USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just back from urgent care. I have an allergic reaction to some insect bit. Shot of cortisone and taking benadrl now. I'm waiting for my kids to get home from school.

The weather is beautiful and I'm counting the many blessings I have in my life.

Wishing the best of all for all of you.
Best wishes back atcha! Did the cortisone and Benadryl help?
Yes, we are really excited, 2 weeks to Alaska, all the way up to Kodiak. We went on our first cruise last year and my husband liked it so much he said we could do 2 weeks for our anniversary. I hope it's as much fun as our first one, I lost 7 pounds. My sister said "How could you lose weight on a cruise?" I just pointed out that I talked all through dinner instead of eating it. lol It was fun.
I just back from urgent care. I have an allergic reaction to some insect bit. Shot of cortisone and taking benadrl now. I'm waiting for my kids to get home from school.

The weather is beautiful and I'm counting the many blessings I have in my life.

Wishing the best of all for all of you.
Best wishes back atcha! Did the cortisone and Benadryl help?

I hope you're feeling better Dhara.
Yes, we are really excited, 2 weeks to Alaska, all the way up to Kodiak. We went on our first cruise last year and my husband liked it so much he said we could do 2 weeks for our anniversary. I hope it's as much fun as our first one, I lost 7 pounds. My sister said "How could you lose weight on a cruise?" I just pointed out that I talked all through dinner instead of eating it. lol It was fun.
I agree with your sister, how can anyone loose weight on a cruise!?
If you have time, and I can swing it, let me know if you'll have time in Anchorage. I'll take you and your hubby to dinner (or lunch, or breakfast).
Yes, we are really excited, 2 weeks to Alaska, all the way up to Kodiak. We went on our first cruise last year and my husband liked it so much he said we could do 2 weeks for our anniversary. I hope it's as much fun as our first one, I lost 7 pounds. My sister said "How could you lose weight on a cruise?" I just pointed out that I talked all through dinner instead of eating it. lol It was fun.
I agree with your sister, how can anyone loose weight on a cruise!?
If you have time, and I can swing it, let me know if you'll have time in Anchorage. I'll take you and your hubby to dinner (or lunch, or breakfast).

My hubby is a little leary about going out with people I met online. He asked me if you were an okay person or strange. I said you were an okay person and strange.
Yes, we are really excited, 2 weeks to Alaska, all the way up to Kodiak. We went on our first cruise last year and my husband liked it so much he said we could do 2 weeks for our anniversary. I hope it's as much fun as our first one, I lost 7 pounds. My sister said "How could you lose weight on a cruise?" I just pointed out that I talked all through dinner instead of eating it. lol It was fun.
I agree with your sister, how can anyone loose weight on a cruise!?
If you have time, and I can swing it, let me know if you'll have time in Anchorage. I'll take you and your hubby to dinner (or lunch, or breakfast).

My hubby is a little leary about going out with people I met online. He asked me if you were an okay person or strange. I said you were an okay person and strange.

Oh and yes, I talked too much, that's how I lost weight. No sitting around eating while watching tv as we do here.
Yes, we are really excited, 2 weeks to Alaska, all the way up to Kodiak. We went on our first cruise last year and my husband liked it so much he said we could do 2 weeks for our anniversary. I hope it's as much fun as our first one, I lost 7 pounds. My sister said "How could you lose weight on a cruise?" I just pointed out that I talked all through dinner instead of eating it. lol It was fun.
I agree with your sister, how can anyone loose weight on a cruise!?
If you have time, and I can swing it, let me know if you'll have time in Anchorage. I'll take you and your hubby to dinner (or lunch, or breakfast).

My hubby is a little leary about going out with people I met online. He asked me if you were an okay person or strange. I said you were an okay person and strange.

Oh and yes, I talked too much, that's how I lost weight. No sitting around eating while watching tv as we do here.

Hey you! Where ya been??
I just heard a news report about a man in Leominster who was killed while cutting down a tree branch in a bucket truck. The man apparently wasn't wearing a harness and the branch hit the bucket, and the man fell out from 60 feet and was killed. That's scary to me because my son does that for a living. He not only works in a bucket but he also "spikes" up the trees when they can't reach it or get to it with the bucket. He's only 21, so he is still fearless. I'm going to text him right now and tell him that he'd better wear his harness and be careful!

It is scary when our kids have dangerous jobs (our son) or are the fearless types that aren't the most safety conscious (our daughter). But what are you going to do?
My son is Special Forces in the Army. Does that count as dangerous?
Army Special Forces? Buncha wusses........ :D
Getting more rain, humidity is up to almost a whopping 50%....... Don't think I could handle the normal humidity back east any more. :lol:
Yes, we are really excited, 2 weeks to Alaska, all the way up to Kodiak. We went on our first cruise last year and my husband liked it so much he said we could do 2 weeks for our anniversary. I hope it's as much fun as our first one, I lost 7 pounds. My sister said "How could you lose weight on a cruise?" I just pointed out that I talked all through dinner instead of eating it. lol It was fun.
I agree with your sister, how can anyone loose weight on a cruise!?
If you have time, and I can swing it, let me know if you'll have time in Anchorage. I'll take you and your hubby to dinner (or lunch, or breakfast).

