they don't give refunds, I missed the fine print. Sent them a nasty-gram and told them they just lost a customer.

Ewww. I would report them to the BBB and find some place to give them a rating and a piece of your mind too.
BBB won't matter as it's in their fine print (buyer beware).
Just got a call from the Doc's office this afternoon and Hubby is suppose to go in Wednesday for Lab tests.
Then they will call us back for the results.
Hopefully the penicillin got the infection.

Been thinking about you a lot lately Peach, and hoping things were turning around for you and the mister.
As for the potential NV job, instead of going up and spending all that money they're doing a Skype interview on Friday. She explained her concerns and they did tell her they had 6 other candidates so we're not holding our breath. Even so it appears we're out $160 as I used the Priceline Express Deal to book a room and they don't give refunds, I missed the fine print. Sent them a nasty-gram and told them they just lost a customer.

Ewww. I would report them to the BBB and find some place to give them a rating and a piece of your mind too.
BBB won't matter as it's in their fine print (buyer beware).

Well probably so. And most airlines offering discounted fares do sell mostly nonrefundable tickets so that's probably what Priceline is dealing with. But is does suck.

If I was running a service like that, I would have a question pop up when you hit the buy button--you do understand that this discounted fare is nonrefundable? You answer yes. Do you still want to buy this ticket? You answer yes. Then and then only would the website accept the order.
Ran across this on Facebook just now and though it was kind of neat.

The caption (and I wonder who bothered to calculate this):
Mercury Venus and Saturn over the pyramids of Giza
The phenomenon happens once in 2373 years.Yesterday


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