USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night everybody. No changes to the vigil list from last night. Stressful here right now - we have the house completely torn up by cleaning out closets, sorting for donations, etc. and the appraiser wants to be here Tuesday to do appraisal on the house inside and out. So I had three days to get ready yes? No. . .daughter-in-law and granddaughter arriving here Sunday, so I have to do it all tomorrow. Also other issues and schedules are stacking up for the rest of the month. . . .and. . .

There's worse problems to have for sure and my blessings far outweigh this extra stressful patch. But this too shall pass. I really do love you guys. But I think I'll put myself to sleep tonight with that stress busting Cinderella movie. :)
Good night everybody. No changes to the vigil list from last night. Stressful here right now - we have the house completely torn up by cleaning out closets, sorting for donations, etc. and the appraiser wants to be here Tuesday to do appraisal on the house inside and out. So I had three days to get ready yes? No. . .daughter-in-law and granddaughter arriving here Sunday, so I have to do it all tomorrow. Also other issues and schedules are stacking up for the rest of the month. . . .and. . .

There's worse problems to have for sure and my blessings far outweigh this extra stressful patch. But this too shall pass. I really do love you guys. But I think I'll put myself to sleep tonight with that stress busting Cinderella movie. :)

Good luck to you! Nightie night! :bye1:
Good morning all. I'm armed with Pinesol in a bucket, mop, Windex, and trying to figure out what to do with all the many big bags of stuff to be donated until the Salvation Army or whomever comes to pick it all up.
I have a hard time motivating myself to cook just for me. But I love to cook when there is at least one other person. Tonight we're having our house specialty of vegetable beef stew with cornbread. About 30 more minutes now.

I have not cooked anything for years, and then all I did was steam vegetables. Now I am too lazy to even do that so I eat chicken salad every day. When I run out of chicken I heat up tins of spaghetti and meat stew.
It only takes ten minutes to heat up a couple of tins and that is as close as I get to actual cooking.
No ! No ! No! Windows 10 is telling me it will download tonight, and not giving me the option to cancel it.
The bastards !
No ! No ! No! Windows 10 is telling me it will download tonight, and not giving me the option to cancel it.
The bastards !

It will be okay. All your stuff will still run and you might be able to run some stuff you haven't been able to run with Win 7.
I have a hard time motivating myself to cook just for me. But I love to cook when there is at least one other person. Tonight we're having our house specialty of vegetable beef stew with cornbread. About 30 more minutes now.

I have not cooked anything for years, and then all I did was steam vegetables. Now I am too lazy to even do that so I eat chicken salad every day. When I run out of chicken I heat up tins of spaghetti and meat stew.
It only takes ten minutes to heat up a couple of tins and that is as close as I get to actual cooking.

I'm not all that fond of canned soups and stuff though, except to incorporate into various recipes. So I either go out for a decent meal or live on popcorn and peanut butter/honey sandwiches. I hope I precede Hombre in death to ensure that I won't starve myself due to lack of motivation. :)
Featured as the No.1 story on AOL news today. Would you? Could you? Notice the little hole that presumably will be covered up after. . . .

I have a hard time motivating myself to cook just for me. But I love to cook when there is at least one other person. Tonight we're having our house specialty of vegetable beef stew with cornbread. About 30 more minutes now.

I have not cooked anything for years, and then all I did was steam vegetables. Now I am too lazy to even do that so I eat chicken salad every day. When I run out of chicken I heat up tins of spaghetti and meat stew.
It only takes ten minutes to heat up a couple of tins and that is as close as I get to actual cooking.

I'm not all that fond of canned soups and stuff though, except to incorporate into various recipes. So I either go out for a decent meal or live on popcorn and peanut butter/honey sandwiches. I hope I precede Hombre in death to ensure that I won't starve myself due to lack of motivation. :)

Easy enough to make a roast. Just season it and throw in the oven for an hour so. Walla! :D
I have a hard time motivating myself to cook just for me. But I love to cook when there is at least one other person. Tonight we're having our house specialty of vegetable beef stew with cornbread. About 30 more minutes now.

I have not cooked anything for years, and then all I did was steam vegetables. Now I am too lazy to even do that so I eat chicken salad every day. When I run out of chicken I heat up tins of spaghetti and meat stew.
It only takes ten minutes to heat up a couple of tins and that is as close as I get to actual cooking.

I'm not all that fond of canned soups and stuff though, except to incorporate into various recipes. So I either go out for a decent meal or live on popcorn and peanut butter/honey sandwiches. I hope I precede Hombre in death to ensure that I won't starve myself due to lack of motivation. :)

Easy enough to make a roast. Just season it and throw in the oven for an hour so. Walla! :D

I know. But you have to go buy it, season it, find a pan to put it in, etc. And then find something to put with it to eat it as just plain meat with nothing else doesn't work for me. With a peanut butter sandwich though, I don't feel guilty when I don't add sides. :)
Featured as the No.1 story on AOL news today. Would you? Could you? Notice the little hole that presumably will be covered up after. . . .


I guess when you've gotta go, you've gotta go. :D Doesn't look like there are too many options there in the desert.