My hubby is a little leary about going out with people I met online. He asked me if you were an okay person or strange. I said you were an okay person and strange.

Oh and yes, I talked too much, that's how I lost weight. No sitting around eating while watching tv as we do here.

Hey you! Where ya been??

Hi there. Been around, mostly on Facebook now.
I try to avoid those horror of shows. :)

Same here. The fact that it was filmed in my area has compelled me, though. I am wanted to see if much has changed since I played. Hint: it hasn't. lol

That's why I have suffered through so many episodes of "Breaking Bad". Despite its rave reviews, I find it a decidedly depressing show, but watch it for glimpses of Albuquerque where I live and where it was filmed.

My sister lent me the entire series of "breaking bad", and I enjoyed it. If you found it hard going I definitely cannot recommend the TV series of "Spartacus", as that is full of extreme violence. You see peoples heads cut off in camera. I don't know how they film such things, unless it is all computer graphics that are totally realistic.
I am following "game of thrones" and my sister is buying me series five for my birthday.

No, I don't watch "Spartacus" or "Game of Thrones" because I know I would not enjoy them. I am to the stage of life that I seek things that make me smile, give me a lift, are inspiring or encouraging or just great escapism without all all the IMO unnecessary gratuitous sex and violence. Something like the movie "Speed" for instance that gives you all the thrill, sense of danger, excitement etc. of a mad bomber that wrecks and threatens deadly havoc, but there is no gratuitous gore or blood etc. I loved the movie "Armageddon" for the same reasons though I think their special effects were so drawn out and excessive as to be boring at times.

I am the kind of person who can watch Disney's "Cinderella" and just lose myself in the fairy tale I grew up with. I absolutely loved it.
Have you seen the new, updated version of "Cinderella"?

I think that's the one I have been watching. Exquisitely done with just the right mix of Disney mixed in with very believable characters.
Hello everyone, just checking back in to see if anybody still remembers me.

Sheila!!! OMG so good to see you and so thrilled you did check in. You've been on our light left on list for soooooo long. Hope all is well with you and yours.

We're good. Hope everyone here is well.

Some of us are more well than others but definitely it's still pretty much the same old Coffee Shop. Oh, and I can vouch for GW. He and his girls almost got to have lunch with Hombre and me on his last sojourn through here but we must have just missed each other. But you would be perfectly safe meeting with him in Anchorage. :) And congrats on the anniversary.
Well I just stopped by to sign off and I'm still on my way to bed. So until tomorrow. . .

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
Nosmo's eye surgery,
Rod, GW's partner,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

And happy AgainSheila is off the 'light left on' list for now.

I would LOVE to meet GW in person and normally, I frown on doing such things due to previous bad experiences in meeting boardie buds. But with GW? I wouldn't hesitate one second.
Glad to see you again, Sheila.
I got done with work about an hour ago, and now I have to stay up because I have to take my car back to the shop. Something else is wrong with it and it's making funny noises. I'm starting to get really annoyed about it. I'm only a few months away from paying it off, and it's only 5 years old!! I was hoping to keep it for at least 2 more years after I paid it off because I don't want to have make car payments every darn month!!! It would be nice if I could get the car fixed and not keep having problem after problem! So, it's not worth it to go to bed now and only sleep for a couple of hours, so I have to stay awake and have the mechanic look at my car again. Hopefully he can fix it today and I can have my car back tonight. :mad: I'm so aggravated about car problems.

Lame. Sorry to hear about your car troubles.
It always seems to work that way. We paid off the Jeep last year and not a week later we had to purchase a new car b/c mine went to that big dealership in the sky. lol. It was fun not having a car payment for that week.
It helps, being a mechanic. My main commuter is a '87 Jeep Cherokee that runs great. But given the number of Jeeps, of all vintages, you see up here, I'm guessing they're a pretty good choice for long-lasting, robust stamina.

What about a Chevy Impala? :D
I had a much better day today. I seem to have developed a sort of immunity to the feel of the drops and I seem to see better after they have dropped. They corrected my left eye and I can really tell that the right eye needs work. Everything ten feet away and greater looks amazing. Reading is still arable my.

In two months I'll undergo another exam to determine a new prescription for spectacles. The right eye won't get the lasik treatment so I'll need a prescription for the astigmatism there and the reading lens for both eyes. My left lens will be clear on top and reading below. The right lens will be astigmatism correcting on top and trading below. It's a compromise made necessary by the insurances policy.
I had a much better day today. I seem to have developed a sort of immunity to the feel of the drops and I seem to see better after they have dropped. They corrected my left eye and I can really tell that the right eye needs work. Everything ten feet away and greater looks amazing. Reading is still arable my.

In two months I'll undergo another exam to determine a new prescription for spectacles. The right eye won't get the lasik treatment so I'll need a prescription for the astigmatism there and the reading lens for both eyes. My left lens will be clear on top and reading below. The right lens will be astigmatism correcting on top and trading below. It's a compromise made necessary by the insurances policy.

At least you have one good eye! :D

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