Maybe they're on a beach? But there are other tents around. I could see it out in the woods or somewhere that nobody else was around. But right there in the open? I'm really old fashioned about things like that. But yeah, if you gotta go. . . . .
Sauerkraut's an acquired taste.......

I like it.
I used to make kielbasa & kraut for my WWII unit, Polish style. It was made with apples and brown sugar so it was slightly sweet, that wasn't bad.
I use sautéed onions, apples and cardamom in my sauerkraut. Also sweetens it up. Then I usually cook either pork chops or brats in the sauerkraut. Served with German-style potato salad...perfect!
Can't stand cardamom, used to use brown sugar, apples, onions, taters, carrots, summer sausage or kielbasa.

I put cardamom seeds in my coffee grinder, every day. Yum.

Sometimes I even put coffee beans in there too, when I feel wild....
I've been know to drop a few cardamom seeds into the coffee grinder, too. Adds a bit of zest. I might also add some pure cocoa to the beans before grinding, too.
Good night everybody. No changes to the vigil list from last night. Stressful here right now - we have the house completely torn up by cleaning out closets, sorting for donations, etc. and the appraiser wants to be here Tuesday to do appraisal on the house inside and out. So I had three days to get ready yes? No. . .daughter-in-law and granddaughter arriving here Sunday, so I have to do it all tomorrow. Also other issues and schedules are stacking up for the rest of the month. . . .and. . .

There's worse problems to have for sure and my blessings far outweigh this extra stressful patch. But this too shall pass. I really do love you guys. But I think I'll put myself to sleep tonight with that stress busting Cinderella movie. :)
The newest "Cinderella" movie? Have a good sleep, Foxy.
Good night everybody. No changes to the vigil list from last night. Stressful here right now - we have the house completely torn up by cleaning out closets, sorting for donations, etc. and the appraiser wants to be here Tuesday to do appraisal on the house inside and out. So I had three days to get ready yes? No. . .daughter-in-law and granddaughter arriving here Sunday, so I have to do it all tomorrow. Also other issues and schedules are stacking up for the rest of the month. . . .and. . .

There's worse problems to have for sure and my blessings far outweigh this extra stressful patch. But this too shall pass. I really do love you guys. But I think I'll put myself to sleep tonight with that stress busting Cinderella movie. :)
The newest "Cinderella" movie? Have a good sleep, Foxy.

Yes, it's great. But I grew up on all the great fairy tales and they were my escape when I was a kid--magical lands, princes, princesses, happy endings, all of it. And Cinderella was one of my favorites. Disney's current interpretation is an exquisitely perfect mix of Disney and reality--they stayed true to the story and what embellishments were added to it were skillfully done and true to the spirit of the story. Believable characters who don't take themselves too seriously to get into the spirit of the fairy tale. It does for the fairy tale what "Pirates of the Caribbean" did for all the pirate lore that we all also grew up with or what "A Knight's Tale" did for all the tales of knights and fair maidens.. Those who didn't read all those tales as kids don't get it. But those of us who did, do.
I have a hard time motivating myself to cook just for me. But I love to cook when there is at least one other person. Tonight we're having our house specialty of vegetable beef stew with cornbread. About 30 more minutes now.

I have not cooked anything for years, and then all I did was steam vegetables. Now I am too lazy to even do that so I eat chicken salad every day. When I run out of chicken I heat up tins of spaghetti and meat stew.
It only takes ten minutes to heat up a couple of tins and that is as close as I get to actual cooking.

I'm not all that fond of canned soups and stuff though, except to incorporate into various recipes. So I either go out for a decent meal or live on popcorn and peanut butter/honey sandwiches. I hope I precede Hombre in death to ensure that I won't starve myself due to lack of motivation. :)

Easy enough to make a roast. Just season it and throw in the oven for an hour so. Walla! :D

I know. But you have to go buy it, season it, find a pan to put it in, etc. And then find something to put with it to eat it as just plain meat with nothing else doesn't work for me. With a peanut butter sandwich though, I don't feel guilty when I don't add sides. :)
Wait. Are you talking about the Tire Porta Pot or a roast??? :lol:
I have a hard time motivating myself to cook just for me. But I love to cook when there is at least one other person. Tonight we're having our house specialty of vegetable beef stew with cornbread. About 30 more minutes now.

I have not cooked anything for years, and then all I did was steam vegetables. Now I am too lazy to even do that so I eat chicken salad every day. When I run out of chicken I heat up tins of spaghetti and meat stew.
It only takes ten minutes to heat up a couple of tins and that is as close as I get to actual cooking.

I'm not all that fond of canned soups and stuff though, except to incorporate into various recipes. So I either go out for a decent meal or live on popcorn and peanut butter/honey sandwiches. I hope I precede Hombre in death to ensure that I won't starve myself due to lack of motivation. :)

Easy enough to make a roast. Just season it and throw in the oven for an hour so. Walla! :D

I know. But you have to go buy it, season it, find a pan to put it in, etc. And then find something to put with it to eat it as just plain meat with nothing else doesn't work for me. With a peanut butter sandwich though, I don't feel guilty when I don't add sides. :)
Wait. Are you talking about the Tire Porta Pot or a roast??? :lol:


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